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航向姿态参数是飞行试验中的主要参数之一。本文简述机载航姿系统的工作过程及航姿参数测试和校验中的一些问题。同时通过大量的实验给校验和机上故障分析提供一些参考数据。 相似文献
针对某型飞机航姿系统交流115V保险丝熔断和多普勒雷达不工作故障,采用故障树分析法,分别从第四发扭矩压力表指零、第四发交流发电机电压摆动、航姿系统和多普勒雷达保险丝熔断三个方面,对航姿系统失效故障进行原因分析,查明了航姿系统失效的原因,并制定了相应的修理措施。 相似文献
介绍了飞机航姿自动测试系统的设计要求和设计方法。该系统以嵌入式PC104工业控制计算机为核心,将飞机航姿自动测试系统的性能检测与故障诊断融于一体。实践证明,提高了部队的快速机动维修保障能力。 相似文献
针对飞机在实际飞行过程中,在转弯后航向姿态系统出现几十度的航向误差这一故障现象,具体分析了航姿系统产生转弯误差大的故障原因,并提出了应对措施. 相似文献
A current statistical model for maneuvering acceleration using an adaptive extended Kalman filter(CS-MAEKF) algorithm is proposed to solve problems existing in conventional extended Kalman filters such as large estimation error and divergent tendencies in the presence of continuous maneuvering acceleration. A membership function is introduced in this algorithm to adaptively modify the upper and lower limits of loitering vehicles' maneuvering acceleration and for realtime adjustment of maneuvering acceleration variance. This allows the algorithm to have superior static and dynamic performance for loitering vehicles undergoing different maneuvers. Digital simulations and dynamic flight testing show that the yaw angle accuracy of the algorithm is 30% better than conventional algorithms, and pitch and roll angle calculation precision is improved by 60%.The mean square deviation of heading and attitude angle error during dynamic flight is less than3.05°. Experimental results show that CS-MAEKF meets the application requirements of miniature loitering vehicles. 相似文献
为了解决飞行器在大航向角误差的情况下进行飞行中对准的难题,将一种线性大航向角误差模型应用于飞行器飞行中对准的过程.详细推导了线性大航向角误差模型,设计了飞行器在大航向角误差情况下进行飞行中对准的卡尔曼滤波模型,并进行了数字仿真.仿真结果表明,线性大航向角误差模型应用于飞行器飞行中对准,能够很好地解决飞行器在大航向角误差情况下进行对准的难点,并给出了适合于大航向角误差模型的机动方式.最后,提出了线性大航向角误差模型在工程应用中的几点建议 相似文献
在飞行状态下,姿态航向参考系统的航向由磁航姿计算机的姿态和磁罗盘的磁通量算得,由于磁罗盘和航姿计算机在机上有安装误差,使得算出的航向有一定偏差,针对这一问题,文章提出了一种补偿机上磁罗盘安装误差的方法。机上试验表明:该方法补偿了磁罗盘在机上的安装误差,可有效提高磁航向的精度。 相似文献
基于MEMS-INS/GNSS组合导航抗差自适应Kalman滤波算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
标准的Kalman滤波器在组合导航领域得到了广泛的应用,然而在实际运动过程中,载体的运动模型是复杂多变的,无法准确掌握系统的动态特性。针对高动态环境下载体动态复杂多变特性带来的动力学模型难以精确构建问题,以及卫星跟踪环路信号易受扰动导致的观测信息出现异常粗差问题,设计了一种基于MEMS-INS/GNSS组合导航系统抗差自适应Kalman滤波算法,研究了优化自适应因子的求解方法。通过跑车试验证明了该算法能够有效地抑制误差发散,提供更加精确的导航定位结果,更好地控制观测信息误差以及动力学模型异常所带来的影响。 相似文献
Inner Attitude Integration Algorithm Based on Fault Detection for Strapdown Inertial Attitude and Heading Reference System 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This article proposes a new inner attitude integration algorithm to improve attitude accuracy of the strapdown inertial attitude and heading reference system(SIAHRS), which, by means of a Kalman filter, integrates the calculated attitude from the accelerometers in inertial measuring unit(IMU), called damping attitudes, with those from the conventional IMU. As vehicle's acceleration could produce damping attitude errors, the horizontal outputs from accelerometers are firstly used to judge the vehicle's motion so as to determine whether the damping attitudes could be reasonably applied. This article also analyzes the limitation of this approach. Furthermore, it suggests a residual chi-square test to judge the validity of damping attitude measurement in real time, and accordingly puts forward proper information fusion strategy. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is proved through the experiments on a real system in dynamic and static states. 相似文献
Aimed at low accuracy of attitude determination because of using low-cost components which may result in non-linearity in integrated attitude determination systems, a novel attitude determination algorithm using vector observations and gyro measurements is presented. The various features of the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and optimal-REQUEST (quaternion estimator) algorithms are introduced for attitude determination. An interlaced filtering method is presented for the attitude determination of nano-spacecraft by setting the quaternion as the attitude representation, using the UKF and optimal-REQUEST to estimate the gyro drifts and the quaternion, respectively. The optimal-REQUEST and UKF are not isolated from each other. When the optimal-REQUEST algorithm estimates the attitude quaternion, the gyro drifts are estimated by the UKF algorithm synchronously by using the estimated attitude quaternion. Furthermore, the speed of attitude determination is improved by setting the state dimension to three. Experimental results show that the presented method has higher performance in attitude determination compared to the UKF algorithm and the traditional interlaced filtering method and can estimate the gyro drifts quickly. 相似文献
在特殊环境下全球定位系统(GPS)信号强度被严重削弱,此时基于GPS技术的导航设备将受到严重影响。针对不依赖GPS的行人导航定位需求,提出了一种基于微机电捷联惯导系统(SINS)与超宽带(UWB)定位系统相结合的行人导航方法。该系统由捷联惯导系统与超宽带定位系统组成,行人导航算法在传统的捷联算法的基础上引入了零速修正技术用于检测零速时刻,并使用阈值法剔除了超宽带错误信息,通过联邦Kalman滤波融合了零速、位置和航向信息,并对系统速度、位置、航向进行了校正。行人导航实验表明,该方法能够提升系统定位精度,并进一步加强系统的稳定性与可靠性。 相似文献