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Experiments aboard "Spacelab-D1" and "Cosmos-1887" revealed an adverse effect of space flight on Carausius morosus embryos. The main influencing factor for stick insect eggs turned out to be microgravity, while the contribution of HZE particles of cosmic radiation was relatively low. Flight experiments indicated an increased vulnerability of stick insect eggs to microgravity at intermediate stages of development, that could support the "convection" hypothesis.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic radiation model and its applications.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model for the differential energy spectra of galactic cosmic radiation as a function of solar activity is described. It is based on the standard diffusion-convection theory of solar modulation. Estimates of the modulation potential based on fitting this theory to observed spectral measurements from 1954 to 1989 are correlated to the Climax neutron counting rates and to the sunspot numbers at earlier times taking into account the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field at the time of observations. These regression lines then provide a method for predicting the modulation at later times. The results of this model are quantitatively compared to a similar Moscow State University (MSU) model. These model cosmic ray spectra are used to predict the linear energy transfer spectra, differential energy spectra of light (charge < or = 2) ions, and single event upset rates in memory devices. These calculations are compared to observations made aboard the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

The assessment of exposure to cosmic radiation on board aircraft is one of the preoccupations of organizations responsible for radiation protection. The cosmic radiation particle flux increases with altitude and latitude and depends on the solar activity. The radiation exposure has been estimated on several airlines using transatlantic, Siberian and transequatorial routes on board subsonic and supersonic aircraft, to illustrate the effect of these parameters. Measurements have been obtained with a tissue equivalent proportional counter using the microdosimetric technique. Data have been collected at maximum solar activity in 1991-92 and at minimum in 1996-98. The lowest mean dose rate measured was 3 microSv/h during a Paris-Buenos Aires flight in 1991; the highest was 6.6 microSv/h during a Paris-Tokyo flight using a Siberian route and 9.7 microSv/h on Concorde in 1996-97. The mean quality factor is around 1.8. The corresponding annual effective dose, based on 700 hours of flight for subsonic aircraft and 300 hours for Concorde, can be estimated between 2 mSv for least-exposed routes and 5 mSv for more exposed routes.  相似文献   

The ALTEA project participates to the quest for increasing the safety of manned space flights. It addresses the problems related to possible functional damage to neural cells and circuits due to particle radiation in space environment. Specifically it aims at studying the functionality of the astronauts' Central Nervous Systems (CNS) during long space flights and relating it to the peculiar environments in space, with a particular focus on the particle flux impinging in the head. The project is a large international and multidisciplinary collaboration. Competences in particle physics, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, electronics, space environment, data analyses will work together to construct the fully integrated vision electrophysiology and particle analyser system which is the core device of the project: an helmet-shaped multi-sensor device that will measure concurrently the dynamics of the functional status of the visual system and passage of each particle through the brain within a pre-determined energy window. ALTEA is scheduled to fly in the International Space Station in late 2002. One part of the multi-sensor device, one of the advanced silicon telescopes, will be launched in the ISS in early 2002 and serve as test for the final device and as discriminating dosimeter for the particle fluences within the ISS.  相似文献   

The influence of microgravity on the repair of radiation induced genetic damage in a temperature-conditional repair mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (rad 54-3) was investigated onboard the IML-1 mission (January 22nd-30th 1992, STS-42). Cells were irradiated before the flight, incubated under microgravity at the permissive (22 degrees C) and restrictive (36 degrees C) temperature and afterwards tested for survival. The results suggest that repair may be reduced under microgravity.  相似文献   

To test whether gravity is required for normal amphibian development, Xenopus laevis females were induced to ovulate aboard the orbiting Space Shuttle. Eggs were fertilized in vitro, and although early embryonic stages showed some abnormalities, the embryos were able to regulate and produce nearly normal larvae. These results demonstrate for the first time that a vertebrate can ovulate in the virtual absence of gravity, and that the eggs can develop to a free-living stage.  相似文献   

Early development of fern gametophytes in microgravity.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Dormant spores of the fern Ceratopteris richardii were flown on Shuttle mission STS-93 to evaluate the effects of micro-g on their development and on their pattern of gene expression. Prior to flight the spores were sterilized and sown into one of two environments: (1) Microscope slides in a video-microscopy module; and (2) Petri dishes. All spores were then stored in darkness until use. Spore germination was initiated on orbit after exposure to light. For the spores on microscope slides, cell level changes were recorded through the clear spore coat of the spores by video microscopy. After their exposure to light, spores in petri dishes were frozen in orbit at four different time points during which on earth gravity fixes the polarity of their development. Spores were then stored frozen in Biological Research in Canister units until recovery on earth. The RNAs from these cells and from 1-g control cells were extracted and analyzed on earth after flight to assay changes in gene expression. Video microscopy results revealed that the germinated spores developed normally in microgravity, although the polarity of their development, which is guided by gravity on earth, was random in space. Differential Display-PCR analyses of RNA extracted from space-flown cells showed that there was about a 5% change in the pattern of gene expression between cells developing in micro-g compared to those developing on earth.  相似文献   

The effects of microgravity on Jurkat cells--a T-lymphoid cell line--was studied on a sounding rocket flight. An automated pre-programmed instrument permitted the injection of fluorescent labelled concanavalin A (Con A), culture medium and/or fixative at given times. An in-flight 1 g centrifuge allowed the comparison of the data obtained in microgravity with a 1 g control having the same history related to launch and re-entry. After flight, the cells fixed either at the onset of microgravity or after a or 12 minute incubation time with fluorescent concanavalin A were labelled for vimentin and actin and analysed by fluorescence microscopy. Binding of Con A to Jurkat cells is not influenced by microgravity, whereas patching of the Con A receptors is significantly lower. A significant higher number of cells show changes in the structure of vimentin in microgravity. Most evident is the appearance of large bundles, significantly increased in the microgravity samples. No changes are found in the structure of actin and in the colocalisation of actin on the inner side of the cell membrane with the Con A receptors after binding of the mitogen.  相似文献   

Using the Langley Research Center galactic cosmic ray (GCR) transport computer code (HZETRN) and the computerized anatomical man (CAM) model, crew radiation levels inside manned spacecraft on interplanetary missions are estimated. These radiation-level estimates include particle fluxes, LET (linear energy transfer) spectra, absorbed dose, and dose equivalent within various organs of interest in GCR protection studies. Changes in these radiation levels resulting from the use of various different types of shield materials are presented.  相似文献   

Cell metabolism, secretion and cell-cell interactions can be altered during space flight. Early radiobiology experiments have demonstrated synergistic effects of radiation and microgravity as indicated by increased mutagenesis, increased chromosome aberrations, inhibited development, and retarded growth. Microgravity-induced changes in immune cell functions include reduced blastogenesis and cell-mediated, delayed-type hypersensitivity responses, increased cytokine secretions, but inhibited cytotoxic effects and macrophage differentiation. These effects are important because of the high radiosensitivity of immune cells. It is difficult to compare ground studies with space radiation biology experiments because of the complexity of the space radiation environment, types of radiation damage and repair mechanisms. Altered intracellular functions and molecular mechanisms must be considered in the design and interpretation of space radiation experiments. Critical steps in radiocarcinogenesis could be affected. New cell systems and hardware are needed to determine the biological effectiveness of the low dose rate, isotropic, multispectral space radiation and the potential usefulness of radioprotectants during space flight.  相似文献   

Simulated planetary atmospheres (mixtures of simple gases) were irradiated with high energy particles to simulate an action of cosmic rays. When a mixture of carbon monoxide, nitrogen and water was irradiated with 2.8-40 MeV protons, a wide variety of bioorganic compounds including amino acids, imidazole, and uracil were identified in the products. The amount of amino acids was proportional to the energy deposit to the system. Various kinds of simulated planetary atmospheres, such as "Titan type" and "Jovian type", were also irradiated with high energy protons, and gave amino acids in the hydrolyzed products. Since cosmic rays are a universal energy source in space, it was suggested that formation of bioorganic compounds in planetary atmospheres is inevitable in the course of cosmic evolution.  相似文献   

After a pioneering period when the observers were mainly interested in checking the general properties of the Cosmic Background Radiation through observations at still higher frequencies, the observational efforts are now devoted to the discovery of features in the mean panorama, in particular :i) Distortions in the frequency spectrum, ii) Spatial anisotropies at various angular scales; iii) Polarization. The observational information is reviewed.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to investigate the low-energy radiation environment on the outside of spacecrafts. Thereby, ultra-thin thermoluminescent (TL) detectors on the base of CaF2:Mn-PTFE are arranged in stacks and exposed to the unshielded cosmic radiation. The dose distribution within a stack is determined by successive evaluation of the thin TL sheets. The analysis of LiF thermoluminescent detector glow curves permits conclusions on the dose contribution caused by either low-energy electrons or by protons. The method was applied aboard Russian COSMOS spacecrafts as well as the MIR station. It was shown that along low-earth orbits dose rates up to 10 Gy/day within the first few mg/cm2 are typical, mainly as a result of the electron impact.  相似文献   

An experiment using plant protoplasts has been accepted for the IML-1 Space Shuttle mission scheduled for 1991. Preparatory experiments have been performed using both fast and slow rotating clinostats and in orbit to study the effect of simulated and real weightlessness on protoplast regeneration. Late access to the space vehicles before launch has required special attention since it is important to delay cell wall regeneration until the samples are in orbit. On a flight on Biokosmos 9 ("Kosmos-2044") in September 1989 some preliminary results were obtained. Compared to the ground control, the growth of both carrot and rapeseed protoplasts was decreased by 18% and 44% respectively, after 14 days in orbit. The results also indicated that there is less cell wall regeneration under micro-g conditions. Compared to the ground controls the production of cellulose in rapeseed and carrot flight samples was only 46% and 29% respectively. The production of hemicellulose in the flight samples was 63% and 67% respectively of that of the ground controls. In both cases all samples reached the stage of callus development. The peroxidase activity was also found to be lower in the flight samples than in the ground controls, and the number of different isoenzymes was decreased in the flight samples. In general, the regeneration processes were retarded in the flight samples with respect to the ground controls. From a simulation experiment for IML-1 performed in January 1990 at ESTEC, Holland, regenerated plants have been obtained. These results are discussed and compared to the results obtained on Biokosmos 9. Protoplast regeneration did not develop beyond the callus stage in either the flight or the ground control samples from the Biokosmos 9 experiment.  相似文献   

Experiments on the spatial behavior of the flax (Linum usitatissimum, L.) seedlings in a nonuniform magnetic field were conducted on the orbital space stations "Salut" and "Mir". This field can displace sensory organelles (statoliths) inside receptor cells and such displacement should cause a physiological reaction of the plant-tropistic curvature. Experiments were conducted in the custom-built "Magnetogravistat" facility, where seeds were germinated and grown for 3-4 days in a magnetic field with the dynamic factor grad (H2/2) approximately equal to 10(7) Oe2/cm, then fixed on orbit and returned to Earth for analysis. It was found, that 93% of the seedlings were oriented in the field consistently with curvature in response to displacement of statoliths along the field gradient by ponderomotive magnetic forces, while control seedlings grew in the direction of the initial orientation of the seed. This suggests, that gravity receptors of plants recognized magnetic forces on statoliths as gravity, and that gravity stimulus can be substituted for plants by a force of a different physical nature.  相似文献   

We report results from the Low Energy Antiproton Experiment (LEAP), a balloon-borne instrument which was flown in August, 1987. We find no evidence of antiproton fluxes in the kinetic energy range 120 MeV to 360 MeV, top of the atmosphere. The 90 percent confidence upper limit on the antiproton/proton ratio in this energy range is 3.5 × 10−5. In particular, this new experiment places an upper limit on the flux almost an order of magnitude below the reported flux of Buffington et al.  相似文献   

We review the measurements of the cosmic background anisotropies at all angular scales. Special attention is devoted to experimental problems and questions concerning the data analysis.  相似文献   

The present experiment indicates that oligopeptides are easily produced in solid state from mixtures of simple amino acids by irradiating with high energy charged particles. We investigated such amino acids and their mixtures as tryptophan, tyrosine and glycine. The thin films was irradiated with protons (6.6 MeV). Such dipeptides as Trp-Trp, Gly-Tyr, Tyr-Gly, and Tyr-Tyr have been detected as products of irradiation. Cosmic rays might be an effective energy source for abiotic formation of bioorganic compounds on the surface of small bodies in the solar system on early stage of formation of planets as well as at present day.  相似文献   

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