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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the form of polymerized derivatives represent over 90% of the organic material of carbonaceous chondrites. It now appears likely that there was substantial survival of the organic content of meteoritic and cometary infall during late accretion, so that PAH would presumably be major components of the organic inventory present on the prebiotic Earth. An important question relative to chemical evolution and energy transduction is the nature of pigments which could be available to make light energy available to the earliest cellular forms of life. PAH and their derivatives all absorb light in the near UV and blue wavelengths, and are candidates for primitive pigments. We have explored this possibility in a model system consisting of mixtures of pyrene, fluoranthene and pyrene derivatives with hexadecane, dispersed in dilute salt solutions. Upon illumination, photochemical oxidation of the hexadecane occurs, with long-chain amphiphiles such as 2-hexadecanone and 2-hexadecanol as products. Because the reaction proceeds under strictly anaerobic conditions, the source of oxygen is apparently water. We also observed acid pH shifts during illumination. Photochemical production of hydrogen ion is significant, in that chemiosmotic proton gradients across membranes are used by all contemporary cells as a source of energy for ATP synthesis and nutrient transport. To test whether the protons could be used to transduce light energy into a useful form, PAH derivatives were included in lipid bilayer membranes (liposomes). Upon illumination, protons (or acidic products) were produced and accumulated inside the vesicles, so that substantial pH gradients were established across the membranes, acid inside. We conclude that PAH dissolved in aliphatic hydrocarbons absorb light energy and use it to oxidize the hydrocarbon to long-chain amphiphilic molecules. The oxidation is accompanied by release of protons. If PAH derivatives are included in the bilayer membrane of lipid vesicles, protons accumulate within the membrane-bounded volumes to form proton gradients. This system provides a useful model of a primitive photochemical reaction in which light energy is transduced into potentially useable forms.  相似文献   

The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding is a polar orbiting high resolution mid-infrared emission limb sounder with a nominal vertical resolution of 3 km. Work to extend the list of routinely retrieved species led to the examination of ammonia, NH3. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of upper tropospheric retrievals around 6-km altitude, discussing appropriate methods. We demonstrate a weak north to south gradient outside the error bars, using co-addition to improve signal-to-noise and compare these first results with a model.  相似文献   

We review the properties of Quenched Carbonaceous Composite (QCC), a residue produced from a hydrocarbon plasma, and the properties of its derivatives. A. Sakata and his colleagues have shown that QCC has a 220 nm absorption band, visible fluorescence matching the extended red emission seen in reflection nebulae, and infrared absorption bands that correspond to the infrared emission features in reflection nebulae, HII regions, and planetary nebulae. These properties make QCC a strong candidate material as a laboratory analog to the carbonaceous material in the interstellar medium. QCC is distinguished from the PAH hypothesis in that (1) it is a condensate composed of aromatic and aliphatic molecules, as well as radicals; (2) it exhibits a 220 nm absorption that is very similar in wavelength to the 217 nm absorption in the interstellar medium; (3) it exhibits visible fluorescence consistent with that seen in reflection nebulae; and (4) the bands at 7.7 and 8.6 microns are caused by ketone bands in oxidized QCC. The aromatic component in QCC is thought to be typically 1-4 rings, with the majority being about 1-2 rings.  相似文献   

Interstellar dust grains are illuminated in the reflection nebulae. Under conditions of the PAH size and the intensity of the interstellar radiation field, we follow their impact on the PAH aromatic infrared bands using the numerical DustEM code. For a dust model consisting of PAH, amorphous C and amorphous silicate, the PAH size varies in a range from 0.31 to 4.9 nm while the radiation intensity varies by a scale factor from 0.1 to 104. Various trends of the results show the effect of varying both the PAH size and the radiation intensity on the strength of the aromatic mid-IR bands. Through small PAH sizes less than 0.7 nm, the grain temperature distribution of PAHs shows a small variation within 2–3 K at low radiation intensity while it increases to 15 and 8 K for PAH0 and PAH+, respectively, at higher radiation intensity. In final the variability in these results reveals the evolution of the dust grains under the physical space conditions of the reflection nebulae. In the mid-IR region, the contributions of PAH0 and PAH+ in the total SED intensity agree with the proportions of these PAHs observed in some reflection nebulae having higher radiation intensities.  相似文献   

根据详细的燃料氧化机理和多环芳烃生成机理,对乙烯同轴射流火焰在重力变化下碳烟生成情况进行计算.认为碳烟的初始成核是由两个较大的多环芳烃(PAH)二聚而成,碳烟的表面生长机理为HACA,凝结过程主要考虑PAH与碳烟的碰撞吸附,碳烟生长和氧化过程耦合在分节气溶胶模型中.计算结果表明,微重力条件下乙烯同轴射流火焰峰值温度下降230K,碳烟浓度显著增加,且浓度峰值在微重力条件下更加偏离中心线.分析重力变化对碳烟前驱体乙炔和多环芳烃的分布、初始成核速率、表面生长速率及凝结速率的影响.结果表明碳烟在中心轴线上主要是通过凝结过程生成的,且微重力条件下PAH在碳烟表面的凝结更加重要.由于微重力条件下停留时间更长,导致碳烟直径更大.   相似文献   

Nulling interferometry is a technique providing high angular resolution which is the core of the space missions Darwin and TPF. The first objective is to reach a deep degree of starlight cancelation in the range 6–20 μm, in order to observe and to characterize the signal from an earth-like planet. Among the numerous technological challenges involved in these missions, the question of the beam combination and wavefront filtering has an important place. A single-mode integrated optics (IO) beam combiner could support both the functions of filtering and the interferometric combination, simplifying the instrumental design. Such a perspective has been explored in this work within the project Integrated Optics for Darwin (IODA), which aims at developing a first IO combiner in the mid-infrared. The solutions reviewed here to manufacture the combiner here are based on infrared dielectric materials on one side, and on metallic conductive waveguides on the other side. With this work, additional inputs are offered to pursue the investigation on mid-infrared photonics devices.  相似文献   

We present a study of the behaviour and ionization properties of four Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) at lambda lambda 5780, 5797, 6379 and 6613 angstroms. In the lambda lambda 5797, 6379 and 6613 angstrom DIBs, substructures have recently been detected, indicating large gaseous molecular carriers. Studying DIBs in regions with different physical properties in terms of UV flux and density enables us to monitor the behaviour of the carriers and hence to constrain their nature. As a follow-up of Sonnentrucker et al. (1997), we add new lines of sight and generalize the results for lines of sight with 2 or 3 clouds. This refines the Ionization Potential estimates which are between 10 and 13 eV, hence reminiscent of PAH or fullerene cations for those DIBs.  相似文献   

针对高分四号(GF-4)卫星影像波段较少导致传统云检测算法难以区分云与冰雪像元的问题,提出一种多时相多通道云检测算法。该算法首先对GF-4卫星影像进行辐射定标和配准,然后利用云与典型地表的光谱差异得到潜在云像元,之后利用序列GF-4卫星影像之间的差异识别出移动的云像元,最后利用中红外波段反演地表亮度温度来去除冰雪像元。该算法在海南、辽宁和安徽3个研究区域进行验证,并将检测结果与传统单时相云检测算法、支持向量机(SVM)云检测算法和实时差分(RTD)云检测算法的检测结果进行对比。结果表明,该算法优于其他3种云检测算法,准确识别率均达到90%以上,误检率均低于5%,有利于GF-4卫星影像的进一步利用。  相似文献   

In this paper we present the findings of a COSPAR Mars Special Regions Colloquium held in Rome in 2007. We review and discuss the definition of Mars Special Regions, the physical parameters used to define Mars Special Regions, and physical features on Mars that can be interpreted as Mars Special Regions. We conclude that any region experiencing temperatures > −25 °C for a few hours a year and a water activity > 0.5 can potentially allow the replication of terrestrial microorganisms. Physical features on Mars that can be interpreted as meeting these conditions constitute a Mars Special Region. Based on current knowledge of the martian environment and the conservative nature of planetary protection, the following features constitute Mars Special regions: Gullies and bright streaks associated with them, pasted-on terrain, deep subsurface, dark streaks only on a case-by-case basis, others to be determined. The parameter definition and the associated list of physical features should be re-evaluated on a regular basis.  相似文献   

We present multi frequency radio-continuum observations of Galactic SNR Vela Z (G266.2-1.2), associated with the prominent X-ray source RX J0852.0-4622 discovered in 1998. Our study of this Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) is based on low-resolution mosaic observations with the ATCA radio interferometer at 1384 and 2496 MHz, Parkes 4850 MHz and MOST 843 MHz survey data. We determine the radio spectral index for the most prominent features of this SNR and compare these features with X-ray observations. We note a sudden spectral turnover at higher then expected frequencies of ∼1384 MHz.  相似文献   

Hot flow anomalies (HFAs) were first discovered in the early 1980s at the bow shock of the Earth. In the 1990s these features were studied, observed and simulated very intensively and many new missions (Cluster, THEMIS, Cassini and Venus Express) focused the attention to this phenomenon again. Many basic features and the HFA formation mechanism were clarified observationally and using hybrid simulation techniques. We described previous observational, theoretical and simulation results in the research field of HFAs. We introduced HFA observations performed at the Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn in this paper. We share different observation results of space mission to give an overview to the reader.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Heinz and Sunyaev suggest that relativistic jets observed in microquasars might result in narrow features in the energy spectra of heavy cosmic rays with ≈1 to ≈10 GeV/nuc. They further argue that such features might be observable if there has been one or more microquasars nearby within the last few million years. We report preliminary results of a search for evidence of such features using data from a 32-day balloon flight of the Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder (TIGER). Although this flight took place near solar maximum, calculations of the broadening effects of solar modulation indicate that a narrow feature of sufficient intensity should still be observable. An energy spectrum for iron with high statistical significance has been derived from ≈100,000 Fe events in the energy range from about 2.5 to 10 GeV/nuc. Although our preliminary results do not reveal any obvious features, we will discuss the possibility of observing such features with TIGER and other instruments.  相似文献   

根据车辆重识别中区域置信度不同,提出了基于高置信局部特征的车辆重识别优化算法。首先,利用车辆关键点检测获得对应的多个关键点坐标信息,分割出车标扩散区域和其他重要的局部区域。根据车标扩散区域的高区分度特性,提升局部区域的置信度。使用多层卷积神经网络对输入图片进行处理,根据局部区域分割信息,对卷积得到的特征张量进行空间维度上的切割,获得代表全局信息和关键局部信息的特征张量。然后,通过全连接层特征张量转化为表示车辆个体的一维向量,计算损失函数。最后,在测试阶段使用全局特征,并利用训练好的车标扩散区域提取分支获得高置信局部特征,缩短局部识别一致的车辆目标距离。在典型车辆重识别数据集VehicleID上进行测试,验证了所提算法的有效性。   相似文献   

We performed 2D and full 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of disk accretion to a rotating star with an aligned or misaligned dipole magnetic field. We investigated the rotational equilibrium state and derived from simulations the ratio between two main frequencies: the spin frequency of the star and the orbital frequency at the inner radius of the disk. In 3D simulations we observed different features related to the non-axisymmetry of the magnetospheric flow. These features may be responsible for high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs). Variability at much lower frequencies may be connected with restructuring of the magnetic flux threading the inner regions of the disk. Such variability is specifically strong at the propeller stage of evolution.  相似文献   

The region between Southern Peru and Northern Chile is one of the most seismically and volcanically active regions in South America. This is caused by a constant subduction of the South American Plate, converging with the Nazca Plate in the extreme North of Chile. We used the 15 and 30 m resolution satellite images, provided by the ASTER (VNIR and SWIR) instrument onboard the Terra satellite to study changes in the geological faults close to earthquake epicenters in southern Peru. Visible and infrared spectral bands were analysed using “The Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis” (LESSA) software package to examine changes in the lineament features and stripe density fields caused by seismic activity. We used the satellite images 128 and 48 days before and 73 days after a 5.2 Richter scale magnitude earthquake. The fact that the seasonal variations in the South of Peru and North of Chile are very small, and the vegetation is very limited, allowed us to establish substantial changes in the lineament and the stripe density field features. We develop a methodology that allows to evaluate the seismic risk in this region for the future.  相似文献   

Topography of the surface of a comet nucleus is likely rough at all scales smaller than the mean effective radius. We present a flexible and easily scalable model for quantitative calculations simulating the effects of comet nucleus topography on gas release and dust mantle evolution. The topographic features we describe must be large enough (typically> 10 m) so that they will not erode in one orbit of the nucleus around the Sun. The maximum effective size of a hill is about 1/√2 times the effective radius of the nucleus. If it is larger, then an ellipsoidal shape of the nucleus is more appropriate. The procedure described here also permits for inhomogeneous composition of the topographic features, leading to locally different rates of gas production (e.g., jet-like features and filaments) or different thicknesses of the dust mantle. It also can give rise to different temperature patches, locally varying albedos and emissivities, and may explain the formation of permanent dust mantles.  相似文献   

We present an automated system for detecting, tracking, and cataloging emerging active regions throughout their evolution and decay using SOHO Michelson Doppler Interferometer (MDI) magnetograms. The SolarMonitor Active Region Tracking (SMART) algorithm relies on consecutive image differencing to remove both quiet-Sun and transient magnetic features, and region-growing techniques to group flux concentrations into classifiable features. We determine magnetic properties such as region size, total flux, flux imbalance, flux emergence rate, Schrijver’s R-value, R (a modified version of R), and Falconer’s measurement of non-potentiality. A persistence algorithm is used to associate developed active regions with emerging flux regions in previous measurements, and to track regions beyond the limb through multiple solar rotations. We find that the total number and area of magnetic regions on disk vary with the sunspot cycle. While sunspot numbers are a proxy to the solar magnetic field, SMART offers a direct diagnostic of the surface magnetic field and its variation over timescale of hours to years. SMART will form the basis of the active region extraction and tracking algorithm for the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO).  相似文献   

Using time-dependent dynamical models of the radiating gas in coronal flux tubes, we identify features in UV spectral line profiles that can reveal the direction in which energy flows through the solar transition region, in observations without temporal or spatial resolution. The profile features survive spatial and temporal averaging through non-linear dependencies of the line emission coefficients on thermal properties of the plasma that are correlated with the material velocity. This approach requires only low noise data of high spectral resolution and could naturally be applied to stars as well as the solar corona. We make predictions for the SUMER instrument that can in principle test whether energy propagates upwards or downwards in coronal flux tubes, suggesting a new angle of attack on the long standing problem of determining coronal heating mechanisms.  相似文献   

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