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“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会。20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国。但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少。不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献。本文回顾了我国原子钟研发的情况,提到一些从基础研究上属于原始创新的案例。阐述了这些案例是在简陋的实验条件下依靠对原子钟内各类实验现象进行深入的物理分析基础上出现的。同时,也指出了在比较粗糙的工艺条件下实现精细的技术指标中能工巧匠所起的特殊作用。文章也约略提到国内各单位间无私协作的崇高精神。本文将讲述一些故事,并就原子钟产业的问题表示一点看法。中国要实现“强国梦”,阻力和困难还很多很艰巨,我们必须拥有丰富的原始创新来加以克服。为此,坚韧的奋斗钻研精神和传统仍不失借鉴与继承意义。  相似文献   

描述了高稳定性原子钟目前的进展水平、原子钟性能对空间实验测量的意义,并对应用原子钟的一些空间实验,特别是现在技术上能实现的一些空间载钟的科学实验进行了介绍。  相似文献   

光频标和氢原子钟联合守时的时间系统需要集成仪器控制、数据采集、原子钟性能评估等功能,解决光频标的有效运行率低对氢原子钟频率驾驭的影响,因此,设计了基于光频标的氢原子钟频率驾驭系统软件。软件使用可互换虚拟仪器驱动和网络通信实现设备间的数据交互,采用中位差(Median Absolute Deviation, MAD)方法的数据预处理策略完成测量数据的异常点检测,并利用Alglib数值分析和数据挖掘函数库完成核心程序编写。实验表明,在光频标的有效运行率为80%的条件下,氢原子钟驾驭后产生的时间信号与UTC的同步精度小于2.5 ns。  相似文献   

今后《中国空间科学技术》将始终本着“交流空间技术科研成果,探讨前沿技术,活跃学术研究,促进人才成长,服务空间事业”的宗旨,努力成为国内一流的学术技术刊物。编辑部将始终遵循“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的办刊方针,发扬学术民主,积极开展学术研讨,使《中国空间科学技术》成为中国空间科技人员发表研究成果、进行学术交流、探讨前沿技术的重要园地;成为宣传和展示中国空间科学技术成果的重要窗口;成为沟通航天工程技术领域科研人员的“桥梁”和“纽带”,为促进中国空间事业的发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

文章针对现有临近空间浮空器持久区域驻留期间面临的“超热”、“超压”和抗风机动飞行对材料和能源技术的挑战,提出一种充分利用自然界热能和准零风层风场环境的新型临近空间浮空器技术方案。文章分别介绍了新型临近空间浮空器的工作原理、系统组成、功能特点和飞行操控策略;通过浮空器热建模仿真分析和参数总体设计,研究了主气囊热控参数、浮空器白天和夜间“超热”能力,以及浮空器体积规模之间的耦合关系。结果表明,通过主气囊热控参数优化设计,可使浮空器白天“超热”值在100K以上,夜间“超热”值在20K以上,并给出了20~80K“超热”范围内的新型浮空器总体参数设计结果,这些结果满足浮空器高度调节所需浮升能力变化要求。  相似文献   

基于相干布局囚禁(Coherent Population Trapping)的被动型气泡原子钟,因其优良的短稳2E-13@1s和中期稳定度2.5E-15@10~4s,而成为高性能原子钟的有力竞争者。本文基于一种新构型来探索实现高性能小型化CPT原子钟。我们通过3.4GHz微波直接调制分布式布拉格反射(DBR)激光器产生相干双色光,同时在微波和激光光束上分别施加同步的相位调制和偏振调制,实现相干极化调制,获得了较高对比度(14.7%)和较窄线宽(416Hz)的CPT共振信号。该方案采用直接调制技术使原子钟系统体积、复杂性和环境敏感性都得到减小,这使得高性能CPT原子钟的小型化成为可能。  相似文献   

基于相干布局囚禁(Coherent Population Trapping)的被动型气泡原子钟,因其优良的短稳2E-13@1s和中期稳定度2.5E-15@104s,而成为高性能原子钟的有力竞争者。本文基于一种新构型来探索实现高性能小型化CPT原子钟。我们通过3.4GHz微波直接调制分布式布拉格反射(DBR)激光器产生相干双色光,同时在微波和激光光束上分别施加同步的相位调制和偏振调制,实现相干极化调制,获得了较高对比度(14.7%)和较窄线宽(416Hz)的CPT共振信号。该方案采用直接调制技术使原子钟系统体积、复杂性和环境敏感性都得到减小,这使得高性能CPT原子钟的小型化成为可能。  相似文献   

芯片原子钟是具有小体积,低功耗特点的原子钟。本文采用了IIR滤波器方案对芯片原子钟物理系统输出信号进行处理,该方案有利于减小芯片原子钟的体积、提高芯片原子钟短期频率稳定度。实验结果表明,与FIR滤波方案相比,IIR滤波器使用的FPGA资源减小了约58%;与现有模拟滤波方案相比,使用IIR滤波器方案的芯片原子钟频率稳定度提高了1.4×10~(-10)τ~(-1/2)(τ=1s-100s),电路面积减小了10%。  相似文献   

一、引言 GPS卫星系统的实现使原子钟的信号能到达任何一个拥有接收机的用户。原子钟和用户网两者的确切表征对获取最佳的时间和频率信息是重要的。本文将叙述从GPS的一套数据中获取最佳的时间和频率信息的方法和某些接近最佳且简单的数据处理技术。考虑三种简单的情况:情况A为“共视法”(Common-View approach);情况B为直接观测单个卫星,采样时间为几秒到几小时;情况C为观测单个卫星,每天几分钟,  相似文献   

建立了“四体系一平台”航天计量保证体系,成为保障航天型号研制生产的重要技术基础。面临科技创新、军民融合等战略发展机遇,航天计量将发挥自身优势,为型号产品研制生产和国防科技工业发展助力护航。  相似文献   

通过对文献[4, 5]关于空间引力红移实验原理与精度的分析,根据爱因斯坦惯性力与引力等效的原理,提出在航天器内部,重力的大部分被惯性力抵消,因而其中的微重力比轨道重力小很多(失重).因此,应当把星载原子钟的重力势取为与微重力相当的有效重力势,而不能简单地将星载钟的重力势取为轨道重力势.另外,检验相对论红移需要将理论值与实验值进行对比,这两种数值均具有误差,而检验精度取决于误差较大者.因此,如果不提高地球重力模型(例如EGM2008)精度而只提高测量精度则不能提高检验精度.  相似文献   

空间计量是保障地外空间的测量单位统一、测量量值准确可靠的技术和管理活动。本文对空间计量概念进行了全面描述,介绍了国内外在空间计量技术领域的发展现状及取得的部分成果,并提出了空间计量领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

计量学是测量及其应用的科学。计量是实现单位统一、量值准确可靠的活动,计量技术水平体现了科技发展的先进程度,产品质量的提升离不开科学、精准的计量。本文通过搜集、整理单位制变革以及量子化技术、微纳尺度技术、空间计量技术、碳纳米材料技术、智能化计量技术等国内外大量文献资料,归纳并分析了国外先进计量技术发展动态与趋势,可为国防军工计量技术发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Recently developed atomic hydrogen masers have achieved stability well into the 10?16 domain for averaging time intervals beyond 1000 sec and future devices promise further improvements. These devices are very adaptable for space use in very high precision measurements of angle through Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and range and range-rate through Doppler techniques. Proposed space missions using these clocks will be discussed for the measurement of the sun's gravity field distribution and tests of gravitation and relativity including a search for pulsed low frequency (~0.001 Hz) gravitational waves, and orbiting VLBI stations. Estimates of system performance capability will be discussed and the accuracy capability of relativistic measurements evaluated in terms of results from the 1976 NASA/SAO spaceborne clock test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle.  相似文献   

在电子、航空航天领域及型号工程中小电流测试设备(如静电计、皮安表、源/测量单元、半导体精密分析仪等),发挥着极其重要的作用,其电流测量分辨力达到fA级,接近其物理极限值。对这些高灵敏度、高分辨力的精密小电流测量仪器进行参数校准是一项新的计量难题。本文使用Fluke公司5440B型直流电压源和自行研制的高值电阻器,构成测试平台,可以对Keithley公司6517B型静电计(20pA~2μA电流量程)进行自动校准。软件采用Visual C++ 6.0利用校准算法对测量结果进行分析,解决了小电流测量单元校准的计量难题。  相似文献   

A century ago, Albert Einstein began creating his theory of relativity, the ideas we use to understand space, time, and gravity, and he took some of the first steps towards the theory of quantum mechanics, the ideas we use to understand matter and energy. Time magazine named Einstein the “Person of the Century” because his ideas transformed civilization. But his work is not finished: spacetime is not yet reconciled with the quantum. Einstein’s general theory of relativity opened possibilities for the formation and structure of the Universe that seemed unbelievable even to Einstein himself but which have all been subsequently confirmed: that the whole Universe began in a hot, dense Big Bang from which all of space expanded; that dense matter could tie spacetime into tangled knots called black holes; and that “empty” space might contain energy with repulsive gravity. Despite these discoveries, we still do not understand conditions at the beginning of the Universe, how space and time behave at the edge of a black hole, or why distant galaxies are accelerating away from us. These phenomena represent the most extreme interactions of matter and energy with space and time. They are the places to look for clues to the next fundamental revolution in understanding – Beyond Einstein.  相似文献   

The circadian timing system (CTS) is responsible for daily temporal coordination of physiological and behavioral functions both internally and with the external environment. Experiments in altered gravitational environments have revealed changes in circadian rhythms of species ranging from fungi to primates. The altered gravitational environments examined included both the microgravity environment of spaceflight and hyperdynamic environments produced by centrifugation. Acute exposure to altered gravitational environments changed homeostatic parameters such as body temperature. These changes were time of day dependent. Exposure to gravitational alterations of relatively short duration produced changes in both the homeostatic level and the amplitude of circadian rhythms. Chronic exposure to a non-earth level of gravity resulted in changes in the period of the expressed rhythms as well as in the phase relationships between the rhythms and between the rhythms and the external environment. In addition, alterations in gravity appeared to act as a time cue for the CTS. Altered gravity also affected the sensitivity of the pacemaker to other aspects of the environment (i.e., light) and to shifts of time cues. Taken together, these studies lead to the conclusion that the CTS is indeed sensitive to gravity and its alterations. This finding has implications for both basic biology and space medicine.  相似文献   

长度单位定义是建立在光直线传播、光速在真空中为常数,以及光速各向同性的理论基础上,二维球面上的直线,在三维空间中是弯曲的测地线;三维空间的直线,在四维时空中也是弯曲的测地线。长度单位的定义是否适用四维时空呢?SI秒和SI米的定义适用于全域时空,但使用它们必需明确原时和坐标时的区别。爱因斯坦的狭义相对论以及光速不变原理只适用于惯性系,不适用于非惯性系。本文以转盘上的非惯性坐标系为例,利用广义相对论的坐标变换和时空度规运算,揭示了非惯性坐标系上的时空弯曲和光的非直线传播现象。计算了非惯性坐标系上Sagnac效应对卫星和地面站双向测距的影响,初步研究表明空间测量范围从局域推广到全域的话,诸如引力红移、相对速度效应、Sagnac效应等将会成为空间长度测量不确定度的影响因素,因此空间计量理论必须建立在广义相对论基础之上,用四维时空观念理解空间距离测量问题。  相似文献   

Early development of fern gametophytes in microgravity.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Dormant spores of the fern Ceratopteris richardii were flown on Shuttle mission STS-93 to evaluate the effects of micro-g on their development and on their pattern of gene expression. Prior to flight the spores were sterilized and sown into one of two environments: (1) Microscope slides in a video-microscopy module; and (2) Petri dishes. All spores were then stored in darkness until use. Spore germination was initiated on orbit after exposure to light. For the spores on microscope slides, cell level changes were recorded through the clear spore coat of the spores by video microscopy. After their exposure to light, spores in petri dishes were frozen in orbit at four different time points during which on earth gravity fixes the polarity of their development. Spores were then stored frozen in Biological Research in Canister units until recovery on earth. The RNAs from these cells and from 1-g control cells were extracted and analyzed on earth after flight to assay changes in gene expression. Video microscopy results revealed that the germinated spores developed normally in microgravity, although the polarity of their development, which is guided by gravity on earth, was random in space. Differential Display-PCR analyses of RNA extracted from space-flown cells showed that there was about a 5% change in the pattern of gene expression between cells developing in micro-g compared to those developing on earth.  相似文献   

介绍了维持计量检定工作环境条件保障装置的设计方法。该装置可实现实验室温、湿度的测量与控制、有方便的通讯接口便于与计算机连接 。  相似文献   

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