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Analytical studies of reconnection have, for the most part, been confined to steady and uniform current sheet geometries. In contrast to these implifications, natural phenomena associated with the presence of current sheets indicate highly non-uniform structure and time-varying behaviour. Examples include the violent outbursts of energy on the Sun known as solar flares, and magnetospheric phenomena such as flux transfer events, plasmoids, and auroral activity. Unlike the theoretical models, reconnection therefore occurs in a highly dynamic and structured plasma environment. In this article we review the mathematical tools and techniques which are available to formulate models capable of describing the effects of reconnection in such situations. We confine attention to variants of the reconnection model first discussed by Petschek in the 1960s, in view of its successful application in predicting and interpreting phenomena in the terrestrial magnetosphere. The analysis of Petschek-type reconnection is based on the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), which describe the large-scale behaviour of the magnetic field and plasma flow outside the diffusion region, which we determine as a localised part of the current sheet in which reconnection is initiated. The approach we adopt here is to transform the MHD equations into a Lagrangian or so-called 'frozen-in' coordinate system. In this coordinate system, the equation of motion transforms into a set of coupled nonlinear equations, in which the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic fields and/or plasma flows gives rise to a term similar to that which appears in the study of the ordinary string equation in a non-homogeneous medium. As demonstrated here, this approach not only clarifies and highlights the effects of such non-uniformities, it also simplifies the solution of the original set of MHD equations. In particular, this is true for those types of problem in which the total pressure can be considered as a known quantity from the outset. To illustrate the method, we solve several 2D problems involving magnetic field and flow non-uniformities: reconnection in a stagnation-point flow geometry with antiparallel magnetic fields; reconnection in a Y-type magnetic field geometry with and without velocity shear across the current sheet; and reconnection in a force-free magnetic field geometry with field lines of the form xy = const. These case examples, chosen for their tractability, each incorporate some aspects of the field and flow geomtries encountered in solar-terrestrial applications, and they provide a starting point for further analytical as well as numerical studies of reconnection.  相似文献   

Two ideas were advanced for the process of solar wind-magnetospheric interaction in the same year 1961. Dungey suggested that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), although weak, might determine the nature of this process by magnetic reconnection as the solar wind plasma flows across the separatrix surface which divides the IMF from the geomagnetic field. Axford and Hines pointed out that the flow inside the magnetopause is in the same sense as the magnetosheath flow and appears to be viscously coupled. Within a few years the dependence of geomagnetic activity on the IMF predicted by Dungey's mechanism was observed, and reconnection began to dominate current theories. One difficulty, that of the implied dissipation at the magnetopause, was troublesome; however, the ISEE-1/2 observations of the predicted high speed flows on several occasions was enough to convince many persons that reconnection ideas were basically correct. Several investigators found some evidence in the ISEE-3 data in the distant magnetotail for the steady-state reconnection line, as demanded by the Dungey model, in the form of a southward sense of the magnetic field through the current sheet. Here, again, there is some hard contrary evidence when the data are analyzed exactly at the cross-tail current sheet: the instantaneous values show a northward sense, even at high values of auroral activity. Coupled with the anti-Sunward plasma flow, this repudiates the steady-state Dungey model. On the other hand, it lends strong support to some kind of viscous effect through the medium of the magnetospheric boundary layer. This is not a semantic problem, as the sense of the electric field (as well as the magnetic field) is opposite for the two cases. The downfall of the reconnection model is its implicit use of frozen-field convection; this problem is obvious when the problem is viewed in three dimensions. Instead, the view is taken that the relevant process must be essentially time-dependent, three-dimensional, and localized. It is proposed that the term merging be used for this generalized timedependent form of reconnection. The merging process (whatever it is) must permit solar wind plasma to cross the magnetopause onto closed field lines of the boundary layer. Once it is there, it provides the viscous-like effect that Axford and Hines had envisaged.  相似文献   

This review considers the theory of the magnetic field line reconnection and its application to the problem of the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere. In particular, we discuss the reconnection models by Sonnerup and by Petschek (for both incompressible and compressible plasmas, for the asymmetric and nonsteady-state cases), the magnetic field annihilation model by Parker; Syrovatsky's model of the current sheet; and Birn's and Schindler's solution for the plasma sheet structure. A review of laboratory and numerical modelling experiments is given.Results concerning the field line reconnection, combined with the peculiarities of the MHD flow, were used in investigating the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. We found that in the presence of a frozen-in magnetic field, the flow differs significantly from that in a pure gas dynamic case; in particular, at the subsolar. part of the magnetopause a stagnation line appears (i.e., a line along which the stream lines are branching) instead of a stagnation point. The length and location of the stagnation line determine the character of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. We have developed the theory of that interaction for a steady-state case, and compare the results of the calculations with the experimental data.In the last section of the review, we propose a qualitative model of the solar wind — the Earth's magnetosphere interaction in the nonsteady-state case on the basis of the solution of the problem of the spontaneous magnetic field line reconnection.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of spacecraft data, especially AMPTE/IRM data, provide a test of reconnection theory; an analysis for the signature of a local tangential stress balance in a one-dimensional time-stationary rotational discontinuity has left crucial questions unanswered. A key result is that the electron temperature profile inward through the magnetopause current sheet shows heating followed by cooling. Electrons must be one of the carriers of the current; hence this result reflects the sign of E · J in the frame of reference of the magnetopause current carriers. Since the current is directed from dawn to dusk, the inescapable conclusion is that the electric field must reverse within the current sheet. This is direct evidence of a load–dynamo combination; in that dynamo, energy is transferred from the solar wind plasma to the electromagnetic field. A dynamo is not included in the reconnection model which includes only the electrical load; therefore, we argue that the reconnection problem is improperly posed. A second compelling observation is a remarkable difference of the normal component of the plasma velocity between inbound and outbound crossings. For an inbound crossing (outward current meander) this component does reverse, but not quite as assumed in the reconnection model; on the other hand, for outbound crossings of the spacecraft (corresponding to erosion) there is no reversal at all. The normal component is approximately constant at 20 km s-1, anti-Sunward throughout. Since the typical motion of the magnetopause is 10 km s-1 this revealing result shows that solar wind plasma can go across the magnetopause, even onto closed field lines to feed the low latitude boundary layer. This is in stark contrast to the reconnection model where the plasma goes to open field lines. The interaction can be understood by appealing to Poynting's theorem, where E · J describes the net effect on or by the plasma. Time-dependent terms (even in the initial conditions) must be used so that it is possible to draw upon energy which has been stored locally in both electrical and magnetic forms. An extended discussion of observational results from ground-based, rocket, and satellite instruments indicate the impulsive nature of the solar wind–magnetospheric interaction. There is a lot of plasma involved in this interaction, over 1027 ions electrons-1 per second; the anti-Sunward flow takes place in the low latitude boundary layer. There is no flux catastrophe produced by this flow since the frozen-field theorem does not hold for plasma transfer across the magnetopause. The LLBL completely envelops the plasma sheet; the LLBL is the source of its plasma, not the plasma mantle as hypothesized in the reconnection model of the magnetotail. A number of serious errors have occurred in some articles in the literature on reconnection, and we list and discuss the most important of these. In the conclusion it is emphasized that the failure to provide a viable energy source, within the necessary spatial and temporal constraints, is responsible for the failure of reconnection model. This does not mean that the state of interconnection between the geomagnetic field and the interplanetary magnetic field can not change, but it does mean that the advocated process is not relevant to such changes. True reconnection requires that the electric field has a curl so that an electromotive force = E · dl = -dMdt exists through which energy can be interchanged with stored magnetic energy.  相似文献   

The observed magnetic field configuration and signatures of reconnection in the large solar magnetic eruptions that make major flares and coronal mass ejections and in the much smaller magnetic eruptions that make X-ray jets are illustrated with cartoons and representative observed eruptions. The main reconnection signatures considered are the imaged bright emission from the heated plasma on reconnected field lines. In any of these eruptions, large or small, the magnetic field that drives the eruption and/or that drives the buildup to the eruption is initially a closed bipolar arcade. From the form and configuration of the magnetic field in and around the driving arcade and from the development of the reconnection signatures in coordination with the eruption, we infer that (1) at the onset of reconnection the reconnection current sheet is small compared to the driving arcade, and (2) the current sheet can grow to the size of the driving arcade only after reconnection starts and the unleashed erupting field dynamically forces the current sheet to grow much larger, building it up faster than the reconnection can tear it down. We conjecture that the fundamental reason the quasi-static pre-eruption field is prohibited from having a large current sheet is that the magnetic pressure is much greater than the plasma pressure in the chromosphere and low corona in eruptive solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Using magnetometer and electron observations from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and the Wind spacecraft we show that the region of magnetic field pile-up and density decrease located between the Martian ionosphere and bow shock exhibit strong similarities with the plasma depletion layer (PDL) observed upstream of the Earth's magnetopause in the absence of magnetic reconnection when the magnetopause is a solid obstacle in the solar wind. A PDL is formed upstream of the terrestrial magnetopause when the magnetic field piles up against the obstacle and particles in the pile-up region are squeezed away from the high magnetic pressure region along the field lines as the flux tubes convect toward the magnetopause. We here discuss the possibility that at least part of the region of magnetic field pile-up and density depletion upstream of Mars may be formed by the same physical processes which generate the PDL upstream of the Earth's magnetopause. More complete ion, electron, and neutral measurements are needed to conclusively determine the relative importance of the plasma depletion process versus exospheric processes.  相似文献   

This review is devoted to the problem of the internal fine structure of the Earth's magnetopause. A number of theoretical and experimental papers dealing with this subject is discussed from a unified viewpoint. The Vlasov kinetic approach is used to study the stability of magnetopause magnetic surfaces that can be destructed by the growth and overlapping of magnetic islands. The stochastic wandering of magnetic field lines between the destructed surfaces can result in magnetic percolation, i.e. the appearance of a topological connection of interplanetary and geomagnetic field lines. Such a process may be considered as a mechanism of the macroscopic (but spatially localized) reconnection. We discuss this in relation with the phenomena of spontaneous patchy reconnection, recently observed at ISEE satellites and now known as flux transfer events.Drift tearing mode, which is responsible for the growth of magnetic islands can be stabilized due to its coupling with ion sound waves, and the process of percolation will be interrupted if even a thin region with smooth stable magnetic surfaces exists within the magnetopause. Accordingly, we obtain a magnetopause stability threshold for localized reconnection. It is represented in the form of dependence of marginal dimensionless thickness of the magnetopause on the angle of magnetic field rotation within it.Further, we discuss the possible role of lower hybrid turbulence permanently observed within the. magnetopause and speeding up the process of reconnection. Nonlinear calculations supporting the developed model are given in the appendices. We consider briefly the motion of reconnecting flux tubes and evaluate the time necessary for the accomplishment of percolation. The calculations show that the appearance of reconnection patchies at the dayside magnetopause cannot occur too far from the stagnation region. The latter agrees with experimental indications on the most probable site of the formation of flux transfer events. In the concluding part of the review we discuss the necessary limitations on the theory, possible lines of its future advance and comparison with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Consequences of the solar wind input observed as large scale magnetotail dynamics during substorms are reviewed, highlighting results from statistical studies as well as global magnetosphere/ionosphere observations. Among the different solar wind input parameters, the most essential one to initiate reconnection relatively close to the Earth is a southward IMF or a solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field. Larger substorms are associated with such reconnection events closer to the Earth and the magnetotail can accumulate larger amounts of energy before its onset. Yet, how and to what extent the magnetotail configuration before substorm onset differs for different solar wind driver is still to be understood. A strong solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field is, however, only a necessary condition for a strong substorm, but not a sufficient one. That is, there are intervals when the solar wind input is processed in the magnetotail without the usual substorm cycle, suggesting different modes of flux transport. Furthermore, recent global observations suggest that the magnetotail response during the substorm expansion phase can be also controlled by plasma sheet density, which is coupled to the solar wind on larger time-scales than the substorm cycle. To explain the substorm dynamics it is therefore important to understand the different modes of energy, momentum, and mass transport within the magnetosphere as a consequence of different types of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction with different time-scales that control the overall magnetotail configuration, in addition to the internal current sheet instabilities leading to large scale tail current sheet dissipation.  相似文献   

We review progress in understanding the dynamics of a typical magnetic reconnection layer by describing the historical development of theory and the recent findings and discoveries in space and laboratory plasmas. The emphasis is on the dynamics of electrons moving with respect to ions in the collision-free neutral sheet. We make a detailed comparison of experimental results from the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX) with those from theory and numerical simulations. The collaboration between space and laboratory scientists on reconnection research has recently reached a point where we can compare measurements of the reconnection layer profile in detail with support from numerical simulations. In spite of the large difference in physical scales by 106?C107, we find remarkable commonalities in the features of the magnetic reconnection region in laboratory and magnetospheric plasmas. A newly planned laboratory experiment, in which a current sheet is swept in the way a magnetosphere current sheet crosses space satellites, is also described.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection can lead to the formation of observed boundary layers at the dayside magnetopause and in the nightside plasma sheet of the earth's magnetosphere. In this paper, the structure of these reconnection layers is studied by solving the one-dimensional Riemann problem for the evolution of a current sheet. Analytical method, resistive MHD simulations, and hybrid simulations are used. Based on the ideal MHD formulation, rotational discontinuities, slow shocks, slow expansion waves, and contact discontinuity are present in the dayside reconnection layer. Fast expansion waves are also present in the solution of the Riemann problem, but they quickly propagate out of the reconnection layer. Our study provides a coherent picture for the transition from the reconnection layer with two slow shocks in Petschek's model to the reconnection layer with a rotational discontinuity and a slow expansion wave in Levy et al's model. In the resistive MHD simulations, the rotational discontinuities are replaced by intermediate shocks or time-dependent intermediate shocks. In the hybrid simulations, the time-dependent intermediate shock quickly evolves to a steady rotational discontinuity, and the contact discontinuity does not exist. The magnetotail reconnection layer consists of two slow shocks. Hybrid simulations of slow shocks indicate that there exists a critical number,M c, such that for slow shocks with an intermediate Mach numberM IM c, a large-amplitude rotational wavetrain is present in the downstream region. For slow shocks withM I<M c, the downstream wavetrain does not exist. Chaotic ion orbits in the downstream wave provide an efficient mechanism for ion heating and wave damping and explain the existence of the critical numberM c in slow shocks.  相似文献   

Electric field measurements are reported at 11 magnetopause crossings that occurred during a single in-bound ISEE-1 satellite pass near a local time of 1030. In combination with magnetic field data, these measurements show the existence of electric field components tangential to the actual magnetopause in the frame of rest of the magnetopause on every crossing of the current carrying layers associated with the 11 magnetopause traversals. These tangential electric field components were oriented with respect to the magnetopause sheet currents such that there was an electrical power dissipation of between 30 and 110 W km-2 on 10 of the 11 crossings. These results are in agreement with requirements of reconnection theories. Histograms of the normal electric field components and of the orientation, velocity, and thickness of the current carrying layer are presented. Suggestions of the existence of a parallel electric field in the magnetosheath near the magnetopause and of propagation of large amplitude waves along the magnetopause are also made.  相似文献   

Some theoretical aspects of solar coronal streamers are discussed with emphasis on the current sheet and reconnection processes going on along the axis of the streamer. The dynamics of the streamer is a combination of MHD and transport, with acceleration of particles due to reconnection and leakage of plasma outwards as a slow solar wind as the observable results. The presence of the almost-closed magnetic bottles of streamers that can store high-energy particles for significant times provides the birdcage for solar cosmic rays, the reconnection in the sheet feeds medium-energy protons into the corona for the large-scale storage needed for certain flare models, and the build-up of excess density sets the stage for coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Echim  M.M.  Lemaire  J.F. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):565-601
Plasma interaction at the interface between the magnetosheath and magnetosphere has been extensively studied during recent years. As a consequence various theoretical models have emerged. The impulsive penetration mechanism initially proposed by Lemaire and Roth as an alternative approach to the steady state reconnection, is a non-stationary model describing the processes which take place when a 3-D solar wind plasma irregularity interacts with the outer regions of the Earth's magnetosphere. In this paper we are reviewing the main features of the impulsive penetration mechanism and the role of the electric field in driving impulsive events. An alternative point of view and the controversy it has raised are discussed. We also review the numerical codes developed to simulate the impulsive transport of plasma across the magnetopause. They have illustrated the relationship between the magnetic field distribution and the convection of solar-wind plasma inside the magnetosphere and brought into perspective non-stationary phenomena (like instabilities and waves) which were not explicitly integrated in the early models of impulsive penetration. Numerical simulations devoted to these processes cover a broad range of approximations, from ideal MHD to hybrid and kinetic codes. The results show the limitation of these theories in describing the full range of phenomena observed at the magnetopause and magnetospheric boundary layers.  相似文献   

Fuselier  S.A.  Mende  S.B.  Moore  T.E.  Frey  H.U.  Petrinec  S.M.  Claflin  E.S.  Collier  M.R. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):285-312
One of the IMAGE mission science goals is to understand the dayside auroral oval and its dynamic relationship to the magnetosphere. Two ways the auroral oval is dynamically coupled to the magnetosphere are through the injection of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetospheric cusps and through the ejection of ionospheric plasma into the magnetosphere. The ionospheric footpoints of the Earth's magnetospheric cusps are relatively narrow regions in invariant latitude that map magnetically to the magnetopause. Monitoring the cusp reveals two important aspects of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause. Continuous cusp observations reveal the relative contributions of quasi-steady versus impulsive reconnection to the overall transfer of mass, energy, and momentum across the magnetopause. The location of the cusp is used to determine where magnetic reconnection is occurring on the magnetopause. Of particular interest is the distinction between anti-parallel reconnection, where the magnetosheath and magnetospheric field lines are strictly anti-parallel, and component merging, where the magnetosheath and magnetospheric field lines have one component that is anti-parallel. IMAGE observations suggest that quasi-steady, anti-parallel reconnection is occurring in regions at the dayside magnetopause. However, it is difficult to rule out additional component reconnection using these observations. The ionospheric footpoint of the cusp is also a region of relatively intense ionospheric outflow. Since outflow also occurs in other regions of the auroral oval, one of the long-standing problems has been to determine the relative contributions of the cusp/cleft and the rest of the auroral oval to the overall ionospheric ion content in the Earth's magnetosphere. While the nature of ionospheric outflow has made it difficult to resolve this long-standing problem, the new neutral atom images from IMAGE have provided important evidence that ionospheric outflow is strongly controlled by solar wind input, is `prompt' in response to changes in the solar wind, and may have very narrow and distinct pitch angle structures and charge exchange altitudes.  相似文献   

A great deal of the research done on the dynamical process of the solar wind- magnetosphere interaction is based on large-scale, quasi-steady theoretical models, such as the classical reconnection model. However, it can be argued that the theoretical and observational foundations of these commonly believed paradigms are not always strong, and support for these models is sometimes weak, controversial or inconsistent. This paper discusses the need for a transition from an oversimplified quasi-steady paradigm towards a more realistic one including the dynamics of MHD waves and wave packets. The effects of localized wave packets may be most important in active plasma regions, where ideal MHD breaks down and localized, time-dependent processes become dominant. New insights into the theories of field-aligned current generation, auroral particle acceleration and the concept of reconnection may be found by including MHD wave propagation and wave packet dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper reports the spatial and temporal development of Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs) created by the reconnection as well as current disruptions (CDs) in the near-Earth tail using our 3D global EM particle simulation with a southward turning IMF in the context of the substorm onset. Recently, observations show that BBFs are often accompanied by current disruptions for triggering substorms. We haver examined the dynamics of BBFs and CDs in order to understand the timing and triggering mechanism of substorms. As the solar wind with the southward IMF advances over the Earth, the near-Earth tail thins and the sheet current intensifies. Before the peak of the current density becomes maximum, the reconnection takes place, which ejects particles from the reconnection region. Because of the earthward flows the peak of the current density moves toward the Earth. The characteristics of the earthward flows depend on the ions and electrons. Electrons flow back into the inflow region (the center of reconnection region), which provides current closure. Therefore the structure of electron flows near the reconnection region is rather complicated. In contrast, the ion earthward flows are generated far from the reconnection region. These earthward flows pile up near the Earth. The ions mainly drift toward the duskside. The electrons are diverted toward the duskside. Due to the pile-up, dawnward current is generated near the Earth. This dawnward current dissipates rapidly with the sheet current because of the opposite current direction, which coincides with the dipolarization in the near-Earth tail. At this time the wedge current may be created in our simulation model. This simulation study shows the sequence of the substorm dynamics in the near-Earth tail, which is similar to the features obtained by the multisatellite observations. The identification of the timing and mechanism of triggering substorm onset requires further studies in conjunction with observations.  相似文献   

According to ideal MHD, the magnetopause boundary should split the terrestrial environment in two disconnected domains: outside, the solar wind (including its shocked part, the magnetosheath), and inside, the magnetosphere. This view is at variance with the experimental data, which show that the magnetopause is not tight and that a net transfer of matter exists from the solar wind to the magnetosphere; it implies that the frozen-in condition must break down on the magnetopause, either over the whole boundary or at some points. In the absence of ordinary collisions, only short scale phenomena (temporal and/or spatial) can be invoked to explain this breakdown, and the best candidates in this respect appear to be the ULF magnetic fluctuations which show very strong amplitudes in the vicinity of the magnetopause boundary. It has been shown that these fluctuations are likely to originate in the magnetosheath, probably downstream of the quasi-parallel shock region, and that they can get amplified by a propagation effect when crossing the magnetopause. When studying the propagation across the magnetopause boundary, several effects are to be taken into account simultaneously to get reliable results: the magnetopause density gradient, the temperature effects, and the magnetic field rotation can be introduced while remaining in the framework of ideal MHD. In these conditions, the magnetopause amplification has been interpreted in term of Alfvén and slow resonances occurring in the layer. When, in addition, one takes the ion inertia effects into account, by the way of the Hall-MHD equations, the result appears drastically different: no resonance occurs, but a strong Alfvén wave can be trapped in the boundary between the point where it is converted from the incident wave and the point where it stops propagating back, i.e., the point where k \|=0, which can exist thanks to the magnetic field rotation. This effect can bring about a new interpretation to the magnetopause transfers, since the Hall effect can allow reconnection near this particular point. The plasma transfer through the magnetopause could then be interpreted in terms of a reconnection mechanism directly driven by the magnetosheath turbulence, which is permanent, rather than due to any local instability of the boundary, for instance of the tearing type, which should be subject to an instability threshold and thus, as far as it exists, more sporadic.  相似文献   

Berchem  J.  Fuselier  S.A.  Petrinec  S.  Frey  H.U.  Burch  J.L. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):313-349
The IMAGE mission provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the accuracy of current global models of the solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere. In particular, images of proton auroras from the Far Ultraviolet Instrument (FUV) onboard the IMAGE spacecraft are well suited to support investigations of the response of the Earth's magnetosphere to interplanetary disturbances. Accordingly, we have modeled two events that occurred on June 8 and July 28, 2000, using plasma and magnetic field parameters measured upstream of the bow shock as input to three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. This paper begins with a discussion of images of proton auroras from the FUV SI-12 instrument in comparison with the simulation results. The comparison showed a very good agreement between intensifications in the auroral emissions measured by FUV SI-12 and the enhancement of plasma flows into the dayside ionosphere predicted by the global simulations. Subsequently, the IMAGE observations are analyzed in the context of the dayside magnetosphere's topological changes in magnetic field and plasma flows inferred from the simulation results. Finding include that the global dynamics of the auroral proton precipitation patterns observed by IMAGE are consistent with magnetic field reconnection occurring as a continuous process while the IMF changes in direction and the solar wind dynamic pressure varies. The global simulations also indicate that some of the transient patterns observed by IMAGE are consistent with sporadic reconnection processes. Global merging patterns found in the simulations agree with the antiparallel merging model, though locally component merging might broaden the merging region, especially in the region where shocked solar wind discontinuities first reach the magnetopause. Finally, the simulations predict the accretion of plasma near the bow shock in the regions threaded by newly open field lines on which plasma flows into the dayside ionosphere are enhanced. Overall the results of these initial comparisons between global MHD simulation results and IMAGE observations emphasize the interplay between reconnection and dynamic pressure processes at the dayside magnetopause, as well as the intricate connection between the bow shock and the auroral region.  相似文献   

The interaction of planets with the solar wind produces a diversity of current systems, yet these can be classified into only a few different types, which include ionospheric currents, currents carried by magnetospheric boundaries like the magnetopause or ionopause, magnetotail currents, and currents flowing inside the magnetospheres, like ring currents, plasma sheet currents and currents aligned to the magnetic field lines (or field-aligned currents).  相似文献   

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