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SPH方法对气液两相流自由界面运动的追踪模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气液两相流动是自然界中常见的流动现象,对其进行数值模拟时要求必须能够准确跟踪界面运动变形。本文利用光滑粒子流体动力学方法,结合微可压缩模型(SCM),引入界面控制方法XSPH速度修正以及Van Derwaals状态方程修正,对典型的气液两相流动如二维溃坝、气泡上浮等问题进行了数值模拟,分析了空气和水相互作用机理以及界面运动规律,并同实验结果和其他数值计算结果进行了比较。结果表明,该方法在模拟多相介质界面运动问题准确有效,可用于处理更为复杂的多相流动工程问题。  相似文献   

The conventional point-particle approach for treating the dispersed phase in a continuous flowfield is extended by taking into account the effect of finite particle size, using a Gaussian interpolation from Lagrangian points to the Eulerian field.The inter-phase exchange terms in the conservation equations are distributed over the volume encompassing the particle size, as opposed to the Dirac delta function generally used in the point-particle approach.The proposed approach is benchmarked against three different flow configurations in a numerical framework based on large eddy simulation(LES) turbulence closure.First, the flow over a circular cylinder is simulated for a Reynolds number of 3900 at 1 atm pressure.Results show good agreement with experimental data for the mean streamwise velocity and the vortex shedding frequency in the wake region.The calculated flowfield exhibits correct physics, which the conventional point-particle approach fails to capture.The second case deals with diesel jet injection in quiescent environment over a pressure range of 1.1–5.0 MPa.The calculated jet penetration depth closely matches measurements.It decreases with increasing chamber pressure, due to enhanced drag force in a denser fluid environment.Finally, water and acetone jet injection normal to air crossflow is studied at1 atm.The calculated jet penetration and Sauter mean diameter of liquid droplets compare very well with measurements.  相似文献   

多相流系统的离散玻尔兹曼研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多相复杂流体系统模拟研究,简要介绍从格子气模型到离散玻尔兹曼方法的发展历程.从统计物理学基本原理出发,通过粗粒化建模思路,给出玻尔兹曼方程;分析Chapman-Enskog多尺度展开方法所蕴含的测量逐步细化的物理图像,给出离散玻尔兹曼建模的基本原则和主要步骤.简要介绍离散玻尔兹曼在相分离、燃烧、流体不稳定性等系统中...  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of spacecraft electric propulsion thrusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a clear current trend towards the replacement of small chemical thrusters used for spacecraft control by electric propulsion thrusters. These thrusters use a variety of mechanisms to convert electrical power into thrust and, in general, provide superior specific impulse in comparison to chemical systems. Electric propulsion has been under development for the last 40 yr, and almost all thrusters are designed based on experience and experimentation. The present article considers the progress made in numerical simulation of electric propulsion thrusters. Due to the wide range of such devices, attention is restricted to electric propulsion thruster types that are presently in use by orbiting spacecraft. The physical regimes created in these thrusters indicate that a variety of numerical methods is required for accurate numerical simulation ranging from continuum formulations to kinetic approaches. Successes of numerical simulation models are demonstrated through specific examples. It is concluded that numerical simulations can be expected to play a more prominent role in the design and evolution of future electric propulsion thrusters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we formulated the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of mixing chambers, needed in obtaining polymeric materials with reproducible properties. The results of comparative analysis of organizing the methods for mixing two multiphase flows of oppositely charged particles are presented. This analysis, carried out using CFD programs, shows that the mixing chamber construction in which the flows being mixed are directed at an angle to each other, and additional gas flow inlets are provided in the lateral wall, is the most efficient.  相似文献   

为了解决传统的多体系统动力学模型因必须显式表达多体系统的拓扑构型信息,使得所建数学模型非常复杂而不太适合空间任务级实时仿真的问题,针对具有中心体结构的空间飞行器,采用拟坐标拉格朗日方程推导出简洁的多体系统姿态动力学数学模型,并利用通用仿真平台建立了可实时运行的多体系统姿态动力学仿真模型.在仿真模型上施加测试用极限环控制律,模型输出正常的姿态动力学响应.仿真结果表明,所建模型在模型粒度和运行效率间取得了平衡,满足空间任务级仿真对模型逼真度和实时性的要求.  相似文献   

许爱国  单奕铭  陈锋  甘延标  林传栋 《航空学报》2021,42(12):625842-625842
基于求解Navier-Stokes方程组的传统计算流体力学已经在诸多领域取得了巨大的成功,但在航空、航天、微流控等领域也遇到了新的瓶颈与挑战。其原因分为2个方面:①物理建模层面的问题;②离散格式带来的数值精度和稳定性问题。微尺度燃烧等一系列燃烧新概念的研究表明,特征更加丰富但以前知之甚少的热力学非平衡行为蕴含着大量待开发的物理功能。物理模型合理和具备相应功能是数值仿真研究的前提;物理建模层面的问题无法通过数值精度的提高来解决。本文从物理建模与复杂物理场分析角度,介绍了非平衡燃烧系统离散玻尔兹曼建模方法(DBM)的研究进展。DBM是非平衡统计物理学粗粒化建模理论在流体力学领域的具体应用之一,是相空间描述方法在离散玻尔兹曼方程形式下的进一步发展。它选取一个视角,研究系统的一组动理学性质,因而要求描述这组性质的动理学矩在模型简化中保值;以该组动理学矩的独立分量为基,构建相空间,使用该相空间和其子空间来描述系统的非平衡行为特征;研究视角和建模精度随着研究推进而调整。借助DBM可以研究反应过程中不同自由度内能之间的不平衡和相互转换等Navier-Stokes模型无法模拟的动理学过程。在内爆和外爆过程中,几何汇聚与发散效应等效于一个"外场力",在球心处系统始终处于热力学平衡态;在冯·纽曼压强峰处,系统不是偏离平衡最远,而是在平衡态附近;在冯·纽曼峰后反应区以外,Chapmann-Jouguet理论值、Zeldovich-Neumann-Doering (ZND)理论值和DBM结果相互验证;在反应区内DBM结果与ZND结果一致;在冯·纽曼压强峰前的压缩阶段,DBM模拟结果在物理上更合理。在冲击压缩过程中,相对于其他自由度,压缩波所在自由度上的内能先增加,因而这一自由度上的内能总是朝着正向偏离其平衡态值,而横向自由度上的内能总是朝着逆向偏离其平衡态值。在二流体模型视角下,反应物和产物朝着相反的方向偏离热力学平衡态。  相似文献   

Turbulence modeling with application to turbomachinery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The prediction of turbulent flows is a nontrivial problem in internal and external aerodynamics and in many other branches of engineering. The problem appears in perhaps its greatest generality in gas turbines, where predictions of turbine blade temperature are crucial to engine efficiency or life, and predictions of the composition of combustion products is essential in meeting environmental regulations. Therefore it is logical, and hopefully useful, to make turbomachinery problems the theme of a discussion of the current state of turbulence modeling. The present article contains enough background on the physics of turbulence to illuminate the problems of modeling, but it is not a review of turbulence research in general. Topics of current concern which are dealt with in detail include the validity of the ‘law of the wall’, the universal near-wall scaling which is the foundation of prediction methods for attached flows and the effect of compressibility on turbulence.  相似文献   

高超声复杂流动中湍流模式应用的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选择几个高超声速基准流动:二维可压缩拐角、锥柱裙组合体绕流、斜激波与湍流边界层干扰,采用几个常见的湍流模式,BL模式,CHκ-ε模式,κ-ε模式,SST模式,CMOTTκ-ε模式,SHIHκ-ε模式,通过将数值计算结果和实验结果进行比较,对有关的湍流模式地 评估,得到一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the dynamic modeling and simulation techniques for the X-38 re-entry spacecraft, a prototype crew return vehicle (CRV) for the international space station (ISS). A general simulator for atmospheric re-entry dynamics (GESARED) was developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The 6 degree-of-freedom re-entry flight dynamics were modeled to achieve minimum restrictions and singularities. Quaternion representation of vehicle attitude was used to avoid computational singularities in angular kinematic model equations. The Earth's atmosphere, Earth's shape and gravitational potential were modeled appropriately. The vehicle's aerodynamic characteristics, navigation sensors, and the actuator dynamics were also modeled and implemented. Several numerical simulation tests and analyses were conducted to evaluate the performance of the model equations and the simulator.  相似文献   

The attitude synchronization problem for multiple spacecraft with input constraints is investigated in this paper. Two distributed control laws are presented and analyzed. First, by intro- ducing bounded function, a distributed asymptotically stable control law is proposed. Such a con- trol scheme can guarantee attitude synchronization and the control inputs of each spacecraft can be a priori bounded regardless of the number of its neighbors. Then, based on graph theory, homoge- neous method, and Lyapunov stability theory, a distributed finite-time control law is designed. Rig- orous proof shows that attitude synchronization of multiple spacecraft can be achieved in finite time, and the control scheme satisfies input saturation requirement. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the oroDosed schemes.  相似文献   

Computational modeling of magnetic fields in solar active regions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The magnetic field plays an important role in various solar activities. This paper reviews techniques for computational modeling of magnetic fields in solar active regions. The input data are photospheric magnetic fields supplied by magnetograph observations. The field above the photosphere is computed by assuming an equation for the magnetic field. Three classes of magnetic fields, namely current-free fields, constant- force-free fields, and general force-free fields are considered. Their physical/mathematical significances and computational procedures are systematically presented.  相似文献   

The author describes the avionic equipment for manned spacecraft, past, present, and future. He treats the four classic avionic systems-crew interface, flight control, navigation, and communication-and adds a fifth called subsystem management which refers to the monitoring and reconfiguration of equipment when faults occur. He starts by describing the functions of spacecraft avionics in general. He then discusses what he considers to have been the first manned spacecraft, the X-15. He continues with the early US and Soviet spacecraft (including their space stations), the US shuttle, and the European Spacelab. He concludes with projections for the avionics in future manned spacecraft, such as the US Space Station, a lunar base, and planetary explorers  相似文献   

This article presents the current status of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods as applied to the simulation of turbulent jet flowfields issuing from aircraft engine exhaust nozzles. For many years, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) methods have been used routinely to calculate such flows, including very complex nozzle configurations. RANS methods replace all turbulent fluid dynamic effects with a turbulence model. Such turbulence models have limitations for jets with significant three-dimensionality, compressibility, and high temperature streams. In contrast to the RANS approach, direct numerical simulation (DNS) methods calculate the entire turbulent energy spectrum by resolving all turbulent motion down to the Kolmogorov scale. Although this avoids the limitations associated with turbulence modeling, DNS methods will remain computationally impractical in the foreseeable future for all but the simplest configurations. Large-Eddy simulation (LES) methods, which directly calculate the large-scale turbulent structures and reserve modeling only for the smallest scales, have been pursued in recent years and may offer the best prospects for improving the fidelity of turbulent jet flow simulations. A related approach is the group of hybrid RANS/LES methods, where RANS is used to model the small-scale turbulence in wall boundary layers and LES is utilized in regions dominated by the large-scale jet mixing. The advantages, limitations, and applicability of each approach are discussed and recommendations for further research are presented.  相似文献   

Communication delays are inherently present in information exchange between spacecraft and have an effect on the control performance of spacecraft formation. In this work, attitude coordination control of spacecraft formation is addressed, which is in the presence of multiple communication delays between spacecraft. Virtual system-based approach is utilized in case that a constant reference attitude is available to only a part of the spacecraft. The feedback from the virtual systems to the spacecraft formation is introduced to maintain the formation. Using backstepping control method, input torque of each spacecraft is designed such that the attitude of each spacecraft converges asymptotically to the states of its corresponding virtual system. Furthermore, the backstepping technique and the Lyapunov–Krasovskii method contribute to the control law design when the reference attitude is time-varying and can be obtained by each spacecraft. Finally, effectiveness of the proposed methodology is illustrated by the numerical simulations of a spacecraft formation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of robust reliable control for the spacecraft rendezvous with limited-thrust. Based on the Clohessy–Wiltshire (C–W) equations and by considering the uncertainties and the possible failures, the dynamic model for spacecraft rendezvous is proposed, and the orbital transfer control problem is transformed into a stabilization problem. Then, by a Lyapunov approach, the existence conditions for admissible controllers are formulated in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), and the controller design is cast into a convex feasibility problem subject to LMI constraints. With the obtained controllers, the rendezvous can be accomplished with the limited-thrust in spite of the possible thruster failures. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by simulation examples.  相似文献   

The paper presents a technique of forming and evaluating the allowable clearance between a launch vehicle fairing and spacecraft.  相似文献   

航天器短期规避路径规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在轨航天器主动防护的问题,对航天器直接规避路径规划和航天器规避-返回路径规划进行了研究,建立了规避-返回轨道规划问题的脉冲式最优轨迹非线性规划模型,利用主矢量理论和序列二次规划算法对问题进行了求解。通过数值仿真,揭示了航天器规避机动时刻与所需燃料、分离距离与所需燃料以及不同返回时间与所需燃料的规律,得到了对航天器主动防护研究有意义的结果,同时可为工程应用提供相关参考。  相似文献   

In this paper,attitude coordinated tracking control algorithms for multiple spacecraft formation are investigated with consideration of parametric uncertainties,external disturbances,communication delays and actuator saturation.Initially,a sliding mode delay-dependent attitude coordinated controller is proposed under bounded external disturbances.However,neither inertia uncertainty nor actuator constraint has been taken into account.Then,a robust saturated delay dependent attitude coordinated control law is further derived,where uncertainties and external disturbances are handled by Chebyshev neural networks (CNN).In addition,command filter technique is introduced to facilitate the backstepping design procedure,through which actuator saturation problem is solved.Thus the spacecraft in the formation are able to track the reference attitude trajectory even in the presence of time-varying communication delays.Rigorous analysis is presented by using Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach to demonstrate the stability of the closed-loop system under both control algorithms.Finally,the numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the efficiency of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The radio telemetry links between Earth and a spacecraft near superior conjunction penetrate the corona at ranges well within the acceleration regime of the solar wind. Occultation experiments in the solar corona have been performed on many interplanetary missions beginning with the Mariner and Pioneer series and extending up to the more recent data on Helios, Viking, and Voyager. The changes in group and phase velocity of the radio signal are measured to determine the total electron content of the corona and its fluctuations. The broadening of the carrier signal may be used in combination with the electron content data to derive a solar wind velocity profile. The wave number spectrum of electron density fluctuations in the corona may be inferred from amplitude and phase scintillations of the received signal. Linearly polarized signals, which are rotated along the propagation path by the Faraday effect, can provide information on the coronal magnetic field and its variations.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.  相似文献   

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