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为了研究在旋转状态下温度比对气膜与主流掺混区域的影响,采用了数值模拟的方法对此进行了分析.结果表明:与静止状态相比,气膜出流在旋转状态下会发生偏转.当温度比固定,随着转速的增加,吸力面上气膜覆盖区域向高旋转半径方向偏转;但在压力面上,覆盖区域向低旋转半径方向偏转.在旋转速度固定时,随着冷却气膜和燃气温度比的增加,气膜覆盖区域向高旋转半径方向偏转.旋转同时会降低气膜冷却效率,而温度比对此的影响却很小.   相似文献   

High-resolution Chandra observations have allowed the detection of populations of X-ray sources in galaxies of all morphological types. The X-ray Luminosity Functions (XLFs) of these X-ray source populations have been derived and studied to uncover the drivers for the formation and evolution of binaries in different stellar populations and environments. These XLFs also provide a tool for identifying the nature of the X-ray source population, since different XLFs characterize X-ray sources belonging to young and old stellar populations. Similarly, X-ray colors can be used for identifying different types of X-ray sources. Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources (ULXs, LX > 1039 ergs s−1) are found to be associated with star-forming stellar populations. The study of the ULX population of the Antennae galaxies points to compact accreting binaries.  相似文献   

Elliptical galaxies exhibit a continuum of behaviour between ‘normal’ and highly active objects, with no clear dividing line between the two classes. High-resolution radio observations show that many bright ellipticals contain parsec-scale radio cores which are qualitatively similar to the central engines of radio galaxies but up to a million times less powerful. In contrast, the radio cores of spiral galaxies are qualitatively different from those in ellipticals, providing some clues to why radio galaxies are always ellipticals rather than spirals.  相似文献   

Ishizuki in this proceedings has discussed gas dynamics and related phenomena such as fueling the starburst and active galactic nuclei. This paper supplements the main paper by presenting observations for individual galaxies.  相似文献   

This paper presents an update of what we have learned in the last year about the ULX phenomenon. New results are presented on radio emission from Holmberg II and a review is given on the recent X-ray data on timing and spectra. The new X-ray spectroscopic and optical imaging survey of nearby ULX with XMM allows us, for the first time, to place the average properties of these objects on a statistical basis. Direct examination of the sites of ULXs in nearby galaxies shows that 1/3 of them are not in or near star forming regions, indicating that a substantial fraction of ULX are not directly associated with young star formation. There are two ULX which have been identified with B stars as the optical counterparts on the basis of optical spectroscopy. Radio imaging of the Holmberg II ULX shows that it lies in a luminous extended radio source and that the radio emission is not beamed. A statistical study of ULX spectra in nearby galaxies shows that the ratio of ‘high state’ to ‘low state’ ULXs is 1:1 and that the high state objects, in general, are best fit with low temperature black bodies with a steep power law index. The objects with high state spectra are systematically more luminous than the objects with low state spectra consistent with the hypothesis that both are drawn from a population which shows state changes similar to those of black holes in the Milky Way. If this is true then the masses implied for the objects with the low state spectra are greater than 50M.  相似文献   

In this lecture I review part of the published and unpublished observational evidence showing that cluster spiral galaxies are hydrogen deficient. Always using observational data, it is argued that the deficiency is due to the interaction between the galaxies and the intergalactic medium. Furthermore it is shown that the stellar population of deficient galaxies has also been affected and a brief discussion is given of the mechanisms at work.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources.  相似文献   

We use the combined photometric GALEX + SDSS database to look for populations of luminous blue star-forming galaxies. These were initially identified from such a sample at redshifts near 0.4, using SDSS spectra. We make use of the NUV, g, and i colour index previously defined in our previous paper, to separate stars and QSOs, to locate more of these unusual galaxies, to fainter limits. They are found in significant numbers in two different regions of the related colour-magnitude plot. Within these regions, we use the ensemble 7-colour photometry (FUV, NUV, u, g, r, i, z) to postulate the populations of blue star-forming galaxies at redshifts near 0.4 and 1.0, from a full photometric sample of over half a million.  相似文献   

The distribution and the dynamics of the cold gas in the circumnuclear regions (r ≲ [1 − a few] kpc) of disk galaxies have been observed at high resolutions of a few arcsec in λ2.6 mm CO (J=1→0) line emission. Distinct CO features are commonly found in the observed disk galaxies and they are different from galaxy to galaxy. They are explained by means of orbit-resonance theories and dynamical evolution. The evolutionary sequence in time is constructed based on the studies of dynamics in theoretical works and numerical simulations in the literature. Not only the behavior of the cold gas but also the starburst, outbreaks of the active galactic nucleus, and the evolution of global structures in disk galaxies are discussed in the bar-driven evolution scenario.  相似文献   

We present results on the X-ray source populations of nearby star-forming galaxies based on Chandra observations. First we discuss the monitoring campaigns on the Antennae and M82 galaxies. In both cases we find that the majority of the X-ray sources exhibit intensity and/or spectral variability. However, despite of this variability, we do not find any statistically significant variations of their X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs). We also find that the majority of the X-ray sources are associated with star-forming regions, although we do not always identify optical counterparts to the X-ray sources. Especially in the case of M82 we find that the most luminous sources are clustered in the central region of the galaxy. Finally, we present the first results from a study of a sample of nearby star-forming galaxies which form a starburst age sequence: although their XLFs to first order are represented by power-laws with consistent slopes, there is an indication for small variations, suggesting a change of their X-ray binary populations.  相似文献   

We discuss the elemental composition in the hot ISM of elliptical galaxies derived from new and recent X-ray spectral analysis in the context of new phenomenological models of their chemical evolution. Star formation histories, the IMF, the astrophysics of supernovae, and the nature of galactic winds impact the metal content and relative abundances in the hot ISM. We evaluate how X-ray spectroscopy may be utilized to deconstruct how elliptical galaxies, and the stellar populations that compose them, form and evolve, with an emphasis on present and future high resolution spectroscopic analysis.  相似文献   

Seyfert galaxies contain small-scale radio jets that indicate the presence of compact active galactic nuclei of the same type found in more powerful quasars and radio galaxies. Since most Seyferts are relatively nearby, their nuclear environments can be probed at much higher resolution than in those more powerful sources. In addition, the relative weakness of the active nucleus makes the effects of the circumnuclear gas more important. VLBA images of a number of Seyfert galaxies have been produced, often at multiple frequencies, in order to reveal the presence and nature of the gas in the inner 1–100 parsecs of the galaxies. Absorption effects at gigahertz frequencies, due to both synchrotron self-absorption and free-free absorption, are quite common; the free-free absorption indicates the presence of large quantities of ionized gas in the inner few parsecs of the galaxies. Changes in radio position angles on parsec scales also occur in several galaxies, implying that Seyfert nuclei may have multiple symmetry axes.  相似文献   

In order to explore mechanisms for the production of radio lobes from radio galaxies, we propose observational tests involving neutrinos at E ≥ 4 TeV. Among the mechanisms that have been suggested are: an explosive burst of energy that has been stored in or near the galactic nucleus; diffusive escape of particles from the vicinity of the galactic nucleus into plasmons; a beam from the galactic core that interacts with the circumgalactic medium; and black holes or spinars ejected from the galactic nucleus by a gravitational slingshot mechanism. As an example, we estimate neutrino fluxes from Cen A. The annual neutrino event rate at energies above 4 TeV is ≈ 102–103 for a DUMAND-type dectector if relativistic particles are temporarily stored near the galactic nucleus, and if these have a differential energy spectrum with exponent –2.0. With a similar exponent, but allowing free escape from the galaxy, the fluxes are about 10 times lower.  相似文献   

Rapidly cooling gas is commonly found near the centres of clusters of galaxies. The structure of the resulting gas flows is reviewed. Total gas cooling rates of several hundred M yr−1 have been observed in a number of cases. Thermal instability and the ultimate fate of the cooled gas are discussed. The cooled gas could easily have formed a massive central galaxy.  相似文献   

We have measured the strengths of Ca II triplet and Mgb stellar absorption lines in the nuclear and off-nuclear spectra of Seyfert galaxies. These features are diluted to varying degrees by continuum emission from the active nucleus and from young stars. Ca II triplet strengths can be enhanced if late-type supergiant stars dominate the near-IR light. Thus, objects with strong Ca II triplet and weak Mgb lines may be objects with strong bursts of star formation. We find that for most of our sample the line strengths are at least consistent with dilution of a normal galaxy spectrum by a power law continuum, in accord with the standard model for AGN. However, for several Seyferts in our sample, it appears that dilution by a power law continuum cannot simultaneously explain strong Ca II triplet and relatively weak Mgb. Also, these objects occupy the region of the IRAS color-color diagram characteristic of starburst galaxies. In these objects it appears that the optical to near-IR emission is dominated by late-type supergiants produced in a circumnuclear burst of star formation.  相似文献   

How are accretion disks in Seyfert Galaxies oriented relative to the disk of the spiral galaxy which hosts them? This angle, β, serves as a link between the innermost workings of the black hole plus fueling accretion disk and the larger galaxy, either as the memory of the activity-provoking event, or as a diagnostic for the structure of the accretion disk.A sample culled from the literature shows that there is no tendency for accretion disks to align with the host galaxy disk and, in addition, there appears to be a zone of avoidance, where the accretion disks of no or very few active spirals are aligned within 20 degrees of the normal to the host galaxy disk. These results seem counter intuitive given the strong influence of angular momentum of the galaxy disk on material in that disk.  相似文献   

We derive bias-corrected X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) of LMXBs detected in 14 E and S0 galaxies observed with Chandra. After correcting for incompleteness, the individual XLFs are statistically consistent with a single power-law. A break at or near LX,Eddington , as previously reported, is not required in any individual case. The combined XLF with a reduced error, however, suggests a possible break at LX = 5 × 1038 erg s−1, which may be consistent with the Eddington luminosity of neutron stars with the largest possible mass (3 M), or of He-enriched neutron star binaries. We confirm that the total X-ray luminosity of LMXBs is correlated with the the near-IR luminosities, but the scatter exceeds that expected from measurement errors. The scatter in LX(LMXB)/LK appears to be correlated with the specific frequency of globular clusters, as reported earlier.

We cross-correlate X-ray binaries with globular clusters determined by ground-based optical and HST observations in 6 giant elliptical galaxies. With the largest sample reported so far (300 GC LMXBs with a 5:2 ratio between red and blue GCs), we compare their X-ray properties, such as X-ray hardness, XLF and LX/LB and find no statistically significance difference between different groups of LMXBs. Regardless of their association with GCs, both GC and field LMXBs appear to follow the radial profile of the optical halo light, rather than that of more extended GCs. This suggests that while metallicity is a primary factor in the formation of LMXBs in GCs, there may be a secondary factor (e.g., encounter rate) playing a non-negligible role.  相似文献   

We report on some of the most recent results from a multiwavelength study of a volume-limited sample of galaxies. This paper will concentrate on the detection of variability in NGC 4395, the least luminous known Seyfert galaxy, and the high resolution X-ray imaging of the sample.  相似文献   

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