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The LM-2F launch vehicle is China’s first launch carrier developed for China’s Manned Space Program, which is one of the most important parts of the Program. It is developed from the LM-2E launch vehicle, with addition of two new systems, an escape systemand a fault detection system.  相似文献   

正LM-7 LAUNCH VEHICLE At 20:00 Beijing time on June 25,China’s new generation medium launch vehicle LM-7 was launched from the Hainan Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site,initiating the space labora-tory mission of the China Manned Space Program.This was the maiden mission for both the launch vehicle and the launch site.  相似文献   

<正>Interview with Mr.Yu Dengyun, Vice Chief Designer of China Lunar Exploration Program After the successful launch of Chang'e 2,China's second lunar probe,correspondents from Aerospace China(ASC)inter- viewed Mr.Yu Dengyun,Vice Chief Designer of China Lunar Exploration Program(CLEP).  相似文献   

On September 29, 2011, the Tiangong 1 target spacecraft was launched into space by a LM-2FT1 launch vehicle thus commencing the rendezvous and docking mission, the second stage of China’s Manned Space Program. The Shenzhou 8 spaceship was then launched  相似文献   

<正>At the 2015 Paris Air Show held from June 15-21 2015,China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC),one of the principal international trade companies of CASC,attended the event with models of CASC system-level space products including LM-3B,LM-2D,LM-4B,LM-5,and LM-7 launch vehicles,DFH-5 communications satellite platform and some remote sensing satellite platforms.Progress on China’s Manned Space Program,China Lunar Exploration Program,BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and China Highresolution Earth Observation System were also announced.  相似文献   

China’s space activity will be eye-catching in 2013 with the announcement of the upcoming Shenzhou 10 manned spaceflight mission and Chang’e 3 lunar exploration mission. The development of the new generation launch vehicles is also a top priority of CASC in 2013. SPEEDING UP THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW GENERATION LAUNCH VEHICLES CASC develops new generation launch vehicles for the purpose of upgrading the overall capability and performance of China’s launch vehicles to meet the  相似文献   

<正>The LM series launch vehicle is scheduled to conduct 28 flight missions in 2017,among which 16 are major projects or first flight missions,including the Chang’e 5 lunar sample return and the maiden flight of Tianzhou 1,CASC announced.Chang’e 5,China’s first lunar surface sample return mission with technically challenging and complex systems,is of great significance to the Lunar Exploration Program and deep space exploration.  相似文献   

The complete success of the Shenzhou 7 manned space mission has realized significant progress in the development of China's space technology,making China the third country capable of carrying out extravehicular activities(EVA), independently,following the former Soviet Union and the United States. Recently Aerospace China interviewed Mr.Ma Xingrui,Vice Chief Commander of China's Manned Space Program and President of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC).  相似文献   

News in Brief     
On March 13, Mr. Liu Jiyuan, Administrator of China National Space Administration (CNSA), and US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor signed a new memorandum of agreement on commercial launches, which is an improvement on the previous agreement covering the 1989-94 period. China will launch 11 high orbit satellites and numbers of low orbit satellites for the United States over the next seven years. "The new agreement supplies opportunities and favourable settings for China's commercial launch services," Liu said, "China's participation is expected to promote trade between China and the United States in the commercial launch service market." Under  相似文献   

The accurate injection of APStar 6communications satellite marksa key step forward in interna-tional cooperation for China's spaceindustry. Mr. Ma Xingrui, Vice Presidentof China Aerospace Science andTechnology Corporation (CASC) talkedabout the internationalization develop-ment of China's space industry in aninterview at Xichang Satellite LaunchCenter.Talking about the launch of APStar 6communications satellite on a LM-3Blaunch vehicle, Mr. Ma Xingrui said,"The successful launch w…  相似文献   

The LM-3C/Yuanzheng 1 launch vehicle lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 21:52 Beijing time on March 30,2015,putting China’s 17th Bei Dou satellite into orbit.At 03:34 on March 31,the satellite detached from the Yuanzheng 1 upper stage and entered its working orbit directly,marking the success of China’s first launch mission in year 2015.The China Academy of Launch Vehicle  相似文献   

CASC announced that China plans to launch 20 spacecraft this year with 16 launch missions, including the country’s third lunar probe Chang’e 3 and manned spaceship Shenzhou 10. China is scheduled to conduct a manned space docking test between orbiting target module Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 10. According to statistics, CASC-developed LM series launch vehicles had conducted 70 launch missions in the last 5 years. By 2020, CASC will be capable of conducting the full range of space exploration and will have established a perfected national  相似文献   

<正>China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)ranks No.1 in the number of world’s space launches in 2018 with its record-breaking 37 launches,and the second place in the number of spacecraft deployments.China’s space launch capacity has increased greatly.On January 29,2019,CASC released its first Blue Book of China Aerospace Science and Technology Activities(2018).The blue book counted the  相似文献   

<正>On July 23,two LM-3B launch vehicles went to the Xichang Satellite Launch Center from Beijing on the same train to carry out satelite launch missions,the first-ever occassion in the history of China’s space industry.The Capital Aerospace Machinery Corporation wil delivery14 launch vehicles in the second half of the year to meet the needs of the intensive launch missions of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.(LI Zhifeng)  相似文献   

<正>The Lao President Choummaly Sayasone visited the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation on September 2 and asked for information on the Laosat-1 satellite RD and launch preparation.He praised highly the splendid achievements of China’s space industry and wishes the launch of the Laosat-1 satellite a complete success.President Choummaly reaffirmed his strong support for deepening the space cooperation between the two countries.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviewsthe development and characteris-tics of China’s Long Marchlaunch vehicle family and thendescribes its future developmentplan and ideas. Development and Status of Long MarchLaunch Vehicle Family China is the first country touse the rocket technology in theworld.The embryonic form ofChina’s rocket had an importantplace in the long course of the de-velopment of space technology inthe world.Over the past 50years,the launch vehicle technol-ogy in the world has been devel-oped to a new level and widely  相似文献   

The solid rocket motors for the escape system of China’s LM-2 F manned launch vehicle are described, the key technologies and technical innovations utilized are summarized. The technical features and development of foreign manned launch abort systems are also presented. The development trends of the solid rocket motor for future Chinese manned launch vehicle escape systems are proposed, which can provide a reference for the future development of manned launch vehicle escape systems.  相似文献   

<正>LM-6,China’s new generation launch vehicle,achieved a successful launch at12:50 Beijing time on November 21,2017 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.It was the first commercial launch mission of LM-6 since its successful maiden flight in 2015.The LM-6carrier rocket carried 3"Jilin-1"video satellites into space and accurately placed them into their preset orbits.LM-6 is an important member of the nation’s family of new generation of launch vehicles.Developed by the  相似文献   

The LM-5B launch vehicle is a new-generation large launch vehicle specially developed for the construction of China’s space station under its manned space program, and it has the largest launching capacity to low Earth orbit in China. The LM-5B booster is the largest booster ever built in China, which can produce 90% of the total thrust at liftoff, which laid a solid foundation for the successful development of the LM-5B launch vehicle. The booster team has overcome many technical challenges and...  相似文献   

The ChinaSat-10 satellite was delivered to the customer, China Satellite Communicaitons Co. Ltd. on June 28 by CAST. President of CASC, Mr. Ma Xingrui and related leaders of the two parties attended the delivery ceremony. The satellite was launched in June, 2011 onboard a LM-3B launch vehicle from the XSLC. It is a geosynchronous satellite de  相似文献   

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