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Summary Using values of d, min, and max that Van Riper (1978) has found most promising for a hydrodynamic envelope ejection, we have shown that even a small amount of rotation in the initial core can stop its collapse before nuclear densities are reached. We expected i > 0.02 to produce significant deviations from a spherically symmetric collapse, but have found that i as much as ten times smaller than this will not allow the core to reach densities as high as in the spherical collapse. In no case, however, does the core flatten very much, nor does the value of become very large. Low final 's preclude the formation of an axisymmetric torus. They also indicate that deformation of an iron core into a triaxial configuration or fragmentation of the core during its collapse is an extremely unlikely event. (Note: Classically, must exceed 0.27 before a dynamic instability to non-axisymmetric perturbations is encountered.)The small degree of flattening of the core also suggests that the reduced moment of inertia I of the core will always be relatively small in magnitude and hence that the third time derivative of I, which is proportional to the energy emitted in gravity wave radiation, will not be very significant. Numerically calculated estimates of I- during some of these model evolutions supports this suspicion. If the min and used here are found to be realistic values after the detailed physics of the core collapse is well understood, it is clear that gravitational radiation from a core collapse will be difficult to measure.Finally, we should point out that it is the relatively large values of Ymin (near 4/3) combined with values of d near unity that (a) prevented the core from flattening significantly in these models and (b) prevented the core from reaching high configurations. If realistic values of either one (or both) of these parameters are found to be much smaller in more complete models of the core collapse, then the core will have to become flatter (and denser) before pressure gradients will support it along the rotation axis. All of the conclusions drawn here would be modified accordingly under those circumstances. It should also be noted that in general relativistic models, the critical for spherical collapse is somewhat larger than 4/3 (Van Riper, 1979). Therefore, we predict that when fully general relativistic core collapses are performed including rotation, a given choice of min and i will produce a slightly flatter and slightly denser core than the corresponding model that has been presented here.  相似文献   

Since the baryon-to-photon ratio 10 is in some doubt at present, we ignore the constraints on 10 from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and fit the three key cosmological parameters (h, M, 10) to four other observational constraints: Hubble parameter (ho), age of the universe (to), cluster gas (baryon) fraction (fo fGh3/2), and effective shape parameter (o). We consider open and flat CDM models and flat CDM models, testing goodness of fit and drawing confidence regions by the 2 method. CDM models with M = 1 (SCDM models) are accepted only because we allow a large error on ho, permitting h < 0.5. Open CDM models are accepted only for M 0.4. CDM models give similar results. In all of these models, large 10 ( 6) is favored strongly over small 10 ( 2), supporting reports of low deuterium abundances on some QSO lines of sight, and suggesting that observational determinations of primordial 4He may be contaminated by systematic errors. Only if we drop the crucial o constraint are much lower values of M and 10 permitted.  相似文献   

The evolution of an 0.6 m stellar model during core helium burning is presented. Following the off-center ignition of helium in the core flash, the star remains on the red giant branch for > 106 years, undergoing twelve additional flashes. After leaving the giant branch, the star evolves on the horizontal branch for 8.15×107 years before re turning to the giant branch and undergoing strong helium-shell flashes. The implications for horizontal branch and RR Lyrae stars are discussed.  相似文献   

《Space Science Reviews》1989,49(1-2):125-138
The Gamma-1 telescope has been developed through a collaboration of scientists in the USSR and France in order to conduct -ray astronomical observations within the energy range from 50 to 5000 MeV. The major characteristics of the telescope were established by Monte-Carlo simulations and calibrations made with the aid of electron and tagged -ray beams produced by an accelerator, and these have been found to be as follows: the effective area for photons coming along the instrument's axis varies from about 50 cm2 at E = 50 MeV to approximately 230 cm2 at E 300 MeV; the angular resolution (half opening of the cone embracing 68% events) is equal to 2.7° at E = 100 MeV, and 1.8° at E = 300 MeV; the energy resolution (FWHM) varies from 70% to 35% as the energy of the detected photons increases from 100 to 550 MeV; the telescope's field-of-view at the half-sensitivity level is 300–450 square degrees depending upon the spectrum of the detected radiation, and the event selection logic. Proceeding from the thus obtained characteristics it is demonstrated that a point source producing a photon flux J (E 100 MeV) = 3 × 10-7 cm-2 s-1, can be detected with a 5 significance by observing it during 106 s at the level of the Cygnus background, and a source having intensity J (E 100 MeV) = 10-6 cm-2 s-1 can be detected to within a mean square positional accuracy of about 15.  相似文献   

Thanks to remarkable new tools, such as the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on board the HST and the EUVE spectrometer on the interstellar side, and Ulysses particle detectors on the heliospheric side, it is possible now to begin to compare abundances and physical properties of the interstellar matter outside the heliosphere (from absorption features in the stellar spectra), and inside the heliosphere (from in situ or remote detection of the interstellar neutrals or their derivatives, the pick-up ions or the Anomalous Cosmic Rays detected by the two Voyager spacecraft).Ground-based and UV spectra of nearby stars show that the Sun is located between two volumes of gas of different heliocentric velocities V and temperatures T (see also Linsky et al, this issue). One of these clouds has the same velocity (V= 25.6 km s–1 from = 255 and =8) and temperature (6700 K) as the heliospheric helium of interstellar origin probed by Ulysses, and is certainly surrounding our star (and then the Local Interstellar Cloud or LIC). This Identification allows comparisons between interstellar constituents on both sides of the heliospheric interface.Ly-alpha background data (absorption cell and recent HST-GHRS spectra) suggest that the heliospheric neutral H velocity is smaller by 5–6 km s–1 than the local cloud velocity, and therefore that H is decelerated at its entrance into the heliosphere, in agreement with interaction models between the heliosphere and the ISM which include the coupling with the plasma. This is in favor of a non negligible electron density (at least 0.05 cm3). There are other indications of a rather large ionization of the ambient ISM, such as the ionization equilibrium of interstellar magnesium and of sodium. However the resulting range for the plasma density is still broad.The heliospheric neutral hydrogen number density (0.08–0.16 cm–3) is now less precisely determined than the helium density (0.013–0.017 cm–3, see Gloeckler, Witte et al, Mobius, this issue). The comparison between the neutral hydrogen to neutral helium ratios in the ISM (recent EUVE findings) and in the heliosphere, suggests that 15 to 70% of H does not enter the heliosphere. The comparison between the interstellar oxygen relative abundance (with respect to H and He) in the ISM and the heliospheric abundance deduced from pick-up ions is also in favor of some filtration, and thus of a non-negligible ionization.For a significant ISM plasma density, one expects a Hydrogen wall to be present as an intermediate state of the interstellar H around the interface between inside and outside. Since 1993, the two UVS instruments on board Voyager 1 and 2 indeed reveal clearly the existence of an additional Ly-alpha emission, probably due to a combination of light from the compressed H wall, and from a galactic source. On the other hand, the decelerated and heated neutral hydrogen of this H wall has recently been detected in absorption in the spectra of nearby stars (see Linsky, this issue).  相似文献   

The advent of far infrared arrays will change fundamentally the means of analyzing observations in this spectral region. Sources much fainter than traditional confusion limits will be extracted from images by using computer algorithms similar to CLEAN or DAOPHOT. We have conducted numerical experiments to evaluate these techniques and show that they will permit long integrations (10,000 sec at 60 m, 200 sec at 100 m) to achieve nearly photon-background-limited performance and hence very deep detection limits. The dominant noise sources—photon noise, confusion by distant galaxies, and confusion by IR cirrus — scale with nearly the same power of the telescope aperture. As a result, the integration times required to reach confusion limits are nearly aperture-independent.  相似文献   

New ultraviolet (1300 A, 3400 A),HST FOC observations have been used to derive the UV color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of R136, with the main scientific goal of studying the upper end of the stellar mass function at ultraviolet wavelengths where the color degeneracy encountered in visual CMDs is less severe. The CMD has been compared to a set of theoretical isochrones, which have been computed using the latest generation of evolutionary models and model atmospheres for early type stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are included. Comparison of theTheoretical andobserved CMD suggests that there are no stars brighter than M130–11. We use the observed main sequence turn-off and the known spectroscopic properties of the stellar population to derive constraints on the most probable age of R136. The presence of WNL stars and the lack of red supergiants suggests a most likely age of 3±1 Myr. A theoretical isochrone of 3±1 Myr is consistent with the observed stellar content of R136 if the most massive stars have initial masses around 50 M.Bases on Observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection provides an efficient conversion of the so-called free magnetic energy to kinetic and thermal energies of cosmic plasmas, hard electromagnetic radiation, and accelerated particles. This phenomenon was found in laboratory and space, but it is especially well studied in the solar atmosphere where it manifests itself as flares and flare-like events. We review the works devoted to the tearing instability — the inalienable part of the reconnection process — in current sheets which have, inside of them, a transverse (perpendicular to the sheet plain) component of the magnetic field and a longitudinal (parallel to the electric current) component of the field. Such non-neutral current sheets are well known as the energy sources for flare-like processes in the solar corona. In particular, quasi-steady high-temperature turbulent current sheets are the energy sources during the main or hot phase of solar flares. These sheets are stabilized with respect to the collisionless tearing instability by a small transverse component of magnetic fiel, normally existing in the reconnecting and reconnected magnetic fluxes. The collision tearing mode plays, however, an important and perhaps dominant role for non-neutral current sheets in solar flares. In the MHD approximation, the theory shows that the tearing instability can be completely stabilized by the transverse fieldB n if its value satisfies the conditionB n /BS –3/4 B is the reconnecting component of the magnetic field just near the current sheet,S is the magnetic Reynolds number for the sheet. In this case, stable current sheets become sources of temporal spatial oscillations and usual MHD waves. The application of the theory to the solar atmosphere shows that the effect of the transverse field explains high stability of high-temperature turbulent current sheets in the solar corona. The stable current sheets can be sources of radiation in the radio band. If the sheet is destabilized (atB n /BS –3/4) the compressibility of plasma leads to the arizing of the tearing instability in a long wave region, in which for an incompressible plasma the instability is absent. When a longitudinal magnetic field exists in the current sheet, the compressibility-induces instability can be dumped by the longitudinal field. These effects are significant in destabilization of reconnecting current sheets in solar flares: in particular, the instability with respect to disturbances comparable with the width of the sheet is determined by the effect of compressibility.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is excited by stirring a plasma at large scales, the cascade of energy from large to small scales is anisotropic, in the sense that small-scale fluctuations satisfy the inequality k k , where k and k are, respectively, the components of a fluctuations wave vector and to the background magnetic field. Such anisotropic fluctuations are very inefficient at scattering cosmic rays. Results based on the quasilinear approximation for scattering of cosmic rays by anisotropic MHD turbulence are presented and explained. The important role played by molecular-cloud magnetic mirrors in confining and isotropizing cosmic rays when scattering is weak is also discussed.  相似文献   

High energy -rays from individual giant molecular clouds contain unique information about the hidden sites of acceleration of galactic cosmic rays, and provide a feasible method for study of propagation of cosmic rays in the galactic disk on scales 100 pc. I discuss the spectral features of 0-decay -radiation from clouds/targets located in proximity of relatively young proton accelerators, and speculate that such `accelerator+target systems in our Galaxy can be responsible for a subset of unidentified EGRET sources. Also, I argue that the recent observations of high energy -rays from the Orion complex contain evidence that the level of the `sea of galactic cosmic rays may differ significantly from the flux and the spectrum of local (directly detected) particles.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss theoretical expressions, determining the difference of Doppler shifts of various coherent radiowave frequencies emitted by a radiator moving in the ionosphere or interplanetary medium. The rotating Doppler effect (Faraday effect) caused by the Doppler shifts ±H of the ordinary and extraordinary waves is also considered. In a three-dimensional inhomogeneous ionosphere, stationary in time (N/t = 0), is determined in the general case, by an equation with three variables. The equation for proper depends only on the local value of the electron concentration N c around the radiator and on integral values, determining, by means of additional calculations, the angle of refraction or its components, the horizontal gradients of electron concentration N/x and N/y, and in some cases, the integral electron concentration 0 zcN dz. We describe the analysis of the measurements, made with the satellites Cosmos I, II and partially XI, assuming that N/t = N/y = 0, with a two variables equation. The expected errors are considered. The results coincide well for different points (Moscow, The Crimea, Sverdlovsk) and thus agree with the measurements of H and with height-frequency ionospheric characteristics. The curve giving electron concentration versus height N (z) in the outer ionosphere (above the maximum of F2), shows a new maximum higher than the main maximum of the ionosphere N MF2 at 120–140 km. At this maximum the value of N (z) is (0.9–0.95) N MF2. The new data on the large-scale horizontal inhomogeneities of the ionosphere, exceed the previous ones by about a factor 10. By means of the irregular variations of the spectrum W() of the inhomogenous formation is determined. Three unknown constant maxima with values 16 to 18 km, 28 to 32 km and 100 to 120 km are found. The spectrum W () mainly characterizes the local properties of the ionosphere along the orbit of the satellite.  相似文献   

A new X-ray image of the galactic plane has been produced using the 45 arcmin square field of view of the Medium Energy Instrument on EXOSAT. This image shows a total of 64 sources including 18 new ones which include the first observation of persistent emission from the globular cluster bursters Terzan 1 and Terzan 5. The most important discovery from this image is a 2° wide ridge of diffuse emission symmetrical about the plane and extending from the galactic centre to 1=±40°. The spectrum of this emission appears to be hard ( 1.2) with no significant absorption.  相似文献   

Ureilites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ureilites are a rare group of five stony meteorites — feldsparless achondrites containing diamonds of preterrestrial origin the total weight of them being 315 carats. The whole carbon content in ureilites makes up 1.5–4.1%. Ureilites substantially differ from the other stony meteorites. In comparison with chondrites they are enriched in Mg but depleted in metal, troilite, alkaline elements. All ureilites are very similar by their structure. They contain elongated cavities generally stretched in the same direction. The structure of ureilites is an achondritic porphyric one. These meteorites consist of large olivine grains, there is less clinopyroxene (pigeonite). They contain kamacite (Ni content being 1.5–4%), troilite FeS, chromite. Carbon material is represented by diamond, graphite and organic material being present in a disequilibrium state. Two ureilites (North Haig and Dingo Pup Donga) were considerably oxidized during terrestrial weathering and contain secondary iron oxides.Diamonds are present in ureilites in thin intergrowths with graphite being disposed between silicate grains more or less evenly in the meteorite. The sizes of such black diamond-graphite aggregates are 0.3–0.9 mm. The sizes of the micromonocrystals of diamond and graphite are less than 1. The diamond-graphite aggregates contain dispersed particles of kamacite, troilite, chromite, nickelchrome, being present in very thin intergrowths with one another. Besides the usual diamond there is an admixture of lonsdaleite in the aggregates representing a hexagonal diamond with a würtzite-like structure. Lonsdaleite has been identified in the ureilites Novo Urei, Goalpara, North Haig. The diamonds of ureilites are characterized by inhomogeneities in the crystalline structure which are at least partly caused by the presence of donor nitrogen. According to the isotopic carbon composition the diamond in the meteorite Novo Urei has the value C13 = -5.7.The structure peculiarities of ureilites bear witness of the fact that these meteorites had been subject to the action of dynamic pressure about 300–600 kbar. The impact had taken place in cosmic space. All ureilites subdivide into two types: the first type are Novo Urei, Dyalpur, Dingo Pup Donga, the second type are Goalpara, North Haig according to the following signs: (1) olivine grains are finer in ureilites of the second type; (2) twinning is more typical of clinopyroxenes of ureilites belonging to the first type; (3) in ureilites of the first type a net-like iron distribution is observed, in ureilites of the second type kamacite plates are chiefly present between silicate grains; (4) the size of diamondgraphite intergrowths in ureilites of the first type does not exceed 0.3 mm, in ureilites of the second type it reaches 0.9 mm. Ureilites of the first type have undergone a less intensive impact than ureilites of the second type. Certain similarity of the material composition of ureilites and of the material composition of carbonaceous chondrites, the distinction of these two groups of meteorites from all other meteorites bear witness of the fact that ureilites have formed from carbonaceous chondrites during a collision of asteroid bodies in cosmic space, diamonds having been formed from the carbon material of carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the methods of probing for the geometry, and strength of intergalactic magnetic fields. Recent results are briefly surveyed for galaxy halos, galaxy clusters, and the intergalactic medium on various scales, and some rele vant physical processes and radiation processes are mentioned, as well as the coupling between intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays.The general trend of recent results indicates that, wherever we detect intergalactic hot gas and galaxies, we also find magnetic fields at levels of 10–7 G, or higher. The hitherto undetected, weaker fields in the ratified i.g.m. and in large intergalactic voids could be probed by both Faraday rotation, and possibly using very energetic CR nuclei (> 1020eV), and/or transient extragalactic ray bursts.  相似文献   

-ray astronomy is the study of the most energetic photons originating in our Galaxy and beyond, and therefore, provides the most direct means of studying the largest transfers of energy occurring in astrophysical processes. The first certain detection of celestial-rays came from a satellite experiment flown on OSO-III (Kraushaaret al., 1972); more recently two second generation spark chamber-ray telescopes, flown on the SAS-2 (Fichtelet al., 1975) and COS-B (Bennettet al., 1974) satellites, are now obtaining more detailed results on the high energy celestial radiation causing-ray astronomy to move from the discovery phase to the exploratory phase. The most striking feature of the celestial sphere when viewed in the frequency range of-rays is the emission from the galactic plane, which is particularly intense in the galactic longitudinal region from 300° to 50°. The longitudinal and latitudinal distributions are generally correlated with galactic structural features and when studied in detail suggest a non-uniform distribution of cosmic rays in the galaxy. Several point-ray sources have now been observed, including four radio pulsars. This last result is particularly striking since only one radio pulsar has been seen at either optical or X-ray frequencies. Nuclear-ray lines have been seen from the Sun during a large solar flare and future satellite experiments are planned to search for-ray lines from supernovae and their remnants. A general apparently diffuse flux of-rays has also been seen whose energy spectrum has interesting implications; however, in view of the possible contribution of point sources and the observation of galactic features such as Gould's belt, its interpretation must await-ray experiments with finer spatial and energy resolution, as well as greater sensitivity. Instruments with much greater sensitivity and improved energy and angular resolution are now available and will greatly enhance our understanding of high energy processes in astrophysics, especially in view of the high penetrating power of-rays, which for example permit them to reach the solar system from the far side of the galaxy essentially unattenuated.  相似文献   

We review the possible evolutionary paths from massive stars to explosive endpoints as various types of supernovae associated with Population I and hence with massive stars: Type II-P, Type II-L, Type Ib, Type Ic, and the hybrid events SN 1987K and SN 1993J. We identify SN 1954A as another hybrid event from the evidence for both H and He in its spectrum with velocities nearly the same as SN 1983J. Evidence for ejected56Ni mass of 0.07 M suggests that SN II-P underwent standard iron core collapse, not collapse of an O–Ne–Mg core nor thermonuclear explosion of a C–O core. Most SN II-P presumably arise in single stars or wide binaries of 10–20 M. There may be indirect evidence for duplicity in some cases in the form of strong Ba II lines, such as characterized SN 1987A. SN II-L are recognizably distinct from typical SN II-P and must undergo a significantly different evolution. Despite indications that SN II-L have small envelopes that may be helium enriched, they are also distinct from events like SN 1993J that must have yet again a different evolution. The SN II-L that share a common Luminosity seem to have ejected a small nickel mass and hence may come from stars with O–Ne–Mg cores. The amount of nickel ejected by the exceptionally bright events, SN 1980K and SN 1979C, remains controversial. SN Ib require the complete loss of the H envelope, either to a binary companion or to a wind. The few identified have relatively large ejecta masses. It is not clear what evolutionary processes distinguish SN Ib's evolving in binary systems from hybrid events that retain some H in the envelope. SN Ic events are both H and He deficient. Binary models that can account for transfer of an extended helium envelope from low mass helium cores, 2 to 4 M, imply C–O core masses that are roughly consistent with that deduced from the ejecta mass plus a neutron star, 2 to 3 M. It is possible that the hybrid events are the result of Roche lobe overflow and that the pure events, SN Ib or SN Ic, result from common envelope evolution.  相似文献   

A technique to derive the coronal density irregularity factor , wheren is the electron density, has been proposed by Fineschi and Romoli (1993). This technique will exploit the unique UVCS capability of cotemporal and cospatial measurements of both UV line radiation and K-coronal polarized brightness,pB.The ratio of the measured H I Lyman (Ly-) line intensity to the resonant-scattering dominated H I Lyman (Ly-) intensity can be used to extract the collisional component of the Ly-. This component yields an estimate of . The quantity is then obtained from the UVCS white-light K-coronal measurements.We present simulated observations of the UVCS for coronal atmosphere models with different filling factors and electron density profiles, and for different coronal structures (e.g., coronal holes, streamers). These simulations will show how the proposed technique may be used to probe inhomogeneities of the solar corona.  相似文献   

Conclusion It now appears difficult to write that the Cephei stars occupy a well defined instability strip in the HR diagram (Lesh and Aizenman, 1978): the Cep phenomenon — from any observational definition we could give — cannot be restricted to the small group of variables inside the box limited by the B 0.5 - B 2 spectral types and by the (II–III) – IV luminosity classes.So the pulsation mechanism is probably not strictly related to a narrow evolutionary stage. From this point of view, a mechanism related to envelope properties could better allow for variability in a wider region of the HR diagram. Which should be the new boundaries for such a phenomenon ? Should we expect an amplification of the phenomenon towards the center of its HR domain?  相似文献   

Baryons observed in Ly absorbers contribute to the density parameter 0 by bar 0.06 in close agreement with the value of 0.06 from primordial nucleosynthesis (H0=55 km s-1 Mpc-1, = 0 assumed throughout). A number of methods are known to measure 0 from density fluctuations; bound structures tend to yield lower values (m 0.2-0.4), field galaxies over large scales higher, but still undercritical values (m 0.6 ± 0.2). The best compromise value is 0 0.5, but the present methods are blind to diffusely distributed, exotic matter which still could make 0 = 1. A satisfactory solution of 0 (and ) will only come from a fundamental cosmological test (e.g. the Hubble diagram of [evolution-corrected] supernovae type Ia) in combination with the CMB fluctuation spectrum.  相似文献   

In the past several years, X-ray observations of the Sun made from rockets and satellites have demonstrated the existence of high temperature (20 × 106 – 100 × 106 K), low density plasmas associated with solar flare phenomena. In the hard X-ray range ( < 1 ), spectra of the flaring plasma have been obtained using proportional and scintillation counter detectors. It is possible from these data to determine the evolution of the hard X-ray flare spectrum as the burst progresses; and by assuming either a non-thermal or thermal (Maxwellian) electron distribution function, characteristic plasma parameters such as emission measure and temperature (for a thermal interpretation) can be determined. Thermal interpretations of hard X-ray data require temperatures of 100 × 106 K.In contrast, the soft X-ray flare spectrum (1 <<30 ) exhibits line emission from hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, e.g. Ne, Mg, Al, Si,... Fe, that indicates electron energies more characteristic of temperatures of 20 × 106 K. Furthermore, line intensity ratios obtained during the course of an event show that the flare plasma can only be described satisfactorily by assuming a source composed of several different temperature regions; and that the emission measures and temperatures of these regions appear to change as the flare evolves. Temperatures are determined from line ratios of hydrogen-like to helium-like ions for a number of different elements, e.g., S, Si, and Mg, and from the slope of the X-ray continuum which is assumed to be due to free-free and free-bound emission. There is no obvious indication in soft X-ray flare spectra of non-thermal processes, although accurate continuum measurements are difficult with the data obtained to date because of higher order diffraction effects due to the use of crystal spectrometers.Soft X-ray flare spectra also show satellite lines of the hydrogen-like and helium-like ions, notably the 1s 22s 2 S-1s2s2p 2 P transition of the lithium-like ion, and support the contention that in low density plasmas these lines are formed by dielectronic recombination to the helium-like ion. Also, series of allowed transitions of hydrogen-like and helium-like ions are strong, e.g., the Lyman series of S up to Lyman-, and ratios of the higher member lines to the Lyman- line can be compared with theoretical calculations of the relative line strengths obtained by assuming various processes of line formation.This review will discuss the X-ray spectrum of solar flares from 250 keV to 0.4 keV, but will be primarily concerned with the soft X-ray spectrum and the interpretation of emission lines and continuum features that lie in this spectral range.  相似文献   

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