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3月2日,海洋二号卫星在轨交付仪式在京举行,卫星由研制单位中国航天科技集团公司正式交付给用户国家海洋局,至此,海洋二号卫星正式投入使用。"海洋二号"是我国首颗海洋动力环境卫星,具备全天候、全天时、全球连续探测风、浪、流、潮及温度等海洋动力环境信息的能力,是我国民用航天"十一五"重点投资项目。自2011年8  相似文献   

海洋-2卫星是我国首颗用于海洋动力环境探测的卫星,于2011年8月成功发射,2012年3月正式投入使用。该卫星工程研制突破了高精度有效载荷、精密测定轨等关键技术,在多个技术领域达到国际先进水平,实现了高观测精度、高测定轨精度、星地激光高速数据传输、关键部件自主研制、航天器数字集成设计等五大能力提升。经过在轨验证,海洋-2卫星和星载设备工作稳定,各项功能和性能满足研制总要求,整体达到国际先进水平,其观测数据有效填补了国际同类微波遥感卫星数据的不足,在全球对地观测体系中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

东方星 《太空探索》2012,(12):24-27
卫星海洋遥感对观测与研究全球海洋环境和海洋资源具有重要作用,其特点是快速、连续、大范围和能同时观测多个参数。目前,全球已发射了40多颗探测海洋的卫星,包括专用海洋卫星和装载多种遥感器具有大气、海洋、陆地等环境监测能力的综合型遥感卫星。海洋卫星是专门用于观测和研究海洋的人造地球卫星。虽然利用气象卫星和资源卫星也可以获得一些海洋现象的信息,但由于海洋现象和变化  相似文献   

随着大型可展开环形天线在航天器上的应用,口径越来越大,指标更加严格,卫星姿控、轨控、太阳翼驱动等导致的机械运动必然会引起大型反射面天线的振动,从而造成电性能降低,影响任务完成质量。提供了一种获取大型环形天线在轨振动影响的刚–柔–姿控一体化分析方法,建立了集扰动源、整星刚柔耦合动力学模型、姿态控制系统、天线振动影响分析的一体化仿真分析模型,实现了在典型扰动模式下的环形天线的振动响应计算、环形天线整体指向和变形计算。分析结果为天线在轨振动影响分析、性能指标预示、振动传递机理及抑制措施提供支持。  相似文献   

地震电磁卫星的发展与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量的震例表明, 地震与电离层之间存在一定的耦合关系, 这为地震电磁卫星的发展提供了理论依据. 文章分析了各国地震电磁卫星的发展动态和发展趋势, 对目前地震电磁卫星研究工作提出了建议, 建立多种类型、多种手段、多颗卫星组成的综合卫星星座观测是实现地震预报的必要手段.   相似文献   

一航 《国际太空》2002,(2):16-16
美国东部时间 2 0 0 1年 12月 7日 ,在美国加利福尼亚州范登堡空军基地 ,法国空间中心和美国航宇局用美国波音公司的德尔他 - 2火箭 ,成功地发射了 Jason- 1海洋观测卫星 ,此次同时发射升空的还有美国的另一颗名为“Timed”的科学卫星。Jason- 1海洋观测卫星由法国空间中心和美国航宇局下属的喷气推进实验室联合研制。 Jason- 1卫星是“托佩克斯 /海神” (Topex/Poseidon)卫星的后继星 ,它将接替已经运行了 9年的 Topex/Poseidon卫星 ,为国际科学界迅速提供几个小时或几天内海洋状态的有关情况。Jason卫星计划是发展未来海洋观测和预测…  相似文献   

针对海洋一号卫星观测任务规划需求,提出并实现了基于遗传策略的任务规划框架,解决了卫星实际使用中成像任务受卫星其他业务影响的多类型约束成像规划问题。基于海洋一号卫星实际规划业务要求,对任务规划约束和优化目标建立数学模型,提出了由预处理、窗口约束处理和组合约束处理与优化组成的三阶段规划框架。设计了多约束任务规划优化目标函数,并利用交叉、变异和种群选择等遗传机制对优化问题进行了求解。基于海洋一号卫星实际观测需求数据,对提出的算法进行了有效性和性能验证,结果表明本算法能够给出满足多类型约束的观测规划方案,并在观测时间、观测覆盖率等方面较其他策略有显著提升。研究结果表明通过优化目标函数的设计遗传算法能够实现复杂约束条件的成像规划求解,算法框架可为与海洋卫星具有相似业务特点的对地观测规划系统设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对存在未知外界干扰、参数不确定问题的刚–液–柔多体耦合航天器姿态控制进行了研究。将液体燃料的晃动等效为球摆模型,挠性附件假设为欧拉–伯努利梁,运用拉格朗日方法建立航天器的动力学方程。将外界干扰、航天器转动惯量的参数不确定性以及液体晃动和挠性附件振动带来的耦合干扰归结为集总干扰,设计干扰观测器对其进行补偿;在干扰观测器的基础上,设计一种模糊滑模控制律。在原有的终端滑模控制基础上采用模糊控制对切换增益进行改进,达到抑制系统抖动的目的。数值仿真结果表明:所设计的模糊终端滑模控制律不仅能够实现充液挠性航天器的姿态机动,而且能够有效抑制液体晃动和挠性附件的振动,具有更好的控制性能。  相似文献   

环境卫星-1的特性和用途   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境卫星 - 1(ENVISAT- 1)即将于2 0 0 1年 7月发射 ,这是欧空局 (ESA) 1颗先进的多用途卫星。星上装载了 8台遥感器 ,比美国的 EOS- AM1(后改名为 Terra,19 99年 12月 18日发射 )装载的遥感器更多 ,因此用途更广泛。1  ENVISAT- 1计划目的ESA分别于 1991年 4月和 1995年 4月发射了欧洲遥感卫星 - 1、 2 (ERS- 12)两颗卫星。目前 ,ERS- 2仍在运转 ,至今已积累了 10年对地观测资料。 EN-VISAT是 ERS计划的后续计划 ,它将继续开展对地观测和地球环境研究。ERS是海洋动力环境卫星 ,主要用于海洋动力学现象的探测 ,诸如海平…  相似文献   

中国将发8颗海洋卫星监测全部管辖海域据中国国家卫星海洋应用中心透露,2020年前,我国将发射8颗海洋系列卫星,形成对我国全部管辖海域乃至全球海洋水色环境和动力环境遥感监测的能力。按照《陆海观测卫星业务发展规划》,这8颗海洋卫星包括4颗海洋水色卫星、2颗海洋动力环境卫星和2颗海陆雷达卫星,在  相似文献   

China has great progress in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing during 2004-2006. In this report, firstly, four major technical advances are displaying, including (1) the vector radiative transfer numerical model of coupled ocean-atmosphere system; (2) the atmospheric correction algorithm specialized on Chinese high turbid water; (3) systematical research of hyper-spectrum ocean color remote sensing; (4) local algorithms of oceanic parameters, like ocean color components, ocean primary productivity, water transparency, water quality parameters, etc. On the foundation of technical advances, ocean color remote sensing takes effect on ocean environment monitoring, with four major kinds of application systems, namely, (1) the automatic multi-satellites data receiving, processing and application system; (2) the shipboard satellite data receiving and processing system for fishery ground information; (3) Coastal water quality monitoring system, integrating satellite and airborne remote sensing technology and ship measurement; (4) the preliminary system of airborne ocean color remote sensing application system. Finally, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. With Chinese second ocean color satellite (HY-1B) orbiting, great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color information accumulation and application.  相似文献   

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been a very powerful and important contributor to all scientific questions related to precise positioning on Earth’s surface, particularly as a mature technique in geodesy and geosciences. With the development of GNSS as a satellite microwave (L-band) technique, more and wider applications and new potentials are explored and utilized. The versatile and available GNSS signals can image the Earth’s surface environments as a new, highly precise, continuous, all-weather and near-real-time remote sensing tool. The refracted signals from GNSS radio occultation satellites together with ground GNSS observations can provide the high-resolution tropospheric water vapor, temperature and pressure, tropopause parameters and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) and electron density profile as well. The GNSS reflected signals from the ocean and land surface could determine the ocean height, wind speed and wind direction of ocean surface, soil moisture, ice and snow thickness. In this paper, GNSS remote sensing applications in the atmosphere, oceans, land and hydrology are presented as well as new objectives and results discussed.  相似文献   

They have played more and more important roles in marine pollution monitoring, marine environment and marine disaster monitor and forecasting, marine resource investigation and marine scientific research. In this paper, the author will give a brief review of China's operational and scientific activities in satellites ocean observation during 2008 to 2010. These activities include the application of the HY-1B for red tide and green tide detecting and monitoring, sea ice monitoring, fishery resources assessment at coastal zone and ocean, marine water quality assessment, sea surface temperature monitoring and forecasting, ocean primary productivity and carbon cycle research, and the development in the ocean dynamic environment parameter application technology before launch of HY-2. The achievements we have made in the ocean observation and monitoring during the past 3 years indicate that, the development of the ocean satellite series and the application of the ocean satellite can greatly promote the development of China's three-dimensional marine observation system and earth-observation system from space, accordingly we can improve the ability of acquiring the marine environmental parameter to sustain the marine economy development and the sea defense construction.   相似文献   

The paper provides a review of recent results on mesoscale ocean dynamics derived from satellite altimetry. Since 1992, we have had an unprecedented 18 year high-resolution monitoring of the ocean mesoscale field. Altimetry is often used in mesoscale studies in synergy with other remote sensing techniques and in situ data. This global, high-resolution data set has allowed oceanographers to quantify the previously unknown seasonal and interannual variations in eddy kinetic energy and eddy heat and salt transports, and investigate their causes. Eddy tracking techniques have allowed us to monitor their propagation pathways, to bring to light the meridional divergence of cyclones and anticyclones, and to question the role of Rossby waves versus non-linear eddies in the mid to high latitude bands. Altimetry has also revealed the presence of zonal fronts and jets everywhere in the ocean, and brought to light how mesoscale eddies can impact back onto the atmospheric circulation. Finally, altimetry, in synergy with other observations and high-resolution numerical models, has helped reveal the complexity of the sub-mesoscale features, associated with stirring and mixing around the mesoscale eddies, of great importance for the vertical exchange of oceanic tracers. Altimetry has revealed the complexity of the mesoscale system… the scientific community is now working to understand the interplay between these mesoscale eddies, the ocean interior and its impact on the overlying atmosphere.  相似文献   

Recent advances in satellite techniques hold great potential for mapping global gravity wave (GW) processes at various altitudes. Poor understanding of small-scale GWs has been a major limitation to numerical climate and weather models for making reliable forecasts. Observations of short-scale features have important implication for validating and improving future high-resolution numerical models. This paper summarizes recent GW observations and sensitivities from several satellite instruments, including MLS, AMSU-A, AIRS, GPS, and CLAES. It is shown in an example that mountain waves with horizontal wavelengths as short as 30 km now can be observed by AIRS, reflecting the superior horizontal resolution in these modern satellite instruments. Our studies show that MLS, AMSU-A and AIRS observations reveal similar GW characteristics, with the observed variances correlated well with background winds. As a complementary technique, limb sounding instruments like CRISTA, CLAES, and GPS can detect GWs with better vertical but poorer horizontal resolutions. To resolve different parts of the broad GW spectrum, both satellite limb and nadir observing techniques are needed, and a better understanding of GW complexities requires joint analyses of these data and dedicated high-resolution model simulations.  相似文献   

分析了国外以光学、雷达、高光谱载荷为主的高分辨率对地成像观测系统的现状和发展趋势,旨在为我国新一代高分辨率对地观测系统提供参考。研究表明:随着微纳卫星、高性能载荷、人工智能等关键技术的快速发展和应用,国外规划的新一代对地观测系统以智能小卫星集群为主,卫星平台研究集中于高性能微纳卫星、软件定义卫星、小卫星群组;载荷研究在提高载荷时间、空间、光谱分辨率的基础上,智能化、一体化、轻小型化是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

海洋卫星是海洋环境与灾害监测数据的重要获取手段,在海洋防灾减灾和科学研究中发挥着巨大作用.分析了海洋环境观测要素和海洋卫星在海洋环境与灾害监测中的应用状况;结合国外海洋卫星发展趋势和中国实际发展需求,提出了构建中国海洋卫星体系的发展建议,为提升海洋环境与灾害监测能力,推动中国海洋事业发展,促进国民经济和海防安全建设服务.  相似文献   

In 2018, China successfully launched three new Haiyang (which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites which are an ocean color observation satellite HY-1C (operational), an ocean dynamics environment satellite HY-2B (operational) and the China-France ocean satellite CFOSAT (experimental). In 2019, all the three satellites had finished their commissioning phases and were declared operational. HY-2A satellite continues to operate in-orbit, and its operational status is basically normal. So in 2020, China has 4 Haiyang satellites in-orbit, China's ocean satellites enter into a new operational application phase. The operation of the ground application system of Chinese ocean satellites is stable. In 2019, Beijing, Hainan, Mudanjiang, and Hangzhou ocean satellite ground stations had received the data of HY-1C, HY-2A, HY-2B, and CFOSAT 5012 orbits and 26.46 TB data had been distributed to both domestic and international users. Chinese ocean satellite data has played an important role in marine disaster prevention and mitigation, development and management of marine resources, maintenance of marine rights and interests, marine environment protection, scientific researches, and blue economy development.   相似文献   

地球卫星重力测量计划CHAMP(CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)、GOCE(Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer)和月球卫星重力测量计划(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory,GRAIL)的成功实施,以及下一代地球重力卫星(GRACE Follow-On)的即将发射昭示着我们将迎来一个前所未有的高精度和高空间分辨的深空卫星重力探测时代。围绕深空卫星重力测量的研究背景、必要性、可行性、卫星重力反演软件平台构建、轨道摄动和未来研究方向开展了研究论证。研究表明:深空卫星重力测量作为新世纪重力探测技术,在精化量体重力场、提高惯性导航精度、天体动力学、天体物理学和军事技术的研究,以及促进国民经济发展和提高社会效益等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

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