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V79 Chinese hamster cells were exposed to heavy ions (O to U) and assayed for mutants at the HGPRT-locus by incubation in selective medium containing 6-thioguanine. The LET ranged from 300 to 18000 keV/micrometer. Mutants could be recovered from all particle radiation but the effectivity per deposited energy decreased with atomic numbers greater than 8. The results are discussed with regard to fundamental processes of cell reactions to very heavy ions and with respect to possible implications for hazard estimations.  相似文献   

Crews of space missions are exposed to a mixed radiation field, including sparsely and densely ionizing radiation. To determine the biological effectiveness of mixed high-/low-LET radiation fields, mammalian cells were exposed in vitro simultaneously to X-rays and heavy ions, accelerated at the HIMAC accelerator. X-ray doses ranged from 1 to 11 Gy. At the same time, cells were exposed to either 40Ar (550 MeV/n, 86 keV/micrometers), 28Si (100 MeV/n, 150 keV/micrometers), or 56Fe (115 MeV/n, 442 keV/micrometers) ions. Survival was measured in hamster V79 fibroblasts. Structural aberrations in chromosome 2 were measured by chemical-induced premature chromosome condensation combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization in isolated human lymphocytes. For argon and silicon experiments, measured damage in the mixed radiation field was consistent with the value expected using an additive function for low- and high-LET separated data. A small deviation from a simple additive function is observed with very high-LET iron ions combined to X-rays.  相似文献   

Effect of heavy ions on neuro-endocrine regulations.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During American and Russian short and long-term space flights neuroimmune dysregulations have been observed in man and rats for up to three months after the return. During Extra-Vehicular Activity, radiation exposure risk is greater to elicit short and/or long-term deleterious effects on the functional capacity of the neuroimmune system. In order to assess the effects of high LET events on neuroimmune networks, our preliminary ground-based study was to investigate brain inflammatory responses in mouse after low dose radiation exposure with high LET particles (12C, 95MeV/u, 42 mGy). Plasma corticosterone levels were rapidly (6 hours) increased by two-fold, then decreased 24 hours post-irradiation. At 3 days plasma corticosterone and ACTH concentrations were also two- to three-fold increased. Plasma ACTH levels were still elevated up to seven days to two months. Furthermore immune functions are under current assessment. The results of this study should allow a greater understanding of the effects of high LET particles on neuroimmune system.  相似文献   

Effect of heavy ions on bacterial spores.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inactivation of B. subtilis spores has been studied using accelerated He, C, N, O and Ne ions. The energy dependence of the inactivation cross sections for heavy ions was very weak and the mean cross sections for carbon ions (0.6-4.7 MeV/amu), nitrogen ions (0.6-4.1 MeV/amu), oxygen ions (0.8-1.1 MeV/amu), and neon ions (2.2-3.7 MeV/amu) were found to be about 0.22, 0.23, 0.26, and 0.33 micrometer2 , respectively. Analysis was carried out along lines similar to Katz's target theory but the parameters were chosen so that they have an experimental basis.  相似文献   

One of the concerns for extended space flight outside the magnetosphere is exposure to galactic cosmic radiation. In the series of studies presented herein, the mutagenic effectiveness of high energy heavy ions is examined using human B-lymphoblastoid cells across an LET range from 32keV/micrometer to 190 keV/micrometer. Mutations were scored for an autosomal locus, thymidine kinase (tk), and for an X-linked locus, hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt). For each of the radiations studied, the autosomal locus is more sensitive to mutation induction than is the X-linked locus. When mutational yields are expressed in terms of particle fluence, the two loci respond quite differently across the range of LET. The action cross section for mutation induction peaks at 61 keV/micrometer for the tk locus and then declines for particles of higher LET, including Fe ions. For the hprt locus, the action cross section for mutation is maximal at 95 keV/micrometer but is relatively constant across the range from 61 keV/micrometer to 190 keV/micrometer. The yields of hprt-deficient mutants obtained after HZE exposure to TK6 lymphoblasts may be compared directly with published data on the induction of hprt-deficient mutants in human neonatal fibroblasts exposed to similar ions. The action cross section for induction of hprt-deficient mutants by energetic Fe ions is more than 10-fold lower for lymphoblastoid cells than for fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Mutation induction by heavy ions is compared in yeast and mammalian cells. Since mutants can only be recovered in survivors the influence of inactivation cross sections has to be taken into account. It is shown that both the size of the sensitive cellular site as well as track structure play an important role. Another parameter which influences the probability of mutation induction is repair: Contrary to naive assumptions primary radiation damage does not directly lead to mutations but requires modification to reconstitute the genetic machinery so that mutants can survive. The molecular structure of mutations was analyzed after exposure to deuterons by amplification with the aid of polymerase chain reaction. The results--although preliminary--demonstrate that even with densely ionizing particles a large fraction does not carry big deletions which suggests that point mutations may also be induced by heavy ions.  相似文献   

We have studied the induction of morphological transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells by low doses of heavy ions with different linear energy transfer (LET), ranging from 13 to 400 keV/μm. Exponentially growing cells were irradiated with 12C or 28Si ion beams generated by the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC), inoculated to culture dishes, and transformed colonies were identified when the cells were densely stacked and showed a crisscross pattern. Over the LET range examined, the frequency of transformation induced by the heavy ions increased sharply at very low doses no greater than 5 cGy. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the heavy ions relative to 250 kVp X-rays showed an initial increase with LET, reaching a maximum value of about 7 at 100 keV/μm, and then decreased with the further increase in LET. Thus, we confirmed that high LET heavy ions are significantly more effective than X-rays for the induction of in vitro cell transformation.  相似文献   

Heavy ions are an important part of space radiation. Although they contribute only about 1 percent in number the fraction in terms of energy deposited is much higher. Also the quality of radiation is different from the other components since the LET is generally quite high. This poses the problem of Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE). It is considerably more important in space than on earth because shielding measures are costly and sometimes not even feasible. Radiation hazards appear to be the limiting factor In long term space flights and their evaluation constitutes a major task. There is still no general agreement about RBE of earthbound radiation, and even less concerning the biological weighting of very heavy and very energetic ions in space. Because of the lack of experimental data--particularly for risk estimates in humans-- theoretical approaches may be very helpful in this respect and provide the only means to judge the radiation protection situation in outer space. In order to be useful careful checks of their consistency are necessary. This paper summarizes some of the more common approaches in a critical manner. The unhappy conclusion at the end will be that at present it is not possible to understand even heavy ion action on survival quantitatively with an acceptable precision.  相似文献   

Primary mixed cultures of astrocytes and microglia were obtained from neonatal mice, and were irradiated with high-LET carbon ions. Immunohistochemical staining showed astrocytes survived more prominently than microglia. Tagged with specific antibodies, astrocytes and microglia surviving after irradiation were counted by flow cytometry. Decreases in the number of microglia and astrocytes were detected at a dose as small as 2 Gy when Day 5 cultures were irradiated with 13 keV/micrometer carbon ions. When the cultures were irradiated on Day 10, the dose-dependent decrease of microglia was more prominent for 13 keV/micrometer carbon ions than 70 keV/micrometer carbon ions. Astrocytes showed a marginal decrease at Day 10 and Day 14. We concluded that microglia are more sensitive than astrocytes to carbon ions and X-rays, and that the radiosensitivity of microglia depends on both differentiation/proliferation status and radiation quality.  相似文献   

ALTEA-MICE will supplement the ALTEA project on astronauts and provide information on the functional visual impairment possibly induced by heavy ions during prolonged operations in microgravity. Goals of ALTEA-MICE are: (1) to investigate the effects of heavy ions on the visual system of normal and mutant mice with retinal defects; (2) to define reliable experimental conditions for space research; and (3) to develop animal models to study the physiological consequences of space travels on humans. Remotely controlled mouse setup, applied electrophysiological recording methods, remote particle monitoring, and experimental procedures were developed and tested. The project has proved feasible under laboratory-controlled conditions comparable in important aspects to those of astronauts' exposure to particle in space. Experiments are performed at the Brookhaven National Laboratories [BNL] (Upton, NY, USA) and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH [GSI]/Biophysik (Darmstadt, FRG) to identify possible electrophysiological changes and/or activation of protective mechanisms in response to pulsed radiation. Offline data analyses are in progress and observations are still anecdotal. Electrophysiological changes after pulsed radiation are within the limits of spontaneous variability under anesthesia, with only indirect evidence of possible retinal/cortical responses. Immunostaining showed changes (e.g. increased expression of FGF2 protein in the outer nuclear layer) suggesting a retinal stress reaction to high-energy particles of potential relevance in space.  相似文献   

Various mutagenic effects by heavy ions were studied in bacteria, irradiated at accelerators in Dubna, Prague, Berkeley or Darmstadt. Endpoints investigated are histidine reversion (B. subtilis, S. typhimurium), azide resistance (B. subtilis), mutation in the lactose operon (E. coli), SOS chromotest (E. coli) and lambda-prophage induction (E. coli). It was found that the cross sections of the different endpoints show a similar dependence on energy. For light ions (Z < or = 4) the cross section decreases with increasing energy. For ions of Z = 10, it is nearly independent of energy. For heavier ions (Z > or = 26) it increases with energy up to a maximum or saturation. The increment becomes steeper with increasing Z. This dependence on energy suggests a "mutagenic belt" inside the track that is restricted to an area where the density of departed energy is low enough not to kill the cell, but high enough to induce mutations.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of ionization and energy deposition produced by high-velocity heavy ions are crucial to an understanding of their radiation quality as exhibited eg., in track segment experiments of cell survival and chromosome aberrations of mammalian cells. The stopping power (or LET) of a high velocity ion is proportional to the ratio z2/v2, apart from a slowly varying logarithmic factor. The maximum delta-ray energy that an ion can produce is proportional to v2 (non-relativistically). Therefore, two HZE ions having the same LET, but in general differing z and v will have different maximum delta-ray energies and consequently will produce different spatial patterns of energy deposition along their paths. To begin to explore the implications of this fact for the microscopic dosimetry of heavy ions, we have calculated radial distributions in energy imparted and ionization for iron and neon ions of approximately equal LET in order to make a direct comparison of their delta-ray track structure. Monte Carlo techniques are used for the charged particle radiation transport simulation.  相似文献   

The peculiarities and mechanisms of the mutagenic action of gamma-rays and heavy ions on bacterial cells have been investigated. Direct mutations in the lac-operon of E. coli in wild type cells and repair deficient strains have been detected. Furthermore, the induction of revertants in Salmonella tester strains was measured. It was found that the mutation rate was a linear-quadratic function of dose in the case of both gamma-rays and heavy ions with LET up to 200 keV/micrometer. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) increased with LET up to 20 keV/micrometer. Low mutation rates were observed in repair deficient mutants with a block of SOS-induction. The induction of SOS-repair by ionizing radiation has been investigated by means of the "SOS-chromotest" and lambda-prophage induction. It was shown that the intensity of the SOS-induction in E. coli increased with increasing LET up to 40-60 keV/micrometer.  相似文献   

Inactivation and double strand break (dsb) induction after heavy ion irradiation were studied in stationary phase cells of the highly radiation resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans R1. There is evidence that the radiation sensitivity of this bacterium is nearly independent on energy in the range of up to 15 MeV/u for lighter ions (Ar). The responses to dsb induction for charged particles show direct relationship between increasing radiation dose and residual intact DNA.  相似文献   

Cells of Bacillus subtilis strain TKJ 8431 in stationary phase were irradiated with X-rays (150 kV at DLR) or heavy ions (Ne, Ar, Pb with residual energies between 3 and 15 MeV/u at GSI). The action cross section for the formation of double strand breaks in the DNA of the irradiated cells follows a similar dependence on mass and energy of the ions as has been found for various biological endpoints, e.g. inactivation, mutagenesis and repair efficacy.  相似文献   

The track of an ionizing particle in a track detector, such as silver-chloride or nuclear emulsion, contains two measurable parameters, the "track width"--which corresponds to the integrated lateral energy deposition dE/dtau(x,r) over r along dx (dE/dx or LET)--and the lateral distribution of the track density along r, the radial structure of the track. A videoelectronic device consisting of a computer-controlled microscope, developed in Frankfurt, automatically reads out consecutive lateral profiles of the optical density of a preset track, following it through the depth of the detector. For a given track length (100 microns, 400 profiles for instance) the system evaluates the mean track width MTW and the variance sigma 2 . Both quantities are correlated so that a given MTW (LET) belongs to different values of sigma 2 depending on the charge of the particle. Videosystem and results are presented.  相似文献   

Biological effects of heavy ions in Arabidopsis seeds.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Irradiation of dry seeds of Arabidopsis with heavy ions (HZE-particles) produced by UNILAC-accelerator (GSI, Darmstadt) yielded aberrations in varied developmental endpoints such as survival rate and embryo vitality. The damage increased with particle density and charge. Cross sections in the range of 0.2-1.0 micrometer2 for Ne and Ar and 2.0-10.0 micrometers2 for Xe were estimated. Soaked seeds were more sensitive than dry seeds (cross-section 2.0-10.0 micrometers2 for Ar). The induced total damage in the irradiated seeds was estimated adding the different damages weighted by certain factors. These results will be used as base data for the interpretation and evaluation of spaceflight experiments on the biological effects of cosmic radiation.  相似文献   

We analyzed DNA and proteins obtained from normal and transformed human mammary epithelial cells for studying the neoplastic transformation by high-LET irradiation in vitro. We also examined microsatellite instability in human mammary cells transformed to various stages of carcinogenesis, such as normal, growth variant and tumorigenic, using microsatellite marker D5S177 on the chromosome 5 and CY17 on the Chromosome 10. Microsatellite instabilities were detected in the tumorigenic stage. These results suggest that microsatellite instability may play a role in the progression of tumorigenecity. The cause of the genomic instability has been suggested as abnormalities of DNA-repair systems which may be due to one of the three reasons: 1) alterations of cell cycle regulating genes. 2) mutations in any of the DNA mismatch repair genes. 3) mutation in any of the DNA strand breaks repair genes. No abnormality of these genes and encoded proteins, however was found in the present studies. These studies thus suggest that the microsatellite instability is induced by an alternative mechanism.  相似文献   

We present data from the Lexan top stacks in the Heavy Ions In Space (HIIS) experiment which was flown for six years (April 1984-Jan 1990) onboard the LDEF spacecraft in 28.5 degrees orbit at about 476 km altitude. HIIS was built of passive (i.e. no timing resolution) plastic track detectors which collected particles continuously over the entire mission. In this paper we present data on low energy heavy ions (10 < or = Z, 20MeV/nuc < E < 200 MeV/nuc). These ions are far below the geomagnetic cutoff for fully ionized ions in the LDEF orbit even after taking into account the severe cutoff suppression caused by occasional large geomagnetic storms during the LDEF mission. Our preliminary results indicate an unusual elemental composition of trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere during the LDEF mission, including both trapped anomalous cosmic ray species (Ne, Ar) and other elements (such as Mg and Fe) which are not found in the anomalous component of cosmic rays. The origin of the non-anomalous species is not understood, but they may be associated with the solar energetic particle events and geomagnetic disturbances of 1989.  相似文献   

Resistance to canavanine was studied in haploid yeast after exposure to heavy ions (argon to uranium) of energies between 1 and 10 MeV/u covering a LET-range up to about 10000 keV/micrometer. Mutations were found in all instances but the induction cross sections increased with ion energy. This is taken to mean that the contribution of penumbra electrons plays an important role. The probability to recover surviving mutants is highest if the cell is not directly hit by the particle. The experiments demonstrate that the geometrical dimensions of the target cell nucleus as well as its sensitivity in terms of survival have a critical influence on mutation induction with very heavy ions.  相似文献   

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