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介绍典型弹道导弹防御系统(BMDS)的工作过程,结合信息化战争的特点,归纳分析了BMDS的拦截作战基本过程和作战环节,明确了BMDS的信息对抗环节.分析结果对于应用体系对抗策略、依托信息对抗手段以提高弹道导弹突防的能力具有较重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

针对遥感卫星在多载荷高精度拼接扩大幅宽时需保证成像质量的要求,考虑多载荷之间的耦合,对支撑结构进行空间布局优化以及结构/热控一体化设计。应用改进的Heaviside密度滤波拓扑优化方法获取最优结构/热控的材料分布形式,结合多目标遗传算法进行详细优化设计,获取支撑结构质量、一阶固有频率和载荷安装面面形精度的Pareto前沿解集,优化所得支撑结构组件的一阶固有频率为384.8 Hz,质量为9.47 kg,安装面面形精度为0.004 0 mm。对该结构进行静力和热变形仿真分析,并开展振动和结构稳定性试验,结果显示其星敏感器指向精度优于9″,双相机光轴夹角变化满足指标要求,即结构具有较优的结构/热稳定性,满足遥感卫星对其高性能指标要求。  相似文献   

The human exploration of multiple deep space destinations (e.g. Cis-Lunar, NEAs), in view of the final challenge of sending astronauts to Mars, represents a current and consistent study domain especially in terms of its possible scenarios and mission architectures assessments, as proved by the numerous on-going activities about this topic and moreover by the global exploration roadmap. After exploring and analysing different possible solutions to identify the most flexible path, a detailed characterisation of several Design Reference Missions (DRMs) represents a necessity in order to evaluate the feasibility and affordability of deep space exploration missions, specifically in terms of enabling technological capabilities.The study presented in this paper was aimed at defining an evolutionary scenario for deep space exploration in the next 30 years with the final goal of sending astronauts on the surface of Mars by the end of 2030 decade. Different destinations were considered as targets to build the human exploration scenario, with particular attention to Earth–Moon Lagrangian points, NEA and Moon. For all the destinations selected as part of the exploration scenario, the assessment and characterisation of the relative Design Reference Missions were performed. Specifically they were defined in terms of strategies, architectures and mission elements. All the analyses were based on a pure technical approach with the objective of evaluating the feasibility of a long term strategy for capabilities achievement and technological development to enable future space exploration.This paper describes the process that was followed within the study, focusing on the adopted methodology, and reports the major obtained results, in terms of scenario and mission analysis.  相似文献   

The paper discusses six case studies of sleeping bag design, one used by astronauts onboard the Space Shuttle and another currently being used on the ISS, which was developed by a Russian company. Two inflatable designs, one by Wubbo Ockels for ESA and one by the University of Technology in Munich in cooperation with NASA are chosen as case studies as well. Two recent designs set a new paradigm and option of sleeping in zero-g. The cut of the sleeping bag of these two design case studies allows the person to relax and sleep in the neutral body position. They were developed by Toshiroh Ikegami from Kyoto City University of Arts and astronaut Chiaki Mukai for JAXA, and by the Vienna based team LIQUIFER Systems Group in cooperation with ESA-astronaut Gerhard Thiele.Currently there is an increased interest in astronauts' and cosmonauts' sleep quality and related comfort because analysis of their sleep quality showed that sleep during long exposure to microgravity does not always ensure good recovery of cognitive and functional capabilities. Present research in the area of sleep and performance preservation include studies by the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow and the NASA-JSC study from the Behavioral Health and Performance Element Human Research Program about improving sleep quality on ISS.In the context of the paper the operational medical challenges of sleep quality will be described in order to establish the relevance of effective sleeping bag designs to support spaceflight crewmembers' well-being.  相似文献   

针对目前载人航天器人机界面任务需求分析不全面、总体设计不充分的问题,提出了一种基于系统工程的载人航天器人机界面总体设计方法。以一个载人航天器人机界面设计为例证明了该方法的合理性和有效性。应用结果表明:使用该方法能提高设计效率,减少设计过程反复,使人机界面设计更加合理、更趋于完善。  相似文献   

星箭界面减振设计对改善卫星发射时的动力学环境具有重要意义。文章设计串联式磁流变阻尼隔振平台和并联式黏滞阻尼隔振平台,并对这2种隔振平台基于某中型卫星模型开展整星系统级隔振性能的工程试验研究,通过减振特性对比分析评估它们的减振效果。结果显示:串联式磁流变阻尼隔振平台3方向减振效果均较好,质量控制满足设计要求,但会改变系统固有频率;并联式黏滞阻尼隔振平台对系统结构质量和固有频率的影响均较小,x向减振效果较好,但y向、z向减振效果不理想,须进一步优化系统参数。研究结果可为整星隔振的实际工程应用提供依据。  相似文献   

Space mission implementation faces a very dynamic environment with fast-paced information technology advancement and shrinking space budgets. A more focused use of decreasing public investments in space requires a cost reduction over their entire life cycle, up to the end of the useful life of a spacecraft. The anticipation of cost, schedule, risk and performance requirements from all over the product life cycle to the early stages of product development is generally recognised as a necessary condition to reduce life cycle cost. In order to cope with the intrinsic functional complexity of space products, such requirements engineering activity must be performed in a structured way within a systems engineering approach. This paper aims to describe how Cradle, a commercial systems engineering environment software package, can be used for integrated satellite development, taking into consideration functional and life cycle process requirements. Cradle has requirements management, system modelling, performance modelling, configuration management and document generation capabilities integrated in the same environment. Also, the paper provides some examples of application and highlights how Cradle can enhance the satellite development related activities performed by the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE).  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for the integrated development of space products. The framework is called ‘total view framework’ because it provides the total set of product, process and organisation elements and their interactions from the outset in the development process. It uses systems engineering (SE) and concurrent engineering (CE) in an integrated manner, as part of the same framework. The framework extends the application of the SE process to life cycle processes and their performing organisations and applies CE at all levels of the hierarchical product breakdown structure. The ‘total view framework’ is supported by a method, called ‘concurrent structured analysis method’, that consists of the three analysis processes: requirements, functional and physical. These processes mirror the bulk of the SE process and are applied concurrently to product, process and organisations. The outputs of the method are requirements, functional attributes, physical attributes and the interactions among them. These outputs are then analysed using a clustering algorithm and a complexity metric based on cohesion and coupling shows the clustering effects.  相似文献   

针对星载计算机产品的高速化、智能化发展趋势,提供一种基于VPX架构的星载智能计算机架构设计方案,具体包括计算机架构设计、二次电源模块设计、固存模块设计、接口模块设计、网络交换及AOS处理模块设计、母板设计。  相似文献   

为了实现对以往设计经验及知识的继承和重用,在固体火箭发动机装药设计中引入了基于知识工程的设计思想。首先建立了装药设计的SBF表示模型,从产品设计的角度说明了装药设计实质;然后完成了药形选择的神经规则表示;同时,实现了基于案例推理的药形几何参量确定,具体内容包括建立尺寸无关药形几何参量的案例表示模型,给出基于案例推理的药形几何参数确定算法。最后,结合实际应用对上述工作进行了具体实践;并针对实际型号进行了装药设计。通过对设计结果的正确性验证,证明该技术可行、有效。  相似文献   

空间站有效载荷真空支持系统方案评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有效载荷真空支持系统是空间有效载荷支持系统的重要组成部分,为空间有效载荷实验的顺利进行提供真空环境支持和保证。文章详细分析了国际空间站包括美国“命运号”实验舱(USL)、欧空局哥伦布轨道舱(APM)及日本实验舱(JEM)内的有效载荷真空支持系统方案及使用情况;对美国实验舱内的一号微重力材料科学机柜及微重力燃烧科学机柜内部专用的真空支持系统作了主要介绍;最后提出了我国空间站有效载荷真空支持系统的初步方案设想,即合理安排有效载荷实验进行次序,将废气排放子系统及真空资源子系统合二为一,以节约资源,提高可靠性。  相似文献   

A developed method of determination of orbital parameters allows one to estimate, along with orbit elements, some additional parameters that characterize solar radiation pressure and perturbing accelerations due to unloadings of reactiion wheels. A parameterized model of perturbing action of solar radiation pressure on the spacecraft motion is described (this model takes into account the shape, reflecting properties of surfaces, and spacecraft attitude). Some orbit determination results are presented obtained by the joint processing of radio measurements of slant range and Doppler, laser range measurements used to calibrate the radio measurements, optical observations of right ascension and declination, and telemetry data on spacecraft thrusters’ firings during an unloading of reaction wheels.  相似文献   

容错设计是提高软件可靠性的有效途径,但是由于设计多样性实现很困难且开销大,导致该项技术实现很困难。为此,提出了一个基于重用的应用框架。该框架的提出将相异性设计过程转变为根据可重用参数从大量具有相同功能软件组件中选择合适的组件来构成容错系统,从而简化了软件开发过程。同时为了更准确地描述组件,采用了模糊逻辑来表达其与上层概念的关联关系。本文介绍了重用库系统结构的设计及其对容错设计的支持。  相似文献   

H.H. Koelle 《Space Policy》1996,12(2):97-102
The rate of progress in any particular program is primarily dependent on the annual resources committed for the specific program. Soon after the turn of the century, the question of returning to the Moon will probably be raised again among political decision makers. At that time the positive and negative arguments will have to be weighed again. A simple method to analyse the relevant force-field was developed comprising the following steps: (1) Definition of positive and negative forces; (2) cross-impact analysis between the individual forces producing relative weights; (3) probability analysis of the current relevance of the individual forces; (4) estimating resulting negative and positive partial force-fields as functions for selected years between 1960 and 2030; and (5) determination of the strength of the resulting force influencing a decision. An example is presented.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified the need to understand what shapes public attitudes toward space policy. I address this gap in the literature by developing a multivariate regression model explaining why many Americans support government spending on space exploration. Using pooled data from the 2006 and 2008 General Social Surveys, the study reveals that spending preferences on space exploration are largely apolitical and associated instead with knowledge and opinions about science. In particular, the odds of wanting to increase funding for space exploration are significantly higher for white, male Babyboomers with a higher socio-economic status, a fondness for organized science, and a post-secondary science education. As such, I argue that public support for NASA's spending epitomizes what Launius termed “Apollo Nostalgia” in American culture. That is, Americans benefitting most from the old social order of the 1960s developed a greater fondness for science that makes them more likely to lament the glory days of space exploration. The article concludes with suggestions for how to elaborate on these findings in future studies.  相似文献   

天基信息支援的高实效性对测控保障能力提出了严格要求,针对测控保障能力的快速评估问题,提出了一种基于层次分析法的快速评估方法。首先,依据时序和事件逻辑匹配一致性原则,将整个评估流程拆解为天基信息支援对测控需求确定、评估数据收集、制定评估指标和标准、分析评估数据、提供评估反馈和建议5个步骤,并基于拆解步骤项,确定了评估实施流程,设计了评估层级结构模型,提出了评估方法。然后,依据独立性原则确定了评估指标和标准,采用综合赋值法确定了指标权值,得到归一化评估结果,并确定不同标准对应的决策建议。最后,通过实例验证表明,方法能够快速完成测控保障能力评估,并提供对应的合理处置决策建议,可为天基信息支援的辅助决策快速提供有效依据。  相似文献   

大规模平面阵列稀疏优化技术综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对当前星载相控阵宽频带、轻量化需求和天线阵列超密集布阵的特点,研究大规模平面稀疏天线阵列能够有效简化通道设计、降低散热难度,同时具有一定的副瓣抑制效果。首先介绍天线阵列稀疏优化技术的基本原理;其次综述几种常用的大规模平面阵列稀疏优化技术,包括确定性稀疏方法、随机性稀疏方法和混合稀疏优化方法;最后总结这几类阵列稀疏优化技术的优缺点,并展望其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

航天器在轨运行时其表面会与空间等离子体和高能电子相互作用而产生静电放电(ESD)效应,威胁航天器在轨安全。文章基于航天器静电放电产生的电磁脉冲信号频谱特性,设计一种柔性平面等角螺旋天线与阿基米德螺旋天线相结合的柔性天线传感器,其电磁脉冲感知本体直径为144 mm,厚度为0.35 mm。ANSYS HFSS软件的仿真结果表明:在天线弯曲半径分别为0和150 mm条件下,在50 MHz~3 GHz频带,电压驻波比(VSWR)均小于2,说明天线辐射性良好。对柔性天线传感器的ESD检测性能进行实测,结果表明该柔性天线传感器在弯曲前后均能有效接收到电磁辐射脉冲信号。该研究可用于航天器静电放电检测,具有实际工程意义。  相似文献   

安全工作是空管稳定发展的基础工作,安全管理是空管的永恒主题。空管系统要实现可持续发展,加强管理固然重要,然而创新安全工作的新思路更为重要。安全管理要求我们在贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”方针的实践中,必须深刻地认识到“安全是基础,设备是重点,管理是关键,人员是保证”的真谛。对空管保障安全一线的管制班组的管理尤为重要。管制带班主任多是管制员,不是管理专业出身,而管制现场的管理也多是借鉴企业管理,  相似文献   

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