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Understanding solar influence on the Earth’s climate requires a reconstruction of solar irradiance for the pre-satellite period. Considerable advances have been made in modelling the irradiance variations at wavelengths longer than 200 nm. At shorter wavelengths, however, the LTE approximation usually taken in such models fails, which makes a reconstruction of the solar UV irradiance a rather intricate problem. We choose an alternative approach and use the observed SUSIM UV spectra to extrapolate available models to shorter wavelengths.  相似文献   

The variability of the solar UV irradiance has strong effects on the terrestrial atmosphere. In order to study the solar influence for times when no UV observations are available, it is necessary to reconstruct the variation of the UV irradiance with time on the basis of proxies. We present reconstructions of the solar UV irradiance based on the analysis of space-based and ground-based magnetograms of the solar disk going back to 1974. With COde for Solar Irradiance (COSI) we calculate solar intensity spectra for the quiet Sun and different active regions and combine them according to their fractional area on the solar disk, whereby their time-dependent contributions over the solar cycle lead to a variability in radiation. COSI calculates the continuum and line formation under conditions which are out of local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE). The applied temperature and density structures include the chromosphere and transition region, which is particularly important for the UV. The reconstructions are compared with observations.  相似文献   

Precise observations of the total solar irradiance in 1980 from the Solar Maximum Mission showed a strong correlation with the projected total sunspot area. This correlation “explained” about half of the variance (r ~ 0.75) in the total-irradiance data, leaving the other half for other solar phenomena and errors in the data. We have now begun the analysis of the intervening three years of “spin-mode” data, which have reduced coverage. We find that the correlation persists at about the same qualitative level, but with increased scatter that can be attributed to the smaller amount of data. The flatness of the distribution of areas of sunspot groups makes it possible to estimate PSI approximately from only the large groups.  相似文献   

The solar photon output from the Sun, which was once thought to be constant, varies considerably over time scales from seconds during solar flares to years due to the solar cycle. This is especially true in the wavelengths shorter than 190 nm. These variations cause significant deviations in the Earth and space environment on similar time scales, which then affects many things including satellite drag, radio communications, atmospheric densities and composition of particular atoms, molecules, and ions of Earth and other planets, as well as the accuracy in the Global Positioning System (GPS). The Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) is an empirical model that estimates the solar irradiance at wavelengths from 0.1 to 190 nm at 1 nm resolution with a time cadence of 60 s. This is a high enough temporal resolution to model variations due to solar flares, for which few accurate measurements at these wavelengths exist. This model also captures variations on the longer time scales of solar rotation (days) and solar cycle (years). Daily average proxies used are the 0–4 nm irradiance, the Mg II c/w, F10.7, as well as the 1 nm bins centered at 30.5 nm, 121.5 (Lyman Alpha), and 36.5 nm. The GOES 0.1–0.8 nm irradiance is used as the flare proxy. The FISM algorithms are given, and results and comparisons are shown that demonstrate the FISM estimations agree within the stated uncertainties to the various measurements of the solar Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) irradiance.  相似文献   

The solar radiation is the fundamental source of energy that drives the Earth’s climate and sustains life. The variability of this output certainly affects our planet. In the last two decades an enormous advance in the understanding of the variability of the solar irradiance has been achieved. Space-based measurements indicate that the total solar irradiance changes at various time scales, from minutes to the solar cycle.Climate models show that total solar irradiance variations can account for a considerable part of the temperature variation of the Earth’s atmosphere in the pre-industrial era. During the 20th century its relative influence on the temperature changes has descended considerably. This means that other sources of solar activity as well as internal and man-made causes are contributing to the Earth’s temperature variability, particularly the former in the 20th century.Some very challenging questions concerning total solar irradiance variations and climate have been raised: are total solar irradiance variations from cycle to cycle well represented by sunspot and facular changes? Does total solar irradiance variations always parallel the solar activity cycle? Is there a long-term variation of the total solar irradiance, and closely related to this, is the total solar irradiance output of the quiet sun constant? If there is not a long-term trend of total solar irradiance variations, then we need amplifying mechanisms of total solar irradiance to account for the good correlations found between total solar irradiance and climate. The latter because the observed total solar irradiance changes are inconsequential when introduced in present climate models.  相似文献   

Variations of indices that characterize various systems of the large-scale solar magnetic field (LSSMF) - magnetic field multipoles of different order, LSSMF energy index, index of the effective solar multipole, etc.- are compared with variations of the solar irradiance in different frequency ranges during 1978–1996. The role of the local and global magnetic fields in modulating the solar irradiance is investigated in various time intervals, in particular, in different phases of the 11-year solar cycle.  相似文献   

Active longitudes play an important role in spatial organization of solar activity. These zones associated with complexes of solar activity may persist for 20–40 consecutive rotations, and may be caused by large-scale non-axisymmetrical components of the global magnetic field. These zones of the field concentrations are 20°–40° wide and during subsequent rotations tend to reappear at constant longitude or drift slightly eastward or westward. Since the magnetic field is the principle source of the variations of radiation on the solar surface the active longitudes affect the solar irradiance received at the Earth. In this paper I study connections between the active longitudes and irradiance variations using VIRGO/SOHO, KPO and WSO data, which covered the transition period from solar cycle 22 to cycle 23 and rising phase of cycle 23. The result of this investigation is that active longitudes are associated with increases of the total solar irradiance and are prime sources of enhanced EUV radiation and coronal heating.  相似文献   

The optimization of a solar sail-based orbital transfer amounts to searching for the control law that minimizes the flight time. In this context, the optimal trajectory is usually determined assuming constant solar properties. However, the total solar irradiance undergoes both long-term (solar cycles) and short-term variations, and recent analyses have shown that this may have an impact on solar sailing for missions requiring an accurate thrust modulation. In this regard, the paper discusses a strategy to overcome such an issue by suitably adjusting the thrust vector in order to track a reference, optimal, transfer trajectory. In particular, the sail propulsive acceleration magnitude is modified by means of a set of electrochromic material panels, which change their optical properties on application of a suitable electric voltage. The proposed control law is validated with a set of numerical simulations that involve a classical Earth-Mars, orbit-to-orbit, heliocentric transfer.  相似文献   

Total solar and UV irradiances have been measured from various space platforms for more than two decades. More recently, observations of the “Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations” (VIRGO) experiment on SOHO provided information about spectral irradiance variations in the near-UV at 402 nm, visible at 500 nm, and near-IR at 862 nm. Analyses based on these space-borne irradiance measurements have convinced the skeptics that solar irradiance at various wavelengths and in the entire spectrum is changing with the waxing and waning solar activity. The main goal of this paper is to review the short- and long-term variations in total solar and spectral irradiances and their relation to the evolution of magnetic fields from solar cycles 21 to 23.  相似文献   

The heliocentric orbital dynamics of a spacecraft propelled by a solar sail is affected by some uncertainty sources, including possible inaccuracies in the measurement of the sail film optical properties. Moreover, the solar radiation pressure, which is responsible for the solar sail propulsive acceleration generation, is not time-constant and is subject to fluctuations that are basically unpredictable and superimposed to the well-known 11-year solar activity cycle. In this context, this work aims at investigating the effects of such uncertainties on the actual heliocentric trajectory of a solar sail by means of stochastic simulations performed with a generalized polynomial chaos procedure. The numerical results give an estimation of their impact on the actual heliocentric trajectory and identify whether some of the uncertainty sources are more relevant than others. This is a fundamental information for directing more accurate theoretical and experimental efforts toward the most important parameters, in order to obtain an accurate knowledge of the solar sail thrust vector characteristics and, eventually, of the spacecraft heliocentric position.  相似文献   

The contribution to total solar irradiance variations by the magnetic field at the solar surface is estimated. Detailed models of the irradiance changes on the basis of magnetograms show that magnetic features at the solar surface account for over 90% of the irradiance variations on a solar rotation time scale and at least 70% on a solar cycle time scale. If the correction to the VIRGO record proposed by Fröhlich & Finsterle (2001) is accepted, then magnetic features at the solar surface are responsible for over 90% of the solar cycle irradiance variations as well.  相似文献   

The common methodologies used to predict the smooth sunspot number (SSN) at peak (Rmax) and the rise time (Tr) for a cycle are noted. The estimates based on geomagnetic precursors give the best prediction of Rmax for five SSN cycles (20–24). In particular, an empirical technique invoking three-cycle quasi-periodicity (TCQP) in Ap index has made accurate predictions of Rmax and Tr for two consecutive SSN cycles (23 and 24). The dynamo theories are unable to account for TCQP. If it endures in the 21st century the Sun shall enter a Dalton-like grand minimum. It was a period of global cooling. The current status of the ascending phase of cycle 24 is described and the delayed reversal of the solar polar field reversal in the southern hemisphere in September 2013 is noted.  相似文献   

There have been significant, recent advances in understanding the solar ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray spectral irradiance from several different satellite missions and from new efforts in modeling the variations of the solar spectral irradiance. The recent satellite missions with solar UV and X-ray spectral irradiance observations include the X-ray Sensor (XRS) aboard the series of NOAA GOES spacecraft, the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), the SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM), the Solar XUV Photometers (SXP) on the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE), the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) aboard the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Dynamics, and Energetics (TIMED) satellite, and the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite. The combination of these measurements is providing new results on the variability of the solar ultraviolet irradiance throughout the ultraviolet range shortward of 200 nm and over a wide range of time scales ranging from years to seconds. The solar UV variations of flares are especially important for space weather applications and upper atmosphere research, and the period of intense solar storms in October–November 2003 has provided a wealth of new information about solar flares. The new efforts in modeling these solar UV spectral irradiance variations range from simple empirical models that use solar proxies to more complicated physics-based models that use emission measure techniques. These new models provide better understanding and insight into why the solar UV irradiance varies, and they can be used at times when solar observations are not available for atmospheric studies.  相似文献   

Current measurements from DIARAD/VIRGO, PMO6V/VIRGO and ACRIM3 radiometers are of the same order of magnitude, but differ from TIM/SORCE by about 4.5 W m−2. This difference is higher than the sum of the claimed individual absolute uncertainties of the instruments. In this context, the SOLAR payload on the International Space Station embarks the SOVIM package. We give the results of the differential absolute radiometer DIARAD/SOVIM and discuss its associated uncertainties. Compared to DIARAD/VIRGO, all possible efforts have been made to improve the absolute accuracy. Substantial progress has been made in the aperture area and electrical power measurements. The measured TSI value from the left channel of DIARAD/SOVIM during three days of June 2008 is 1364.50 ± 1.38 W m−2 (Total) or ±0.49 W m−2 (if we combine the individual contributions in quadrature). The right channel gives 1364.75 W m−2 with the same uncertainties. These values are about 1.2 W m−2 lower than DIARAD/VIRGO and about 4 W m−2 higher than TIM/SORCE. The difference between the left and right channels measurements is as low as 0.25 W m−2 which is within the improved uncertainty limits.  相似文献   

Using the recently converted to digital format heliophysics catalogues of the Ebro Observatory published in the 1930s, we analyse simultaneously the temporal variation and asymmetry of two different solar structures located at different layers of the solar atmosphere: sunspots and solar plages. In particular, we do the research for all the types of sunspots and plages, including the daily and relative frequencies over the solar cycle. The data were catalogued using the sunspot Cortie classification and a solar plage classification scheme proposed by the Ebro Observatory, which group the phenomena by size and shape. For all types of both sunspots and plages, we observe a decrease in their frequency up to the end of solar cycle 16 and an increase over the beginning of solar cycle 17. Furthermore, we note that small sunspot groups are more likely to happen than bigger groups, although single big spots dominate near the solar minimum. The daily frequency of solar plage occurrences shows that there is not a dominance of compact or scattered solar plages. The North-South occurrence distribution of every type in both sunspots and solar plages shows an asymmetry during the solar cycle: in its declining phase, such asymmetry is directed to the north, while in the beginning of a new cycle is directed to the south.  相似文献   

The observed difference in electron density between the equatorial plane and the polar direction is compared for three empirical distributions: the Allen distribution, the Saito distribution, and the Saito-Munro-Jackson distribution. It is shown that from 1.5Ro to 5Ro the observed difference in electron density is sufficient to result in a global azimuthal electric current flow around the sun. The dependence of the calculated current density on the radial distance and solar latitude is discussed.  相似文献   

The SCanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) is part of the payload of ESA’s Environmental Satellite ENVISAT which was launched into a sun-synchronous polar orbit on 2002-03-01. It is the first spaceborne instrument covering a wavelength range from 240 to 2380 nm thus including ultraviolet, visible and near infrared spectral regions.The main purpose of SCIAMACHY is to determine the amount and distribution of a large number of atmospheric trace constituents by measuring the radiance backscattered from the Earth. In addition, several solar observations are performed with daily or orbital frequency.The presented results will cover the following topics: (a) comparison of the solar irradiance measured by SCIAMACHY with data from the instruments SOLSPEC/SOLSTICE/SUSIM and a solar spectrum derived by Kurucz; (b) comparison of the SCIAMACHY solar Mg II index with GOME and NOAA data; (c) correlation of the relative change of solar irradiance measured by SCIAMACHY with the sun spot index.The mean solar irradiance for each of the 8 SCIAMACHY channels agrees with the Kurucz data within ±2–3%. The presented analysis proves that SCIAMACHY is a valuable tool to monitor solar irradiance variations.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of UV solar irradiance, total ozone and surface ozone were carried out during the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 at Thessaloniki, Greece and Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, located very close to the footprint of the moon's shadow during the solar eclipse with the maximum coverage of the solar disk reaching about 90% and 96% respectively. It is shown that during the eclipse the diffuse component is reduced less compared to the decline of the direct solar irradiance at the shorter wavelengths. A 20-minute oscillation of erythemal UV-B solar irradiance was observed before and after the time of the eclipse maximum under clear skies, indicating a possible 20-minute fluctuation in total ozone presumably caused by the eclipse induced gravity waves. The surface ozone measurements at Thessaloniki display a decrease of around 10–15 ppbv during the solar eclipse. Similarly, ozone profile measurements with a lidar system indicate a decrease of ozone up to 2 km during the solar eclipse. The eclipse offered the opportunity to test our understanding of tropospheric ozone chemistry. The use of a chemical box model suggested that photochemistry can account for a significant portion of the observed surface ozone decrease.  相似文献   

The solar soft X-ray (XUV; 1–30 nm) radiation is highly variable on all time scales and strongly affects the ionosphere and upper atmosphere of Earth, Mars, as well as the atmospheres and surfaces of other planets and moons in the solar system; consequently, the solar XUV irradiance is important for atmospheric studies and for space weather applications. While there have been several recent measurements of the solar XUV irradiance, detailed understanding of the solar XUV irradiance, especially its variability during flares, has been hampered by the lack of high spectral resolution measurements in this wavelength range. The conversion of the XUV photometer signal into irradiance requires the use of a solar spectral model, but there has not been direct validation of these spectral models for the XUV range. For example, the irradiance algorithm for the XUV Photometer System (XPS) measurements uses multiple CHIANTI spectral models, but validation has been limited to other solar broadband measurements or with comparisons of the atmospheric response to solar variations. A new rocket observation of the solar XUV irradiance with 0.1 nm resolution above 6 nm was obtained on 14 April 2008, and these new results provide a first direct validation of the spectral models used in the XPS data processing. The rocket observation indicates very large differences for the spectral model for many individual emission features, but the differences are significantly smaller at lower resolution, as expected since the spectral models are scaled to match the broadband measurements. While this rocket measurement can help improve a spectral model for quiet Sun conditions, many additional measurements over a wide range of solar activity are needed to fully address the spectral model variations. Such measurements are planned with a similar instrument included on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), whose launch is expected in 2009.  相似文献   

Environmental UV radiation can be quantified using spore dosimetry, which measures the inactivation of repair-deficient Bacillus subtilis spores dried on a membrane filter. The system exhibits highly selective sensitivity to UV radiation, not being affected by various environmental adversities, such as high and low temperature and humidity. Biologically-effective dose rate and cumulative dose of ambient radiation are measurable under various conditions at various places on the earth, including tropical, temperate, and polar sites. Applications to monitor the exposure at the surface of organisms including humans and plants have also been advanced.  相似文献   

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