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钱锟 《飞行力学》2006,24(2):17-17
美国空军的F-22A战斗机在2005年12月15日形成了初始作战能力后,目前正在努力拓展其各项作战能力,以便让升级后的F-22成为美国空军的核心力量。美国空军的目标是在2007年前使第20批次的F-22拥有如下作战能力:具有携带GBU-39/40B小直径炸弹的能力;拥有使用合成孔径雷达进行地图测  相似文献   

<正>2005年,美国空军F-22A"猛禽"战斗机形成初始作战能力之后,F-22A战斗机中队作为空战主力多次参加大型演习,飞行员一直在提高F-22A的空战能力。经过8年的艰苦努力,F-22A已经完成与美国空军其他作战系统的整合,具备与其他军种和盟军执行夺取战区制空权的任务能力。虽然面临以T-50为代表的外国第5代战机的强势挑战,F-22A战斗机中队的飞行员和维护技师表示仍能在未来空战中保持优势。  相似文献   

正2017年3月,美国著名智库"兰德公司"公开了一份F-35联合攻击机的基地级维修研究报告,重点论述了该机的早期维护决策相关细节、维修分析项目实施背景与目标、传统机型数据分析方法、战斗机数据模型框架和军机维修项目发展预测等内容,模型重点是合理区分美国空军建制内维修与商业维修机构的工作量,为F-35基地级维修决策制订提供了科学的依据。总体情况美国空军历来重视新型作战飞机的后勤保障工作,将其作为项目采购的重点内容加以研究评估,以期更好地发挥装备的综合作战效能。近期,美国空军司  相似文献   

正F-35A战斗机自服役以来,美国空军非常重视其维修训练体系建设,构建了体系化的维修培训机构,引进了先进的维修训练系统,建立了专业化的课程体系和师资力量,旨在全面提高维修技师的业务技能。F-35"闪电Ⅱ"联合攻击战斗机是美国洛克希德·马丁公司设计及生产的一款单座单发战斗机,主要用于执行前线支援、目标轰炸、防空截击等多种任务。基于现实作战需要,该机衍生出3种版本,即传统跑道起降的F-35A型、短距离起降/垂直起降的F-35B型,以及用作航母舰载机的F-35C型。其中,F-35A兼具F-16、A-10后继机种和F-22战斗机辅助型号的多种功能,备受美国空军重视。自  相似文献   

美国空军2005年12月15日宣布,在经过长达25年的研发历程之后,F-22A"猛禽"战斗机已经具备初始作战能力.美空中作战司令部司令在新闻发布会上透露,首个装备F-22A的战斗机中队2006年很可能将被部署到亚太地区,其基地将是美军在太平洋的军事重镇--关岛.一旦"猛禽"进驻关岛,将大大增强美军在应对未来亚太地区冲突时的作战能力.  相似文献   

F-35飞机作为美国国防战略至关重要的组成部分,由于备件短缺及全球范围内管理和运输零备件困难导致飞机性能不能满足作战人员需求。本文系统分析了F-35飞机全球备件保障模式及备件保障网络构成,总结其面临的问题与挑战,并介绍未来国防部对F-35飞机全球备件模式的设计,为我军装备航材备件体系建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

F-22“猛禽”制空主力战斗机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述F-22全隐身制空主力战斗机最具里程碑意义的技术特性,以及在美国空军未来作战中的地位,概要说明未来战斗机的发展趋势.  相似文献   

美国空军正在考虑把将未来几年中退役的F-117A隐身攻击机改装为无人作战平台,作为“远程攻击系统”战术无人机使用。  相似文献   

F-22是美国针对其21世纪的作战环境和面对的威胁形势研制的第四代战斗机.它将与美国目前正在研制中的“联合攻击机”(JSF)形成美国空军未来的高低搭配战斗机机队.与俄国以前研制中的,但目前因资金短缺问题  相似文献   

为世人瞩目的美国第四代战斗机F-22已于今年4月9日出厂,6月中旬进入作战飞行试验.按照洛克希德/波音/通用动力公司与美国空军签订的合同,F-22的作战效率应至少是F-15的两倍,并要求在作战模拟演习、飞行模拟器和飞行试验中同时得到验证.和F-22计划的其他各个方面一样,飞行试验也将是综合性的.在加利福尼亚爱德华空军基地的“联合试验部队”(CTF)将和工业界及空军组合成一个单一的指挥部,由空军出任主任,副主任  相似文献   

Present-day collision avoidance systems (CAS) of the time-frequency variety employ modes of operation similar to those of airborne equipment which has been operating in military aircraft since 1959. A fleet operational evaluation of these systems began in 1961 in aircraft of U. S. Navy Helicopter Squadron HS-4, based on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Yorktown. This equipment utilized a local clock in each aircraft, a separate time slot for each aircraft's interrogation signal, air-to-air coarse synchronization of all stations, and sufficient free-drift stability for time slot keeping. Operational use of one-way ranging with elimination of propagation delay offsets, higher clock stability for open-loop time keeping in the SNS-64 ... AN/APN-169 family of systems began in 1964 in U. S. Air Force C-130E turboprop aircraft. In 1965, use of the EROS I collision avoidance system began during flight testing of F-4 Phantom supersonic aircraft.  相似文献   

In the past, Air Force technical manuals have been stored in libraries containing many volumes of such manuals. This article details the creation and development of an Electronic Technical Manual for the F-16 Analog Test Station Sustainment (FATSS) Project. The manual will allow users to search a single CD-ROM to access data on maintenance, operational procedures, self-test, calibration, schematics, and illustrated parts breakdowns  相似文献   

The increasing need for a continuous communications link with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spacecraft during test missions in low Earth orbit (LEG) has resulted in greater interest in geosynchronous data relay services. This may be a more economical alternative to building additional remote tracking stations for the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN), and avoids tying up operational assets for a test mission. A low-cost near-term approach for such a space-based data relay system would utilize two existing Defense Satellite Communication System III spacecraft, two existing ground terminals, and a small, standardized terminal using autonomous antenna pointing for the space vehicle under test. Such a system design is presented  相似文献   

When tasked to ensure the Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile system remains fully operational and supportable through 2020, the Air Force realized that the support capability of its legacy automated test system for the operational ground support electronics subsystem would need to be completely replaced. The legacy test system, while fully operational, was rapidly becoming non-supportable. Unless replaced with new hardware and upgraded test program sets, the needed long-term support could not be provided to the weapon system. To address this issue within the scope of available program funding constraints, the Air Force selected an approach of combining the technical and programmatic expertise of the weapon system prime contractor, the program control responsibilities of the weapon system Program Office, and the technical capability of an Air Force technical organization. The program was divided into two phases: a prototype phase and a production/rehost phase. This paper gives an overview of the program and presents valuable lessons learned during the prototype phase.  相似文献   

In an effort to support the Air Force's new F-22 Fighter aircraft with its dual F119-PW-100 jet engines, a new approach has been taken to realize the benefits of automated jet engine testing. This paper describes an automated test approach that is currently under development and will be used by the Air Force to test the F119 jet engine; It also identifies; the equipment, methods and techniques that are being employed to accomplish this task  相似文献   

扼要介绍了美国精确制导武器技术的新发展和美国空军精确空袭作战的现状和未来.  相似文献   

This is an overview of the cryogenic refrigerator and cryogenic integration programs in development and characterization under the Cryogenic Technologies Group, Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The vision statement for the Air Force Research Laboratory Cryogenic Technologies Group is to support the space community as the center of excellence for developing and transitioning space cryogenic thermal management technologies. The primary customers for the AFRL cryogenic technology development programs are Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), the USAF SBIRS (space based infrared) Low program office, and DoD space surveillance programs. This describes a variety of Stirling, pulse tube, Reverse Brayton, Joule-Thomson, and Sorption cycle cryocoolers currently under development to meet current and future Air Force and DoD requirements. The AFRL customer single stage cooling requirements at 10 K, 35 K, 60 K, 150 K, and multi-stage cooling requirements at 35/60 K are addressed. In order to meet these various requirements, the AFRL Cryogenic Technologies Group is pursuing various strategic cryocooler and cryogenic integration options. The Air Force Research Laboratory is also developing several advanced cryogenic integration technologies that will result in the reduction in current cryogenic system integration penalties and design time. These technologies include the continued development of the cryogenic systems integration model (CSIM), 60 K, and 100 K thermal storage units and heat pipes, cryogenic straps, thermal switches, and development of an integrated lightweight cryogenic bus (CRYOBUS).  相似文献   

GPS III system operations concepts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past three years, the Lockheed Martin GPS III team has analyzed potential operational concepts for the Air Force. The completed tasks support the government's objective of a "realizable and operationally feasible" US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) concept of operations. This paper provides an overview of the operational improvements for the command and control of satellites, the provision of safe, precise navigation and timing services to end-users. The GPS III system changes existing operational paradigms. Improved operator capabilities are enabled by a new high-speed uplink/downlink and crosslink communication architecture. Continuous connectivity allows operators a "contact one satellite - contact all satellites" concept enabling near-real-time navigation updates and telemetry monitoring. This paper describes potential improvements for the following operations: constellation monitoring, command and control, navigation upload monitoring, global service monitoring, global service prediction, civilian navigation (CNAV) messaging, and anomaly detection and resolution. This paper also describes future operational improvements as GPS applications continue to proliferate and the need for an improved infrastructure to effectively manage all the systems that affect GPS service grows  相似文献   

Early in 1969 the U. S. Air Force placed into synchronous orbit the largest communications satellite built to date. This vehicle, the tactical communications satellite (TACSAT), together with a variety of ground terminals, is designed to test experimentally and develop tactical communications concepts for all military services. This paper describes the spacecraft design focusing on the communications repeater. Measured performance characteristics affecting communications utilization of the spacecraft are presented.  相似文献   

Results of a study leading to the preparation of a concept formulation package and development plan for automation of record communications on a world-wide basis during the 1970' s are presented. The Automatic Base Communication System (ABCS), centered on an electronic store and forward message switch, utilizes stored programs to handle all U. S. Air Force base record communications.  相似文献   

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