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Anne Gilks 《Space Policy》1997,13(3):215-227
This article reviews the current status of the Chinese space programme, covering its military origins, launchers, applications satellites, manned spaceflight and exploration. It examines the growing commercialization of China's space activities and how far this is likely to be successful, especially in the light of MTCR constraints and other legal regulations. It is nonetheless concluded that commercialization, along with joint ventures with foreign companies, has been crucial to the development of China's space programme. However, the country still lacks the resources to become a first-rank space power.  相似文献   

Space research in Pakistan is conducted by the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco). Suparco's programmes consist of the launching of sounding rockets and satellite applications, especially remote sensing and communications. Its long-term goals are to develop communications and remote sensing satellites and to launch lightweight scientific satellites in near-Earth orbits. To train its scientific staff at postgraduate level, Suparco is establishing an Aerospace Institute. The Commission is very active in international forums such as the UN COPUOS, Cospar, IAF and IUCN.  相似文献   

This response to Alex Roland's article, ‘Priorities in space for the USA’, argues that his analysis and conclusions are based on shaky historical evidence. Professor Roland's interpretation of NASA's priorities since 1959 is challenged, and it is pointed out that the manned spaceflight programme has widespread support in the USA. The most important issue, raised by the article but not treated extensively enough, is whether the pursuit of the widely accepted emphasis on manned spaceflight is a large-scale societal mistake.  相似文献   

Between 19–24 September 1994, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP, the largest of the UN regional bodies - held a series of meetings to inaugurate a new program in space technology applications. This program will have a strong Earth Observation component, and is designed to strengthen environmentally sound and sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region, in line with recommendations of Agenda 21 arising from the Rio Summit in 1992. Jeff Kingwell reports on two of the meetings, the ministerial conference and the space technology exhibition.  相似文献   

Political and economic changes in the USSR are having a dramatic impact on the nature and direction of the Soviet space programme. This article describes the main elements of what can now be seen as a sprawling and fractured bureaucracy. Some voices within the USSR are calling for the creation of some kind of national space agency, but the forces making for further fragmentation seem stronger. Whatever the eventual outcome, new opportunities for international commercial contact are likely to arise.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the status of Russian space activities in terms of budget, operational satellite systems, workforce and industrial capabilities. There is inequality between companies and particularly between various tiers of cooperation in production. In the current situation international cooperation, both in the form of joint non-commercial ventures and integration into the global space market, is considered vital for sustaining national space capabilities.  相似文献   

Doo Hwan Kim   《Space Policy》2006,22(2):110-117
Korea now has a rapidly expanding space programme with exploration aspirations. The government is giving priority to the aerospace industry and, to put it on a better footing, recently enacted a New Space Exploitation Promotion Act. The early history and current and future development of Korea's space activities are briefly described in advance of a comprehensive presentation of the contents of the Act, including launch licensing, liability, registration of space objects, use of satellite information, astronaut rescue, third party liability insurance and establishment of institutions and plans to assist the Korean space effort. A call is made for Asian countries to unite and further their space development through a regional space agency.  相似文献   

Martin Machay 《Space Policy》2011,27(3):170-173
Czechoslovakia was the third nation to have a citizen in space when Vladimir Remek flew in 1978. It was present at the formulation of international space law principles and ran some space-related projects within Intercosmos. The Czech Republic reassumed this tradition after Czechoslovakia was dissolved in 1993. There are no special funds to support space R&D. Hence, participants must compete for R&D resources with companies from other areas of industry. This improves their competitiveness. Czech society is broadly interested in space-related activities. The graduate system structure reflects this. Not only can one study space-related courses at technical universities but international space law is an obligatory part of international public law courses in the Czech Republic. Strong support for space activities is mirrored in the institutional fragmentation of this sphere. Competences in space applications are distributed among some 20 institutions and organizations. This status harms the Czech potential in space activities and R&D. The Czech Republic became a member of ESA in 2008 but Czech companies have not taken advantage of the full potential of membership. Participation in international projects is very important for a small post-communist economy because economic growth is based on convergence towards developed countries, which may dissipate after 2020. Now is the right time to strengthen the primary research that will establish a strong foundation for innovation-based economic growth.  相似文献   

空间辐射环境工程的现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
空间辐射环境是航天器在轨运行所面临的重要环境要素之一,因其诱发的单粒子效应、总剂量效应、位移损伤效应、表面充放电效应、内带电效应等既可引起航天器材料、器件、结构等在轨损伤、性能退化甚至失效,然而又可以利用其开展空间育种等活动。文章从空间辐射环境与模型、空间辐射效应及机理、空间辐射环境与效应试验的评价标准、空间辐射环境效应试验方法、空间辐射环境与效应地面模拟试验设备、空间辐射环境与效应数值模拟、空间辐射环境与效应飞行试验及抗辐射加固技术等角度对空间辐射环境工程的现状进行了评述,进而提出了空间辐射环境工程各个领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Parviz Tarikhi   《Space Policy》2009,25(3):160-173
Iran's efforts to develop space technology for civil and peaceful purposes began many years ago. Almost all its success in this connection is the result of indigenous potential in terms of human resources, available expertise and experience along with international cooperation and exchange of knowledge. There are considerable civilian entities involved in space-related development and production in Iran. This article describes the history and current status and capabilities of Iran's space programme and its aim to use space for peace and prosperity and to attain the position that it deserves in the global arena. Stepping into space using an indigenously developed system has provided Iran with a notable and unprecedented national pride. Only international cooperation, as already exists in the framework of COPUOS activities on the peaceful uses of outer space, can improve 21st century understanding of the space policy and visions of Iran for the world community. Iran's space programme is really no different from that of any other nation. It is committed to developing its assets in space both for peaceful purposes and for use as part of various multinational space projects. It should not be ignored that such achievements require a high degree of expertise, ability and comprehensive knowledge about the subject, while the attitudes and visions of leaders in each nation who also influence and contribute to the pace, progress and developmental objectives of any nation's space program should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

This article considers the issues surrounding the nature and extent of involvement in the US space station initiative. The motives and objectives of US cooperation with its allies are analysed from the perspective of both the USA and its potential partners. Guidelines for the forthcoming negotiations between these parties are elaborated through a review of past experience in international space cooperation. Developing a framework for collaboration will require significant trade-offs and will have to accommodate a number of not always consistent interests.  相似文献   

This report presents data on the annual and total costs of NASA's Space Shuttle programme through fiscal year (FY) 1993. The total cost of the programme through FY 1993 is found to be $83.7 billion in 1992 dollars. This information has significance for pending policy decisions on the future of the Shuttle programme, its possible successors, and interrelated programmes, such as the Space Station.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the objectives of the German space processing programme with sounding rockets and the scientific results obtained thus far.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):2-4
The Director General of the European Space Agency describes the progress which has been made since the ESA Council agreed a long-term programme in 1985. Europe's space programme is based both on partnership with the USA, particularly over the Space Station, and on developing an autonomous European capability in space, particularly with Ariane and the Hermes spaceplane.  相似文献   

A. Hansson 《Space Policy》1994,10(4):307-321
Because of the physical scale of human operations at present, we need to extend them into the Solar System for sustainability and into interstellar space for knowledge. Stabilizing the population on Earth, as well as reducing poverty, is vital, as is a more environmentally appropriate demographic transition than the historical one. Space assets can contribute most to strategic threats in areas like power and minerals and can also assist global education. Such public interest is important as education, but it is vital to remember that a certain level of precision in materials and engineering is needed before ideas become realizable. The crucial step is to turn the space environment to an open market and override the present government monopoly constraint. As a start, a Center for International Space Industrialization Research (CSIR) is to be set up as a model for the better understanding of the issues involved, thus making a case for strategic investment for space assets.  相似文献   

The US space programme continues to face difficulties in restructuring to meet existing political and fiscal conditions, in part because the basic structure and focus of the programme derive from the tensions of the Cold War. This paper argues that the world's new, more complicated political and economic conditions present a challenge for US policy makers that can be met with a renewed focus on the pursuit of science and the public good, within the context of international economic competition and political and scientific cooperation.  相似文献   

Design to safety: experience and plans of the Russian space suit programme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents the analysis of the Russian experience gained in the operations of Salyut-6, 7 and Mir orbital stations. The main factors determining their effectiveness and safety are considered and the main requirements to the EVA suit, as the most important tool for the EVA, are formulated.  相似文献   

This article considers the status of space commercialization in the USA and suggests that recent developments present a pessimistic picture. What progress there has been is in settling in for the long-run task of building the research base and infrastructure required for the realization of space-based commercial activities.  相似文献   

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