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SDEEM2015空间碎片环境工程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了哈尔滨工业大学空间碎片高速撞击研究中心"十二五"期间发布的空间碎片环境工程模型(SDEEM 2015)。该模型可实现LEO空间碎片环境描述,空间碎片撞击风险评估以及地基探测结果仿真,还可输出LEO航天器不同轨道位置处空间碎片撞击通量随撞击方位角、撞击速度及碎片尺寸的分布规律,地基探测设备探测区域内空间碎片空间密度及通量的分布情况等信息。SDEEM 2015适用轨道高度范围为200~2000 km,时间范围为1959年—2050年,所考虑的空间碎片来源包括解体碎片、Na K液滴、固体火箭发动机喷射物、溅射物和剥落物。  相似文献   

空间碎片环境现状与主动移除技术   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
概述了空间碎片环境现状和对航天活动的影响,讨论了空间碎片主动移除对保持空间碎片环境稳定的必要性。空间碎片研究重心先从防护转向减缓,再转到主动移除,最终是清洁空间。评述了空间碎片主动移除技术现状,指出天基激光主动移除空间碎片技术具有很好的工程应用潜力。  相似文献   

A study of on-orbit spacecraft failures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Even though spacecraft are carefully designed and tested to meet their mission lifetime, many suffer unrecoverable on-orbit failures very early. Other spacecraft, despite severe failures, are able to exceed their expected lifetime when effective failure recovery procedures are applied. In 2005, a study of on-orbit spacecraft failures was undertaken which resulted in identifying 156 failures occurring from 1980 to 2005 on civil and military spacecraft. These failures were analyzed to compare different spacecraft subsystems and estimate their impact on the mission. Although there is no perfect system that could prevent any failure, the lessons learned from the past years show that adequate testing, redundancy and flexibility are the keys to a reliable spacecraft failure recovery system.  相似文献   

基于弹丸最大碎片理论的碎片云模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于弹丸最大碎片理论,建立了一种新的碎片云模型。假设碎片云分为缓冲板碎片云、弹丸碎片云及弹丸最大碎片3个部分,而缓冲板碎片云和弹丸碎片云分别为2个大小不等的膨胀球壳,而弹丸最大碎片与这2个球壳头部相切。该模型与Schonberg模型和Swift模型的对比分析结果表明,新模型形式简单、精度高、适用范围广,可以有效指导航天器空间碎片防护结构设计与防护性能分析。  相似文献   

Long-term debris environment projections are of great importance for assessing the necessity and effectiveness of debris mitigation measures. Two types of models have been developed to predict these environments. Environment evolution models like the EVOLVE code are using detailed mission model data to input spacecraft, upper stages, and operational debris into specific orbits at specific times; debris from fragmentations are placed in orbits defined by the state vector of the fragmenting object(s) and the breakup model. The second type, typified by the CHAIN program, uses a particle-in-box model that bins the environment in size and altitude rather than following the orbit evolution of individual debris fragments. A 3-Step approach using both the EVOLVE and CHAIN model in a synergistic way was used to increase the reliability of long term environment projections. EVOLVE historical projections 1957–1995 could be validated by comparison to measurements. The comparison of 100 year projection runs of EVOLVE and CHAIN for different traffic scenarios showed a good agreement. In this paper, for the first time, CHAIN projections up to 10,000 years, based on validated boundary conditions derived by EVOLVE are presented, indicating clearly the need of early implementation of effective mitigation measures to prevent exponential population growth by collisional cascading effects.  相似文献   

Forecasting of localized debris congestion in the geostationary (GEO) regime is performed to investigate how frequently near-miss events occur for each of the longitude slots in the GEO ring. The present-day resident space object (RSO) population at GEO is propagated forward in time to determine current debris congestion conditions, and new probability density functions that describe where GEO satellites are inserted into operational orbits are harnessed to assess longitude-dependent congestion in “business-as-usual” launch traffic, with and without re-orbiting at end-of-life. Congestion forecasting for a 50-year period is presented to illustrate the need for appropriately executed mitigation measures in the GEO ring. Results indicate that localized debris congestion will double within 50 years under current 80% re-orbiting success rates.  相似文献   

文章利用一组二级轻气炮发射2017-T4 铝质球形弹丸撞击6061-T6单层铝板的地面试验数据,通过选择适当的函数模型,采用多元函数拟合的方法,得到了碎片云前端速度与靶板厚度、弹丸直径和弹丸速度关系的三元二阶多项式模型。再用另外一组数据对该模型进行检验,验证了其对碎片云前端速度具有较好的预测效果。将以上两组数据同样用于建立“无量纲化”模型进行碎片云前端速度预测,并与前述多项式模型的预测结果进行比较发现,该多项式模型预测的方均根误差及平均相对误差均明显优于“无量纲化”模型。该多项式模型可用于预测空间碎片撞击航天器产生的碎片云的前端速度,有助于航天器的空间碎片防护设计。  相似文献   

一种伞状天线反射器型面热变形测量及分析模型在轨预示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章详细介绍了在真空高低温环境下一种伞状可展开天线的型面测量过程。首先依据天线在轨热分析结果定义典型温度工况,然后采用红外加热笼与天线自身主动热控相结合的方法实现天线各部件不同温度的控温要求,并采用摄影测量方法测量典型极端工况下的天线反射器型面热变形。结果表明,测量值与试验前热变形预示结果一致性较好,证明天线热变形分析模型有较高精度。依据在轨热分析温度场计算天线在轨热变形,得到天线在最大温度梯度工况下的型面变化(RMS)最大为0.19 mm。  相似文献   

一种在轨补加用浮动断接器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外的在轨补加用浮动断接器的研究进展进行了总结,在此基础上,提出了一种在轨补加用浮动断接器的设计方案。通过对浮动断接器方案的选择和初步设计,确定了其工作方式、关键技术及解决途径,并进行了初步的原理验证和性能检测。结果表明,浮动断接器原理可行,方案合理,通过进一步的结构优化,可应用于在轨补加。  相似文献   

The ZDPS-1A pico-satellite, developed by the Zhejiang University, is featured with a three-axis stabilizing capability. It is 15×15×15 cm3 cube-shaped satellite with a total mass of 3.5 kg. ZDPS-1A is the first pico-satellite that has been launched successfully in China. The mission of ZDPS-1A is on-orbit system verification of student-build pico-satellite and wide range earth observation with a micro panoramic camera. A miniature momentum wheel is employed to offer gyro stiffness stability in the pitch (orbit normal) axis. Magnetic coils are employed to generate control torques to achieve the three-axis stabilization of nadir-pointing. The attitude sensors employed in the design include two three-axis magnetometers (TAMs), a three-axis gyro, and two sun sensors. Both ground simulations and on-orbit testing are conducted to verify the feasibility of the given attitude determination and control system (ADCS).  相似文献   

准确预计在轨可修系统的维修时间并及时配送维修保障资源对于提高空间站的可靠性具有重大意义。针对现有在轨维修时间预计方法的局限并考虑微重力对维修时间的影响,提出基于微重力模拟实验的在轨可修系统维修时间预计修正方法。通过中性浮力水槽模拟微重力环境,在水下进行一段拆卸任务并记录时间,获得各个关节的基准动作时间,并对比模特法验证了该方法的准确性。之后,结合空间站中的其他影响因素,在模拟实验数据的基础上,推导出空间站的在轨维修基准动作时间标准,可为空间站维修活动时间预计和维修性设计提供参考。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):939-945
The NASA/JSC sodium potassium (NaK) RORSAT coolant source and propagation model has been extended to 1 mm in diameter via a size distribution, which is an inverse power law fit that has been modified to damp out in the large size regime. This function matches the observed Haystack NaK population down to diameters of about 6 mm. The extrapolated function takes the population to arbitrarily small sizes all the while retaining the mass dominance of the 1–3 cm droplets that is observed in the Haystack data. This result is physically satisfying since the mechanism of NaK ejection appears to be a nonviolent release at low relative velocities. We propose that any NaK particles smaller than about 1 mm that exist would not be due to that mechanism. Instead, we show that such a population could be the result of subsequent collisions of NaK droplets with larger resident space objects and the micrometeoroid population. Our preliminary analysis shows that collisions between these populations are likely in the time period of 1980 through present-day. Though the result of such collisions is generally unknown it is probable that some ejecta of NaK enter the low Earth orbit (LEO) environment as a result. It is these secondary NaK droplets/particles that we contend are the likely impactors noted on returned surfaces.  相似文献   

针对空间非合作目标尺寸和运动特性差异大、现有基于单一特性的捕获方法适应性差的问题,设计了星图信息和运动特性相结合的非合作目标光学捕获方法。并结合硬件电路特性,提出了一种基于DSP+FPGA异构双核目标捕获嵌入式平台架构,解决了在轨应用难题。通过全物理仿真试验对实现的非合作目标嵌入式捕获系统的功能和性能进行了全面测试。结果表明,系统具备1024×1024@20p格式视频的实时处理能力。且对于不同运动速度、不同尺寸的非合作目标均能够准确捕获。采用蒙特卡罗方法随机生成了1000个初始视轴指向进行测试,基于电子星图模拟器和光学星图模拟器的目标捕获正确率均达到99.8%。综合而言,该解决方案的计算精度高,鲁棒性好,适应性强,能够有效应用于执行高精度非合作目标在轨监测和清理等任务。  相似文献   

针对空间站上大型在轨可替换单元的在轨维修任务需求,开发了一种低转速、大力矩输出且具有小反作用力、低冲击振动特点的舱外电动工具离合器式冲击机构。通过运动微分方程分析了单个碰撞周期内冲击机构的关键运动状态,并推导出稳定运行过程的力矩控制方程;研究了冲击机构关键设计参数对极限冲击力矩的影响,并根据设计结果进行结构瞬态动力学仿真;搭建在轨维修地面模拟试验平台和舱外活动(EVA)模拟装置进行了冲击电动工具的功能验证试验和工效学试验,结果表明:受试者手部承受的反作用力和振动幅值很小,工具产生的最大拧紧力矩为41.64 N·m,能够对M10螺钉进行有效的拧紧和拧松作业。以上研究可为在轨冲击型大力矩输出电动工具的研制提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的局域网络混合演化模型,该模型中新结点与网络中已有结点的连接数成对数增长,并且在连接方式上区别于BA网络中的优先连接,采用优先连接与随机连接相结合的连接方式,即以概率l-p随机连接,以概率p依照BA网络进行优先连接.对新闻模型进行仿真和理论分析,发现新型混合网络具备局域网络的更多特性,更加接近现实网络.  相似文献   

诱发卫星深层充电的高能电子环境模式研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
文章介绍了与卫星介质深层充电相关的辐射带高能电子环境的主要特征和规律,建立了相应的高能电子环境模式及软件,并运用该模式针对某飞行器的深层充放电危险性进行了分析和评估。结果表明该模式相对于AE8模式更好地反映了高能电子环境的动态特征,与欧空局建立的FLUMIC模式符合较好。该模式与深层充电分析模型相结合,可用于对航天器的充放电异常进行在轨诊断,以及在工程上针对深层充电进行防护设计。  相似文献   

2015 年2 月3 日,美国DMSP-F13 卫星发生爆炸解体,产生了百余块编目空间碎片。该卫星解体碎片主要分布在轨道高度600~1200 km 范围内,其中近50%的编目碎片在轨寿命将超过20 年,会对未来空间碎片环境构成长期影响。结合我国空间碎片环境工程模型SDEEM 对DMSP-F13 解体事件的分析结果显示,此次解体事件造成邻近轨道区域内空间碎片空间密度增加,对该区域航天器安全运行产生影响。  相似文献   

为构建利用柔性机械臂捕获空间碎片的系统仿真模型,首先分析梳理空间碎片捕获典型任务流程,包括轨道转移、位置保持、路径规划、动量稳定控制等阶段;然后针对任务流程分别搭建基于Simu Link的路径规划、动量缓冲控制、姿态控制、动力学和轨道仿真等子系统;各个子系统之间以TCP/IP的方式进行数据交互,最终完成空间碎片软捕获任务姿轨控仿真系统的构建。  相似文献   

The development of a fiber based laser architecture will enable novel applications in environments which have hitherto been impossible due to size, efficiency and power of traditional systems. Such a new architecture has been developed by the International Coherent Amplification Network (ICAN) project. Here we present an analysis of utilizing an ICAN laser for the purpose of tracking and de-orbiting hyper-velocity space debris. With an increasing number of new debris from collisions of active, derelict and new payloads in orbit, there is a growing danger of runaway debris impacts. Due to its compactness and efficiency, it is shown that space-based operation would be possible. For different design parameters such as fiber array size, it is shown that the kHz repetition rate and kW average power of ICAN would be sufficient to de-orbit small 1–10 cm debris within a single instance via laser ablation.  相似文献   

为降低在轨分离冲击载荷对挠性航天器的影响,进行了基于磁流变阻尼缓冲器( Magneto-rheological)的减振研究,将磁流变阻尼缓冲器应用于航天器冲击减振。基于有限元和Lagrange方法,建立了发生大范围运动的挠性航天器状态模型,采用趋近律滑模控制算法控制阻尼器输出,并提出一种二维模糊控制方法控制趋近系数来提高系统的动态品质,同时抑制趋近律中切换项导致的抖振现象。数值计算表明,采用此方法控制的磁流变阻尼缓冲装置显著降低了冲击载荷对基座的影响,并有效抑制了抖振现象,减弱了基座与挠性附件之间的运动耦合,使挠性附件的速度、加速度变化更为平稳。此控制方法较传统滑模控制能更好地跟踪输出值,且有较好的稳态输出值。  相似文献   

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