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针对某大型主机厂内部质量审核不符合项平均处置周期长的问题,通过头脑风暴(德菲尔法)、鱼骨图等方法分析,发现缺乏专用纠正措施制定规则,信息化平台关键信息未显性化,纠正措施执行验证进度缺乏专人跟踪等主要问题;针对这些问题产生的主要原因,采取了专用措施制定操作规则编制、信息化平台优化、人力资源配置与能力提升等措施,最终促进了不符合项的处置归零。  相似文献   

通过分析纠正措施的实施现状,总结了纠正措施运行中存在的问题,研究了造成问题的系统性原因,结合信息系统建设提出了分级分类实施模式、简化流程、设置系统提示等改进设计方案,以期促进纠正措施的有效实施,提高质量管理绩效。  相似文献   

军用电子设备的使用范围非常广,工作场所多种多样,设备的环境适应性问题比较突出。产品设计师需要及时运用新的设计方法来满足军用电子设备的环境适应性要求。本文介绍了军用电子设备所面临的环境条件,分析了环境适应性设计步骤,结合设计经验,讨论了具体的环境适应性设计措施,包括温度控制措施、防振抗冲击措施、电磁防护措施以及三防措施等。  相似文献   

分析了某电机电刷弹簧断裂的原因,介绍了有关分析试验和消除断裂隐患所采取的措施。这些措施可借鉴于同类型电机电刷弹簧的设计、制造等。  相似文献   

结合产品研制过程中特性分析的应用实际,对型号研制中的特性管理现状及问题进行分析,提出初步的解决措施,明确了特性分析结论.在解决措施中重点阐述了规范性文件的瓶颈问题、解决的措施、形成的格式模板要求等.  相似文献   

某型飞机机翼整体油箱工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了某型机机翼整体油箱的研制过程,针对总体气动、结构和使用维护等对整体油箱提出的性能要求,工程部门相应采用严格的环境措施、确保协调精度的预装配措施以及湿连接、密封装配措施等,解决了研制过程中诸多关键难题,保证了整体油箱的研制进度和产品质量,经各种试验检测和试飞考核,该整体油箱质量稳定可靠,性能良好。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于模型和数据的航空装备安全风险监控和预警技术方法,通过开展安全风险识别、安全风险防控措施制定、监控和预警机制建立等工作,发现航空装备中存在的可能导致飞行事故、事故征候等不安全事件的部附件及其故障模式,并有针对性地从外场使用、维护等方面提出防控措施,在外场建立预警机制,出现对应的部附件故障模式后立即发出告警,查明原因并采取防控措施,有效防范航空装备故障重复发生导致事故。  相似文献   

围绕民航华东一体化航班信息系统的高安全性、高可靠性的系统要求,文章探讨了一体化航班信息系统在物理层、应用层、信息安全和协同工作等各个层面所采用的安全策略及措施,详细论述了在本系统中采用的安全技术措施及其创新性,还分析了系统目前尚存的安全问题,并提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

针对某型飞机机翼吻合性超差的问题,从副翼的检查数据、结构、制造过程及下壁板成型等方面分析了其根本原因,提出了改进措施,并对改进措施进行了效果评估,结果表明,该措施能够大幅降低超差。  相似文献   

某型发动机的减振与监控方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了某型发动机的支承方案,从支承结构、装配保证和性能试车监控等几方面,对某型发动机振动故障进行研究分析,给出了装配调整时采用的减振措施和中介轴承的故障监控措施.  相似文献   

为了适应卫星轴承钢珠精化的需要,建立了研磨过程中钢珠的动力学解析模型,分析了球与四研头之间的运动、四研头转向与球面加工、摩擦力与加工精度等关系。并采用倒置式正四面体形结构,在转轴与研头之间设计了具有自适应功能的浮动联轴器,进行了钢珠加工的实验研究。  相似文献   

E 级计算给 CFD 带来的机遇与挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E 级(Exascale)计算机有望在2020年前后投入使用,E 级计算将给计算科学和科学研究带来革命性的变化。计算流体力学(CFD)作为超大规模计算机应用的重要领域之一,将迎来前所未有的发展机遇,同时也将面临极其严峻的技术挑战。本文对当前国内外超大规模 CFD 计算的现状进行了概述,探讨了未来 CFD 的发展趋势,并对 E 级计算给 CFD 带来的机遇与挑战进行了分析,最后提出了适应未来 E 级计算的 CFD 发展思路与建议。为了实现 E 级计算的宏伟目标,CFD 与计算机科学、应用数学等学科的“协同设计”势在必行。我们期待本文的分析能对我国的高性能计算应用、CFD 发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

本文试图说明在喷气发动机上或燃气轮机的进气道内建立聚氧滞氮的流场,增加燃烧室氧的浓度,组织富氧燃烧.提高涡轮前的温度和整机热效率.加大喷气发动机的推力,降低航空煤油耗量,减少喷气尾气对大气的污染.对各种可能的聚氧滞氮的方案进行了初步探索.  相似文献   

水位实时监测系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水位监测是对河流、水库等水位实时监测保证水利枢纽安全,对可能的洪涝等灾害起到预警作用.本文设计了基于GPRS无线通信技术和CAN总线有线通信技术的水位实时监测系统.该系统采用激光测距仪对水位实时、精确测量,采用CAN总线技术对水位数据有线近程传输,通过GPRS网络技术对水位数据进行无线远程传输,可实现对不同地区水库、河流等水位自动、实时、可靠的监控.  相似文献   

Rosetta Ground Segment and Mission Operations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt (Germany) the activities for ground segment development and mission operations preparation for Rosetta started in 1997. Many of the characteristics of this mission were new to ESOC and have therefore required an early effort in identifying all the necessary facilities and functions. The ground segment required entirely new elements to be developed, such as the large deep-space antenna built in New Norcia (Western Australia). The long duration of the journey to the comet, of about 10 years, required an effort in the operations concept definition to reduce the cost of routine monitoring and control. The new approaches adopted for the Rosetta mission include full transfer of on-board software maintenance responsibility to the operations team, and the installation of a fully functioning spacecraft engineering model at ESOC, in support of testing and troubleshooting activities in flight, but also for training of the operations staff. Special measures have also been taken to minimise the ground contact with the spacecraft during cruise, to reduce cost, down to a typical frequency of one contact per week. The problem of maintaining knowledge and expertise in the long flight to comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko is also a major challenge for the Rosetta operations team, which has been tackled early in the mission preparation phase and evolved with the first years of flight experience.  相似文献   

党的“十八大”提出“到2020年要实现城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番”,为了实现这个目标,进一步深化收入分配改革就成为关键手段,而收入分配的重点领域就是城镇职工的收入分配。文章采用泰尔指数作为比较城镇职工收入分配差异性现状的指标,分析发现:总体上看,不管是在企业内部,还是在企业之间,在不同性质企业就业的城镇职工收入分配差距在逐步缩小,但是在不同性质企业就业的职工收入分配缩小比例并不一致,部分企业甚至有扩大收入分配差距的趋势。因此,在深化收入分配改革时,要综合考虑不同性质企业城镇职工收入分配的现状,在坚持既有的收入分配改革政策之外,还应当采取一些措施向某类企业倾斜。  相似文献   

Review of aerospace engineering cost modelling: The genetic causal approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary intention of this paper is to review the current state of the art in engineering cost modelling as applied to aerospace. This is a topic of current interest and in addressing the literature, the presented work also sets out some of the recognised definitions of cost that relate to the engineering domain. The paper does not attempt to address the higher-level financial sector but rather focuses on the costing issues directly relevant to the engineering process, primarily those of design and manufacture. This is of more contemporary interest as there is now a shift towards the analysis of the influence of cost, as defined in more engineering related terms; in an attempt to link into integrated product and process development (IPPD) within a concurrent engineering environment. Consequently, the cost definitions are reviewed in the context of the nature of cost as applicable to the engineering process stages: from bidding through to design, to manufacture, to procurement and ultimately, to operation. The linkage and integration of design and manufacture is addressed in some detail. This leads naturally to the concept of engineers influencing and controlling cost within their own domain rather than trusting this to financers who have little control over the cause of cost. In terms of influence, the engineer creates the potential for cost and in a concurrent environment this requires models that integrate cost into the decision making process.  相似文献   

WAVES: The radio and plasma wave investigation on the wind spacecraft   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The WAVES investigation on the WIND spacecraft will provide comprehensive measurements of the radio and plasma wave phenomena which occur in Geospace. Analyses of these measurements, in coordination with the other onboard plasma, energetic particles, and field measurements will help us understand the kinetic processes that are important in the solar wind and in key boundary regions of the Geospace. These processes are then to be interpreted in conjunction with results from the other ISTP spacecraft in order to discern the measurements and parameters for mass, momentum, and energy flow throughout geospace. This investigation will also contribute to observations of radio waves emitted in regions where the solar wind is accelerated. The WAVES investigation comprises several innovations in this kind of instrumentation: among which the first use, to our knowledge, of neural networks in real-time on board a scientific spacecraft to analyze data and command observation modes, and the first use of a wavelet transform-like analysis in real time to perform a spectral analysis of a broad band signal.  相似文献   

在清末民初风诡云谲的政治气候下,康有为为救亡图存跻身政治力主改革的同时,倡创孔教也是其思想和活动的一部分。政治和宗教在康氏的一生中相互贯穿并作用,本文试对此做进一步的研究、论述,梳理其思想在政治和文化实践中的变异,以此探究关于信仰重建的时代启示。  相似文献   

管路系统计算机辅助设计方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈志英  唐文哲 《航空动力学报》2001,16(2):182-184,188
为进行计算机辅助管路系统敷设,本文归纳出9条管路CAD规则,探讨了3种管路敷设方法。为满足管路设计规则,根据管路系统的复杂性和计算机辅助敷设的特点,本文提出了先敷设粗管再分区敷设最后解决跨区域管路的WRS法。它按照先重后轻、先短后长、先难后易的敷管原则,体现了局部最优从而达到全局最佳的原理。文中着重介绍了该方法的思路,并结合在电子模型样机上的敷管实例及过程,分析了该方法的特点。   相似文献   

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