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王明忠 《卫星应用》1999,7(4):49-55
该文简要地回顾了卫星通信的发展历程,对卫星通信的未来发展作了阐述。重点讨论了由于个人通信的发展将卫星通信推进到了移动卫星通信的时代;另一方面,随着信息高速公路的提出,卫星通信又进入了宽带通信的领域—空间信息高速公路。因此,窄带的移动卫星通信和宽带的空间信息高速公路将是卫星通信未来发展的两大热点。  相似文献   

李献明  李兴 《卫星应用》2001,9(4):51-56
介绍日本新型的8字形卫星通信系统的设计和应用,内容包括卫星轨道设计、移动卫星通信构成、地球站构成、与同步卫星在国定卫星通信中的频率共享、基于卫星的定位系统、极区地球观测。  相似文献   

Pritc.  W  芮香宛 《航天器工程》1994,3(3):61-67,60
卫星通信的轨道选择已经兜了一个圈子。早期的实验卫星都是放置到低轨道上。在TEL-STAR于1962年发射到低轨道后,随之而来的就是军界和商界长达数年的关于各种类型的静止轨道,或者中、低轨道之优劣的激烈争论。自60年代以来,卫星通信的重点一直放在静止通信卫星系统上。目前,在静止轨道上大约已有300颗应用卫星。因此,人们也许会说静止轨道已成为卫星通信的主要轨道。但是时代、客观条件、卫星应用类型都在变。今天,我们有充分的理由认为中、低轨道卫星系统,尤其对移动卫星业务来说,意义重大。90年代显然存在这样的可能性,即将有比目前为止所有静止卫星还多的中低轨道卫星发射升空。这一卫星通信工业界的巨大变化前景引出了一大堆有关经济、技术、政策和法律问题。  相似文献   

士元 《中国航天》2001,(11):28-31
就像计算机和GPS卫星一样,通信卫星的应用范围已越来越广,尤其是悄然兴起的宽带通信卫星技术。它与因特网技术、ATM(异步传输模式)等相结合后,开辟了卫星通信的新时代,并将在空间信息高速公路的建设中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

近年来,新的全球卫星通信系统方案多半是建立低轨道卫星通信系统的方案。这些低轨道卫星通信系统各由几十甚至几百颗体积和重量较小的卫星组成,它们的运行轨道为圆轨道,其高度范围700km~10 400km,系统的主要服务对象是数量巨大的个人用户。用户应具有收发设备(手持机),手持机的体积重量较小,以便携带。由于低轨道卫星通信系统能较好地适应社会日益增长的通信需要,符合当今通信系统技术发展的要求,因此,它具有很好的发展前景。低轨道卫星通信系统可实现较高质量的数传和语言通信(传输率达9.6kbit/s)。这些方案代表着当前低轨道卫星通信系统的发展方向。因此,它们将是我们的主要分析对象。  相似文献   

陈光仁 《卫星应用》1998,6(3):39-46
该文回顾了国际移动卫星组织航空卫星通信系统的发展历史,对其航空卫星通信系统的组成及应用作了概括介绍。  相似文献   

随着卫星通信事业的发展,卫星间的通信联系和不同轨道间的通信联系已变得越来越重要。这类通信联系将依靠激光技术和毫米波技术来实现。本文阐述了利用激光和毫米波技术来实现卫星间或轨道间通信的方法、设备及过程。  相似文献   

全球及亚太地区卫星通信市场展望廖春发一、全球卫星通信市场最新动向最近一二年,全球卫星通信产业继续在飞速发展。由于亚太等地区的发展中国家对通信基础设施的需求激增,以及卫星通信技术和电子技术取得突破性进展,2000年前后,中、低轨道全球卫星移动通信系统和...  相似文献   

个人移动卫星通信方案30多年来,通信卫星的应用大大促进了全球通信业务的发展,最初是开拓了越洋电话和洲际电视转播,后来又开通了国内通信和海洋舰船的移动通信,而今个人移动通信已遍及全球。但是,个人移动通信的成本居高不下,所以人们在寻求一种通用性的个人通信...  相似文献   

文章针对无星际链路的低轨卫星通信系统,利用OPNET软件设计了低轨卫星通信系统在透明转发模式下的核心网构成,并进行了性能仿真。首先介绍核心网的构成、功能和拓扑,在此基础上实现了呼叫处理和切换的仿真,统计了呼叫时延、切换时延等性能指标,分析了仿真结果,为低轨道卫星通信系统的设计奠定了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

NASAs early efforts in satellite communications development brought confidence in space technology use for improved telecommunications. New, worldwide satellite communications systems have resulted, and are now on a commercial, self-sustaining operational basis. Since 1973, NASA has conducted hundreds of user experiments and demonstrated newer technology using ATS-1, -3, -6 and CTS. Now, projections show that the commercial demand will continue to increase, soon exceeding the current technology's capacity.As a result, U.S. Space Policy affirmed in 1978 that NASA should embark again on a research and development program for satellite communications with specific, characterized goals. The resulting plan's elements include 3020GHz Ka-band technology, extending the current work in advanced multi-beam antennas; a narrowband system and technology study that could lead to mobile and transportable communications developments; and studies of future uses of technology in communications. The program plan and its evolution are described, followed by a report of current progress and future expectations.  相似文献   

未来信息化战争中,通信更加依赖于空间能力,因此各国都非常重视卫星通信的发展,尤其是毫米波抗干扰卫星通信系统。毫米波抗干扰卫星通信具有频带宽、信息容量大、天线口径小、增益较大、抗干扰性和隐蔽性较高等独特技术优点。对毫米波抗干扰卫星通信系统进行了简要分析,并提出了相应的对抗策略和需要解决的一些关键技术。  相似文献   

为飞机等交通工具内的用户提供基于卫星的不间断IP连接,并在卫星星座网络内实现IP路由选择功能,是未来LEO卫星星座通信网络需要解决的关键问题。提出了基于移动式网络技术的LEO卫星星座通信网络体系结构,实现了卫星星座通信网络中的IP路由选择功能,并降低了对地面网路的依赖,实现了对用户段网络随时随地的连接支持。在对卫星星座通信网络中的星地切换模式进行分析的基础上,提出了一种基于虚拟移动路由器的快速星地切换和认证方法。通过NS2仿真试验,给出了新型LEO卫星星座通信网络的传输延迟特性以及快速切换方法的仿真试验结果。仿真试验表明,提出的网络结构是满足未来卫星星座发展需求的,星地间的切换是低时延的。  相似文献   

Built in cooperation with China, at the end of 2008 the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela launched its first telecommunications satellite which operates in C, Ku and Ka bands. Using published and unpublished information, this report describes the potential role of the Venesat-1 satellite in promoting development in Venezuela and Latin America. The core of Venezuelan space policy has deep social roots and includes several applications in order to provide telecommunications services to people in all areas of the country. Potential roles of the Venezuelan Satellite in local and regional development include: strengthening environmental tele-education and telemedicine programs; improving disaster management through short-term development of broad networks to monitor environmental and meteorological features; coordination of emergency responses and humanitarian assistance using data and satellite communications; poverty reduction; and biodiversity conservation – communication networks could also be used to relay information about detected fires within protected areas faster, and to improve surveillance activities within them with in order to reduce illegal hunting, logging, habitat loss and fragmentation. Because the area covered by the satellite goes beyond Venezuela’s borders, its applications could have enormous relevance for human development at the regional level; they could be fundamental tools for bringing sustainable development into Latin America, by building capacity and increasing awareness among decision makers and lay people.  相似文献   

With the further reduction in cost and the increase in bandwidth, as well as the increase in internet applications, satellite communications are gradually shifting from a complementary role to becoming a fully integrated component of terrestrial communications networks. This paper firstly introduces the development of satellite communications, mobile communications and the global space-terrestrial integrated network. We then propose the functional architecture and network architecture for the integration of satellite communications and terrestrial mobile communications based on 5 G core networks. Finally, in order to support the network of the future, four key technologies are presented, a space-terrestrial integrated air interface design, a multi-band space-terrestrial integrated transmission waveform design, space-terrestrial integrated switching and routing technology, along with spectrum sharing and interference coordination technology, all necessary for the development of space-terrestrial integrated networks.  相似文献   

随着5G通信、卫星通信、物联网的迅速发展,对于相控阵天线提出了更高的技术要求,要求其具有带宽更宽、成本更低、指标更优、尺寸更小等特点。为了满足移动卫星通信的需求,针对相控阵天线的技术指标要求,设计了一款工作于Ka频段的液晶相控阵天线。通过研究液晶相控阵天线系统的整体架构,对其各个主要功能模块进行了设计和选型,包括天线阵列规模大小评估,移相器、辐射器、馈电网络、偏置网络、波控电路等功能部件的选型,研究基于液晶移相技术的小型化相控阵天线及波束控制电路,最终完成天线设计与仿真,并完成原理样机的研制和测试。对关键技术指标进行论证,天线各项指标可满足Ka频段移动卫星通信的相关技术需求。相较于传统卫星终端,该液晶相控阵天线具备批量生产、体积小、通信位置灵活等特点,适用于各种安装平台,更符合现代化通信的需求,为军/民用移动卫星通信提供了一种有效可行的天线解决方案。  相似文献   

Satellite systems are going to be an important part of the future personal communication infrastructure. The first-generation candidates for satellite personal communication networks (S-PCN) will rely on low earth orbiting (LEO) and medium earth orbiting (MEO) constellations. For LEO satellite systems employing intersatellite links (ISLs), we present a iteration-based algorithm to identify faulty links, which applies to a satellite network assuming a connection-oriented network structure, e.g., ATM or ATM-type switches on-board satellites. In the algorithm a management satellite can autonomously and real-time identify a ranked list of the most probable failed network links through building discrete-time dynamic virtual topology graph (DT-DVTG), then testing can be used to quickly pinpoint the actual faulty links. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through simulations.  相似文献   

The speedily expanding Internet is in the process of transforming the technological, economic, and policy bases for nation-state regulation of telecommunications, including space-based satellite networks. Deployment of the packet-switched Internet has accelerated the liberalization of telecommunications markets and has led to far-reaching regulatory restructuring and policy shifts regarding state ownership and control of networks and information flows. As space-based GMPCS networks become integral parts of the globalizing Internet infrastructure, the state-centric legal paradigm requiring state “authorization and continuing supervision” of space activities by “non-governmental entities” stipulated under Article VI of the OST and associated treaties forming the outer space legal regime will be called increasingly into question. This paper examines the technological, economic/trade, and security issues that question whether the existing state-centric paradigm for regulating Internel-based GMPCS satellite systems will remain in legal phase with emerging liberalized regulatory regimes for terrestrial Internet-based infractructures.  相似文献   

为了适应卫星通信向毫米波高频段快速发展的需求,设计实现了一款星载Q频段发射变频放大电路组件。首先,给出了发射变频放大电路的原理框图,通过优化电路布局将信号变频放大电路和本振信号倍频电路高度集成在一个组件内部,实现了组件的集成化和小型化,降低了电路的研制成本。其次,对发射变频放大电路组件的宽带特性进行优化设计,通过优化微带互联线的宽带阻抗匹配网络,同时采用加载短截线的方法增大波导-同轴-微带探针的工作带宽,有效地改善了发射变频放大电路在宽带内的增益平坦度特性。最后,对金属腔体和电源电路进行优化设计,提高电路的稳定性和可靠性。完成发射变频放大电路的加工测试并给出测试结果,整机联调验证后在型号任务中推广应用。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a complete model for assessing the economics of telecommunications satellite systems, accounting for spacecraft development and manufacturing, launch and operations in orbit. This allows to account for such parameters as the mass and lifetime of the satellites, the number and type of payloads, the number of satellites procured and launched, the spare policy, the launch vehicle, the insurances, the satellite average MTTF and the management of the space segment efforts.

The model is divided into four parts: the spacecraft mass model, the spacecraft procurement cost model, the MTTF model and the space segment cost-effectiveness model. It provides for the rapid solution of a number of problems within a wide range of parameters such as assessing the influence on space segment economics of —certain satellite technologies, —satellite and payload mass, —number of payloads per spacecraft, —satellite lifetime, or —spare policy.  相似文献   

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