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The thermal emission from the dust coma of a comet can be analyzed to yield the flux and size distribution of the dust grains and the relative abundance of silicate and absorbing grains.  相似文献   

A better understanding of cometary dust optical properties has been derived from extensive observations of comet Halley, complemented by other cometary observations at large phase angles and/or in the infrared. Also, further analysis of IRAS observations and improvements in inversion techniques for zodiacal light have led to some progress in our knowledge of interplanetary dust.

Synthetic curves for phase angle dependence of intensity and polarization are presented, together with typical albedo values. The results obtained for interplanetary dust are quite reminiscent of those found for comets. However, the heterogeneity of the interplanetary dust cloud is demonstrated by the radial dependence of its local polarization and albedo; these parameters are also found to vary with inclination of the dust grains' orbits with respect to the ecliptic. Such results suggest drastic alterations with temperature in the texture of cometary dust, and would favor an important asteroidal component in the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes our present understanding of the physical processes controlling the dust and gas production of cometary nuclei and the evolution of the dusty gas flow in the inner coma. Special emphasis is being made to compile a self-consistent set of governing equations describing the accelerating dusty gas flow in a cometary atmosphere.  相似文献   

Rendezvous Missions to Comets lead to low velocities at the nucleus of the comet. The resulting impact velocity of the cometary dust on a target will range between 10 and 400 m/s. The dust particle which impacts on a target can be collected for a subsequent in-situ analysis.

The collection efficiency of a target depends in addition to obvious geometrical conditions upon the surface of the target. The surface characteristics can be divided into two groups:

• “dirty” surfaces, covered with silicate or hydrocarbon compounds (for example vacuum grease),

• “clean” surfaces, like gold (with additional sputtering).

This paper deals with the experimental and theoretical investigation of the collection efficiency of “clean” targets. Laboratory experiments are described which were conducted at the Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg. In both experiments an electromagnetic accelerator is used to accelerate different types of dust in vacuum to velocities between 10 and 400 m/s.

The target is then examined under the microscope and a secondary ion mass spectrometer (which is a model of the laboratory carried on board of the spacecraft for “in situ” analysis). The adhesion of the dust grains at the target is evaluated experimentally in an ultracentrifuge.  相似文献   

The large beam size of the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) focal plane detector array is well suited to measuring the low level thermal emission from cometary dust. Eight comets discovered in 1983 and nine previously known periodic comets were observed by IRAS during its ten month active lifetime. Dust production rates are derived for a wide range of heliocentric distances. Grain properties are inferred from application of simple models to the long wavelength spectral energy distribution.  相似文献   

Dust trails are observed in the orbits of some short-period comets. Large particles, having diameters in the submillimeter range and larger, are ejected by these comets into orbits close to that of the parent comet. By considering the effects of ejection and radiation forces, we are able to model the spread of particles of different diameters along a parent comet's orbit, both ahead and behind the comet in mean anomaly. Using this model, we estimate the ages of the dust trail material associated with P/Tempel 2, P/Gunn, P/Encke, and P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1. We find them to consist of emissions occuring over a minimum of one to a few orbital periods. We are also able to constrain the particle diameters in a trail segment forward of a comet's orbital position. Such a forward extention is observed in the Tempel 2 and Gunn dust trails, but not the Encke and S-W 1 dust trails. Relative particle sizes among these trails are discussed. The Tempel 2 dust trail is found to have an excess of particles with diameters greater than 1 mm. This may be characteristic of the refractory component of the nucleus of P/Tempel 2, or possibly indicative of active mantle formation and destruction at its surface.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical processes responsible for cometary ionospheres are now beginning to be understood, due to comparisons between theoretical results and recently obtained in situ observations of the ionospheric plasma and magnetic field of comet Halley. The contact surface which separates outflowing cometary plasma from solar wind controlled cometary plasma can be explained in terms of a balance between the magnetic pressure gradient force and ion-neutral drag. An analytic expression for the magnetic field in the vicinity of the contact surface is given in this paper.  相似文献   

GIOTTO, the probe which is presently developed by the European Space Agency, will encounter comet Halley in March 1986 with a relative velocity of 69 km/s. The fore section of the surface will be submitted to the bombardment of dust grains and neutral molecules in the final phase of the mission, like that of an Earth orbiter during atmospheric re-entry. These particles have a kinetic energy of 24 eV per a.m.u.; they produce secondary ions and electrons which form a plasma cloud around the body and control the electric potential of its surface. This paper is a review of the work which has been performed on the subject by dedicated study groups; the purpose of their action was to gather information and produce new findings which might have an influence on the design of the spacecraft and help in the interpretation of the data collected by the scientific payload.

The effect of impact induced plasma may already be significant at 105 km from the comet nucleus; at a distance of 1000 km the flux of ions and electrons produced by cometary dust and neutrals will possibly exceed that of the ambient plasma by more than three orders of magnitude. It is expected that the spacecraft surface potential will be positive and will reach at least a few tens of volts; coating the leading surface of the spacecraft with a thin layer of gold or silver will help reducing the emission of ions from neutral gas. Computer simulation models are used to predict the structure of the charged particle density distribution in the vicinity of the surface. Effects associated with the wake and differential charging are also discussed. The significance of these results is conditioned by the validity of the models and the largest source of uncertainty seems to be associated with the plasma generated by dust impact.  相似文献   

Electrostatic charging of the GIOTTO spacecraft in different impact induced charged particle environments was studied with 3D numerical particle-in-cell models. The simulation results are assessed according to first experimental results of GIOTTO and VEGA instruments. Decreasing and even negative spacecraft potentials measured on VEGA near closest approach to the comet suggest the influence of the cometary plasma, which is also confirmed by corresponding numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Different estimates based on dynamical considerations, lunar cratering rates, Solar System chemical abundances, and the single-impact theory on the origin of the Earth-Moon system suggest that comets and other related small, volatile-rich primitive minor bodies captured by the Earth during the early Archean must have been a major source of volatiles on our planet. It is likely that a substantial fraction of the organic molecules present in the colliding cometary nuclei, which may have included nitrogen bases and the precursors of amino acids, were destroyed due to the high temperatures and shock wave energy associated with the collision. However, the presence of H2O, CN, CH, CO, CO2 and other carbon-bearing molecules and radicals in the atmosphere of the Sun and in circumstellar shells around carbon-rich stars suggests that at least simple carbon species could have survived the cometary collisions. Under the anoxic conditions thought to prevail in the prebiotic terrestrial paleoatmosphere, the post-collisional formation of a large number of excited molecules and radicals, and the rapid quenching of the expanding gaseous ball may have led, upon rapid cooling, to the formation of molecules of biogenic elements and to their eventual deposition in localized environments where complex organic compounds of biochemical significance may have been produced and accumulated.  相似文献   

We discuss the contributions of cosmic rays and imbedded radionuclides to the absorbed doses and the chemistry in a cometary nucleus. Some of recently made observations during the close encounter with comet Halley are considered in the light of radiation dosimetry and chemistry.  相似文献   

The behavior of an aqueous-dominant multicomponent cometary model is examined at high doses of ionizing radiation. The system is composed of a water mixture of HCN (0.2 mol dm-3), CH3CN (0.04 mol dm-3), C2H5CN (0.02 mol dm-3), CH3OH (0.12 mol dm-3) and HCO2H (0.01 mol dm-3. It was exposed to gamma rays at doses up to 18.5 MGy. The chemical kinetic database used in the computer treatment of experimental data consists of 79 reactions. A complex mixture of products has been synthesized: gases, amino acids, carboxylic acids and polymeric material. The results suggest that the pristine material in cometary nuclei may have been chemically altered by the action of cosmic rays and embedded radionuclides.  相似文献   

Since its launch in 1978 the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite observatory has been used to record ultraviolet spectra of nearly two dozen comets. These observations have been applied principally to studies of the composition, chemistry and evolution of the gaseous coma and more recently, with the substantially increased data base, to comparative analyses. The observations of Comets Bowell (1982 I) and Cernis (1983?) at a heliocentric distance of ≈ 3.4 AU show these two comets to be virtually identical and pose problems for water ice vaporization models. The most significant recent result from IUE was the discovery of S2 in the Earth-approaching comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d) and the use of the S2 emission as a monitor of short-term variations in cometary activity. In early 1984, periodic comet Encke was observed for the second time by IUE, this time post-perihelion.  相似文献   

The planning of planetary missions requires the knowledge as much as possible accurate of the target. This knowledge, which cannot be obtained only by ground based observations, can be supported by theoretical modeling. This is particularly true in the case of Rosetta, a cornerstone ESA mission that will be launched in January 2003, and of its target, the comet 46P/Wirtanen. In this paper we show how, using a nucleus thermal evolution model, it is possible to foresee the temperature of the nucleus surface and the activity level along the orbit and define the range of possible values for these properties. Activity level close to the aphelion depends on the presence of CO. Surface temperatures depend on the physical properties attributed to the dust: temperatures reached by a crust mainly composed by silicatic grains differ from the temperatures reached by a crust mainly composed by organic grains.  相似文献   

Cometary dust trails were first observed by IRAS; they are widely known to be the origins of meteoric showers. A new window has been opened for the study of dust trails, using ground-based observations. We succeeded in obtaining direct images of the 22P/Kopff dust trail with the Kiso 1.05-m Schmidt telescope. Following this initial success, we have continued to perform a dust trail survey at Kiso. As a result of this survey, we have detected dust trails along the orbit of six periodic comets, between February 2002 and March 2004. The optical depth of these dust trails are 10−9 to 10−8, which is consistent with IRAS measurements. In this paper, we describe the observations and data reduction procedures, and report the brief result obtained between February 2002 and March 2004.  相似文献   

In our current understanding, active cometary nuclei comprise a volatile-depleted outer crust covering a mixture of dust and ices. During each perihelion passage the thermal wave penetrates the crust and sublimates a portion of these ices, which then escape the nucleus, dragging with them dust particles that replenish the coma and dust tail. The flux of released gases is likely to vary as a complex function of solar distance, nucleus structure, spin rate, etc. It has been previously hypothesised that at some point a fluidised state could occur, in which the gas drag is approximately equal to the weight of overlying dust and ice grains. This state is well understood and used in industrial processes where extensive mixing of the gas and solid components is desired. The literature on fluidisation under reduced gravity and pressure conditions is here reviewed and published relations used to predict the conditions under which fluidisation could occur in the near-surface of a cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

Measurements made by the Energetic Particle Anisotropy Spectrometer (EPAS) on the International Cometary Explorer (ICE) spacecraft show distinct changes in energetic heavy ion properties at the transition between the pick-up and mass-loaded regions of comet P/Giacobini-Zinner. Travelling toward the comet nucleus, the ion flow is first deflected away from the comet-sun axis over a period of approximately 5 minutes. This is immediately followed by a broadening of the ion angular distribution over a comparable time and by a decrease in the ion bulk flow speed of about 100 km s−1. The ion energy distribution broadens across the transitions, and the energy spectrum becomes harder.  相似文献   

The radiation chemistry of aqueous solutions of formaldehyde was studied in order to obtain an insight into the possible role of ionizing radiation on cometary environments. Aqueous solutions of 1.0 mol dm-3 formaldehyde were exposed to gamma-radiation in the dose range from 0.01 to 1200 kGy at 298 K. The radiation chemical yield of decomposition of formaldehyde was determined to be: G(-CH2(OH)2)-26.3 +/- 1.2. The high radiation chemical yield of decomposition was explained by a chain reaction initiated by the radical CH(OH)2 with formaldehyde. Computer fitting of the experimental data gives k(CH(OH)2 + CH2(OH)2)- 8.0xl0(1) dm3 mol-1 s-1. In the computer treatment of experimental findings we used 54 equations to consider the radiolysis of water and 11 reactions for the radiolysis of aqueous formaldehyde. Based on previous estimates of the total dose of ionizing radiation that comets have accumulated over 4.6 billion years, we predict a radiation damage-depth curve of formaldehyde in comet nuclei.  相似文献   

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