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辩证唯物哲学认为,物质决定意识。据此,语用意识是指言语交际实践、语用能力客观存在于人脑中的反应,是人脑的机能。语用意识是抽象的、间接的,但对言语交际实践有能动作用。培养语用意识有助于使外语学习者“自上而下”全面地把握语言的使用和理解,进而提高语用能力。  相似文献   

论模糊限制语在广告语中的语用功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊限制语的语用功能在不同文体中是不相同的,在商业广告语和个人征婚广告语中的应用体现了模糊限制语的广泛性和丰富性,通过具体分析模糊限制语在这两类广告语中的语用功能,旨在进一步对其语用功能进行探讨.从分析中可以看出,在广告语中模糊限制语的使用使得广告语寓意深刻,琅琅上口,给人们留下深刻的印象.但另一方面,模糊限制语的使用要适当、适量,不能滥用,否则会起到消极的作用.  相似文献   

本文以现代语言学为依据,探讨英语重叠词的产生经过、属类划分、构词规律、修辞效果、语用范围。祈望英语学习者能够正确运用这类词汇。  相似文献   

为了实现科技期刊编辑、出版发行工作的电子化 ,推进科技信息交流的网络化进程 ,我刊现已入网“万方数据———数字化期刊群”。今后 ,凡向本刊投稿并录用的稿件 ,将一律由编辑部统一纳入“万方数据———数字化期刊群” ,进入因特网提供信息服务。有不同意者 ,请另投它刊。本刊所付稿酬包含刊物内容上网服务报酬 ,不再另付。注意 :稿件中的文字、数据和图表请勿涉及机密事项。“万方数据———数字化期刊群”是国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目。本刊全文内容按照统一格式制作 ,读者可上网查询浏览本刊内容 ,并可征订本刊。刊物网址为 :htt…  相似文献   

基于综合航电系统设计中的关键技术———信息融合 ,介绍了信息融合的概念、目标跟踪的算法及传感器的管理 ,以此说明现代作战飞机应用信息融合技术可增强作战平台在恶劣战场环境下的生存能力  相似文献   

幽默是一种言语的艺术,它的产生一方面离不开语言本身的内在规律,另一方面也在很大程度上有赖于语言在语境中的使用情况。而语用学的任务就是研究把特定的话语放在特定的语境中使用所产生的交际功能。本文从语用学的角度探讨幽默的触发条件、运行机制和语用功能,以便我们在日常交际中更好地用幽默进行交流。  相似文献   

根据对西安航专学生的一次语用能力调查结果进行的定量分析发现:语用和语言能力发展不平衡;语用能力滞后于语言能力等。就如何提高学生的语用能力提出了了解差异、培养能力、语言输出等建议。  相似文献   

中式英语是英语学习过程中出现的具有汉语特色的畸形英语,它不仅表现在语音、语义方面,还表现在句法、语用等层面。导致中式英语的因素很多,其中最主要的就是母语负迁移的影响、思维方式的差异、中西文化不同以及双语能力的欠缺。中式英语会对交流起阻碍作用,因此要采取适当的措施,尽最大可能减少交际过程中中式英语的产生。  相似文献   

浅析民航无线电英语通话信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民航无线电英语通话是飞行员与空中交通管制员或其他人员之间交流信息、传递指令的载体。信息传递不能离开载体。这里所说的信息不只是物理意义上的信号,还是“物理载体(按一定方式排列的信号序列)与语义两者构成的统一体”。在这个意义上说,语言本身也可称为信息。因此,在通话活动中,通话语言可视作信息而存在。下面就信息的种类、表现形式和结构特点分析民航无线电英语通话信息。一、民航无线电英语通话信息的种类民航无线电英语通话信息按其功能特点,大致可分为以下几类:1.以建立通话联系为中心的信息要进行通话,通话双方必须…  相似文献   

文章利用语用学的言语行为理论、合作原则和礼貌原则等语用原则来研究话语分析。用实例来探讨理解话语的整体意义,从而使说话者能从语句的表层意义暗藏自己的深层意图,听话者则能从其表层意义洞察其深层意图。  相似文献   

中西方文化的巨大差异导致其礼貌语的使用差异。本文从礼貌原则的角度分析了英汉礼貌用语在称呼、谦逊与客套、隐私及交际等方面的语用差异。  相似文献   

商务谈判时所使用的语言力求准确和严谨。模糊语由于其不确定性通常被排除在谈判语言之外。然而,模糊性是自然语言的基本属性,如果运用得当,在特定的语境下不仅不会妨碍谈判的进行,反而有助于取得良好的谈判效果。  相似文献   

双语词典资源对于自然语言处理研究的巨大价值已经得到越来越多的认可,尤其是在机器翻译、跨语言信息检索等方面。传统人工构建词典存在规模小、时效性差、语种不够灵活等问题,而且耗费大量的人力财力。提出了一种基于web的获取日英释义的新方法。该方法采用双向融合计算技术,首先对日语单词进行启发式搜索,在返回的网页摘要中应用基于距离和频率的方法挖掘出其候选英语单词;在第二阶段对候选英语单词进行二次搜索,并对两个阶段的结果进行融合计算来确定日英释义。  相似文献   

用个案研究的方法,从词汇和语篇结构两个层次对航空广告语篇进行了语用分析,揭示了语篇背后语言使用者在语言使用过程中的交际目的,以及这些目的对于构建语篇的影响,说明任何语言的使用过程都是一个动态的过程。  相似文献   

公示语存在于人们生活的方方面面。随着中国对外交流的增加和在华外国人的增多,大部分公共场所都为汉语公示语配上了对应的英语译文。中国的公示语英译虽然取得了不少成果,但仍存在很多问题。公示语是一种特殊的应用文体,也承担着对外宣传和交流的功用,因此,在翻译的过程中应充分考虑其语言特点和语用功能以及中英文语言文化习惯的差异,采用最为合适的策略进行翻译。  相似文献   

为了产生能提供更多信息的融合图像,提出了一种基于SRR(Sparse and Redundant Represent,稀疏和冗余表示)理论的图像融合方法。该方法首先采用训练所得的冗余字典对原始图像进行稀疏表示,然后对系数矩阵采用1-范数取大融合规则进行融合,最后对融合系数矩阵和冗余字典进行重建以得到融合图像。将该方法与拉普拉斯变换、PCA(Principal Component Analysis,主成分分析)、DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transform,离散小波变换)、CVT(Cur Velet Transform,曲波变换)和NSCT(Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform,非下采样轮廓波变换)等方法在几组图像上进行比较,实验结果表明,该方法在一定程度上提高了融合图像的质量,在主观和客观上都具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

Airports are unique as no two airports are designed the same and, while each is a single facility, each is occupied by many different tenants who provide many different services. Each service may include one or more information systems, both automated and manual, running independently from all others. Because of high visibility events such as the bombing of Pan American Flight 103 in 1988, the explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, and the most recent catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, increased security measures have been put in place to protect the flying public from terrorists. The need to share and exchange information effectively and in a timely manner between airport services and systems, with other airport facilities, outside organizations and government agencies, becomes greater each day. The increased requirements defined by previous policy, threat, vulnerability, and risk assessments can be used to derive security services for NAS Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations, as well as Airport Facility (AF) operations. However, conventional solutions may not be suited to the unique needs of an airport environment and may be operationally unacceptable in some cases. This discusses some of the ways that information systems security can help ensure that key security services, including access control and authentication, are available and implementable in all systems as needed in these unique airport environments.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于语音交互的奥运信息查询系统。该系统综合应用语音识别、智能人机交互等先进技术,实现了通过语音对历届奥运会的相关信息的查询。在语音识别和问句理解方面,将统计方法与规则方法相结合,利用领域相关知识和受限语言文法,显著地提高了语音识别和问句理解的正确率。实验结果表明,提出和采用的各种技术方法是有效的。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the cooperative coalition problem for formation scheduling based on incomplete information. A multi-agent cooperative coalition framework is developed to optimize the formation scheduling problem in a decentralized manner. The social class differentiation mechanism and role-assuming mechanism are incorporated into the framework, which, in turn, ensures that the multi-agent system(MAS) evolves in the optimal direction. Moreover, a further differentiation pressure can be achieved to help MAS escape from local optima. A Bayesian coalition negotiation algorithm is constructed, within which the Harsanyi transformation is introduced to transform the coalition problem based on incomplete information to the Bayesian-equivalent coalition problem based on imperfect information. The simulation results suggest that the distribution of agents' expectations of other agents' unknown information approximates to the true distribution after a finite set of generations. The comparisons indicate that the MAS cooperative coalition algorithm produces a significantly better utility and possesses a more effective capability of escaping from local optima than the proposal-engaged marriage algorithm and the Simulated Annealing algorithm.  相似文献   

In a multisensor environment, each sensor detects multiple targets and creates corresponding tracks. Fusion of tracks from these, possibly dissimilar, sensors yields more accurate kinematic and attribute information regarding the target. Two methodologies have been employed for such purpose, which are: measurement fusion and state vector fusion. It is well known that the measurement fusion approach is optimal but computationally inefficient and the state vector fusion algorithms are more efficient but suboptimal, in general. This is so because the state vector estimates to be fused obtained from two sensors, are not conditionally independent in general due to the common process noise from the target being tracked. It is to be noted that there are three approaches to state vector fusion, which are: weighted covariance, information matrix, and pseudomeasurement. This research is restricted solely to performance evaluation of the information matrix form of state vector fusion. Closed-form analytical solution of steady state fused covariance has been derived as a measure of performance using this approach. Note that the results are derived under the assumptions that the two sensors are synchronized and no misassociation or merged measurement is considered in the study. Results are compared with those using Monte Carlo simulation, which was used in the past to predict fusion system performance by various authors. These results provide additional insight into the mechanism of track fusion and greatly simplify evaluation of fusion performance. In addition, availability of such a solution facilitates the trade-off studies for designing fusion systems under various operating conditions  相似文献   

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