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Results of numerical simulations are presented to examine the global gravity field recovery capability of the Japanese lunar exploration project SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) which will be launched in 2007. New characteristics of the SELENE lunar gravimetry include 4-way satellite-to-satellite Doppler tracking of main orbiter and differential VLBI tracking of two small free-flier satellites. It is shown that the proposed satellite constellation will provide the first truly global satellite tracking data coverage. The expected results from these data are; (1) drastic reduction in far-side gravity error, (2) estimation of many gravity coefficients by the observation, not by a priori information, and (3) one order of magnitude improvement over existing gravity models for low-degree field.  相似文献   

High accuracy differenced phase delay can be obtained by observing multiple point frequencies of two spacecraft using the same beam Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technology. Its contribution in lunar spacecraft precision orbit determination has been performed during the Japanese lunar exploration mission SELENE. In consideration that there will be an orbiter and a return capsule flying around the moon during the Chinese lunar exploration future mission Chang’E-3, the contributions of the same beam VLBI in spacecraft precision orbit determination and lunar gravity field solution have been investigated. Our results show that the accuracy of precision orbit determination can be improved more than one order of magnitude after including the same beam VLBI measurements. There are significant improvements in accuracy of low and medium degree coefficients of lunar gravity field model obtained from combination of two way range and Doppler and the same beam VLBI measurements than the one that only uses two way range and Doppler data, and the accuracy of precision orbit determination can reach meter level.  相似文献   

The lunar gravity field is a foundation to study the lunar interior structure, and to recover the evolution history of the Moon. It is still an open and key topic for lunar science. For above mentioned reasons, it becomes one of the important scientific objectives of recent lunar missions, such as KAGUYA (SELENE) the Japanese lunar mission and Chang’E-1, the Chinese lunar mission. The Chang’E-1 and the SELENE were successfully launched in 2007. It is estimated that these two missions can fly around the Moon longer than 6 months simultaneously. In these two missions, the Chinese new VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) network will be applied for precise orbit determination (POD) by using a differential VLBI (D-VLBI) method during the mission period. The same-beam D-VLBI technique will contribute to recover the lunar gravity field together with other conventional observables, i.e. R&RR (Range and Range Rate) and multi-way Doppler. Taking VLBI tracking conditions into consideration and using the GEODYNII/SOVLE software of GSFC/NASA/USA [8 and 10], we simulated the lunar gravity field recovering ability with and without D-VLBI between the Chang’E-1 and SELENE main satellite. The cases of overlapped flying and tracking period of 30 days, 60 days and 90 days have been analyzed, respectively. The results show that D-VLBI tracking between two lunar satellites can improve the gravity field recovery remarkably. The results and methods introduced in this paper will benefit the actual missions.  相似文献   

The high precision gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is scheduled to be launched on the lunar polar orbiter of the SELENE mission in 2007. The GRS consists of a large Ge crystal as a main detector and massive bismuth germanate crystals as an anticoincidence detector. A Stirling cryocooler was adopted in cooling the Ge detector. The flight model of SELENE GRS has been completed and an energy resolution of 3.0 keV (FWHM) at 1.332 MeV has been achieved. The spectrometer aims to observe nuclear line gamma rays emitted from the lunar surface in a wide energy range from 100 keV to 12 MeV for one year and more to obtain chemical composition on the entire lunar surface. The gamma-ray data enable us to study lunar geoscience problems including crust and mantle composition, and volatile reservoirs at polar regions.  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry of the Moon using a CCD-based instrument “XRS” is planned with the SELENE (Selenological and Engineering Explorer) orbiter, which will be launched in 2003. In the Apollo 15 and 16 missions, elemental mapping of Mg, Al and Si has been performed at the lunar equatorial regions for only 9% of the total surface. Much improved datasets will be obtained by using the XRS to map most of major elements, for 90% coverage of the total surface, and within 20 km spatial resolution. Key scientific objectives are (a) to measure the global average of lunar surface composition for investigation of the overall properties of lunar crust, (b) to map the rock-type distribution to study the formation and evolution of the crust and the maria, and to speculate the origin of the dichotomy, (c) to survey the chemical pattern of lava flows, or bottoms of craters or basins, for surveying the vertical structure and composition of the lunar crust and mantle. We describe the XRS instrument.  相似文献   

The Japanese lunar mission SELENE: Science goals and present status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Japanese lunar mission SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) has been in development to target launch scheduled 2007 summer by H-IIA rocket. The SELENE is starting final integration test after SAR (System Acceptance Review), SRR (System Reliability Review) and instrument environment test. The SELENE is a remote-sensing mission orbiting 100 km altitude of the Moon for nominal one year and extended some months to collect the data for studying the origin and evolution of the Moon. Fourteen instruments and experiment systems are preparing for studies of the Moon, in the Moon, and from the Moon; global element and mineral compositions, topological structure, gravity field of whole moon, and electromagnetic and particle environment of the Moon. The new data center SOAC (SELENE Operation and data Analysis Center) are completed to construct in JAXA Sagamihara campus, and end-to-end test will be carried out between SOAC and data downlink stations.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and provides a critical analysis of the historical developments of lunar gravitational models from the earliest use of ground based tracking systems of the Lunar Orbiter to the Lunar Prospector mission. This encompasses a comprehensive and critical analysis of the various methods used in the estimation of the gravity coefficients and the processing of large batches of diverse measurements and data types. It has been shown that weakness exists in the current models of the lunar gravity field, which is primarily due to the lack of far side lunar tracking data information, which makes the lunar potential modeling difficult but expected to be overcome as data from SELENE satellite-to-satellite tracking becomes available. Comparisons of various lunar models reveal an agreement in the low order coefficients of the spherical harmonics. However, substantial differences in the models exist in the higher-order harmonics. A numerical comparison has been presented showing the performance of all the contemporary lunar gravitational models used within the astrodynamics community and available in public domain. Improvements to the current models are part of a continuing process and the recent model improvements and future possibilities in lunar gravity modeling are discussed. A brief review of the recent missions has been presented. It is hoped that this critical review will benefit the researchers by presenting the historical as well as state of the art in this field.  相似文献   

A simulation study has been performed at GFZ Potsdam, which shows the anticipated improvement of the lunar gravity field model with respect to current (LP150Q model) or near-future (SELENE) knowledge in the framework of the planned German Lunar Explorations Orbiter (LEO) mission, based on PRARE-L (Precise Range And Range-rate Equipment – Lunar version) Satellite-to-Satellite (SST) and Satellite-Earth-Satellite (SEST) tracking observations. It is shown that the global mean error of the lunar gravity field can be reduced to less than 0.1 mGal at a spatial resolution of 50 km. In the spectral domain, this means a factor of 10 (long wavelengths) and some 100 (mid to short wavelengths) improvement as compared to predictions for SELENE or a factor of 1000 with respect to LP150Q. Furthermore, a higher spatial resolution of up to 28 km seems feasible and would correspond to a factor of 2–3 improvement of SELENE results. Moreover, PRARE-L is expected to derive the low-degree coefficients of the lunar gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. Considering long mission duration (at least 1 year is planned) this would allow for the first time a precise direct determination of the low-degree tidal Love numbers of the Moon and, in combination with high precision SEST, would provide an experimental basis to study relativistic effects such as the periselenium advance in the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

地月L2点位于地月连线的延长线上,在地月L2点运行的卫星可以连续观测月球背面,解决月球背面与地球之间的通讯问题,在月球背面着陆探测任务中起着至关重要的作用。对从地球出发、利用月球引力辅助变轨、形成地月L2点的轨道进行了研究,分析了发射窗口、地月转移时间、近月点高度、近月点倾角、轨道振幅等多项因素对转移轨道和使命轨道特性的影响,寻求满足地月L2点中继任务需求的飞行轨道。通过分析研究,文章明确了转移和使命轨道的相关特性,可为中继星任务轨道的参数设计和优化提供有益参考。  相似文献   

The Japanese lunar explorer SELENE (SElenological and Engineering Explorer), to be launched in 2007, will for the first time utilize VLBI observations in lunar gravimetry investigations. This will particularly improve the accuracy to which the low degree gravitational harmonics and the gravity field near the limb can be measured, and when combined with Doppler measurements will enable three-dimensional information to be extracted. Differential VLBI Radio sources called VRAD experiment involves two on-board sub-satellites, Rstar and Vstar. These will be observed using differential VLBI to measure the trajectories of the satellites with the Japanese network named VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) and an international VLBI network.  相似文献   

Till the present day the recovery of the lunar gravity field from satellite tracking data depends in a crucial way on the level and method of regularisation. With Earth-based tracking only, the spatial data coverage is limited to only slightly more than 50% and the inverse problem remains severely ill-posed. The development of global gravity models suitable for precise orbit modeling as well as geophysical studies therefore requires a significant level of regularisation, limiting the solution power over the far-side where no gravity information is available. Unconstrained solutions, within the framework of global harmonic base functions, are only possible for very low degrees (< 10). Any significant change to this situation is only to be expected when global satellite-to-satellite tracking data of high quality becomes available early in the next decade. Yet, a rigorous analysis of the impact of the chosen method and level of regularisation is lacking. Most gravity models employ a Kaula-type signal smoothness constraint of 15 × 10−5 /l2, which allows a good overall data fit as well as a smooth field over the far-side. Furthermore, a geographical type of constraint has been suggested, where surface accelerations have been introduced in areas of no data coverage. Modern numerical methods, on the other hand, offer direct tools and search mechanisms for the optimal level of regularisation. This paper presents a study of Tikhonov-type regularisation of lunar gravity solutions, with emphasis on the so-called L-curve and quasi-optimality methods for regularisation parameter estimation. Furthermore, new quality measures of lunar gravity solutions are presented, which account for the bias introduced by the regularisation.  相似文献   

Since 1960s, the gravitational potential of the Moon has been extensively studied from Doppler tracking data between a ground station and spacecraft orbiting in front of the Moon (e. g., Lorell and Sjogren, 1968; Bills and Ferrari, 1980; Konopliv et al., 1993; Lemoine et al., 1997). Because direct radio communication is interrupted while spacecraft is orbiting behind the Moon, however, the coverage of tracking data has been limited mostly to the nearside of the Moon so far. In order to compensate for such lack of tracking data, we propose satellite-to-satellite Doppler measurement by using a relay subsatellite in Japanese mission to the Moon in 2003. A complete coverage of Doppler tracking from an orbiter at sufficiently low altitude will significantly improve lunar gravity model and will contribute for future geophysical study of interior and tectonics on the Moon. Further, we propose differential VLBI experiment between the subsatellite and a propulsion module landed on the surface of the Moon. The differential VLBI is about 10 times more accurate than conventional Doppler measurement for long-wavelength gravity field. Besides, differential VLBI is sensitive to the displacement perpendicular to the line of sight. Thus the VLBI experiment provides precise estimates of the lunar gravity potential at low degree. The last proposal for selenodetic experiments is a laser altimeter. Global topography model has been already developed from the analysis of Clementine LIDAR data (Zuber et al., 1994), but it is suggested that the model includes appreciable anisotropy between NS and E-W directions due to highly eccentric orbit of Clementine spacecraft (Bills and Lemoine, 1995). The laser altimeter experiment from an orbiter in nearly circular orbit will provide a new reference for the isotropic lunar topography model.  相似文献   

The moon has longstanding questions such as lunar environments, origin, formation and evolution, magnetization of crustal rocks, internal structure and possible life. The recent lunar missions, e.g., SELenological and ENgineering Explorer “KAGUYA” (SELENE), Chang’E-1, Chandrayaan-1, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter/Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LRO/LCROSS), have provided new opportunities to explore and understand these issues. In this paper, we reviewed and presented the results and findings in the fields of lunar gravity, magnetic field, atmosphere, surface geomorphology and compositional variations, volcano, craters, internal structure, water and life science from new lunar exploration missions. In addition, the new objectives and scientific questions on lunar explorations in near future are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We review the current status of the development of Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) for the Lunar mission SELENE. The GRS instrument will measure gamma-rays in the energy range from 100 keV to 9 MeV. The instrument is a high-purity Ge detector surrounded by BGO and plastic scintillators which are operated as an anticoincidence shield, and is cooled by a Stirling cycle cryocooler. The primary objective is to provide global maps of the lunar composition. Measurements are anticipated for Fe, Ti, U, Th, K, Si, Mg, Al, O, Ca and Na over the entire lunar surface. The abundance of water ice in the permanently shaded craters at both the lunar poles will be measured with this instrument.  相似文献   

Eight lunar areas, each ∼200 km in diameter, are identified as targets for coordinated science and instrument calibration for the orbital missions soon to be flown. Instrument teams from SELENE, Chang’E, Chandrayaan-1, and LRO are encouraged to participate in a coordinated activity of early-release data that will improve calibration and validation of data across independent and diverse instruments. The targets are representative of important lunar terrains and geologic processes and thus will also provide a broad introduction to lunar science for new investigators. We briefly identify additional cross-calibration issues for instruments that produce time series data rather than maps.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results assessing the role of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) tracking data through precision orbit determination (POD) during the check-out phase for Chang’E-1, and the lunar gravity field solution CEGM-01 based on the orbital tracking data acquired during the nominal phase of the mission. The POD of Chang’E-1 is performed using S-band two-way Range and Range Rate (R&RR) data, together with VLBI delay and delay rate observations. The role of the VLBI data in the POD of Chang’E-1 is analyzed, and the resulting orbital accuracies are estimated for different solution strategies. The final orbital accuracies proved that the VLBI tracking data can improve the Chang’E-1 POD significantly. Consequently, CEGM-01 based on six-month tracking data during Chang’E-1 nominal mission phase is presented, and the accuracy of the model is assessed by means of the gravity field power spectrum, admittance and coherence between gravity and topography, lunar surface gravity anomaly and POD for both Chang’E-1 and Lunar Prospector (LP). Our analysis indicates that CEGM-01 has significant improvements over a prior model (i.e. GLGM-2), and shows the potential of Chang’E-1 tracking data in high resolution lunar gravity field model solution by combining with SELENE and LP tracking data.  相似文献   

Lunar gravimetry mission in the Japanese lunar exploration project SELENE (Selenological and Engineering Explorer) is characterized by inter-satellite tracking by means of a relay satellite in a high eccentric orbit, combined with differential Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry (ΔVLBI) and conventional 2-way Doppler tracking. ΔVLBI provides information on the satellite position and velocity complementary to conventional range and range rate measurement, and allows us to measure lunar gravitational accelerations in all the three components. In this article, ΔVLBI and 2-way Doppler numerical simulation results are compared to those obtained from 2-way Doppler observations only, so that we can evaluate the contribution of ΔVLBI to the SELENE lunar gravimetry mission.  相似文献   

Lunar laser altimeter (LALT) has been developed for the Japanese lunar exploration SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) in 2003. Lunar laser altimetry and two other selenodetic missions are put together and called RISE (Researches In SElenodesy) project that has been developed mainly by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Main objective of this measurements is to construct a more global and accurate topographic model of the moon than Clementine's GLTM-2. The newly developed topography of the moon will make a great contribution to many problems of lunar geology, geophysics, and the reduction of lunar occultation data. In order to expand the coverage in latitude, LALT has a function of slant ranging in the direction about 40 degrees aside from nadir. LALT is designed to have a capability of detecting most of returned pulses from the lunar surface even for the slant ranging with proper threshold level.  相似文献   

Lunar heat flow experiment is planned by using two LUNAR-A penetrators which will be deployed on the near-side and far-side of the lunar surface in 2000. Each penetrator has seven absolute and eleven relative temperature sensors. Impact experiments for real-size penetrator models onto a lunar-regolith analogue target confirmed that the sensors and electronics used in the Lunar-A Heat Flow Experiment can survive the shock loading expected during penetration of the penetrator in a lunar regolith. The calibration experiment demonstrates that the temperature sensors have a resolution of 0.01 degrees and that the thermal conductivity device have 10 % accuracy. In order to determine the heat flow value, we need a good thermal model and numerical simulation for the penetrator and the regolith which in turn requires accurate measurements of thermal properties of the penetrator's components. The current numerical models indicate that we will be able to obtain the lunar heat flow values within 20 to 30 percents in precision with this method.  相似文献   

The X-ray spectrometer (XRS) on the SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) spacecraft, XRS, will observe fluorescent X-rays from the lunar surface. The energy of the fluorescent X-ray depends on the elements of which the lunar soil consists, therefore we can determine elemental composition of the upper most lunar surface. The XRS consists of three components: XRF-A, SOL-B, and SOL-C. XRF-A is the main sensor to observe X-rays from the lunar surface. SOL-B is direct monitor of Solar X-ray using Si-PIN photodiode. SOL-C is another Solar X-ray monitor but observes the X-rays from the standard sample attached on the base plate. This enables us to analyze by a comparative method similar to typical laboratory XRF methods. XRF-A and SOL-C adopt charge coupled device as an X-ray detector which depletion layer is deep enough to detect X-rays. The X-ray spectra were obtained by the flight model of XRS components, and all components has been worked well to analyze fluorescent X-rays. Currently, development of the hardware and software of the XRS has been finished and we are preparing for system integration test for the launch.  相似文献   

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