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基于空间微重力下植物的生物学效应及其微重力信号转导研究需要,在微重力条件下培养拟南芥,获得经微重力条件生长的拟南芥样品.在空间实验过程中实时采集、存储和传输植物样品的数字图像,并根据生物样品的生长周期对生物样品进行低温固定和储存,再由返回式卫星带回地面,开展微重力植物生物学效应研究.   相似文献   

LED光谱对模拟空间培养箱中植物生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究在空间植物培养箱中利用LED作为光源对植物生长发育的作用, 并以荧光灯作为对照, 评估LED光源在空间植物培养中的优缺点, 可为中国即将在空间实验室天宫二 号和空间站中开展的高等植物生长实验提供参考. 利用不同比例的红光与白光LED组合光源, 研究光谱组成(红蓝光比例)、光照强度、光周期和气体流通等条件对于模拟空间 植物培养箱中拟南芥和水稻生长发育的影响. 结果表明, 与荧光灯相比, 红蓝光比例高的LED会导致拟南芥提早开花和水稻叶片的早衰. 红蓝光峰值比在3.9左右时, 拟南芥 和水稻生长最为有利; 红蓝光峰值比超过16则明显抑制拟南芥和水稻的生长, 导致叶片早衰. 另外, 在密闭培养箱中, 光强小于150μmol·m-2·s-1时, 增加光照强度可以部分抵消气体流通不足导致拟南芥植物生长的抑制, 而光照强度大 于150μmol·m-2·s-1时, 光强越大拟南芥的生长发育受到抑制越严重. 水稻对密闭培养环境中高光强的耐受性明显好于拟南芥. 因此, 在设计空间植物培养箱的LED光照系统时, 红蓝光的比例选择是关键, 此外还需综合考虑空间微重力条件下气体对流变化影响植物对光的反应.   相似文献   

三维回转器回旋条件下拟南芥种子发育分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
向重力性反应是植物适应地球重力环境的一个重要生理过程, 是植物正常生长发育不可缺少的反应机制, 但是, 微重力是否影响植物种子发育至今尚无一致性结论. 本文研究了三维回转器回旋模拟微重力对拟南芥种子发育(胚胎发育与代谢活动)的影响. 研究结果表明, 三维回转条件下, 拟南芥果荚出现不规则弯曲或扭曲形态, 形成的种子中可溶性糖和淀粉含量明显增加, 盐溶性贮藏蛋白质含量显著降低而碱溶性蛋白质含量显著升高, 球形胚时期的种子对三维回转处理最为敏感. 对球形胚时期的植株进行短期的三维回转处理可抑制胚柄细胞的分裂和伸长, 而胚柄伸长受阻可能会影响到营养物质向胚胎中输送, 进而导致部分胚胎败育. 对种子干燥脱水阶段的植株进行三维回转处理不影响胚胎的发育, 但会导致种子贮藏蛋白质含量下降.   相似文献   

微重力池沸腾传热研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对利用中国返回式卫星搭载开展的两次微重力池沸腾空间实验及地基常重力和落塔短时微重力实验的结果进行了评述. 研究发现微重力时丝状加热器沸腾传热会略有强化, 而平板加热器则在高热流条件下明显恶化. 微重力时, 气泡脱落前存在沿加热面的横向运动, 加剧了相邻气泡间的合并, 合并气泡会在其表面振荡作用下从加热面脱落. Marangoni 效应对于微重力气泡行为有重要影响.   相似文献   

从地基研究植物向重性和在神舟八号卫星微重力条件下培养植物细胞出发,探讨重力变化对植物细胞发生作用时产生的生物学效应.已有结果显示,在植物向重性反应和处于失重状态时,重力方向和大小变化对细胞壁代谢具有一定影响.推断细胞形状的维持是由细胞壁的刚性与细胞内膨压平衡所致,当细胞膨压大于细胞壁刚性导致上述平衡打破时就会引起细胞体积增大.因此,重力的变化可能会通过影响植物细胞壁刚性与细胞内膨压的平衡影响细胞生长.   相似文献   

比较研究了SJ-8返回式卫星留轨舱微重力条件与地面三维回转模拟微重力条件下青菜生长与发育情况.研究发现空间微重力条件下青菜开花过程需要大约18 h,明显长于地面对照5 h左右.回转器模拟实验结果表明,改变重力影响了花瓣的伸展与发育及花粉的产量,回转条件下花粉细胞中的微管排列明显不同于静止对照.细胞骨架受到干扰可能是改变重力条件下花粉产量降低的原因之一.本研究首次报道了在空间飞行试验中成功地采用了显微实时图像技术观察植物的开花过程,并获得了从花蕾到开花结束各阶段清晰的图像.   相似文献   

利用我国首次卫星搭载,进行了偏晶合金Zn—Pb、Al—Pb 的空间微重力下的重熔试验,研究了低于临界温度下Al—Pb 合金重熔过程中的物理规律;在临界温度之上重熔了Zn—Pb 合金,发现了Marangoni 对流对合金凝固过程的影响;在液态烧结条件下制备了均匀的粉末Zn—Pb 合金。在微重力下的研究表明:空间微重力条件对消除由于重力引起的宏观偏折和自然对流十分重要,但在重力消失后,非重力的其它因素的影响又显得格外重要。  相似文献   

随着载人航天事业的不断发展,空间失重环境引起的航天员健康问题(心血管疾病、免疫抑制、肌肉萎缩、骨质疏松等)日益突出,这已成为人类探索空间的一大阻碍.越来越多的研究关注到微重力条件下机体及细胞的变化.近期的研究表明,在细胞水平上,微重力会引起细胞降解,改变细胞骨架,并造成细胞在分子水平(如细胞增殖、分化、迁移、粘附、信号转导等过程)的一系列改变.本文对微重力条件下免疫细胞、内皮细胞、骨细胞、癌细胞的相关研究进行了归纳总结,研究结果可为微重力条件下机体及相关细胞的研究提供指导,为治疗或缓解微重力条件造成的疾病提供方法和思路.   相似文献   

微生物种类及其含量监测是空间站内微生物控制的重要环节。但是空间环境的微重力条件及对资源的条件限制导致地面常规检测实验难以开展,因此在轨微生物检测主要依靠培养法。基于侧流层析试纸条的生物分子识别检测方法具有不受微重力环境影响的优点,耦合荧光检测方法可以达到较高的检测灵敏度,是在轨微生物检测的潜在方法之一。针对空间环境中对航天员生活环境及仪器仪表设备具有潜在危害的微生物,研究了一种基于环介导等温扩增(LAMP)耦合荧光侧流层析试纸条的微生物核酸鉴别技术。研究结果表明,该技术可实现对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等空间站常见有害微生物的高灵敏、高特异性、快速检测,检测时间小于60 min,灵敏度达到100 copy·μL–1。  相似文献   

采用VOF (Volume of Fluid)多相流模型, 通过用户自定义函数UDF (User Defined Function)实现相变过程中质量和能量的输运, 对微重力条件下尺寸为10mm × 10mm × 25mm的矩形通道的池沸腾现象进行数值模拟, 得到了微重力及常重力作用下单个气泡生长特性的差异. 模拟结果表明, 微重力条件下气泡周围的流线与温度场的分布有显著差异; 由于表面张力作用, 微重力下的气泡脱离特性与常重力下不同; 在微重力条件下, 气泡直径的变化比较复杂, 并与重力加速度的大小有关; Marangoni流对微重力下的流动影响很大, 使换热系数波动, 而且波动的幅度随重力加速度的减小而增大.   相似文献   

The assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) as a permanent experimental outpost has provided the opportunity for quality plant research in space. To take advantage of this orbital laboratory, engineers and scientists at the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (WCSAR), University of Wisconsin-Madison, developed a plant growth facility capable of supporting plant growth in the microgravity environment. Utilizing this Advanced Astroculture (ADVASC) plant growth facility, an experiment was conducted with the objective to grow Arabidopsis thaliana plants from seed-to-seed on the ISS. Dry Arabidopsis seeds were anchored in the root tray of the ADVASC growth chamber. These seeds were successfully germinated from May 10 until the end of June 2001. Arabidopsis plants grew and completed a full life cycle in microgravity. This experiment demonstrated that ADVASC is capable of providing environment conditions suitable for plant growth and development in microgravity. The normal progression through the life cycle, as well as the postflight morphometric analyses, demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana does not require the presence of gravity for growth and development.  相似文献   

Influence of different natural physical fields on biological processes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In space flight conditions gravity, magnetic, and electrical fields as well as ionizing radiation change both in size, and in direction. This causes disruptions in the conduct of some physical processes, chemical reactions, and metabolism in living organisms. In these conditions organisms of different phylogenetic level change their metabolic reactions undergo changes such as disturbances in ionic exchange both in lower and in higher plants, changes in cell morphology for example, gyrosity in Proteus (Proteus vulgaris), spatial disorientation in coleoptiles of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Pea (Pisum sativum) seedlings, mutational changes in Crepis (Crepis capillaris) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedling. It has been found that even in the absence of gravity, gravireceptors determining spatial orientation in higher plants under terrestrial conditions are formed in the course of ontogenesis. Under weightlessness this system does not function and spatial orientation is determined by the light flux gradient or by the action of some other factors. Peculiarities of the formation of the gravireceptor apparatus in higher plants, amphibians, fish, and birds under space flight conditions have been observed. It has been found that the system in which responses were accompanied by phase transition have proven to be gravity-sensitive under microgravity conditions. Such reactions include also the process of photosynthesis which is the main energy production process in plants. In view of the established effects of microgravity and different natural physical fields on biological processes, it has been shown that these processes change due to the absence of initially rigid determination. The established biological effect of physical fields influence on biological processes in organisms is the starting point for elucidating the role of gravity and evolutionary development of various organisms on Earth.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the possibilities for higher plants to realize complete ontogenesis, from seed to seed, and to propagate by seeds in microgravity, is a fundamental task of space biology connected with the working of the CELSS program. At present, there are results of only 6 spaceflight experiments with Arabidopsis thaliana, an ephemeral plant which will flower and fruit in orbit. Morphogenesis of generative organs occurs normally in microgravity, but unlike the ground control, buds and flowers mainly contain sterile elements of the androecium and gynoecium which degenerate at different stages of development in microgravity. Cytological peculiarities of male and female sterility in microgravity are similar to those occurring naturally during sexual differentiation. Many of the seed formed in microgravity do not contain embryos. Hypotheses to explain abnormal reproductive development in microgravity are: 1) nutritional deficiency, 2) insufficient light, 3) intensification of the influence of the above-mentioned factors by microgravity, 4) disturbances of a hormonal nature, and 5) the absence of pollination and fertilization. Possible ways for testing these hypotheses and obtaining viable seeds in microgravity are discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling in plant cells in altered gravity.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in altered gravity (microgravity and clinostating) evidence that Ca2+ signaling can play a fundamental role in biological effects of microgravity. Calcium as a second messenger is known to play a crucial role in stimulus-response coupling for many plant cellular signaling pathways. Its messenger functions are realized by transient changes in the cytosolic ion concentration induced by a variety of internal and external stimuli such as light, hormones, temperature, anoxia, salinity, and gravity. Although the first data on the changes in the calcium balance in plant cells under the influence of altered gravity have appeared in 80th, a review highlighting the performed research and the possible significance of such Ca2+ changes in the structural and metabolic rearrangements of plant cells in altered gravity is still lacking. In this paper, an attempt was made to summarize the available experimental results and to consider some hypotheses in this field of research. It is proposed to distinguish between cell gravisensing and cell graviperception; the former is related to cell structure and metabolism stability in the gravitational field and their changes in microgravity (cells not specialized to gravity perception), the latter is related to active use of a gravitational stimulus by cells presumebly specialized to gravity perception for realization of normal space orientation, growth, and vital activity (gravitropism, gravitaxis) in plants. The main experimental data concerning both redistribution of free Ca2+ ions in plant cell organelles and the cell wall, and an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration under the influence of altered gravity are presented. Based on the gravitational decompensation hypothesis, the consequence of events occurring in gravisensing cells not specialized to gravity perception under altered gravity are considered in the following order: changes in the cytoplasmic membrane surface tension --> alterations in the physicochemical properties of the membrane --> changes in membrane permeability, --> ion transport, membrane-bound enzyme activity, etc. --> metabolism rearrangements --> physiological responses. An analysis of data available on biological effects of altered gravity at the cellular level allows one to conclude that microgravity environment appears to affect cytoskeleton, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, cell wall biogenesis via changes in enzyme activity and protein expression, with involvement of regulatory Ca2+ messenger system. Changes in Ca2+ influx/efflux and possible pathways of Ca2+ signaling in plant cell biochemical regulation in altered gravity are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of cosmic radiation and/or microgravity on insect development was studied during the 7 day German Spacelab Mission D1. Eggs of Carausius morosus of five stages differing in sensitivity to radiation and in capacity to regeneration were allowed to continue their development in the BIORACK 22°C incubator, either at microgravity conditions or on the 1 g reference centrifuge. Using the Biostack concept - eggs in monolayers were sandwiched between visual track detectors - and the 1 g reference centrifuge, we were able to separate radiation effects from microgravity effects and also from combined effects of these two factors in space. After retrieval, hatching rates, growth kinetics and anomaly frequencies were determined in the different test samples. The early stages of development turned out to be highly sensitive to single hits of cosmic ray particles as well as to the temporary exposure to microgravity during their development. In some cases, the combined action of radiation and microgravity even amplified the effects exerted by the single parameters of space. Hits by single HZE particles caused early effects, such as body anomalies, as well as late effects, such as retarded growth after hatching. Microgravity exposure lead to a reduced hatching rate. A synergistic action of HZE particle hits and microgravity was established in the unexpectedly high frequency of anomal larvae. However, it cannot be excluded, that cosmic background radiation or low LET HZE particles are also causally involved in damage observed in the microgravity samples.  相似文献   

Space and clinostatic experiments revealed that plant cell structure and metabolism rearrangements depend on taxonomical position and physiological state of objects, growth phase and real or simulated microgravity influence duration. It was shown that clinostat conditions reproduce only a part of microgravity biological effects. It is established that various responses occur in microgravity: 1) rearrangements of cytoplasmic organelles ultrastructure and calcium balance; 2) physical-chemical properties of the plasmalemma are changed; 3) enzymes activity is often enhanced. These events provoke the acceleration of growth and differentiation of cells and their aging as a result; at the same time some responses can be considered as cell adaptation to microgravity.  相似文献   

The program of the 5 day flight of the biosatellite Cosmos-1514 (December 1983) envisaged experimental investigations the purpose of which was to ascertain the effect of short-term microgravity on the physiology, growth and development of various animal and plant species. The study of Rhesus-monkeys has shown in that they are an adequate model for exploring the mechanisms of physiological adaptation to weightlessness of the vestibular apparatus and the cardiovascular system. The rat experiment has demonstrated that mammalian embryos, at least during the last term of pregnancy, can develop in microgravity. This finding has been confirmed by fish studies. The experiment on germinating seeds and adult plants has given evidence that microgravity produces no effect on the metabolism of seedlings and on the flowering stage.  相似文献   

Seedling growth and development on space shuttle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young pine seedlings, and mung bean and oat seeds were flown on shuttle flights, STS-3 and STS-51F, in March, 1982 and July/August, 1985, respectively. The plant growth units built to support the two experiments functioned mechanically as anticipated and provided the necessary support data. Pine seedlings exposed to the microgravity environment of the space shuttle for 8 days continued to grow at a rate similar to ground controls. Pine stems in flight seedlings, however, averaged 10 to 12% less lignin than controls. Flight mung beans grew slower than control beans and their stems contained about 25% less lignin than control seedlings. Reduced mung bean growth in microgravity was partly due to slower germination rate. Lignin also was reduced in flight oats as compared to controls. Oats and mung beans exhibited upward growing roots which were not observed in control seedlings. Chlorophyll A/B ratios were lower in flight tissues than controls. The sealed PGCs exhibited large variations in atmospheric gas composition but the changes were similar between flight and ground controls. Ethylene was present in low concentrations in all chambers.  相似文献   

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