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Although the properties of the linear FM signal have been studied previously in considerable detail, such studies have involved rather narrow aspects of the theory. This paper extends the work in several respects. By presenting three-dimensional projections of the conventional ambiguity function of the linear FM signal in more detail than was available before, we can study the sidelobe behavior off as well as on the axes, without weighting, with unilateral weighting in the receiver, and with bilateral weighting. These plots reveal interesting properties related to the signal symmetry in time and frequency. The matched-filter response is then extended to include Doppler distortions of the modulation function. The results show that Woodward's ambiguity function is valid only for signals with relatively modest sophistication, even though in most practical situations one is interested only in those undistorted parts of the matched-filter response in the vicinity of the delay axis. Plots of the response are presented for various degrees of distortion, for signals with and without weighting. Lastly, we consider the effects of a mismatch in range acceleration, again for the various cases of interest. The results convey a thorough insight into the properties of chirp radar under a broad range of operational conditions.  相似文献   

The response of a linear phased array with a matched filter connected at its output is investigated when a linear FM signal is incident on the array at an arbitrary angle. The filter is assumed to be matched to the linear FM signal. The dispersion produced by the array results in a mismatch at the receiver which depends on the scan angle and on the type of feed system used with the array. The distortion of the compressed pulse is studied for the series end-fed arrays, the series  相似文献   

讨论了用算术编码实现波形数据的无损压缩。对波形数据进行无损压缩时 ,如果把每个可能的样本值看作一个符号 ,符号表会非常庞大 ,导致算法不可行。基于这种原因 ,本文用一个符号表示一定范围内波形数据 ,而不是单个波形数据 ,然后在此基础上设计了一种编码方案。先是无损线性预测 ,去除了波形数据之间的相关性。并假定产生的差值序列具有白功率谱 ,幅度服从高斯分布 ,第二步是算术编码。最后给出了对雷达回波数据进行压缩的实验结果。  相似文献   

This paper describes two methods of generating an analog frequency-modulated waveform by the use of a small number of digital samples of the ?chirp? waveform. The number of digital samples required is a function of the time-bandwidth product. For certain values of time-bandwidth product, this type of signal generation becomes extremely efficient. Several proofs are offered which show how to select ?optimum? values of time-bandwidth products. Two hardware implementations are suggested. One is based on the use of modulo arithmetic and a small stored memory table. The second method utilizes the inherent signal symmetries available if ?optimum? time-bandwidth products are selected. The symmetrical signal patterns are stored in recirculating reversible shift registers which can be read out at high speeds.  相似文献   

A Nonlinear Tracker Using Attitude Measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subject of this paper involves tracking the present position of a maneuvering aircraft as well as predicting its future position. A tracking filter is developed that uses aircraft attitude angles (yaw, pitch, roll) in addition to the usual radar measurements. Computer simulation of tracker performance when tracking violently maneuvering aircraft indicates that a dramatic improvement is obtained by using attitude information. The approach taken is to develop a 12-or 15-state extended Kalman filter that models both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. By measuring and estimating attitude it is possible to approximately determine the magnitude and direction of the force system acting on the vehicle and therefore determine vehicle linear acceleration. Knowledge of acceleration is then used to improve the estimate of present and future position of the vehicle being tracked. Simulation of a T-38 aircraft performing a 5 g turn indicates that the new tracker produces maximum trajectory prediction errors that are 36 percent of the errors experienced by more conventional trackers.  相似文献   

This paper describes the principle and the signal design of a proposed new FM radar system. In order to measure the surface characteristics of a small target at a long distance, or to discriminate among multiple targets, very accurate range or Doppler resolutions are necessary [1]. The proposed system satisfies the range resolution requirement by detecting the target with two different resolutions: coarse resolution for measuring range, and fine resolution for measuring the target details. The principal advantage of the system is in the vernier scale for the measurement of a distance. The system is just as easily realizable as conventional FM radar, requires no special filters in the receiver, and represents a saving in the required bandwidth for the same range resolution.  相似文献   

SHD-A型多通道固态调频发射机系统主要应用于航空通信系统-点对多点的声音、振动、测控等基带信号的发射与传输。此发射机采用了锁相频率合成器、单机多通道(1-4频道)发射和固态功放电路等技术,与目前国内的晶振固定发射频率调频发射机相比具有发射频率可随意调整、频稳度高、省去了多级倍频器和高阶滤波器,使电路简单可靠、调试方便、性能价格比高。是国内首先将此技术应用于小型固态调频发射机机型,此系统已通过航空  相似文献   

针对哑铃型绳系卫星在圆形限制性三体问题(CRTBP)中的Halo轨道保持控制问题,应用非线性模型预测控制(NMPC)方法设计了Halo轨道保持控制器。首先采用摄动法得到目标Halo轨道,通过跟踪目标轨道上一运动点,将其转化为目标跟踪控制问题,然后设计非线性模型预测控制器对其进行跟踪控制。利用4阶Ronge-Kutta法对原非线性模型进行离散化,将预测控制中的有限时域最优问题转化为非线性规划问题进行求解,得到下一周期的控制量。最后通过数值仿真验证了即使在初始位置偏差较大的情况下,所设计的控制器只需要很少的速度增量就可使绳系卫星系统运动至目标轨道,并精确地保持在目标轨道上。  相似文献   

杨蔷薇 《飞行力学》2005,23(1):47-49
将动态逆理论、神经网络和自适应控制相结合应用于非线性飞行控制系统设计中,通过动态逆控制律将非线性耦合系统转换为线性解耦系统,采用具有在线学习能力的神经网络来补偿反馈线性化中存在的逆误差,最后利用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论推导了在线网络权值的自适应调整规则。仿真结果表明,这种控制结构具有良好的跟踪能力和极强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Theoretical results are presented on probability of error in the detection of binary FM signals for various frequency deviations with fixed bit rate, restricted predetection filter bandwidth, ideal limiterdiscriminator reception, and integrate-and-dump postdetection filter decision. The results show that suboptimal system performance can be achieved by choosing the largest possible value of deviation index which lies approximately at 0.7 + 2n, where n = 0, 1,...,k. k is determined by the reconstructability of signal after the bandpass filter.  相似文献   

一种电液伺服系统非线性补偿方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了一类电液伺服阀的中立位非线性特征及其对电液伺服系统的影响,提出了一种非线性补偿方法。根据电液伺服阀的非线性特性,推导出补偿方法的函数并且进行计算,结合传统的PID控制获得具有非线性特征的补偿控制器。以某型电液伺服阀和液压缸组成的电液伺服系统为例,进行仿真与分析。仿真结果表明提出的方法具有较好的补偿作用,能够减少电液伺服阀非线性对电液伺服系统的影响。  相似文献   

周凤岐  孔令云 《航空学报》2007,28(6):1443-1448
 描述航天器、陀螺和气浮台等刚体姿态运动的欧拉动力学方程,是一个具有广泛代表意义的三阶非线性方程。当该方程中的参数取不同值时,可得到著名的Lorenz系统、Rssler系统、Newton-Leipnik系统、Chen系统及Lü系统。在不同的外力矩作用下,该动力学系统会呈现出相当复杂的动力学行为。从该系统中,发现了一大类新的混沌吸引子。本文分析了这一类混沌吸引子具有的共同特征,并采用基于输出反馈的PI型控制器将一种新的混沌运动稳定于指定平衡点。仿真结果表明,该控制器能够有效地抑制混沌,能将系统稳定于任意指定的不稳定平衡点。  相似文献   

间隙非线性气动弹性系统的辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李治涛  韩景龙 《航空学报》2012,33(11):2002-2009
间隙非线性气动弹性系统有非常丰富的动力学特征。由于工程实际中间隙不易准确测量甚至无法测量,通常需要通过辨识来建立其数学模型,其中间隙开关点位置是辨识问题中的难点。本文利用间隙开关点将间隙非线性系统区分为3个线性子系统,用Hammerstein模型表示其非线性部分,构造了开关点的迭代序列;并采用非迭代和迭代相结合的方法进行求解,从而成功获得包含间隙开关点在内的该系统所有模型参数;以间隙非线性的二元翼段为例,验证了该辨识方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于非线性双通MZI光纤滤波器的波长间隔可切换多波长掺铒光纤激光器.非线性双通MZI光纤滤波器除了多通滤波作用还具有功率均衡作用,能有效抑制掺铒光纤的增益竞争,从而实现室温下多波长稳定激射.通过合理调整激光腔内的偏振态,分别实现了0.2 nm和0.4 nm密集波长间隔可切换的多波长激光输出,两种状态下的激光波长个数分别为44个和25个,测量可得激光光信噪比分别高于14 dB和30dB.  相似文献   

The performance of FM multivibrator systems for high quality communications applications is limited by the presence of unwanted spectral components. A theory is presented for an improved system in which unwanted spectral components are cancelled, achieved by generating a cancelling component in a square-law device. The cancelling component tracks the unwanted component in both frequency and amplitude over a wide bandwidth of signal frequencies. Reductions in magnitude of the unwanted components by at least 16 dB are predicted; reductions of better than 14 dB have been achieved in practice.  相似文献   

介绍了磁悬浮球系统的数学模型,并构造了一种非线性状态观测器;其次,设计了一种非线性PID控制器对误差进行控制;最后,应用MATLAB工具对闭环系统进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,该非线性PID控制器可以改善系统响应的品质,实现快速无超调调节效果,并且控制器的参数可以在较大范围变化,具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

刘阳阳  程国扬 《航空动力学报》2019,46(12):22-26, 54
针对高性能机电系统中常用的直线伺服电机,设计了一个能实现快速与准确的定点运动的位置控制器。控制器采用线性控制律与平滑非线性控制律相结合的方案,并利用一个降阶线性状态观测器对电机运动速度(未量测)加以估计。为了消除未知扰动带来的稳态误差,控制律中嵌入了积分控制作用。整个控制律采用全参数化设计,可实现动态增益控制,方便了在线参数整定与性能优化。控制方案应用于一个实际的永磁直线电机位置伺服系统,基于TMS320F28335 DSC进行了试验测试,结果表明系统能对各目标位置进行准确的跟踪,且具有理想的瞬态性能。  相似文献   

一种基于波形的距离扩展目标检测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对高分辨率雷达距离扩展目标检测问题,提出了一种基于一维距离像波形的距离扩展目标检测器。分析了目标一维距离像的波形特点,对一维距离像的离散序列进行FFT变换,获得变换后的低频分量平均值与高频分量平均值的比值,以其中最大的比值作为检测统计量并进行有无目标的判决。仿真结果表明,此检测方法的检测性能要优于依赖于散射中心空间分布密度的广义似然比(SSD—GLRT,Spatial Scattering Density—Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test)检测器,并且明显优于基于波形熵的检测器。  相似文献   

The genesis and development of tracking filter structure arising out of a phase-plane study of the forced behavior of a general nonlinear second-order differential equation describing narrowband filters is discussed. By appropriately choosing the functional form of the feedback coefficients, two feasible filter structures for FM demodulation are obtained and their performance is compared in terms of tracking range, demodulation linearity, and steady state amplitude and phase response. Simulation study further supplements these results.  相似文献   

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