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使用两个跃迁频率,观测W33B的OH分子左右圆偏振的脉泽辐射.从左右圆偏振谱的Zeeman速度分裂,导得脉泽活动区的磁场大约为5mG.采用均匀抽运,完全饱和辐射的球模型,估计脉泽活动区的原恒星物质的氢分子数密度为3×107cm-3.  相似文献   

本文研究了Ⅱ类甲醇脉泽与周围红外源的关系,发现它们有很强的相关性。分析认为红外源很可能是Ⅱ类甲醇脉泽的抽运源。  相似文献   

本文研究了Ⅱ类甲醇脉泽与周围红外源的关系,发现它们有很强的相关性。分析认为红外源很可能是Ⅱ类甲醇脉泽的抽运源。  相似文献   

北辰 《飞碟探索》2003,(2):35-37
广泛存在的星际分子1963年,由于射电望远镜的使用,人们开始陆续发现遥远的星际云中含有一些星际分子。此后,对星际分子的研究获得了很大的进展,星际分子也是20世纪60年代天文学上的四大发现之一。那个时候,天文学家谈论星际分子成了一种时髦。这些星际分子种类繁多,在空间的各个方向都发现了它们的踪迹,主要分布在银河系的旋臂中。在众多的星际分子云中,人们研究最多的是人马座B2和猎户座A,已发现的绝大多数分子在这里都可以找到。人马座B2被称为星际分子的宝库。现在,已发现的星际分子多达100多种,主要有OH、H…  相似文献   

COS-B gamma-ray data (70–5000 MeV) in the latitude range 10°< |b| <90° are compared with the expected emission from cosmic-ray interactions with interstellar gas. An additional component is found to be necessary to explain the latitude dependence of the emission. Two possible origins for this component are discussed: a gamma-ray halo around the Galaxy and a local emission region.  相似文献   

Charge-exchange processes between interstellar H-/O-atoms and protons of the bulk of the interstellar plasma flow downstream of the outer bowshock in the heliospheric interface induce secondary ions leading to non-relaxated velocity distribution functions. The relaxation of these freshly induced ions towards an equilibrium distribution occurs due to Coulomb interactions and wave–particle interactions with the background turbulence. Since Coulomb interactions are of low relevance, we study here in detail the effect of wave–particle interactions. To find the turbulence levels in the interface we consider the MHD-wave transformation at the outer shock surface between the interface and the local interstellar plasma. The turbulence in the outer interface region is shown to be dominated by incompressible Alfvén waves both for cases of quasiparallel and quasiperpendicular shocks. Also we show that waves propagating towards the shock are more intensive than those propagating away from it. The level of Alfvén turbulence in the interface is estimated using the recent data on local interstellar turbulence deduced from observations of interstellar scintillations of distant radiosources. Two proton relaxation processes are considered: quasilinear resonant interactions with Alfvén waves and non-linear self-induced wave–particle scattering. The corresponding diffusion coefficients are estimated, and typical time periods for protons and oxygen ions relaxation are shown to be of the same order of magnitude as H-/O-atoms passage time over the extent of the interface. This indicates that perturbed ion distribution functions must be expected there.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of magnetic-field-related effects in the solar wind (SW) interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM) and the different theoretical approaches used in their investigation. We discuss the possibility that the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) introduces north–south and east–west asymmetries of the heliosphere, which might explain observational data obtained by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft. The SW–LISM interaction parameters that are responsible for the deflection of the interstellar neutral hydrogen flow from the direction of propagation of neutral helium in the inner heliosheath are outlined. The possibility of a strong ISMF, which increases the heliospheric asymmetry and the H–He flow deflection, is discussed. The effect of the combination of a slow-fast solar wind during solar minimum over the Sun’s 11-year activity cycle is illustrated. The consequences of a tilt between the Sun’s magnetic and rotational axes are analyzed. Band-like areas of an increased magnetic field distribution in the outer heliosheath are sought in order to discover regions of possible 2–3 kHz radio emission.  相似文献   

An interface between the fully ionized hydrogen plasma of the solar wind (SW) and the partially ionized hydrogen gas flow of the local interstellar medium (LISM) is formed as a region where there is a strong interaction between these two flows. The interface is bounded by the solar wind termination shock (TS) and the LISM bow shock (BS) and is separated on two regions by the heliopause (HP) separating the solar wind and charged component of the LISM (plasma component below). The BS is formed due to the deceleration of the supersonic LISM flow relative to the solar system. Regions of the interface between the TS and HP and between the HP and BS were in literature named as the inner and outer heliosheaths, respectively. An investigation of the structure and physical properties of the heliosheath is at present especially interested due to the fact that Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 have crossed the TS in December 2004 (Burlaga, L.F., Ness, N.F., Acuna, M.Y., et al. Crossing the termination shock into the the heliosheath. Magnetic fields. Science 309, 2027–2029, 2005; Fisk, L.A. Journey into the unknown beyond. Science 309, 2016–2017, 2005; Decker, R.B., Krimigis, S.M., Roelof, E.C., et al. Voyager 1 in the foreshock, termination shock and heliosheath. Science 309, 2020–2024, 2005; Stone, E.C., Cummings, A.C., McDonald, F.B., et al. Voyager 1 explores the termination shock region and the heliosheath beyond. Science 309, 2017–2020, 2005) and in September 2007 (Jokipii, J.R. A shock for Voyager 2. Nature 454, 38–39, 2008; Gurnett, D.A., Kurth, W.S. Intense plasma waves at and near the solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 78–80, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07023; Wang, L., Lin, R.P., Larson, D.E., Luhmann, J.G. Domination of heliosheath pressure by shock-accelerated pickup ions from observations of neutral atoms. Nature 454, 81–83, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07068.14; Burlaga, L.F., Ness, N.F., Acuna, M.H., et al. Magnetic fields at the solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 75–77, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07029; Richardson, J.D., Kasper, J.C., Wang, C., et al. Cool heliosheath plasma and deceleration of the upstream solar wind at the termination shock. Nature 454, 63–66, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07024; Stone, E.C., Cummings, A.C., McDonald, F.B., et al. An asymmetric solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 71–74, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07022; Decker, R.B., Krimigis, S.M., Roelof, E.C., et al. Mediation of the solar wind termination shock by non-thermal ions. Nature 454, 67–70, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature 07030), respectively, and entered to the inner heliosheath.  相似文献   

有限外磁场中的空心圆柱等离子体波导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分析了外磁场中电磁波沿空心圆柱等离子体波导的传播特性.首先给出边界条件的矩阵方程,利用矩阵的有关性质导出了问题的特征方程,采用精确求解特征方程的数值法,分析了波导传播常数随等离子体厚度、电子密度、碰撞频率和外加磁场的变化规律.  相似文献   

对超强钢(M4340)和中强钢(SCM435)[1]疲劳小裂纹扩展特性的分析表明,当微观结构以马氏体板条束为主,则微观结构小裂纹长度与原奥氏体晶粒或马氏体板条束尺寸都有很好的相关性,所以,减小这两种微观结构单元尺寸的冶金和热处理都可使微观结构小裂纹长度降低,从而改善材料的疲劳小裂纹扩展的抗力。  相似文献   

Complex organic molecules are widely observed in star-forming regions, although their formation mechanisms are not well understood. Solid-state chemistry is thought to play an important role, but the solid-state reaction network is poorly known. We provide a list of purely thermal reactions involving electronically stable reactants to complement existing grain chemistry networks. The kinetic parameters of the reactions are given when available. These reactions lead to the formation of complex organic molecules, which were not considered previously. Eventually, these complex molecules are either released into the gas phase or incorporated into the organic residue found in meteorites. Thermal reactions are important because they are not limited by the UV flux or the slow diffusion of the radicals, and because they involve both surface and mantle molecules. Thermal reactions represent an important step in the formation of complex organic molecules that constitute the primitive material of comets and asteroids.  相似文献   

The average mass of dust per volume in space equals that of the solar wind so that the interplanetary medium should provide an obvious region to study dust plasma interactions. While dust collective behavior is typically not observed in the interplanetary medium, the dust component rather consists of isolated grains screened by and interacting with the plasma. Space measurements have revealed several phenomena possibly resulting from dust plasma interactions, but most of the dust plasma interactions are at present not quantified. Examples are the production of neutrals and pick-up ions from the dust, dust impact generated field variations at spacecraft and magnetic field variations possibly caused by solar wind interacting with dust trails. Since dust particles carry a surface charge, they are exposed to the Lorentz force in the interplanetary magnetic field and for grains of sub-micrometer sizes acceleration can be substantial.  相似文献   

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