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小光 《国际太空》2005,(10):5-8
“金星快车”(Venus Express)是欧洲航天局(ESA)第1个金星探测器,也是世界第1个对金星大气和等离子环境进行全球研究的探测器。它将对金星进行为期2个金星日(相当于地球上的500天)的科学观测,详细地研究金星大气和云层,并且绘制金星全球表面温度图。这对于认识地球长期的气候演变进程将起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

木星和土星探测的未来发展态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在20世纪60-70年代,美国、苏联先后向火星、金星、木星和土星发射了几十个探测器,并实现了火星和金星的机器人着陆。这些探测器中以探测火星和金星的居多,仅有几个掠过木星和土星,而且未能获得这些巨行星的全貌。1989年和1997年发射的"伽利略"(Galileo)木星探测器和"卡西尼-惠更斯"(CassiniHuygens)土星探测器分别进入了木星和土星轨道,实现了大气就位探测和土卫六表面着陆,获得了前所未有的资料,更激发了世界对这2颗巨行星及其卫星的关注。2004年,美国航空航天局(NASA)和欧洲航天局(ESA)先后发布的深空探索愿景中均规划了木星及土星探测任务。2008年,NASA和ESA组成了木星系探测联合研究组(JSDT),提出了在2020年后实施"木卫二木星系统任务"(EJSM)和"土卫六土星系统任务"(TSSM),美欧将集中资源联合开展木星系和土星系探索任务。2011年,美国选定了"土星海"(TiME)着陆器作为2016年的发现级备选任务。2012年5月,ESA确定了将在2022年发射"木星冰月探测器"(JUICE),将探测木星卫星存在生命的可能性。  相似文献   

质谱计多次应用于行星系统和小天体的大气层与土壤吸附气体或挥发组分及其同位素含量探索,是太阳系行星系统和小天体探测计划中的首选载荷之一。大气和土壤元素及其同位素组分探测对资源勘探、行星系统的宜居性、天体演化、起源及其重要事件的精准时间坐标研究等具有重要意义。质谱计已多次成功应用于火星、土星系、木星系、彗星等探测任务中开展大气环境探测。质谱计的探测对象主要包括太阳系行星、行星卫星如月球、木星伽利略卫星、土卫,以及地外小行星和彗星。四极杆质谱计在当前的深空空间环境探测活动中应用最为广泛。利用四极杆质谱计除可用于探测稀薄天体大气与土壤析出气体外,如增加抽真空能力的前端设计,则具备探测稠密大气成分的能力。中科院空间中心研发的星载质谱计已多次成功应用于地球行星大气成分和密度探测。  相似文献   

<正>NASA网站2017年3月11日报道,俄美金星-D(Venera-D)任务联合科学定义小组(JSDT)举行工作会议,讨论金星探测任务的科学目标、有效载荷和飞行方案,并发布《Venera-D:通过开展金星综合探测拓展行星气候与地质学认知》科学评估报告。报告明确了Venera-D任务包含1个轨道器和1个着陆器。轨道器将在轨运行3年,主要科学目标  相似文献   

"大气动力学任务-风神"(ADM-Aeolus,简称"风神")卫星由欧洲航天局(ESA)负责研制,旨在对地球地理气象环境进行系统探测和分析,是"有生命的行星"(living planet)长期观测框架任务中的重要组成项目。"风神"任务将实现首次对全球风场的星基直接观测,从而为气候研究和气象预报提供重要参考数据。  相似文献   

陈颖  周璐  王立 《深空探测学报》2014,1(2):156-160
针对火星探测科学发现及任务创新需求,探索更先进的探测模式,提出了一种火星多模式组合探测任务设想。该任务设想的特点在于结合了轨道环绕、表面着陆、多点穿透和浮空探测,获取立体多层多源信息,一次任务实现深度科学探测。对火星开展多模式组合探测,不仅会开拓更加具有优势的火星探测新方式,发展新的探测能力和技术,也会加深对火星的全面了解,提高探测活动的综合效果。多模式探测设想不仅适用于火星,对金星、土星等地外天体探测也有很好的支撑作用。  相似文献   

<正>"风云四号"静止气象卫星于近日成功获取首批图像和数据,其搭载的多通道扫描辐射成像计、干涉式大气垂直探测仪、闪电成像仪、空间环境监测仪器包等载荷分别传回了圆盘图、大气光谱图、闪电分布图和磁暴监测图。这些图该怎么去看?又包含了哪些天气系统信息?这些数据信息对于天气预报和气候预测将有哪些推动作用?大气光谱图首次利用静止轨道获取高光谱大气探测数据干涉式大气垂直探测仪是国际上第一台在静止轨道上以红外高光谱干涉分光方式探测大气垂直结构的精密遥感仪器。通过该探测仪,成功获取  相似文献   

近日,金星成为人们热议的话题,这是因为中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院教授张铁龙等与奥地利、美国科学家合作,利用欧洲"金星快车"探测器的磁场探测数据,首次在金星的诱发磁层中发现了磁场重联现象,研究成果发表在2012年4月出版的国际权威学术期刊《科学》上。这一发现对金星大气演化和气候变化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国航宇局选定“起源·光谱判读·资源辨识·安全·表土探测器”(OSIRlS-REX)作为其“新边疆”低成本太阳系探测计划的下一项任务。该方案战胜了参与最终竞标的一项金星着陆探测方案和一项月球背面取样回送方案。不含发射费用,该项目将耗资8亿美元。项目由美国航宇局戈达德航天飞行中心和亚利桑那大学牵头。探测器将由洛马航天系统公司建造  相似文献   

<正>火星全球勘测者号:重启火星探测随着冷战的结束,美苏两国对火星探测的热情也急剧下降,"海盗"任务之后的十几年里都没有新的探测器飞向火星。1996年11月7日,美国的火星全球勘测者号探测器从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空,它的主要任务是收集火星表面地形、组成、重力、大气和磁场等数据,这些数据用于研究火星表面地质构造、物质分布、内部性质、磁场变化及天气气候等。1997年  相似文献   

China's first Mars exploration mission is scheduled to be launched in 2020. It aims not only to conduct global and comprehensive exploration of Mars by use of an orbiter but also to carry out in situ observation of key sites on Mars with a rover. This mission focuses on the following studies:topography, geomorphology, geological structure, soil characteristics, water-ice distribution, material composition, atmosphere and ionosphere, surface climate, environmental characteristics, Mars internal structure, and Martian magnetic field. It is comprised of an orbiter, a lander, and a rover equipped with 13 scientific payloads. This article will give an introduction to the mission including mission plan, scientific objectives, scientific payloads, and its recent development progress.   相似文献   

For decades, clouds have remained a central open question in understanding the climate system of Venus. We have developed a new microphysical model for the clouds of Venus that we describe in this paper. The model is a modal aerosol dynamical model that treats the formation and evolution of sulfuric acid solution droplets with a moderate computational cost. To this end, the microphysical equations are derived to describe the evolution of the size distribution of the particles using the moments of the distribution. We describe the derivation of the equations and their implementation in the model. We tested each microphysical process of the model separately in conditions of the Venus’ atmosphere and show that the model behaves in a physically sound manner in the tested cases. The model will be coupled in the future with a Venus Global Climate Model and used for elucidating the remaining mysteries.  相似文献   

As scientific experiment payloads, microgravity experiments of fluid physics, life science,combustion science, physics and accelerator measurement were conducted on board the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-8 during 18-day orbital flight. The experimental payloads and an experiment support system constituted the microgravity experiment system of the flight mission. This article has presented the briefs of the scientific achievements of these space experiments, the composition and performance of the Microgravity Experimental System (MES) and the general picture of the overall flight mission, respectively.   相似文献   

China's Chang'E-4 probe successfully landed on 3 January 2019 in Von Kármán crater within the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin on the lunar far side. Based on the data acquired by the scientific payloads onboard the lander and the rover, the researchers obtained the related information such as the geologic and tectonic setting of the landing area, compositional characteristics of the landing surface materials, dielectric permittivity and density of the lunar soil. The experiments confirmed the existence of materials dominated by olivine and low-calcium pyroxene in the SPA basin on the lunar far side, which preliminary revealed the geological evolution history of the SPA basin and even that of the early time lunar crust, as well as the tectonic setting and formation mechanism of the materials in the lunar interior. The researchers also inves-tigated the particle radiation, Linear Energy Transaction (LET) spectrum, and so forth on the lunar surface. The low-frequency radio observations were carried out on the lunar far side for the first time as well. This article summarizes the latest scientific results in the past years, focusing on the Chang'E-4 mission. Key words CLEP, Chang'E-4, Scientific objectives, Scientific payloads, Scientific results   相似文献   

The definitive data set for the mean thermal structure of the Venusian middle atmosphere is published for the first time. Some recent interim results on a modelling study to interpret the measured thermal field in terms of the global dynamics are also presented. These indicate that (a) the zonal winds on Venus fall to very low values above about 90 km, (b) there is a strong mid-latitude jet which circles the planet approximately every two days, (c) the observed solar tides are dominated by the semi-diurnal component, in agreement with theory.  相似文献   

This paper describes the scientific objectives and payloads of Tianwen-1, China’s first exploration mission to Mars. An orbiter, carrying a lander and a rover, lifted-off in July 2020 for a journey to Mars where it should arrive in February 2021. A suite of 13 scientific payloads, for in-situ and remote sensing, autonomously commanded by integrated payload controllers and mounted on the orbiter and the rover will study the magnetosphere and ionosphere of Mars and the relation with the solar wind, the atmosphere, surface and subsurface of the planet, looking at the topography, composition and structure and in particular for subsurface ice. The mission will also investigate Mars climate history. It is expected that Tianwen-1 will contribute significantly to advance our scientific knowledge of Mars.  相似文献   

“嫦娥4号”月球背面软着陆任务设计   总被引:12,自引:24,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了"嫦娥4号"月球背面软着陆任务设计方案。着陆区初步选定为月球背面南极–艾特肯(South PoleAitken,SPA)盆地内的冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑内。采用中继星实现着陆器和巡视器的对地通信,并选择环绕地月拉格朗日L2点的halo轨道作为其使命轨道。采用CZ-4C火箭和CZ-3B火箭,分别完成中继星和着陆器–巡视器组合体的发射。两器一星上共配置了6台国内研制科学载荷和3台国际合作科学载荷,开展以低频射电天文观测、巡视区形貌、矿物组份及浅层结构为主的科学探测。此外,还搭载了2颗月球轨道编队飞行微卫星、月面微型生态圈和大孔径激光角反射镜,分别开展超长波天文干涉测量试验、月面生态系统试验和超过地月距离的激光测距试验。通过创新设计顶层任务,充分继承成熟技术和产品,增加中继通信功能模块,开放资源引入高性能载荷和搭载项目,将实现一次低成本、短周期、大开放、高效益的月球探测任务。  相似文献   

China plans to implement the first Mars exploration mission in 2020. It will conduct global and comprehensive exploration of Mars and high precision and fine resolution detection of key areas on Mars through orbiting, landing and roving. The scientific objectives include studying the Martian morphology and geological structure characteristics, studying the soil characteristics and the water-ice distribution on the Martian surface, studying the material composition on the Martian surface, studying the atmosphere ionosphere and surface climate and environmental characteristics of Mars, studying the physical field and internal structure of Mars and the Martian magnetic field characteristics. The mission equips 12 scientific payloads to achieve these scientific objectives. This paper mainly introduces the scientific objectives, exploration task, and scientific payloads.   相似文献   

Various balloon systems intended as scientific platforms to float in the atmosphere of Venus at altitudes between about 35 and 65 km are briefly reviewed. Previous predictions of the altitude oscillations of balloons filled with helium gas and water vapor are largely confirmed through numerical simulation and analysis. The need for refined thermal modelling is emphasised. Several novel technical concepts are introduced. It is concluded that phase change balloons would be more suitable than non-condensing super pressure gas balloons when repeated altitude excursions are a mission requirement.  相似文献   

This work shows the capability of observing Venus with a sensor originally designed for Earth remote sensing. SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY), onboard ENVISAT, successfully observed visible and near-infrared spectra from the Venusian atmosphere. The Venus spectra were simulated using a line-by-line radiative transfer model. The single scattering approximation was applied in order to consider the effects of an approximately 20 km-thick haze layer above the main cloud deck, which was considered as a reflecting cloud located in the upper atmosphere of the planet. CO2 absorption lines could be distinguished in both observed and simulated spectra and a good agreement between them was also found.  相似文献   

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