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阿里安空间公司最近公布“阿里安”运载火箭1995年的发射计划如下:1.1月,发射欧空局的第二颗地球资源卫星ERS-2。2.2月,发射国际通信卫星-706。3.3月,发射美国休斯公司的第三颗直接广播卫星DBS-3。4.3月,发射法国第一颗军事侦察卫星太阳神-1。5.4月,发射日本电报电话公司(NTT)的“N-星”卫星。6.5月,发射泛美卫星公司的PAS-4卫星和以色列Spacecom卫星通信公司的Amos卫星。7.6月,发射卢森堡SES公司的Astra-1E卫星。8.8月,发射法国电信公司(Tel…  相似文献   

俄罗斯和乌克兰联合制造的天顶号运载火箭从1985年开始使用,主要作为军事卫星运载火箭,用于发射第4代电子侦察卫星和第6代照相侦察卫星(参见表1)。1994年10月31日,天顶号火箭成功地把1颗资源-03探测卫星送入了极地轨道。同时搭载发射了1颗德国的微型卫星Safir-R以及俄罗斯自己的第1颗静止轨道气象卫星-“电子”(GOMS)。这是天顶号火箭今后一系列新用途发射的开端。从1995年起,天顶号火箭将发射第三代海洋卫星-O;1998年发射乌克兰的Sitch-2卫星,还有“生物”(Bion)、“光…  相似文献   

1月□□·美国空军公布其2000年预算计划,其中包括高轨和低轨天基红外系统(SBIRS-HighandSBIRS-Low)的进度均推迟2年。第一颗SBIRS-High卫星的发射从2002年推迟至2004年,预计这将使该计划的成本增高5亿美元。第一颗SBIRS-Low卫星的发射从2004年推迟至2006年。2月·俄罗斯制造的联盟号火箭进入商业发射市场,一年内6次发射成功“全球星”移动通信卫星。6次发射分别在1999年2、3、4、9、10和11月。·因进度拖延,成本超支,美国空军终止了同波音公司和T…  相似文献   

欧洲通信卫星组织自1983年10月12日发射成功第一颗Eutelsat-1/F1卫星至今已10年了。在这10年里,该组织已发射了两代Eutelsat卫星,即Eutelsat-1和2型卫星。第一代共发射5颗,其中一颗发射失败。目前有3颗仍在轨服务,其中Eutelsat-1/F4和F5定位在东经21.5度和25.5度,Eutelsat-1/F1则已东移,用于西伯利亚和哈萨克斯坦之间的通信。这颗卫星在轨道上工作已整整10年了,超过其设计寿命3年,而且还将继续工作到1994年底。第二代卫星Eutelsa…  相似文献   

日本BS-3N广播卫星发射成功日本广播卫星的发展一直不顺利。1990年2月因阿里安火箭发射失败,导致了1颗BS-2X卫星爆炸;1991年4月用美国阿特拉斯火箭发射时又损失了1颗BS-3H卫星。不但如此,倒霉的事还接连发生,1990年8月发射的BS-3...  相似文献   

沈震 《国际太空》1995,(7):6-12
随着卫星质量的增加和卫星性能的提高,如卫星商业系统(SBS)和国际通信卫星-5/5A这样的第二代静止轨道卫星和第三代静止轨道卫星相比,每颗卫星的平均价格大体上从6200万美元增加到9000万美元(均是1992年美元汇价),根据卫星经营者的要求,第三代卫星的平均寿命也增加到约为13年。到1994年5月,已有115颗通信卫星(也就是1992~2004年期间市场预计数178颗的2/3)已经和公司签订了采购合同,其中32颗已发射,其余的83颗(价值约为75亿美元)将在1994年6月至1999年期间发射。…  相似文献   

英国“萨利”卫星定于1996年10月升空 它从拜科努尔发射场的一个导弹发射井发射,重150kg。日本推迟H-2火箭发射 由于H-2火箭设备问题,先进对地观测卫星-1(Adeos-1)、工程试验卫星-7等卫星推迟升空。日本现正努力降低H-2的发射费用,拟于1999年把每次发射费降至0.9亿美元或大约是目前发射费用的一半;还在积极想法提高H-2的推力,争取达到能把3~4吨重的有效载荷送入静地轨道的水平。俄罗斯拟于明年第一季度发射“自然”舱 如能顺利升空,对接到和平号空间站上,则该空间站将大功告成。俄…  相似文献   

由英国萨利公司建造的智利第一颗卫星FASat-Alpha(空军卫星-阿尔法)于1995年8月31日,用乌克兰研制的旋风号运载火箭从俄罗斯的普列谢茨克发射场发射。火箭成功地将FASat-Alpha小卫星与主卫星——乌克兰的Sich-1海洋观测卫星一起送入了预定的近地轨道。但是,FASat-Alpha卫星没有与主卫星分离。尽管在发射以后4小时内,地面曾多次向卫星发出分离指令,终未见效。由于FASat卫星仍连接在Sich-1卫星上,智利小卫星无法执行其通信试验和对地观测任务。9月7日,FASat卫星的…  相似文献   

厉银喜 《国际太空》1999,(11):10-10
我国于1999年10月14日成功发射了中国和巴西合作研制的第一颗中巴地球资源遥感卫星(CBERS-1,又称资源一号)以及一颗巴西小型卫星,10月15日地面站接收到第一批遥感数据,快视图像优良,从而开创了我国航天遥感新的里程碑,为全国遥感界的广大用户提供了又一种遥感数据源的选择。由于CBERS-1的有效载荷中包括CCD相机、红外多光谱扫描仪(IRMSS)、广角成像仪(WFI)等多种设备,所以可获取具有不同分辨率和扫描宽度的11个波段的数据。星上还有高密度磁带记录仪(HDTR),用于记录各接收站覆盖…  相似文献   

印度尼西亚于1月31日成功发射了其第三代通信卫星中的第一颗卫星──帕拉帕-C1,这就使得设在雅加达的印度尼西亚卫星公司(Satelindo)成为亚太地区满足电信业务需求的有力竞争者之一。帕拉帕-C1卫星将替代在2月底停止工作的帕拉帕-B2P卫星。有关空间电信分析家称,亚太地区上空急需增加卫星,因为早期发射的卫星正在老化,此地区无疑不存在卫星容量过剩的问题。这颗新卫星为Satelindo公司提供了竞争优势,它不仅体积很大,而且比前两代卫星帕拉帕-A和B的覆盖区域广。帕拉帕-C1将有34台转发器:2…  相似文献   

The Space Environment Monitor (SEM) onboard the NOAA POES satellites has been measuring the near-Earth charged particle environment since 1978, providing an extensive database that can be used for studying the long-term behavior of this population of trapped particles. POES stands for Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite. These satellites orbit at ∼840 km altitude and at an inclination of 98°. The SEM-1 instrument was flown on the POES satellites beginning in 1978 with TIROS-N and NOAA-6 in 1979 and continuing to NOAA-14 launched in 1995 with the exception of NOAA-9 and NOAA-11 (NOAA-13 failed shortly after launch). Its replacement, SEM-2, has flown on the POES NOAA-15, -16, and -17 satellites (from 1998). Here we present the results of a study on the statistical variations of the high-energy trapped proton environment. Among the detectors in SEM, the four SEM-2 omni-directional proton detectors for energies >16 MeV, >36 MeV, >70 MeV, and >140 MeV provide the data most relevant to this study.  相似文献   

Recent Progress of Fengyun Meteorology Satellites   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
After nearly 50 years of development, Fengyun (FY) satellite ushered in its best moment. China has become one of the three countries or units in the world (China, USA, and EU) that maintain both polar orbit and geostationary orbit satellites operationally. Up to now, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) satellites that have been launched successfully since 1988. There are two FY polar orbital satellites and four FY geostationary orbit satellites operate in the space to provide a huge amount of the earth observation data to the user communities. The FY satellite data has been applied not only in the meteorological but also in agriculture, hydraulic engineering, environmental, education, scientific research and other fields. More recently, three meteorological satellites have been launched within the past two years. They are FY-4A on 11 December 2016, FY-3D on 15 November 2017 and FY-2H on 5 June 2018. This paper introduces the current status of FY meteorological satellites and data service. The updates of the latest three satellites have been addressed. The characteristics of their payloads on-boarding have been specified in details and the benefit fields have been anticipated separately.   相似文献   

中国空间天文40周年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
过去40年中国空间天文学研究取得了巨大的发展.尤其是近10年内发射了数颗天文卫星,未来几年还将有一些天文卫星计划发射.本文简要回顾了国际空间天文学的发展历程.对中国空间天文学过去40年的发展进行了回顾和总结,包括1970年代第一颗天文卫星计划、气球空间天文探测、基于载人航天工程的空间天文实验以及天文卫星等.此外,介绍了...  相似文献   

In 2018, China successfully launched three new Haiyang (which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites which are an ocean color observation satellite HY-1C (operational), an ocean dynamics environment satellite HY-2B (operational) and the China-France ocean satellite CFOSAT (experimental). In 2019, all the three satellites had finished their commissioning phases and were declared operational. HY-2A satellite continues to operate in-orbit, and its operational status is basically normal. So in 2020, China has 4 Haiyang satellites in-orbit, China's ocean satellites enter into a new operational application phase. The operation of the ground application system of Chinese ocean satellites is stable. In 2019, Beijing, Hainan, Mudanjiang, and Hangzhou ocean satellite ground stations had received the data of HY-1C, HY-2A, HY-2B, and CFOSAT 5012 orbits and 26.46 TB data had been distributed to both domestic and international users. Chinese ocean satellite data has played an important role in marine disaster prevention and mitigation, development and management of marine resources, maintenance of marine rights and interests, marine environment protection, scientific researches, and blue economy development.   相似文献   

China began to develop its meteorological satellite program since 1969. With 50-years' growing, there are 17 Fengyun (FY) meteorological satellites launched successfully. At present, seven of them are in orbit to provide the operational service, including three polar orbiting meteorological satellites and four geostationary meteorological satellites. Since last COSPAR report, no new Fengyun satellite has been launched. The information of the on-orbit FY-2 series, FY-3 series, and FY-4 series has been updated. FY-3D and FY-2H satellites accomplished the commission test and transitioned into operation in 2018. FY-2E satellite completed its service to decommission in 2019. The web-based users and Direct Broadcasting (DB) users keep growing worldwide to require the Fengyun satellite data and products. A new Mobile Application Service has been launched to Fengyun users based on the cloud technology in 2018. In this report, the international and regional co-operations to facilitate the Fengyun user community have been addressed especially. To strengthen the data service in the Belt and Road countries, the Emergency Support Mechanism of Fengyun satellite (FY_ESM) has been established since 2018. Meanwhile, a Recalibrating 30-years' archived Fengyun satellite data project has been founded since 2018. This project targets to generate the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) as a space agency response to the Global Climate Observation System (GCOS). At last, the future Fengyun program up to 2025 has been introduced as well.   相似文献   

Chang'E-1, the first lunar mission in China, was successfully launched on October 24,2007, which opened the prelude of China's Lunar Exploration Program. Later on, the Chang'E-2 and Chang'E-3 satellites were successfully launched in 2010 and 2013, respectively. In order to achieve the science objectives, various payloads boarded the spacecraft. The scientific data from these instruments were received by Beijing and Kunming ground stations simultaneously. Up to now, about 5.628 Terabytes of raw data were received totally. A series of research results has been achieved. This paper presents a brief introduction to the main scientific results and latest progress from Chang'E-3 mission.  相似文献   

中国返回式卫星与空间科学实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国返回式卫星发展至今已有30 多年, 共发射了23 颗返回式卫星. 在多次返回式卫星任务中成功进行了大量的空间科学和技术实验. 本文首先概要介绍了中国返回式卫星的发展情况、技术特点、在返回式卫星上进行的空间科学实验情况; 其次, 介绍了卫星平台对有效载荷可提供的环境条件、服务支持以及载荷设备研制与卫星技术流程之间的匹配关系和接口要求; 最后, 对卫星平台的技术发展趋势与应用前景进行了展望.   相似文献   

During 2012 and 2014, China has two Haiyang(which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites operating normally in space which are HY-1B and HY-2A. HY-1B is an ocean color environment satellite which was launched in April 2007 to observe global ocean color and sea surface temperature, and HY-2A is an ocean dynamic environment satellite which was launched in August 2011 to obtain global marine dynamic environment parameters including sea surface height,significant wave height, ocean wind vectors, etc. Ocean observation data provided by HY-1B and HY-2A have been widely used by both domestic and international users in extensive areas such as ocean environment protection, ocean disaster prevention and reduction, marine environment forecast,ocean resource development and management, ocean investigations and scientific researches, etc.  相似文献   

吴季 《空间科学学报》2018,38(2):139-146
人类进入太空以来已经发射了近1万个人造航天器,其中大约10%执行的是空间科学和探测任务.近年来中国经济快速发展,提供了更多的基础研究经费,经济转型也对创新驱动发展提出了更高需求,中国对空间科学的投入开始逐年增加.2015年以来先后成功发射了悟空号、实践十号、墨子号和慧眼号4颗科学卫星,天宫2号空间实验室也成功实施了一系列空间科学实验.重要科学发现和成果正在不断地产出.空间科学卫星任务(或称计划)与应用卫星从提出到评价都有很大不同,因此有必要对其所具有的特点进行分析,从而引导空间科学界从科学团队、技术团队到管理团队提高认识,确保未来的空间科学任务发挥最大效益,获得最大科学产出.   相似文献   

Eight new-generation BeiDou satellites (BeiDou-3) have been launched into Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), allowing for global coverage since March 2018, and they are equipped with new hydrogen atomic clocks and updated rubidium clocks. Firstly, we analyzed the signals for the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) and pseudorange multipath (MP) by using international GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) station data, and found that B1C has a lower C/N0, and B2a has the same level of C/N0 as the B1I and B3I signals. For pseudorange multipath, compared with the BeiDou-2 satellites, the obvious systematic variation of MP scatters related to the elevation angle is greatly improved for the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e satellites signals. For the signals of the BeiDou-3 satellites, the order of the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of multipath and noise is B3I?<?B1I?<?B2a?<?B1C. Then, the comparison of the precise orbit determination and clock offset determination for the BeiDou-2, BeiDou-3, and BeiDou-3 experimental (BeiDou-3e) satellites was done by using 10 stations from iGMAS. The 3D precision of the 24?h orbit overlap is 24.55, 25.61, and 23.35?cm for the BeiDou-3, BeiDou-3e, and BeiDou-2 satellites, respectively. BeiDou-3 satellite has a comparable precision to that of the BeiDou-2 satellite. For the precision of clock offset estimation, the Standard Deviation (STD) of the BeiDou-3 MEO satellite is 0.350?ns, which is an improvement of 0.042?ns over that of the BeiDou-2 MEO satellite. The stabilities of the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e onboard clocks are better than those of BeiDou-2 by factors of 2.84 and 1.61 at an averaging time of 1000 and 10,000?s, respectively.  相似文献   

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