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Hard X-ray observations provide the most direct diagnostic we have of the suprathermal electrons and the hottest thermal plasma present in solar flares. The Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) is obtaining the most comprehensive observations of individual solar flares ever available in hard X-rays. For the first time, high-resolution spectra are available for a large number of flares that accurately display the spectral shape and its evolution and, in many cases, allow us to identify the transition from the bremsstrahlung X-rays produced by suprathermal electrons to the bremsstrahlung at lower energies emitted by thermal plasma. Also, for the first time, images can be produced in arbitrary energy bands above 3–4 keV, and spectra of distinct imaged components can be obtained.I review what we have learned from RHESSI observations about flare suprathermal electron distributions and their evolution. Next, I present computations of the energy deposited by these suprathermal electrons in individual flares and compare this with the energy contained in the hot thermal plasma. I point out unsolved problems in deducing both suprathermal electron distributions and the energy content of the thermal plasma, and discuss possible solutions. Finally, I present evidence that electron acceleration is associated with magnetic reconnection in the corona.  相似文献   

太阳耀斑显著的热和非热事件的统计特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用GOES卫星和SMM卫星软、硬X射线耀斑观测资料,分析耀斑中软、硬X射线辐射流量的分布,发现太阳耀斑存在着显著的热事件(PT事件)和显著的非热事件(PNT事件),它们主要特征是:(1)PT事件为缓变型耀斑,PNT事件为脉冲型耀斑;(2)PT事件的硬X射线谱较软,PNT事件能谱较硬;(3)PNT事件非热能量释放速率比PT事件快3—10倍;(4)耀斑发展趋缓慢,PT事件中软X射线峰值流量越大;(5)耀斑中PNT事件约占60%,PT事件约占40%.最后定性讨论了产生PT和PNT事件的可能机制.   相似文献   

In analyzing charged particle spectra in space due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar particle events (SPE), the conversion of particle energy spectra into linear energy transfer (LET) distributions is a convenient guide in assessing biologically significant components of these spectra. The mapping of LET to energy is triple valued and can be defined only on open energy subintervals where the derivative of LET with respect to energy is not zero. Presented here is a well-defined numerical procedure which allows for the generation of LET spectra on the open energy subintervals where, in spite of their singular nature, the spectra are integrable. The efficiency of the numerical procedures is demonstrated by providing examples of computed differential and integral LET spectra and their equilibrium components for historically large SPEs and 1977 solar minimum GCR environments. Due to the biological significance of tissue, all simulations are done with tissue as the target material.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the stratospheric ozone layer depletion biological systems can be damaged due to increased UV-B radiation. The aim of biological dosimetry is to establish a quantitative basis for the risk assessment of the biosphere. DNA is the most important target molecule of biological systems having special sensitivity against short wavelength components of the environmental radiation. Biological dosimeters are usually simple organisms, or components of them, modeling the cellular DNA. Phage T7 and polycrystalline uracil biological dosimeters have been developed and used in our laboratory for monitoring the environmental radiation in different radiation conditions (from the polar to equatorial regions). Comparisons with Robertson-Berger (RB) meter data, as well as with model calculation data weighted by the corresponding spectral sensitivities of the dosimeters are presented. Suggestion is given how to determine the trend of the increase in the biological risk due to ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Soft X-ray solar and stellar flares appear in the coronae of solar-like stars due to abrupt release of energy accumulated in magnetic fields. To build a quantitatively correct model of a flare we need to know how much energy is released in flares of different sizes and strengths. Here we estimate and compare the energy release rate in flares as different as microflares occurring over the quiet Sun and strong stellar events in RS CVn systems. We find one simple scaling law which describes flares differing one from another by 10 orders of magnitude in the amount of emission measure.  相似文献   

The energy needed to power flares is thought to be stored in the coronal magnetic field. However, the energy release is efficient only at very small scales. Magnetic configurations with a complex topology, i.e. with separatrices, are the most obvious configurations where current sheets can form, and then, reconnection can efficiently occur. This has been confirmed for several flares computing the coronal field and comparing the locations of the flare loops and ribbons to the deduced 3-D magnetic topology. However, this view is too restrictive taking into account the variety of observed solar flaring configurations. Indeed, “Quasi-Separatrix Layers” (QSLs), which are regions where there is a drastic change in field-line linkage, generalize the definition of separatrices. They let us understand where reconnection occurs in a broader variety of flares than separatrices do. The strongest electric field and current are generated at, or close to where the QSLs are thinnest. This defines the region where particle acceleration can efficiently occur. A new feature of 3-D reconnection is the natural presence of fast field-line slippage along the QSLs, a process called “slip-running reconnection”. This is a plausible origin for the motions of the X-ray sources along flare ribbons.  相似文献   

According to the definition of the homology (optical) kept in reference, the homologous flares (HFl) may be observed wherever flares occur. The supposed supplementary preflaring conditions to have HFl may be either that the preflaring conditions have not been destroyed by the first flare (and then what mechanism has stopped the first and triggered the second ?) or that the preflaring conditions have been destroyed and rebuilt (and then, how ?). The analysis of data related to some selected active regions AR by the members of the working group, and the earlier works on HFl, may be used simultaneously to investigate the differences between one set of HFl and the others, the location of their sites and the evolution of HFl productive AR. This study brings the appearance of new footpoints from one flare to the following, the behaviour of cool arches (surging arches) leading to information on the changes of the magnetic configuration, and to peculiar characteristics of HFl, oif 2nd, 3rd in the time order concerning the chromospheric transition zone or coronal regions. The time delay between two consecutive homologous flares appears very quickly as an essential parameter to study homology. It was found that every set of flares (same type of site) is able to produce “rafales” of homologous flares, i.e. two, three, four, oir more flares with Δt in the range of one hour or less. The observations show no great chantes in macroscopic photospheric patterns (B, V) during this H flaring period. They lead to compare their temporal variation curves of flare brightness. A quantitative brightness parameter of homology relation has been defined. Some scale changes have also been detected in the dynamic spectrum of the site, and it is in good agreement with a very interesting theoretical suggestion made by P. Sturrock to produce such “rafales”. It may be shown that the closely consecutive time-homologous flares (CCHF) or “rafales” represent a good tool to analyse the critical conditions related to the origin and the amount of energy, mechanism of storage and release, necessary and, perhaps, sufficient conditions. New statistical results, applied to the different selected homologous flare active regions are presented and show the existence in homologous flaring areas of a “pivot” of previous filaments interpreted as a signature of an anomaly in the Solar rotation.  相似文献   

Human exposure to ionizing radiation is one of the acknowledged potential showstoppers for long duration manned interplanetary missions. Human exploratory missions cannot be safely performed without a substantial reduction of the uncertainties associated with different space radiation health risks, and the development of effective countermeasures. Most of our knowledge of the biological effects of heavy charged particles comes from accelerator-based experiments. During the 35th COSPAR meeting, recent ground-based experiments with high-energy iron ions were discussed, and these results are briefly summarised in this paper. High quality accelerator-based research with heavy ions will continue to be the main source of knowledge of space radiation health effects and will lead to reductions of the uncertainties in predictions of human health risks. Efforts in materials science, nutrition and pharmaceutical sciences and their rigorous evaluation with biological model systems in ground-based accelerator experiments will lead to the development of safe and effective countermeasures to permit human exploration of the Solar System.  相似文献   

We present observational results and their physical implications garnered from the deliberations of the FBS Magnetic Shear Study Group on magnetic field shear in relation to flares. The observed character of magnetic shear and its involvement in the buildup and release of flare energy are reviewed and illustrated with emphasis on recent results from the Marshall Space Flight Center vector magnetograph. It is pointed out that the magnetic field in active regions can become sheared by several processes, including shear flow in the photosphere, flux emergence, magnetic reconnection, and flux submergence. Modeling studies of the buildup of stored magnetic energy by shearing are reported which show ample energy storage for flares. Observational evidence is presented that flares are triggered when the field shear reaches a critical degree, in qualitative agreement with some theoretical analyses of sheared force-free fields. Finally, a scenario is outlined for the class of flares resulting from large-scale magnetic shear; the overall instability driving the energy release results from positive feedback between reconnection and eruption of the sheared field.  相似文献   

Estimates of radiation doses resulting from possible HZE (high energy heavy ion) components of solar particle events (SPEs) are presented for crews of manned interplanetary missions. The calculations assume a model spectrum obtained by folding measured solar flare HZE particle abundances with the measured energy spectra of SPE alpha particles. These hypothetical spectra are then transported through aluminum spacecraft shielding. The results, presented as estimates of absorbed dose and dose equivalent, indicate that HZE components by themselves are not a major concern for crew protection but should be included in any overall risk assessment. The predictions are found to be sensitive to the assumed spectral hardness parameters.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the processes that energize and trigger M- and X-class solar flares and associated flux-rope destabilizations. Numerical modeling of specific solar regions is hampered by uncertain coronal-field reconstructions and by poorly understood magnetic reconnection; these limitations result in uncertain estimates of field topology, energy, and helicity. The primary advances in understanding field destabilizations therefore come from the combination of generic numerical experiments with interpretation of sets of observations. These suggest a critical role for the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre-existing strong field for many, if not all, of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. The flux and internal twist of the emerging ropes appear to play as important a role in determining whether an eruption will develop predominantly as flare, confined eruption, or CME, as do the properties of the embedding field. Based on reviewed literature, I outline a scenario for major flares and eruptions that combines flux-rope emergence, mass draining, near-surface reconnection, and the interaction with the surrounding field. Whether deterministic forecasting is in principle possible remains to be seen: to date no reliable such forecasts can be made. Large-sample studies based on long-duration, comprehensive observations of active regions from their emergence through their flaring phase are needed to help us better understand these complex phenomena.  相似文献   

太阳质子耀斑X射线辐射特征及质子事件警报   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
太阳质子耀斑X射线辐射特征的研究, 为太阳质子事件的警报提供一个重要的途径和方法。本文分析了第21周太阳活动峰年(1977—1986)期间质子耀斑和相应的GOES和SMM卫星观测的X射线辐射资料, 结果表明:大部分质子耀斑的硬X射线峰值流量FHX≥104s/c;积分流量F0≥106counts;硬X射线辐射到达峰值时间TR≥100s;持续时间TD≥103s;X光子最高能量Ex≥300keV;平均能谱指数√r≤3.5;高能时延TL≥10s。利用这些X射线暴的特征参数, 对第21周峰年大质子事件作警报检验, 结果是:报准率为94%, 虚报率为40%。   相似文献   

Two successive solar energetic particle (SEP) events associated with fast and wide coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on 2001 April 14 and 15 are compared. The weak SEP event of April 14 associated with an 830 km/s CME and an M1.0 flare was the largest impulsive event of cycle 23. The April 15 event, the largest ground level event of cycle 23, was three orders of magnitude more intense than the April 14th event and was associated with a faster CME (1200 km/s) and an X14.4 flare. We compiled and compared all the activities (flares, CMEs, interplanetary conditions and radio bursts) associated with the two SEP events to understand the intensity difference between them. Different coronal and interplanetary environments of the two events (presence of preceding CME and seed particles ahead of the April 15 event) may explain the intensity difference.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring of radiation exposure.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Complementary to physical dosimetry, biological dosimetry systems have been developed and applied which weight the different components of environmental radiation according to their biological efficacy. They generally give a record of the accumulated exposure of individuals with high sensitivity and specificity for the toxic agent under consideration. Basically three different types of biological detecting/ monitoring systems are available: (i) intrinsic biological dosimeters that record the individual radiation exposure (humans, plants, animals) in measurable units. For monitoring ionizing radiation exposure, in situ biomarkers for genetic (e.g. chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes, germ line minisatellite mutation rates) or metabolic changes in serum, plasma and blood (e.g. serum lipids, lipoproteins, lipid peroxides, melatonin, antibody titer) have been used. (ii) Extrinsic biological dosimeters/indicators that record the accumulated dose in biological model systems. Their application includes long-term monitoring of changes in environmental UV radiation and its biological implications as well as dosimetry of personal UV exposure. (iii) Biological detectors/biosensors for genotoxic substances and agents such as bacterial assays (e.g. Ames test, SOS-type test) that are highly sensitive to genotoxins with high specificity. They may be applicable for different aspects in environmental monitoring including the International Space Station.  相似文献   

CMEs are due to physical phenomena that drive both, eruptions and flares in active regions. Eruptions/CMEs must be driven from initially force-free current-carrying magnetic field. Twisted flux ropes, sigmoids, current lanes and pattern in photospheric current maps show a clear evidence of currents parallel to the magnetic field. Eruptions occur starting from equilibria which have reached some instability threshold. Revisiting several data sets of CME observations we identified different mechanisms leading to this unstable state from a force free field. Boundary motions related to magnetic flux emergence and shearing favor the increase of coronal currents leading to the large flares of November 2003. On the other hand, we demonstrated by numerical simulations that magnetic flux emergence is not a sufficient condition for eruptions. Filament eruptions are interpreted either by a torus instability for an event occurring during the minimum of solar activity either by the diffusion of the magnetic flux reducing the tension of the restraining arcade. We concluded that CME models (tether cutting, break out, loss of equilibrium models) are based on these basic mechanisms for the onset of CMEs.  相似文献   

Space weather is driven and modulated by the activity in the Sun. Space weather events have the potential to inflict critical damage to space systems. Nowadays, space assets are essential in our basic needs, such as communications, cell phone networks, navigation systems, television and internet. Hence, understanding space weather dynamics and its effects on spacecraft is crucial for satellites engineers and satellite operators, in order to prevent and mitigate its impacts.In the last decade our Sun has erupted several times causing dozens of space weather events. Some of these led to satellite malfunctions and outages lasting from mere hours, up to days and weeks. This research is focused on two different space weather events, March 7–8, 2012, and September 6–10, 2017, that occurred during the last ten years and caused satellite anomalies that are related to an increase in the single event upsets rate. Single event upset is a bit flip in a memory device due to high energy particle interaction with the device sensitive volume. During these two periods, Eros B, a low Earth orbiting polar satellite detected an increased rate of single event upsets on two of its processing computers when the high energy proton flux was elevated. On both occasions X-class flares were detected, and the increased single event upsets count rate in Eros B took place only after the 100 MeV protons flux was three orders of magnitude above the background levels. In this research, Israeli satellite anomalies that were detected are first demonstrated.  相似文献   

We study time evolution of an energy spectrum of a proton flux in the range of 47 – 4750 keV for the energeticparticle event occurred on 255 DOY in 1999, which we consider as one of typical diffusive acceleration events associated with interplanetary shocks and irrespective of large X-ray solar flares. Fast enhancement during evolution is found in the range of less than about 0.5 MeV. Our previous numerical simulations using Stochastic Differential Equation method could not show this behavior, although we obtained results showing a power law energy spectrum, which suggesting that energetic particles are accelerated diffusively by shock waves, the first-order Fermi acceleration. We consider that less than 0.5 MeV protons need to exist to explain behavior of the observational energy spectrum and perform numerical simulations in order to investigate proper injection models for this event.  相似文献   

High-energy solar particles, produced in association with solar flares and coronal mass ejections, occasionally bombard the earth's atmosphere. resulting in radiation intensities additional to the background cosmic radiation. Access of these particles to the earth's vicinity during times of geomagnetic disturbances are not adequately described by using static geomagnetic field models. These solar fluxes are also often distributed non uniformly in space, so that fluxes measured by satellites obtained at great distances from the earth and which sample large volumes of space around the earth cannot be used to predict fluxes locally at the earth's surface. We present here a method which uses the ground-level neutron monitor counting rates as adjoint sources of the flux in the atmosphere immediately above them to obtain solar-particle effective dose rates as a function of position over the earth's surface. We have applied this approach to the large September 29-30, 1989 ground-level event (designated GLE 42) to obtain the magnitude and distribution of the solar-particle effective dose rate from an atypically large event. The results of these calculations clearly show the effect of the softer particle spectra associated with solar particle events, as compared with galactic cosmic rays, results in a greater sensitivity to the geomagnetic field, and, unlike cosmic rays, the near-absence of a "knee" near 60 degrees geomagnetic latitude.  相似文献   

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