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We use energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) measured with the Cosmic Ray instrument on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft during the period 1994/157-313 to determine several parameters of interest to heliospheric studies. We estimate that the strength of the solar wind termination shock is 2.42 (–0.08, +0.04). We determine the composition of ACRs by estimating their differential energy spectra at the shock and find the following abundance ratios: H/He = 5.6 (–0.5, +0.6), C/He = 0.00048 ± 0.00011, N/He = 0.011 ± 0.001, O/He = 0.075 ± 0.006, and Ne/He = 0.0050 ± 0.0004. We correlate our observations with those of pickup ions to deduce that the long-term ionization rate of neutral nitrogen at 1 AU is 8.3 × 10–7 s–1 and that the charge-exchange cross section for neutral N and solar wind protons is 1.0 × 10–15 cm2 at 1.1 keV. We estimate that the neutral C/He ratio in the outer heliosphere is 1.8(–0.7, +0.9) × 10–5. We also find that heavy ions are preferentially injected into the acceleration process at the termination shock.  相似文献   

The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft include instrumentation that makes comprehensive ion (E 28 keV) and electron (E 22 keV) measurements in several energy channels with good temporal, energy, and compositional resolution. Data collected over the past decade (1977–1988), including observations upstream and downstream of four planetary bow shocks (Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) and numerous interplanetary shocks to 30 AU, are reviewed and analyzed in the context of the Fermi and shock drift acceleration (SDA) models. Principal findings upstream of planetary bow shocks include the simultaneous presence of ions and electrons, detection of tracer ions characteristic of the parent magnetosphere (O, S, O+), power-law energy spectra extending to 5 MeV, and large (up to 100:1) anisotropies. Results from interplanetary shocks include observation of acceleration to the highest energies ever seen in a shock ( 22 MeV for protons, 220 MeV for oxygen), the saturation in energy gain to 300 keV at quasi-parallel shocks, the observation of shock-accelerated relativistic electrons, and separation of high-energy (upstream) from low-energy (downstream) populations to within 1 particle gyroradius in a near-perpendicular shock. The overall results suggest that ions and electrons observed upstream of planetary bow shocks have their source inside the parent magnetosphere, with first order Fermi acceleration playing a secondary role at best. Further, that quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks accelerate ions and electrons most efficiently to high energies through the shock-drift process. These findings suggest that great care must be exercised in the application of concepts developed for heliosphere shocks to cosmic ray acceleration through shocks at supernova remnants.  相似文献   

The theory of shock acceleration of energetic particles is briefly discussed and reviewed with an emphasis on clarifying the apparent distinction between the V × B and Fermi mechanisms. Attention is restricted to those situations in which the energetic particles do not themselves influence the given shock structure. In particular, application of the theory to the acceleration of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions (CIR) in the solar wind is presented. Here particles are accelerated at the forward and reverse shocks which bound the CIR by being compressed between the shock fronts and magnetic irregularities upstream from the shocks, or by being compressed between upstream irregularities and those downstream from the shocks. Particles also suffer adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind, an effect not included in previous shock models for acceleration in CIRs. The model is able to account for the observed exponential spectra at Earth, the observed behavior of the spectra with radial distance, the observed radial gradients in the intensity, and the observed differences in the intensity and spectra at the forward and reverse shocks.Calculations and resulting energy spectra are also presented for shock acceleration of energetic particles in large solar flare events. Based on the simplifying assumption that the shock evolves as a spherically symmetric Sedov blast wave, the calculation yields the time-integrated spectrum of particles initially injected at the shock which eventually escape ahead of the shock into interplanetary space. The spectra are similar to those observed at Earth. Finally further applications are suggested.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

As Ulysses moved inward and southward from mid-1992 to early 1994 we noticed the occasional occurrence of inter-events, lasting about 10 days and falling between the recurrent events, observed at proton energies of 0.48–97 MeV, associated with Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). These inter-events were present for several sequences of two or more solar rotations at intensity levels around 1% of those of the neighbouring main events. When we compared the Ulysses events with those measured on IMP-8 at 1 AU we saw that the inter-events appeared at Ulysses after the extended emission (>10 days) of large fluxes of solar protons of the same energy that lasted at least one solar rotation at 1 AU. The inter-events fell completely within the rarefaction regions (dv/dt<0) of the recurrent solar wind streams. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines in the rarefactions map back to the narrow range of longitudes at the Sun which mark the eastern edge of the source region of the high speed stream. Thus the inter-events are propagating at mid-latitudes to Ulysses along field lines free from stream-stream interactions. They are seen in the 0.39–1.28 MeV/nucleon He, which exhibit a faster decay, but almost never in the 38–53 keV electrons. We show that the inter-events are unlikely to be accelerated by reverse shocks associated with the CIRs and that they are more likely to be accelerated by sequences of solar events and transported along the IMF in the rarefactions of the solar wind streams.  相似文献   

This work addresses the role of non-thermal protons as a means of transporting energy in stellar atmospheres. The most dramatic transient visible phenomena are flares, the best studied of which are from the Sun. It is believed that energetic particles take a fundamental part in flare development, but it is controversial as to whether protons or electrons play the dominant role. This review is aimed at helping resolve the controversy. We start by outlining acceleration mechanisms for energetic particles, on the premise that the acceleration site is in the corona. The propagation of a proton beam through the atmosphere is discussed, together with the radiation signatures it would produce. Chromospheric evaporation is expected as the beam reaches the dense part of the atmosphere. Direct observational evidence for energetic protons is reviewed, from gamma-ray production involving energies >30 MeV to H polarization, which is significant at energies 100 keV. Proton beams can be detected in the corona via slowly-drifting type III bursts, while they can be directly sampled by spacecraft and, at energies >1 GeV, by detectors on the Earth. A number of key flare observations and energy arguments are debated from the viewpoint of protons versus electrons. The conclusion is that primary non-thermal protons are much more important, in terms of total energy, than non-thermal electrons in flares, and that the bulk of the energetic electrons are secondary.  相似文献   

Proton phase space densities in the solar wind frame from suprathermal velocities 10 km s–1 to 30,000 km s–1 (0.5 eV–5 MeV) were derived from combined SWICS and HISCALE measurements when Ulysses was at 5 AU and –24° heliolatitude. The period (19–23 January 1993) encompasses a forward/reverse shock pair (20 January, 0500 UT and 22 January, 0300 UT). Strong evidence is found for shock acceleration of pickup protons from interstellar hydrogen at all energies measured.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the recurrent electron (38–53 keV) and ion (>0.5 MeV) enhancements observed by Ulysses from mid-1992 to April 1994 are presented. The magnitude of the ion flux increases reached a maximum at a latitude of 20°S and decreased afterwards by 23%/degree until early 1994. The magnitude of the electron increases showed a similar trend until May, 1993, after which time it became approximately constant, until it started to increase again in early 1994. The electron enhancements have lagged the protons by up to 5 days once Ulysses left the heliospheric current sheet (mid-1993). The electron spectral index tended to harden (a) during the decay of the event and (b) as the latitude increased, up to 50°S. The events have recurred on a 26.0 day period, but with significant phase shifts over the 25 rotations studied. The H/He ratio decreases across the maximum intensity. The mean minimum value for H/He was 3.5±0.3, lower than that measured in previous studies in the ecliptic plane.  相似文献   

The spectra and anisotropies of ions 30 keV have been measured by the Low Energy Charged Particle experiment on Voyagers 1 and 2 in the vicinity of interplanetary shocks between radial distances of 1–55 AU and heliographic latitudes 11° S-32° N. The spectra and anisotropies associated with a recent corotating (CIR) event at low latitude observed at Voyager 2 (36.6 AU, –9°) are similar to those of another event at high latitude observed at Voyager 1 (49.8 AU, 33.5°). An earlier CIR event observed at Voyager 2 (14 AU) associated with the previous solar cycle produced spectra and anisotropies remarkably similar to the more recent events. The anisotropies are used to calculate the solar wind velocity downstream of shocks where possible using the Compton-Getting effect, allowing the determination of previously unknown velocities at the locations of Voyager 1. For the large shock event observed at Voyagers 1 (38 AU, 30°) and 2 (29 AU, 3°) in mid-1989, the postshock spectra and anisotropies are well described by convected power law distributions. The Voyager 1 and 2 postshock spectra 4 days after the shock passage are nearly identical. The preshock anisotropies at low energy are similar, despite differences in the magnetic field orientation and the low energy spectrum. We find that the 30 keV ion anisotropies are generally well described by convective distributions downstream but not in the upstream region for shocks and many other shock events at Voyagers 1 and 2.  相似文献   

We present the results of four observations made by the European Space Agency's EXOSAT Observatory of the X-ray transient 4U1630-47 during its 1984 outburst. We observed marked spectral changes as the source decayed from a maximum observed intensity of 8×10–9 erg/cm2/sec (1.5–10 keV). The spectrum could be modelled by a soft thermal-like component with a high energy power-law tail. The relative contribution of the soft to hard component decreased as the total luminosity decreased. We compare these changes with those observed from the black hole candidate Cyg X-1 when it transitions from a high to a low state. In addition we report the discovery of short timescale intensity variations (down to 50 msec) with a characteristic timescale of 20 sec. We present a precise position for this unidentified source.on leave from Università di Roma Dipartimento di Fisica G. Marconi.  相似文献   

We present light curves of EX Hydrae in the 1–10 keV range obtained with the medium energy experiment of EXOSAT. The 67-min modulation was observed with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 36 % in the 1–4 keV range and of 24 % in the 4–9 keV range. Newly discovered was a partial X-ray eclipse of 3 min full width which coincides with the optical eclipse and is seen at all energies. The results are interpreted in terms of an intermediate-polar (DQ Her star) model of EX Hydrae.  相似文献   

We review the X- and gamma-ray observations of Cygnus X-1 and their theoretical interpretations, with emphasis on new developments since the mid-1970's. The overall data base at present is most consistent with the inverse Compton model by hot thermal electrons of T e 109 K, for the hard X-ray luminosity (10–200 keV). However, the origin of the soft X-rays ( 10 keV) in high states and gamma rays (> 200 keV) remain unsettled.Operated under DOE Contract W-7405-Eng-48.Partially supported by NASA Grant NGR 05-020-668.NRC/NRL Research Associate.  相似文献   

The unusual event of November 17, 1991 07:04 UT, observed at 2.5 and 2.85 GHz, is analysed. The event reveals the sophisticated superfine time structure including sudden reductions and quasi-periodic pulsations. We shown that the sudden reductions (30–100 ms) can be driven by upward injected 100 keV electron beams filling the losscone of the coronal magnetic trap. The nonlinear oscillations of Langmuir waves provide the best fit for the pulsation observed. A reduced steady-state level of the pulsation phase is connected with quasi-continuous injection of electrons. The physical parameters of the radio source are found for the event.  相似文献   

This review covers the major developments in radiation-belt phenomenology of the past four years (1970–1973). This has been a period characterized by consolidation and refinement of ideas and measurements related to geomagnetically trapped particles. Significant progress has been made in understanding ion and electron pitch-angle distributions within the context of radial diffusion and pitch-angle diffusion, respectively. Comparison of alpha-particle and proton distributions has helped to clarify the relative strengths of known radial-diffusion mechanisms. Careful measurements have indicated the directional flux of cosmic-ray-albedo neutrons, which constitute (through beta decay) a major source of high-energy ( 20 MeV) inner-belt protons. Inclusion of radial-diffusion and geomagnetic-secular effects has brought the theory of the inner proton belt into reasonable agreement with observation. At very lowL values (L 1.2) atmospheric collisions have been found to facilitate the radial transport of 40 keV protons and 2 MeV electrons. The plasmapause has been identified as an important boundary for plasma instabilities (wave-particle interactions) that lead to particle precipitation and red-arc excitation. Suggestions have followed for artificially simulating such plasmaspheric effects by magnetospheric injection of cold barium or lithium plasma.  相似文献   

The Two Sources of Solar Energetic Particles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence for two different physical mechanisms for acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEPs) arose 50 years ago with radio observations of type III bursts, produced by outward streaming electrons, and type II bursts from coronal and interplanetary shock waves. Since that time we have found that the former are related to “impulsive” SEP events from impulsive flares or jets. Here, resonant stochastic acceleration, related to magnetic reconnection involving open field lines, produces not only electrons but 1000-fold enhancements of 3He/4He and of (Z>50)/O. Alternatively, in “gradual” SEP events, shock waves, driven out from the Sun by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), more democratically sample ion abundances that are even used to measure the coronal abundances of the elements. Gradual events produce by far the highest SEP intensities near Earth. Sometimes residual impulsive suprathermal ions contribute to the seed population for shock acceleration, complicating the abundance picture, but this process has now been modeled theoretically. Initially, impulsive events define a point source on the Sun, selectively filling few magnetic flux tubes, while gradual events show extensive acceleration that can fill half of the inner heliosphere, beginning when the shock reaches ~2 solar radii. Shock acceleration occurs as ions are scattered back and forth across the shock by resonant Alfvén waves amplified by the accelerated protons themselves as they stream away. These waves also can produce a streaming-limited maximum SEP intensity and plateau region upstream of the shock. Behind the shock lies the large expanse of the “reservoir”, a spatially extensive trapped volume of uniform SEP intensities with invariant energy-spectral shapes where overall intensities decrease with time as the enclosing “magnetic bottle” expands adiabatically. These reservoirs now explain the slow intensity decrease that defines gradual events and was once erroneously attributed solely to slow outward diffusion of the particles. At times the reservoir from one event can contribute its abundances and even its spectra as a seed population for acceleration by a second CME-driven shock wave. Confinement of particles to magnetic flux tubes that thread their source early in events is balanced at late times by slow velocity-dependent migration through a tangled network produced by field-line random walk that is probed by SEPs from both impulsive and gradual events and even by anomalous cosmic rays from the outer heliosphere. As a practical consequence, high-energy protons from gradual SEP events can be a significant radiation hazard to astronauts and equipment in space and to the passengers of high-altitude aircraft flying polar routes.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes new data in several fields of astronomy that relate to the origin and acceleration of cosmic rays in our galaxy and similar nearby galaxies. Data from radio astronomy shows that supernova remnants, both in our galaxy and neighboring galaxies, appear to be the sources of most of the accelerated electrons observed in these galaxies. -ray measurements also reveal several strong sources associated with supernova remnants in our galaxy. These sources have -ray spectra that are suggestive of the acceleration of cosmic-ray nuclei. Cosmic-ray observations from the Voyager and Ulysses spacecraft suggest a source composition that is very similar to the solar composition but with distinctive differences in the 4He, 12C,14 N and 22Ne abundances that are the imprint of giant W-R star nucleosynthesis. Injection effects which depend on the first ionization potential (FIP) of the elements involved are also observed, in a manner similar to the fractionization observed between the solar photosphere and corona and also analogous to the preferential acceleration observed for high FIP elements at the heliospheric solar wind termination shock. Most of the 59Ni produced in the nucleosynthesis of Fe peak nuclei just prior to a SN explosion appears to have decayed to 59Co before the cosmic rays have been accelerated, suggesting that the59 Ni is accelerated at least 105 yr after it is produced. The decay of certain K capture isotopes produced during cosmic-ray propagation has also been observed for the first time. These measurements suggest that re-acceleration after an initial principal acceleration cannot be large. The high energy spectral indices of cosmic-ray nuclei show a significant charge dependent trend with the index of hydrogen being -2.76 and that of Fe -2.61. The escape length dependence of cosmic rays from our galaxy can now be measured up to ~300 GeV nucl-1 using the Fe sec/Fe ratio. This escape length is P -0.05 above 10 GeV nucl-1 leading to a typical source spectral index of (2.70±0.10) -0.50 = -2.20 for nuclei. This is similar to the source index of -2.3 inferred for electrons within the errors of ±0.1 in the index for both components. Spacecraft measurements in the outer heliosphere suggest that the local cosmic-ray energy density is ~2eV cm-3 – larger than previously assumed. Gamma-ray measurements of electron bremsstrahlung below 50 MeV from the Comptel experiment on CGRO show that fully 20–30% of this energy is in electrons, several times that previously assumed. New estimates of the amount of matter traversed by cosmic rays using measurements of the B/C ratio are also higher than earlier estimates – this value is now ~10 g cm-2 at 1 GeV nucl-1. Thus altogether cosmic rays are energetically a more important component of our galaxy than previously assumed. This has implications both for the types of sources that are capable of accelerating cosmic rays and also for the role that cosmic rays may play in ionizing the diffuse interstellar medium.  相似文献   

HYDRA is an experimental hot plasma investigation for the POLAR spacecraft of the GGS program. A consortium of institutions has designed a suite of particle analyzers that sample the velocity space of electron and ions between 2 keV/q – 35 keV/q in three dimensions, with a routine time resolution of 0.5 s. Routine coverage of velocity space will be accomplished with an angular homogeneity assumption of 16°, appropriate for subsonic plasmas, but with special 1.5° resolution for electrons with energies between 100 eV and 10 keV along and opposed to the local magnetic field. This instrument produces 4.9 kilobits s–1 to the telemetry, consumes on average 14 W and requires 18.7 kg for deployment including its internal shielding. The scientific objectives for the polar magnetosphere fall into four broad categories: (1) those to define the ambient kinetic regimes of ions and electrons; (2) those to elucidate the magnetohydrodynamic responses in these regimes; (3) those to assess the particle populations with high time resolution; and (4) those to determine the global topology of the magnetic field. In thefirst group are issues of identifying the origins of particles at high magnetic latitudes, their energization, the altitude dependence of the forces, including parallel electric fields they have traversed. In thesecond group are the physics of the fluid flows, regimes of current, and plasma depletion zones during quiescent and disturbed magnetic conditions. In thethird group is the exploration of the processes that accompany the rapid time variations known to occur in the auroral zone, cusp and entry layers as they affect the flow of mass, momentum and energy in the auroral region. In thefourth class of objectives are studies in conjunction with the SWE measurements of the Strahl in the solar wind that exploit the small gyroradius of thermal electrons to detect those magnetic field lines that penetrate the auroral region that are directly open to interplanetary space where, for example, the Polar Rain is observed.  相似文献   

Solar gamma rays     
The theory of gamma-ray production in solar flares is treated in detail. Both lines and continuum are produced. The strongest line predicted at 2.225 MeV with a width of less than 100 eV and detected at 2.24±0.02 MeV, is due to neutron capture by protons in the photosphere. Its intensity is dependent on the photospheric 3He abundance. The neutrons are produced in nuclear reactions of flare accelerated particles which also produce positrons and prompt nuclear deexcitation lines. The strongest prompt lines are at 4.43 MeV from 12C and at 6.2 from 16O and 15N. These lines result from both direct excitation and spallation. The widths of individual prompt lines are determined by nuclear kinematics. The width of the 4.43 MeV line is 100 keV and that of the 6.2 MeV feature is 300 keV. Both these lines have been observed from a solar flare. Other potentially observable lines are predicted at 0.845 and 1.24 MeV from 56Fe, at 1.63 MeV principally from 14N and 20Ne, at 1.78 MeV from 28Si, at 5.3 MeV from 15O and 15N, and at 7.12 MeV from 16O. The widths of the iron lines are only a few keV, while those of the other lines are about 100 keV. The only other observed line is at 0.511 MeV from positron annihilation. The width of this line is determined by the temperature, and its temporal variation depends on the density of the ambient medium in the annihilation region. Positrons can also annihilate from the 3 S state of positronium to produce a 3-photon continuum below 0.511 MeV. In addition, the lines of 7Li and 7Be at 0.478 keV and 0.431 keV, which have kinematical widths of 30 keV, blend into a strong feature just below the 0.511 MeV line.From the comparison of the observed and calculated intensities of the line at 4.4 MeV to that of the 2.2 MeV line it is possible to obtain information on the spectrum of accelerated nuclei in flares. Moreover, from the absolute intensities of these lines the total number of accelerated nuclei at the Sun and their heating of the flare region can be estimated. We find that about 1033 protons of energies greater than 30 MeV were produced in the 1972, August 4 flare.The gamma-ray continuum, produced by electron bremsstrahlung, allows the determination of the spectrum and number of accelerated electrons in the MeV region. From the comparison of the line and continuum intensities we find a proton-to-electron ratio of about 10 to 102 at the same energy for the 1972, August 4 flare. For the same flare the protons above 2.5 MeV which are responsible for the gamma-ray emission produce a few percent of the heat generated by the electrons which make the hard X-rays above 20 keV.NAS-NRC Resident Research Associate.Research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant GP 31620.  相似文献   

First magnetospheric measurements of the three-dimensional velocity distributions for positive ions and electrons within the energy range 1 eV E/Q 45keV are reported. These velocity distributions are gained with quadrispherical Lepedeas on board the spacecraft ISEE-1 and -2. Three-dimensional bulk flows of protons in the vicinity of the magnetopause and within the dayside magnetosphere and dawn sector of the magnetotail are presented. Proton drift velocities within the magnetosphere and magnetotail can be directly determined and employed to calculate the corresponding quasi-static perpendicular electric fields and to provide quantitative analyses of kinematical models for plasma motions. Nonmonotonic features in the electron velocity distributions are found simultaneously with the presence of electron cyclotron harmonic electrostatic waves in the dayside magnetosphere. The relationship of the observed electron velocity distributions to expectations for resonant pitch-angle and energy diffusion is discussed, as well as the possibility of the existence of proton cyclotron harmonic instabilities. Examples of the signature of field-aligned acceleration of protons into the magnetosphere and the presence of low-energy ionospheric ions in the near-earth magnetotail are also presented. Perpendicular electrostatic fields can be calculated from the observed three-dimensional velocity distributions and are found to have typical magnitudes of 1 mV m-1.  相似文献   

We report initial measurements from the ULECA sensor of the Max-Planck-Institut/University of Maryland experiment on ISEE-1. ULECA is an electrostatic deflection — total energy sensor consisting of a collimator, deflection analyzer and an array of solid state detectors. The position of a given detector, which determines the energy per charge of an incident particle, together with the measured energy determine the particle's charge state. We find that a rich variety of phenomena are operative in the transthermal energy regime (10 keV/Q to 100 keV/Q) covered by ULECA. Specifically, we present observations of locally accelerated protons, alpha particles, and heavier ions in the magnetosheath and upstream of the Earth's bow shock. Preliminary analysis indicates that the behavior of these locally accelerated particles is most similar at the same energy per charge.  相似文献   

A cosmic-ray detector system (CRS) has been developed for the Voyager mission which will measure the energy spectrum of electrons from 3–110 MeV and the energy spectra and elemental composition of all cosmic-ray nuclei from hydrogen through iron over an energy range from 1–500 MeV/nuc. Isotopes of hydrogen through sulfur will be resolved from 2–75 MeV/nuc. Studies with CRS data will provide information on the energy content, origin and acceleration process, life history, and dynamics of cosmic rays in the galaxy, and contribute to an understanding of the nucleosynthesis of elements in the cosmic-ray sources. Particular emphasis will be placed on low-energy phenomena that are expected to exist in interstellar space and are known to be present in the outer Solar System. This investigation will also add to our understanding of the transport of cosmic rays, Jovian electrons, and low-energy interplanetary particles over an extended region of interplanetary space. A major contribution to these areas of study will be the measurement of three-dimensional streaming patterns of nuclei from H through Fe and electrons over an extended energy range, with a precision that will allow determination of anisotropies down to 1%. The required combination of charge resolution, reliability and redundance has been achieved with systems consisting entirely of solid-state charged-particle detectors.Principal Investigator of the Voyager Cosmic Ray Experiment.  相似文献   

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