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把有些航天器(如空间站和侦察卫星等)上的物品返回地面,有两种方法可选用:一种是搭载天地往返运输系统返回,另一种是利用航天器上设置的专用返回舱返回。TAURUS和FAST是德国在80年代末设想的两种多体回收小型返回舱。它们预先装在空间站和贮存库中,需要时即可携带待返物品离开空间站、再入大气层并返回地面。文中主要介绍TAURUS返回舱的运行程序及主要构件(有效载荷舱、弹射装置及辅助设施等)。  相似文献   

从轨道上返回实验结果或样品有两种可能性;1)同可返回的(地基的)有效载荷运载器一起返回;2)利用空间的轨道系统(如哥伦布舱)上的专用再入舱返回。所推荐的TAURUS返回系统可在空间站运行期间将小有效载荷(m<20kg)频繁地返回地面。本文根据OHB系统有限公司的可行性研究,提出了TAURUS返回方案,叙述了主要的系统部件。即有效载荷舱、弹射装置及辅助装置。根据TAURUS任务的详细分析,并考虑了可能的有效载荷和轨道力学要素,确定了TAURUS系统方案。此外,为了论证系统适应性,还讨论了该系统对轨道系统和有效载荷的可能影响。  相似文献   

正中国航天科技集团公司北京卫星环境工程研究所天津大型航天器AIT中心坐落在天津市滨海高新区未来科技城,是目前世界上最大的航天器AIT(总装、集成、测试)中心。该中心首个服务对象是载人空间站,未来将承担载人空间站等新一代大型航天器的总装、测试等工作。中心包括9个功能区,建筑面积近10万平方米。在中心内,  相似文献   

中国新一代载人飞船返回舱热控设计优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对新一代载人飞船返回舱再入过程气动热环境和返回舱传热特性,建立了气动热环境下返回舱动态耦合传热集总参数模型,能够描述返回舱防热层内侧蜂窝板、舱体、设备和舱内空气间的导热、对流及辐射动态耦合换热过程。文章应用该模型对典型新一代载人飞船返回舱气动热环境下的传热特性进行了分析,提出了防热烧蚀层内侧铝蜂窝板表面包覆多层隔热材料、增强舱外设备与返回舱壁热耦合、降低设备表面红外发射率等返回舱热控优化设计措施。热控优化措施应用于中国新一代载人飞船试验船,并通过首次在轨飞行验证,在近第二宇宙速度返回气动热环境下,返回舱结构、空气、设备等各项温度指标均满足指标要求,验证了返回舱热控设计的合理性。研究结果可为返回式航天器热控系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

空间站环境控制和生命保障技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
飞离地球是人类千年的梦想,建造一种能在轨道上长期运行,具有一定的科学技术试验能力或生产能力的有人居住的航天器将使这一梦想得以实现。空间站又称航天站或轨道站,是一种可供多名航天员长期居住和工作的载人航天器。空间站构型复杂,其规模比一般航天器大得多,通常有密?..  相似文献   

正2021年4月29日,随着"长征"五号B运载火箭将中国空间站"天和"核心舱顺利送入太空,中国空间站拉开建造大幕。按照空间站建造任务规划,2021-2022年我国将接续实施11次飞行任务,包括3次空间站舱段发射、4次货运飞船发射和4次载人飞船发射,并于2022年完成空间站在轨建造,实现中国载人航天工程"三步走"发展战略"第三步"的任务目标。中国空间站:开启载人航天新的里程碑(一)三舱结构构筑安全舒适的"太空之家"作为人类历史上规模最大的航天器,空间站是一种在近地轨道长时间运行,可满足航天员长期在轨生活、工作及地面航天员寻访的载人航天器,代表了当今航天领域最全面、最复杂、最先进和最综合的科学技术成果。  相似文献   

充气式返回舱气动热特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对航天器返回实时性和经济性的需求,以充气式返回舱为研究对象,研究该飞行器从空间站返回过程中的气动特性,重点分析气动热特性。文章通过引入分子运动论、Kemp-Riddell方法、Linear桥函数等计算方法,建立起该飞行器在自由分子流区、过渡流区和连续流区高超声速情况下的表面热平衡方程,得出了该飞行器返回过程中的驻点热流密度和驻点壁面温度。计算分析了该飞行器最大直径D1和半锥角α等几何尺寸对其气动热特性的影响,得到在一定范围内增大D1和α可以有效减小驻点热流密度和驻点壁面温度,并研究在峰值加热高度附近70km、80km处不同马赫数下的气动热特性。在此基础上,依据热防护系统材料和布局,将气动加热计算的表面热流分布作为外壁边界条件,分析了结构材料层的温度变化特性。  相似文献   

中国是世界上能够回收其卫星的少数国家之一。本文综述了中国的返回式卫星的返回和回收程序,介绍了返回舱防热系统、返回姿态控制及影响返回轨道精度的主要因素,着重说明返回系统的一个重要分系统——回收系统,其中包括回收系统的组成,回收控制及回收过程。  相似文献   

■甘肃天水读者杨易问:何谓载人航天?航天员回答:载人航天,是指人类驾驶和乘坐载人航天器在太空中从事各种探测、研究、试验、生产等往返飞行活动。实现载人航天必须突破三大技术难题:第一,大推力的运载火箭技术,把非常重的航天器送上近地轨道;第二,卫星安全返回技术;第三,良好的环境控制和生命保障技术。根据飞行和工作方式的不同,载人航天器可分为载人宇宙飞船、载人空间站和航天飞机3类。载人航天是一项复杂的大规模的系统工程,必须保证航天员在往返的航天活动中的安全、健康和高效。  相似文献   

王磊  满广龙 《航天器工程》2012,21(2):108-113
文章对国内外航天器热控涂层在轨搭载飞行试验进行了调研,综述了利用和平号空间站、"国际空间站"、美国航天飞机、"长期暴露装置"等航天器进行的相关试验工作及主要的研究成果等。在此基础上提出了我国开展热控涂层搭载飞行试验的建议。  相似文献   

载人登月飞行方案研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
彭祺擘  李桢  李海阳 《上海航天》2012,29(5):14-19,72
根据载人登月任务有无地球轨道和月球轨道交会对接,将登月途径分为地球轨道交会-月球轨道交会、地球轨道交会-直接返回、地球轨道不交会-月球轨道交会,以及地球轨道不交会-月球轨道不交会四类,并对各自可能的演变登月方式进行了分析。对载人登月的质量规模及运载火箭需求进行了分析,讨论并比较了一次发射、基于环月轨道交会组装和基于近地轨道交会组装方案的时间窗口和登月方案,并给出了建议。研究可为我国载人登月任务方案选取提供参考。  相似文献   

Conceptual study of Mars Aeroflyby Sample Collection (MASC) is conducted as a part of the next Mars exploration mission currently entertained in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. In the mission scenario, an atmospheric entry vehicle is flown into the Martian atmosphere, collects the Martian dust particles as well as atmospheric gases during the guided hypersonic flight, exits the Martian atmosphere, and is inserted into a parking orbit from which a return system departs for the earth to deliver the dust and gas samples. In order to accomplish a controlled flight and a successful orbit insertion, aeroassist orbit transfer technologies are introduced into the guidance and control system. System analysis is conducted to assess the feasibility and to make a conceptual design, finding that the MASC system is feasible at the minimum system mass of 600 kg approximately. The aerogel, which is one of the candidates for the dust sample collector, is assessed by arcjet heating tests to examine its behavior when exposed to high-temperature gases, as well as by particle impingement tests to evaluate its dust capturing capability.  相似文献   

月球无人采样返回任务概念设想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了无人月球采样任务,包括采样及封装方式分析,飞行过程选择与轨道初步方案,月面软着陆方式选择,月球轨道交会对接的需求,月面起飞上升的要点,地球大气高速再入返回器的外形选择等。在此基础上提出了三种不同的无人月球采样返回任务概念设想,并对其进行了简要比较和分析。  相似文献   

The tether assisted re-entry of small payloads is a highly interesting tool for space transportation especially for the return of small payloads from Space Station ISSA. The small tether mission Rapunzel was initiated in 1991 by the Institute of Astronautics, TU München and the Kayser-Threde Company, to design a low cost and feasible tether experiment for the verification of the tether assisted re-entry. Together with the Samara State Aerospace University, Russia, a mission concept on a Russian Resurs or Photon capsule was developed. Based on this mission a deployer has been designed, mainly based on technology of the textile industry, which insures high reliability at low cost. Recently a similar configuration is being discussed for the ESA-TSE mission.The main work during the recent time was the development and test of the breadboard model of the deployer system. After successfully completing initial ground tests with the deployer, further tests during the ESA Parabolic Flight campaign in November 1995 were conducted. After a short introduction of the overall mission scenario, the planned configuration in orbit, this paper will present the results of the microgravity test campaign onboard the KC-135 aircraft and compare them with the ground test. The deployer showed a good performance during all tests, including ejection of the end-mass, deployment, and braking. Problems that occurred during the tests will be discussed, and solutions for the detected flaws and the results of the redesign now in progress will be presented. These verifications have shown the feasibility of the concept and will lay the base for the planned development of the flight model of the deployer.  相似文献   

中国巴西地球资源卫星的轨道捕获和轨迹交会控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中巴地球资源卫星一号(CBERS-1)是中国和巴西合作研制的第一颗运行在太阳同步轨道上的地球资源卫星.CBERS-1于1999年10月14日由中国自行研制的长征运载工具按预定计划准时发射,进入设计轨道,随后通过轨道捕获、星下点轨迹控制和多次轨道保持机动等一系列轨道测控操作,该卫星已按遥感用户的要求正常运行在高精度的太阳同步、回归冻结轨道上.本文简要阐明CBERS-1轨道控制系统的任务目标、系统结构、轨道控制策略、控制性能、飞行软件和在轨操作以及飞行结果.  相似文献   

In order to meet the growing global requirement for affordable missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, two types of platform are under design at the Surrey Space Centre. The first platform is a derivative of Surrey's UoSAT-12 minisatellite, launched in April 1999 and operating successfully in-orbit. The minisatellite has been modified to accommodate a propulsion system capable of delivering up to 1700 m/s delta-V, enabling it to support a wide range of very low cost missions to LaGrange points, Near-Earth Objects, and the Moon. A mission to the Moon - dubbed “MoonShine” - is proposed as the first demonstration of the modified minisatellite beyond LEO. The second platform - Surrey's Interplanetary Platform - has been designed to support missions with delta-V requirements up to 3200 m/s, making it ideal for low cost missions to Mars and Venus, as well as Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and other interplanetary trajectories. Analysis has proved mission feasibility, identifying key challenges in both missions for developing cost-effective techniques for: spacecraft propulsion; navigation; autonomous operations; and a reliable safe mode strategy. To reduce mission risk, inherently failure resistant lunar and interplanetary trajectories are under study. In order to significantly reduce cost and increase reliability, both platforms can communicate with low-cost ground stations and exploit Surrey's experience in autonomous operations. The lunar minisatellite can provide up to 70 kg payload margin in lunar orbit for a total mission cost US$16–25 M. The interplanetary platform can deliver 20 kg of scientific payload to Mars or Venus orbit for a mission cost US$25–50 M. Together, the platforms will enable regular flight of payloads to the Moon and interplanetary space at unprecedented low cost. This paper outlines key systems engineering issues for the proposed Lunar Minisatellite and interplanetary Platform Missions, and describes the accommodation and performance offered to planetary payloads.  相似文献   

利用理论分析、数值仿真与相图分析,论述了月球卫星冻结轨道与地球卫星冻结轨道的区别,分析结果表明,月球重力场存在较大异常,会引起月球卫星轨道发生较大漂移。月球冻结轨道在田谐项影响下,还存在中等周期的漂移。仅简单考虑带谐项系数,无法求得完美的月球冻结系数。月球重力场异常对绕月卫星的影响与地球相比存在很大区别。月球轨道卫星的长期运行与控制策略的设计,不能按照地球轨道卫星的传统方法。目前使用的月球引力模型精度较差,尽管基于这些不可靠的引力模型,可以得出很多有用结论,但对未来高精度的月球探测任务来说,还存在不足,需要在将来的月球探测任务中,探测高精度的月球重力场,以利于未来月球探测航天系统的任务分析与设计。  相似文献   

月面软着陆探测器地面力学试验方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
月面软着陆探测器的主要任务是携带有效载荷实现在月球表面的安全着陆,其经历的主要过程包括发射段、地月转移段、近月制动段、环月段、着陆段和月面工作段。软着陆探测器面临的月球环境比近地轨道卫星复杂得多。为提高软着陆探测器系统的可靠性,必须进行充分的地面试验,验证软着陆探测器的设计合理性。文章分析了月球软着陆探测器在各飞行过程中面临的力学环境,分析了力学环境对探测器系统的影响及作用效果,提出软着陆探测器需完成的地面力学试验项目,设计相应的试验方法,并给出确定试验量级的基本原则。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed mission analysis and systems design of a near-term and far-term pole-sitter mission. The pole-sitter concept was previously introduced as a solution to the poor temporal resolution of polar observations from highly inclined, low Earth orbits and the poor high-latitude coverage from geostationary orbit. It considers a spacecraft that is continuously above either the north or south pole and, as such, can provide real-time, continuous and hemispherical coverage of the polar regions. Being on a non-Keplerian orbit, a continuous thrust is required to maintain the pole-sitter position. For this, two different propulsion strategies are proposed, which result in a near-term pole-sitter mission using solar electric propulsion (SEP) and a far-term pole-sitter mission where the SEP thruster is hybridized with a solar sail. For both propulsion strategies, minimum propellant pole-sitter orbits are designed. In order to maximize the spacecraft mass at the start of the operations phase of the mission, the transfer from Earth to the pole-sitter orbit is designed and optimized assuming either a Soyuz or an Ariane 5 launch. The maximized mass upon injection into the pole-sitter orbit is subsequently used in a detailed mass budget analysis that will allow for a trade-off between mission lifetime and payload mass capacity. Also, candidate payloads for a range of applications are investigated. Finally, transfers between north and south pole-sitter orbits are considered to overcome the limitations in observations due to the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis that causes the poles to be alternately situated in darkness. It will be shown that in some cases these transfers allow for propellant savings, enabling a further extension of the pole-sitter mission.  相似文献   

The Suess-Urey (S-U) mission has been proposed as a NASA Discovery mission to return samples of matter from the Sun to the Earth for isotopic and chemical analyses in terrestrial laboratories to provide a major improvement in our knowledge of the average chemical and isotopic composition of the solar system. The S-U spacecraft and sample return capsule will be placed in a halo orbit around the L1 Sun-Earth libration point for two years to collect solar wind ions which implant into large passive collectors made of ultra-pure materials. Constant Spacecraft-Sun-Earth geometries enable simple spin stabilized attitude control, simple passive thermal control, and a fixed medium gain antenna. Low data requirements and the safety of a Sun-pointed spinner, result in extremely low mission operations costs.  相似文献   

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