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Thin-walled structures are sensitive to vibrate under even very small disturbances. In order to design a suitable controller for vibration suppression of thin-walled smart structures, an electro-mechanically coupled finite element(FE) model of smart structures is developed based on first-order shear deformation(FOSD) hypothesis. Considering the vibrations generated by various disturbances, which include free and forced vibrations, a PID control is implemented to damp both the free and forced vibrations. Additionally, an LQR optimal control is applied for comparison.The implemented control strategies are validated by a piezoelectric layered smart plate under various excitations.  相似文献   

In wind tunnel tests for the full-model fixed with sting, the low structural damping of the long cantilever sting results in destructive low-frequency and large-amplitude vibration. In order to obtain high-quality wind tunnel test data and ensure the safety of wind tunnel tests, an energy-fuzzy adaptive PD (Proportion Differentiation) control method is proposed. This method is used for active vibration control of a cantilever structure under variable aerodynamic load excitation, and real-time adjustment of parameters is achieved according to the system characteristics of vibration energy. Meanwhile, a real-time method is proposed to estimate the real-time vibration energy through the vibration acceleration signal, and the average exciting power of aerodynamic load is obtained by deducting the part of the power contributed by the vibration suppressor from the total power. Furthermore, an energy-fuzzy adaptive PD controller is proposed to achieve adaptive control to the changes of the aerodynamic load. Besides, the subsonic and transonic experiments were carried out in wind tunnel, the results revealed that comparing to fixed gain PD controllers, the energy-fuzzy adaptive PD controller maintains higher performance.  相似文献   

Photostrictive actuators can produce photodeformation strains under illumination of ultraviolet lights. They can realize non-contact micro-actuation and vibration control for elastic plate structures. Considering the switching actuation and nonlinear dynamic characteristics of photostrictive actuators, a variable structure fuzzy active control scheme is presented to control the light intensity applied to the actuators. Firstly, independent modal vibration control equations of photoelectric laminated plates are established based on modal analysis techniques. Then, the optimal light switching function is derived to increase the range of sliding modal area, and the light intensity self-adjusting fuzzy active controller is designed. Meanwhile, a continuous function is applied to replace a sign function to reduce the variable structure control (VSC) chattering. Finally, numerical simulation is carried out, and simulation results indicate that the proposed control strategy provides better performance and control effect to plate actuation and control than velocity feedback control, and suppresses vibration effectively.  相似文献   

Electrically Controlled Rotor (ECR), also called as swashplateless rotor, applies blade pitch inputs via trailing-edge flaps system instead of traditional swashplate mechanism. In addition to primary control, rotor vibration reduction and noise alleviation are also achievable via applying higher harmonic control inputs with the trailing-edge flaps. In this paper, the feasibility of ECR to reduce vibration and noise actively is verified experimentally. Firstly, the test scheme of ECR active vibration and noise control is proposed, and the ECR test platform is modified according to the test scheme. Then, an adaptive control algorithm based on Kalman filter is developed. Lastly, hover and wind tunnel tests is performed to verify the feasibility of ECR active vibration and noise control. The results demonstrate that the ECR are effective for reducing rotor vibration and noise simultaneously. In the hover condition, the ECR can reduce the in-plane hub vibration by 42% and the in-plane noise by 4 dB. In wind tunnel condition, ECR can reduce the hub vibration by 75% and the BVI noise by 3 dB.  相似文献   

建立了一个新的非线性气动弹性模型,对低速流场中柔性悬臂板的后颤振响应特性进行了分析。建模中考虑了结构几何非线性、气动力非线性以及两者之间的强耦合效应。通过实验数据对所建立的气动弹性模型进行了验证。发现在低速流场中柔性悬臂板可能会以周期加倍的方式进入混沌运动。结构几何非线性效应和翼尖涡引起的非定常气动力效应对柔性悬臂板的结构响应有显著影响,而尾涡变形引起的非定常气动力对结构运动的影响较小。还研究了不同耦合算法的差异,给出了小展弦比大柔性结构非线性气动弹性数值仿真时耦合策略的选择依据。  相似文献   

针对大型旋转机械通过临界转速时振动过大的问题,搭建了转子系统实验台,实验台保持原本的支撑形式,并安装磁流变阻尼器,实验研究不同工况下磁流变阻尼器对转子系统振动的影响规律.结果表明:磁流变阻尼器可以有效抑制转子系统临界转速附近的振动,降幅可达90%.根据实验结果提出一种以振幅为反馈控制参数的随动控制方法,对转子系统的振幅变化进行追踪,根据振幅实时调节磁流变阻尼器电流,在线抑制振动.结果表明随动控制可以随着转子系统振动变化而在线改变控制电流,使转子系统振动稳定在目标值附近,实现了转子振动的自动调控.   相似文献   

In wind tunnels, long cantilever sting support systems with low structural damping encounter flow separation and turbulence during wind tunnel tests, which results in destructive low-frequency and big-amplitude resonance, leading to data quality degradation and test envelope limitation. To ensure planed test envelope and obtain high-quality data, an active damping vibration control system independent of balance signal based on stackable piezoelectric actuators and velocity feedback using accelerometer, is proposed to improve the support stability and wind tunnel testing safety in transonic wind tunnel. Meanwhile, a design of powerful sting-root embedded active damping device is given and an active vibration control method is presented based on the mechanism analysis of aircraft model vibration. Furthermore, a self-adaptive fuzzy Proportion Differentiation(PD) control model is proposed to realize control parameters adjustment automatically for various testing conditions. Besides, verification tests are performed in laboratory and a continuous transonic wind tunnel. Experimental results indicate that the aircraft model does not vibrate obviously from -4° to 11° at Ma = 0.6, the number of useable angle-of-attack has increased by 7° at Ma = 0.6 and 5° at Ma = 0.7 respectively, satisfying the requirements of practical wind tunnel tests.  相似文献   

王敏  吴军卫  蒲华燕  孙翊  彭艳  谢少荣  罗均  丁基恒 《航空学报》2021,42(9):224532-224532
随着遥感卫星光学成像设备等精度的不断提升,其对振动环境的要求也在不断提高,简单的线性被动Stewart平台已经无法满足苛刻使用要求。提出了一种新型基于多边形膜片弹簧与压电致动器复合的一体化主被动Stewart减振平台,其单自由度元件主要由多边形膜片弹簧、压电致动器、力传感器以及柔性铰链组成。相较于传统线性隔振器存在的高静刚度和低动刚度之间的固有结构矛盾,所提出的多边形膜片弹簧作为隔振器的关键原件,兼具高静-低动(HSLD)特性,能够使隔振系统同时具备较高的静态刚度进行静态承载以及较低的动刚度进行动态减振。为了降低被动隔振系统中存在的共振峰幅值,本文在被动膜片弹簧元件的基础上串联一个压电致动器与力传感器组成的主动控制元件进行主动振动控制。仿真结果表明,采用比例积分力(PIF)反馈控制算法的主动控制系统,在频域上不仅可以通过积分力环节搭建出天棚阻尼的效果来降低共振峰峰值(11.19 dB),而且其比例-力环节可等效为增大了质量矩阵项,能够有效降低减振系统的固有频率(20.9 Hz),拓宽其减振带宽,并同时能维持高频段的高衰减性,在时域上也能够将系统的加速度振动幅值从±0.6g降低至±0.07g,振动衰减达88%。  相似文献   

Firstly, a multi-field coupling finite element formulation of composited beam laminated with the photostrictive actuators is developed in this paper. Moreover, an optimal fuzzy active control algorithm is also proposed on the basis of the combination of optimal control and fuzzy one.This method opens a new avenue to resolve the contradiction between the linear system control method and nonlinear actuating characteristics of photostrictive actuators. The desired control for suppressing multi-modal vibration of photoelectric laminated beam is firstly obtained through optimal control and then the fuzzy control is used to approach the desired mechanical strain induced by photostrictive actuators. Thus, the multi-mode vibration control of beam is realized.In the design process of optimal fuzzy controller, the design of fuzzy control is independent of optimal control. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control method can effectively realize multi-modal vibration control of photoelectric laminated beams, and the control effect of optimal fuzzy control is better than that of optimal state feedback control.  相似文献   

采用理论与实际相结合的方式,对悬臂状态下纤维增强复合薄板的固有频率进行了计算及验证.首先,针对纤维增强复合薄板的结构特点,考虑了纤维方向的影响,对其进行了理论建模.然后,基于正交多项式法来表示振型函数,并通过Ritz法对该类型复合薄板的固有频率进行求解.最后,搭建了该类型复合薄板结构的固有特性测试系统,并以TC500碳纤维/树脂基复合薄板为例,对其固有频率进行了测试.验证结果表明:基于正交多项式法的纤维增强复合薄板固有频率计算结果与实验结果的相对误差在2.2%~9.7%之间,进而验证了所提出的固有频率计算方法的正确性.   相似文献   

A metamaterial plate is designed by embedding a periodic array of local nonlinear resonators for its supersonic flutter control. Based on the von Karman large deformation theory and supersonic piston aerodynamic theory, the nonlinear aeroelastic equations of the metamaterial plate are obtained by using the Hamilton principle. The comparisons for aeroelastic behaviors of the metamaterial plate and pure plate show that the proposed metamaterial plate can lead to an enlarged flutter boundary and lower vibration amplitude. Furthermore, a parametric optimization strategy for local nonlinear resonators is proposed to improve the nonlinear flutter behaviors of the metamaterial plate, and a significant enhancement of passive control performance can be achieved through optimization design. The present study demonstrates that the design of the metamaterial plate can provide an effective approach and potential application for nonlinear flutter suppression of supersonic plate.  相似文献   

柔性航天器振动主动抑制及姿态控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张秀云  宗群  窦立谦  刘文静 《航空学报》2019,40(4):322503-322503
针对柔性航天器柔性附件振动主动抑制及姿态高精度快速稳定问题,研究了一种输入成形器(IS)-自适应有限时间干扰观测器(FDO)-有限时间积分滑模控制器综合的设计方法。首先,基于柔性模态的频率及阻尼信息,获得能够有效抑制柔性振动的输入成形器形式,并与系统参考输入进行卷积,得到期望参考输入;其次,基于航天器动力学模型,设计一种新型的自适应有限时间干扰观测器,避免了综合干扰上界必须已知的约束,且保证干扰估计误差有限时间收敛至零,实现对干扰及残余振动影响的快速精确估计;最后,基于观测器的估计值,设计多变量有限时间积分滑模控制器,保证对期望参考输入的高精度快速跟踪控制,并进行严格的稳定性证明。仿真结果表明,该综合设计策略能够保证柔性附件振动抑制75%,姿态稳定度达到10-4数量级。  相似文献   

程月华  江文建  杨浩  薛琪  廖鹤 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723778-723778
针对卫星姿态控制系统(ACS)闭环回路的故障难以辨识的问题,引入深度森林算法,实现执行机构与传感器故障识别。首先针对可获取的少量卫星姿态控制系统遥测数据,结合系统动力学特性,研究合适的特征选择和特征提取方法,再结合深度森林算法进行故障信息学习与辨识,建立故障预测模型,实现执行机构故障与传感器故障的识别。半物理仿真结果表明:在存在气浮台干扰力矩、卫星转动惯量未知、飞轮非线性特性、闭环故障传播等多种不利因素情况下,深度森林算法对于执行机构和传感器故障具有高效的识别能力。  相似文献   

An active control technique utilizing piezoelectric actuators to alleviate gust-response loads of a large-aspect-ratio flexible wing is investigated. Piezoelectric materials have been exten-sively used for active vibration control of engineering structures. In this paper, piezoelectric mate-rials further attempt to suppress the vibration of the aeroelastic wing caused by gust. The motion equation of the flexible wing with piezoelectric patches is obtained by Hamilton's principle with the modal approach, and then numerical gust responses are analyzed, based on which a gust load alle-viation (GLA) control system is proposed. The gust load alleviation system employs classic propor tional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers which treat piezoelectric patches as control actuators and acceleration as the feedback signal. By a numerical method, the control mechanism that piezo-electric actuators can be used to alleviate gust-response loads is also analyzed qualitatively. Further-more, through low-speed wind tunnel tests, the effectiveness of the gust load alleviation active control technology is validated. The test results agree well with the numerical results. Test results show that at a certain frequency range, the control scheme can effectively alleviate the z and x wing-tip accelerations and the root bending moment of the wing to a certain extent. The control system gives satisfying gust load alleviation efficacy with the reduction rate being generally over 20%.  相似文献   

The rendezvous and proximity operations with respect to a tumbling non-cooperative target pose high requirement for the position and attitude control accuracy of servicing spacecraft.However, multiple disturbances including parametric uncertainties, flexible vibration, and unknown nonlinear dynamics degrade the control performance significantly. In order to enhance the system anti-disturbance ability, this paper proposes a composite anti-disturbance control law for the spacecraft position and at...  相似文献   

The best active twist schedules exploiting various waveform types are sought taking advantage of the global search algorithm for the reduction of hub vibration and/or power required of a rotor in high-speed conditions.The active twist schedules include two non-harmonic inputs formed based on segmented step functions as well as the simple harmonic waveform input.An advanced Particle Swarm assisted Genetic Algorithm (PSGA) is employed for the optimizer.A rotorcraft Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD) code CAMRAD Ⅱ is used to perform the rotor aeromechanics analysis.A Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code is coupled with CSD for verification and some physical insights.The PSGA optimization results are verified against the parameter sweep study performed using the harmonic actuation.The optimum twist schedules according to the performance and/or vibration reduction strategy are obtained and their optimization gains are compared between the actuation cases.A two-phase non-harmonic actuation schedule demonstrates the best outcome in decreasing the power required while a four-phase non-harmonic schedule results in the best vibration reduction as well as the simultaneous reductions in the power required and vibration.The mechanism of reduction to the performance gains is identified illustrating the section airloads,angle-of-attack distribution,and elastic twist deformation predicted by the present approaches.  相似文献   

This paper considers a fault-tolerant control and vibration suppression problem of flexible spacecraft. The attitude dynamics is modeled by an interconnected system, in which the rigid part and the flexible part are coupled with each other. Such a model allows us to use the interconnected system approach to analyze the flexible spacecraft. Both distributed and decentralized observer-based fault-tolerant control schemes are developed, under which the closed-loop stability of flexible spacecraft can be ensured by using the cycle-small-gain theorem. Compared with the traditional method, this paper considers the faults occurred not only in the rigid parts, but also in the flexible parts. In addition, the application of the interconnected system approach simplifies the system model of flexible spacecraft, thereby the difficulty of theoretical analysis and engineering practice of fault-tolerant control of flexible spacecraft are greatly reduced. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the comparison of different fault-tolerant control approach.  相似文献   

The present investigation concerns control of far-field acoustic radiation generated by a thin plate in a broad frequency band using piezoelectric films. System dynamics is of modal nature.This paper describes a comparison of numerical and experimental results for a closed loop type control. This comes from Optimal Control Theory via radiation filter causal transformation based on a dissipative criterion.  相似文献   

武倩倩  崔宁  刘碧龙  岳洪浩  刘荣强 《航空学报》2019,40(6):222522-222522
磁悬浮隔振系统具有非线性、强耦合、高响应、宽频带等特点,系统的隔振控制目标与其定子和浮子之间的位置约束相互制约,这对系统的精密控制提出了较大的挑战。为解决该问题,建立了面向控制的六自由度磁悬浮隔振系统非线性动力学模型,并提出了双闭环控制策略,使系统在低频到中高频带内实现隔振控制,在极低频带内实现跟踪控制。采用PD定点控制算法,在MATLAB/Simulink环境中开发了控制系统仿真程序,通过分析不同扰动频率下浮子的绝对运动响应以及定子与浮子之间的相对运动响应,获得了系统的隔振控制与跟踪控制仿真结果。搭建了磁悬浮隔振平台样机测试系统,验证了动力学模型的正确性和控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

牛文超  李斌  高振宇  王巍 《航空学报》2018,39(8):221884-221884
针对传统正位置反馈(PPF)与一阶PPF控制器控制效果与鲁棒性不足,难以适用于结构动力学特性存在摄动的问题,提出一种新的基于分数阶微积分理论和一阶PPF的分数阶(FOPPF1)控制器,增加了一阶PPF控制器的可设计空间。综合考虑随机响应的频域特性与整体波动强弱,构造了控制器优化设计的目标函数。以粘有宏纤维压电复合材料(MFC)压电片的垂尾模型为被控对象,设计了相应的FOPPF1控制器。该控制器在控制目标频段内的相频特性变化平缓,可有效实现控制相位补偿,且闭环极点对参数摄动不敏感,使得控制器的鲁棒性强。通过试验研究了FOPPF1控制器对于自由振动与窄带随机振动的抑制性能。相比一阶PPF控制器,对标称垂尾模型,FOPPF1控制器在自由振动抑制试验中的等效阻尼系数提高了约50%。当给垂尾模型的一阶弯曲固有频率引入一定量的离线摄动或在线摄动后,窄带随机振动控制试验的结果表明,FOPPF1控制器的鲁棒性、控制效果及控制能耗率明显优于经典的一阶PPF控制器,因此对垂尾结构的振动主动控制具有良好应用潜力。  相似文献   

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