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The Antarctic meteorites are distributed on the blue-ice area surfaces in the ablation zone of the Antarctic ice-sheet, to where meteorites have been transported by the ice-flow within the ice-sheet from the wider accumulation zone. Among the Antarctic meteorite collection H- and L-chondrites are most abundant; this is also true in the non-Antarctic meteorite collection. Meteorite showers also are involved in the collection. Several new types of stony meteorites have been discovered from the Antarctic meteorite collection. The mass and shape of Antarctic meteorites are in agreement with those of resultant fragments of high-speed impact basaltic rocks. In Antarctica, small fragments of meteorite smaller than 1 kg in weight can easily be found and collected. The solidification and the gas retention ages of Antarctic meteorites also are concentrated around 4.5×109 years, but some of them are considerably younger. Their cosmic-ray exposure ages are extended up to 9×106 years and their terrestrial ages are 9×104-7×105 years.  相似文献   

The lifetime of almost all the asteroids against catastrophic impact events is less than the age of the solar system, implying that the asteroids can be considered as outcomes of catastrophic collisions. Therefore to understand their physical properties (structure, shape, rotation, regolith development) and their family memberships (since families are generated by the escape of breakup fragments), a systematic knowledge of the outcomes of catastrophic impacts under a variety of conditions seems needed. In particular, interesting fields to be explored by laboratory experiments are: the dependence of the critical energy densities associated with various degrees of fragmentation on the target's size and composition; the velocity distribution of the fragments and the inelasticity of the process in different cases; the shape of the fragments and its possible correlation with other quantities; the way a dust- or regolith-covered target affects the collisional outcomes; the angular momentum partitioning and the rotation of the fragments. On this latter problem very few experimental results are presently available; on the other hand, the rotation of small asteroids presents several intriguing “anomalies”.

A significant progress of our understanding of asteroid collisional evolution and related phenomena can be provided by new laboratory experiments of collisional breakup. The targets should have spherical and/or irregular shape (up to axial ratios of the order of 2), and should be made of (possibly different) geological materials. The interesting projectile velocities are of the order of the relative velocities commonly found among asteroids, i.e., in the range 1 to 10 Kms−1. In order to get catastrophic collisions, the ratio of the projectile kinetic energy to the target mass (≡E/M) has to be chosen within a “critical” range (for basalt targets, from 106 to 108 erg/g). In some particular cases, this kind of experiments has been already performed in past (Gault and Wedekind [10]; Fujiwara et al. [7]; Fujiwara and Tsukamoto [9]); however the generalization of the results to a wide range of experimental conditions is lacking, and many problems of outstanding importance to model asteroid evolution are still completely open.  相似文献   

The information transfer properties of nucleic acids are largely due to the properties of the bases themselves, for which it would appear evolution has selected a highly favorable set of molecules. In aqueous solution, it is possible that this task can only be carried out efficiently by heterocyclic, condensed-ring structures fairly similar to the purines and pyrimidines. Alterations in backbone structure, however, whether in the mode of linkage or in the nature of the sugar residue, are much less critical. Such alternatives could have played a role in the emergence of life on Earth and should be considered likely in extraterrestrial environments. The possible existence of low-efficiency, information transfer systems based on other structures entirely (proteins, clay minerals, etc), remains an interesting speculation for which no evidence is presently available.  相似文献   

The original presence on cometary nuclei of frozen volatiles such as methane, ammonia and water makes them ideal sites for the formation and condensed-phase polymerization of hydrogen cyanide. We propose that the non-volatile black crust of comet Halley consists largely of such polymers. Dust emanating from Halley's nucleus, contributing to the coma and tail, would also arise partly from these solids. Indeed, secondary species such as CN have been widely detected, as well as HCN itself and particles consisting only of H, C and N. Our continuing investigations suggest that the yellow-orange-brown-black polymers are of two types: ladder structures with conjugated -C=N- bonds, and polyamidines readily converted by water to polypeptides. These easily formed macromolecules could be major components of the dark matter observed on the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as on outer solar system bodies such as asteroids, moons and other comets. Implications for prebiotic chemistry are profound. Primitive Earth may have been covered by HCN polymers either through cometary bombardment or by terrestrial happenings of the kind that brought about the black crust of Halley. The resulting proteinaceous matrix could have promoted the molecular interactions leading to the emergence of life.  相似文献   

陨石、流星体与小行星及彗星的演化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小行星、彗星和流星体(meteoroid)都是绕太阳公转的小天体,它们只是在轨道特性和物理-化学性质方面有所不同,流星体泛指在行星际空间运行的、质量从10~(-16)克微流星体或微尘到10~8克的所有小天体,当它们闯入地球大气时与大气剧烈碰撞而产生发光的流星(meteor)现象,落到地面的流星体残余则称为陨石或陨星(meteorite)。  相似文献   

Deployable space structures are being built from thin-walled fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials due to their high specific strength, high specific stiffness, and designed bistability. However, the inherent viscoelastic behavior of the resin matrix can cause dimensional instability when the composite is stored under strain. The extended time of stowage between assembly and deployment in space can result in performance degradation and in the worst case, mission failure. In this study, the viscoelastic properties of candidate commercial polymers consisting of difunctional and tetrafunctional epoxies and thermoplastic and thermosetting polyimides were evaluated for deployable boom structures of solar sails. Stress relaxation master curves of the candidate polymers were used to predict the relaxation that would occur in 1 year at room temperature under relatively low strains of about 0.1%. A bismaleimide (BMI) showed less stress relaxation (about 20%) than the baseline novolac epoxy (about 50%). Carbon fiber composites fabricated with the BMI resin showed a 44% improvement in resistance to relaxation compared to the baseline epoxy composite.  相似文献   

以动能撞击防御潜在威胁小行星概念为背景,采用物质点法(Material Point Method,MPM)模拟了铝弹高速撞击S型小行星的过程,将撞击结果导入引力N体–离散元动力学模型中,对其后续演化过程进行仿真,并分析了撞击后碎片对地球的威胁指数。结果显示小行星在高速撞击的作用下部分破碎,大量碎片以与撞击方向相反的速度向外喷射,从而提升了小行星的撞击偏移效果。研究采用了两种不同结构的小行星模型:完整结构(monolithic structure)的小行星在遭受撞击后会喷射出比原小行星小得多的碎片,而碎石堆结构(rubble-pile structure)的小行星在撞击作用下可分裂成大小和速度分布较为均匀的碎片。威胁指数的分析表明动能撞击方式确实有效减小了小行星的威胁程度,撞击后的最大剩余碎片可被成功偏移至安全轨道,但仍有部分碎片会与地球相撞。与完整结构相比,针对碎石堆结构小行星的撞击防御的总体效果更好,次生灾害主要为大质量碎片的撞击。研究方法可用于未来开展防御小行星的动能撞击任务的撞击条件选择和撞击结果预估。  相似文献   

Between 3.4 and 4.0 AU the dust detection system aboard the Ulysses spacecraft showed an increase in detection rate for particles with masses greater than 5 × 10−13 g. The spacecraft meteoroid encounter geometry indicates highly eccentric orbits detected near aphelion. The outer limit of the enhanced flux is imposed as meteoroids on such orbits move outside the aperture of the dust detector. The inner edge of the enhanced flux would be consistent with the aphelion distance acquired by 50-200 μm particles evolving for 10-20 kyr under Poynting-Robertson drag from an Encke type orbit. We propose such meteoroids provide a source population from which collisional fragmentation produces particles in the mass range to which the Ulysses detector is sensitive. Daughter fragments produced away from the aphelia of the parent orbits, a 2.2 AU, e 0.85, enter hyperbolic orbits which are not evident in the Ulysses data. The spatial density of fragments from collisions very near aphelion drops off rapidly as they evolve inward under Poynting-Robertson drag while collisions closer to 3.4 AU leave the subsequent peak density outside that radius for a significant fraction of the fragment's subsequent lifetime. The rapid orbital evolution for these collision fragments implies a recent breakup and probably a large reservoir of parent meteoroids.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic rays interact with the solar wind, the earth's magnetic field and its atmosphere to produce hadron, lepton and photon fields at aircraft altitudes. In addition to cosmic rays, energetic particles generated by solar activity bombard the earth from time to time. These particles, while less energetic than cosmic rays, also produce radiation fields at aircraft altitudes which have qualitatively the same properties as atmospheric cosmic rays. We have used a code based on transport theory to calculate atmospheric cosmic-ray quantities and compared them with experimental data. Agreement with these data is seen to be good. We have then used this code to calculate equivalent doses to aircraft crews. We have also used the code to calculate radiation doses from several large solar energetic particle events which took place in 1989, including the very large event that occurred on September 29th and 30th of that year. The spectra incident on the atmosphere were determined assuming diffusive shock theory.  相似文献   

As a part of the physical-technical program of the heavy-ion therapy project at GSI we have investigated the nuclear fragmentation of high-energy ion beams delivered by the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS, using water as a tissue-equivalent target. For a direct comparison of fragmentation properties, beams of 10B, 12C, 14N, and 16O were produced simultaneously as secondary beams from a primary 18O beam and separated in flight by magnetic beam analysis. The Z-distributions of beam fragments produced in the water target were measured via energy loss in a large ionisation chamber and a scintillator telescope. From these data we obtained both total and partial charge-changing cross sections. In addition we have performed Bragg measurements using two parallel-plate ionization chambers and a water target of variable length. The detailed shape of the measured Bragg curves and the measured cross sections are in good agreement with model calculations based on semi-empirical formulae.  相似文献   

Induction of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and their distribution are dependent on the energy deposition pattern within the cell nucleus (physical structure) and the ultrastructure of the chromosomes and its variation by the cell cycle and gene activities (biological structure). For electron radiation very similar RBE-values are observed for mammalian and yeast cells (AlK, 1.5 keV, 15 keV/micrometer: 2.6 in mammalian cells and 2.2 in yeast; CK 0.278 keV, 23 keV/micrometer: approx. 2.5 in mammalian cells and 3.8 in yeast). In contrast, the RBE-values for the induction of dsb of 4He2+ and light ions in the LET range from about 100 keV/micrometer up to 1000 keV/micrometer are significantly higher for yeast cells compared to mammalian cells. For example, the RBE-value of alpha-particles (120 keV/micrometer) is about 1.2 for mammalian cells whereas for yeast the RBE-value is about 2.5. The yeast chromatin has less condensed fibres compared with mammalian cells. Since a single CK photoelectron can induce only one dsb, the different condensation of the mammalian and yeast chromatin has no influence. However, particles may induce more than one dsb when traversing a chromatin fibre. The probability for the induction of closely neighboured dsb is higher the more condensed the chromatin fibres are. Since small DNA fragments (50 bp up to several kbp) are lost by standard methods of lysis, the underestimation of dsb yields increases with fibre condensation, which is in accordance with the observes dsb yields in mammalian cells and yeast. In order to obtain relevant yields of dsb (and corresponding RBE-values) the measurement of all DNA fragments down to about 50 bp are needed.  相似文献   

Hydrogen cyanide polymers--heterogeneous solids ranging in color from yellow to orange to brown to black--may be among the organic macromolecules most readily formed within the Solar System. The non-volatile black crust of comet Halley, for example, as well as the extensive orange-brown streaks in the atmosphere of Jupiter, might consist largely of such polymers synthesized from HCN formed by photolysis of methane and ammonia. Laboratory studies of these ubiquitous compounds point to the presence of polyamidine structures synthesized directly from hydrogen cyanide. These would be converted by water to polypeptides which can be further hydrolyzed to alpha-amino acids. Other polymers and multimers with ladder structures derived from HCN would also be present and might well be the source of the many nitrogen heterocycles, adenine included, detected by thermochemolytic analysis. The dark brown color arising from the impacts of comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter could therefore be mainly caused by the presence of HCN polymers, whether originally present, deposited by the impactor or synthesized from freshly formed HCN. Spectroscopic detection of these predicted macromolecules and their hydrolytic and pyrolytic by-products would strengthen significantly the hypothesis that cyanide polymerization is a preferred pathway for prebiotic and extraterrestrial chemistry.  相似文献   

In an attempt to evaluate correlations between several properties of comets we report the results of a cometary research involving a criterious analysis of gas and dust mass production rates in Comets 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (main target of Rosetta Mission), 1P/Halley, Hyakutake (C/1996 B2), and 46P/Wirtanen and make a comparison between them.  相似文献   

We have established a data set of 58 major hybrid SEP events associated with meter-to-decahectometer wavelength (m-to-DH) type II bursts, solar flares, and radio-load CMEs during the period of 1997–2014. The main focus of our study is to address the following two questions: Does the interaction of CMEs play a role in the enhancement of SEP intensity? Is there any difference in the seed population, and parent eruptions in the SEP events with and without CME interactions? Hence, the sample of 58 events is classified into two sets: (i) 35 non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events; (ii) 23 interacting-CME-associated SEP events. All the characteristics of SEPs, their associated CMEs/flares and the relationships between them are statistically analyzed and compared. Some of the basic attributes and relative elemental abundances (Fe/O ratios) of the both the sets are also compared. The results indicate that the seed particles in non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events are mostly from solar wind/coronal materials. But in the case of interacting-CME-associated SEP events, it may be associated with both flare material from preceding flares and coronal materials from solar wind/preceding CMEs. The correlation studies reveal that there are clear correlations between logarithmic peak intensity of SEP events and properties of CMEs (space speed: cc?=?0.56) and solar flares (peak intensity: cc?=?0.40; integrated flux: cc?=?0.52) for non-interacting-CME-associated SEP events. But these correlations are absent for the interacting-CME-associated events. In addition, the results suggest that interaction of primary CMEs with their preceding CMEs plays an important role in the enhancement of peak intensity of SEPs at least for a set of m-to-DH type II bursts associated SEP events.  相似文献   

Cometary comae, cometary tails, and the interplanetary dust cloud, are low density dust clouds built of cosmic dust particles. Light scattering observations, from in-situ space probes and remote observatories, are a key to their physical properties. This presentation updates results on cometary and interplanetary dust derived from such observations (with emphasis on polarization), and compares them with results on asteroidal regoliths. The polarization phase curves follow similar trends, with parameters that may vary from one object to another. The wavelength dependence is highly variable, although it is usually linear in the visible domain. It may be suggested (from observations, modeling and laboratory measurements) that these dust particles are irregular, with a size greater than the wavelength, and that cometary dust is highly porous, as compared to asteroidal or interplanetary dust. Sophisticated numerical models and laboratory measurements on dust analogues are indeed required to interpret without any ambiguity the ensemble of results. The opportunity offered by the ICAPS facility (an ESA project selected for the ISS, now in phase B) to deduce the physical properties of cosmic dust particles from their optical properties, as well as their evolution (breaking-off and agglomeration, ices condensation and evaporation), is presented.  相似文献   

Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic and most relativistic phenomenon in the Universe. Understanding the nature of their progenitors has been one of the primary efforts of current research in high energy astrophysics, and their unmatched luminosity and other properties makes them ideal cosmological probes. In this contribution, I review the observational effects resulting from the interaction between the longer wavelength radiation accompanying GRBs and their close environment. In particular, it discusses signatures that, in addition to providing powerful clues on the GRB progenitors, can also shed light on the physical characteristics, such as metallicity and dust content, of the GRB host galaxies.  相似文献   

Accreting black holes in binary systems exhibit two properties that distinguish them from the vast majority of binary X-ray sources: (1) rapid ≤ 1 s variability and (2) bi-modal spectral behaviour. These findings are based primarily on the observed properties of Cyg X-1 where an estimate of the X-ray source mass from radial velocity studies indicates a mass of 10 M. The recently suggested black hole candidacy of LMC X-3 is based on a similar mass estimate. The X-ray properties are similar to those of Cyg X-1 in its “high state”. The unique spectral properties of these systems are used to search for other similar systems, and new “possible” candidates are suggested, that include several transient sources. A possible spectral connection between these systems and their more massive counterparts in AGN is discussed.  相似文献   

The Philae lander is part of the Rosetta mission to investigate comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It will use a harpoon like device to anchor itself onto the surface. The anchor will perhaps reach depths of 1–2 m. In the anchor is a temperature sensor that will measure the boundary temperature as part of the MUPUS experiment. As the anchor attains thermal equilibrium with the comet ice it may be possible to extract the thermal properties of the surrounding ice, such as the thermal diffusivity, by using the temperature sensor data. The anchor is not an optimal shape for a thermal probe and application of analytical solutions to the heat equation is inappropriate. We prepare a numerical model to fit temperature sensor data and extract the thermal diffusivity. Penetrator probes mechanically compact the material immediately surrounding them as they enter the target. If the thermal properties, composition and dimensions of the penetrator are known, then the thermal properties of this pristine material may be recovered although this will be a challenging measurement. We report on investigations, using a numerical thermal model, to simulate a variety of scenarios that the anchor may encounter and how they will affect the measurement.  相似文献   

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