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英国维珍银河公司1月23日公布了其亚轨道太空旅游飞船及其载机的设计.根据设计,未来想找刺激的人将可以乘坐一种漂亮的飞船到太空边缘观光旅游.称为"太空船二号"的飞船将挂载在庞大的"白骑士二号"双体载机下部升空.  相似文献   

美国加速研制"标准导弹"3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年12月18日,日本采用"标准导弹"3(SM-3)BlocklA导弹对中程弹道导弹成功地进行了拦截试验.此次试验成功标志着日本成为世界上第二个能在海上拦截导弹的国家,也表明日美防务合作取得了重大进展.同时,此次试验对亚洲乃至世界的军事格局都将产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

国际外空立法的发展与我国的外空政策和立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马新民 《中国航天》2008,(2):29-33,37
近年来,外空的战略地位日益受到各国重视.外空不仅是国家战略和安全的重要空间、社会可持续发展的资源宝库、高科技的聚集点,也正在日益成为外空大国经济乃至世界经济发展新的增长点,许多国家已把外空作为其崛起的新机遇.当前.围绕着外空战略、安全、经济、资源利益等展开的政治和法律斗争值得重视和关注.  相似文献   

王杰华 《中国航天》2008,(1):39-40,42
一、日本"准天顶"卫星导航系统 由于美国全球定位系统(GPS)在全球越来越广泛的应用,相关产品和服务市场迅速扩大,发展成了一个重要产业;同时,卫星导航定位技术具有重要的军民两用价值,对于一个国家的国防和军事发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

A joint swing test on the 2m-diameter solid booster flexible joint and a 20k W power level electromechanical servo system developed by CALT and the Academy of Aerospace Solid Propulsion Technology(AASPT)together has been completed recently.The testing included dynamic and static characteristic verifica-  相似文献   

<正>Chang’e 3 lunar lander conducted extended tests on the surface of the moon after awakening from its dormancy.It was announced in the late of January that the pointing mechanism of the cameras onboard Chang’e 3 underwent extended tests to confirm the moving performance and limit switch triggering of the pointing mechanism under various status while pitching,moving forward and backward.According to the analysis derived from the remote  相似文献   

On May 8,2015,under the witness of Chinese President XI Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin,on behalf of two countries,China Satellite Navigation System Committee Chairman WANG Li and Russian Federal Space Agency Chief Igor Komarov signed the"China’s Bei Dou System and Russian Glonass System Compatibility and Interoperability Cooperation Joint Statement".It indicates that the navigation cooperation be-  相似文献   

The LM-3C/Yuanzheng 1 launch vehicle lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at21:52 Beijing time on March 30.The Yuanzheng1 upper stage delivered its passenger,the 17th Bei Dou navigation satellite,directly to the inclined geosynchronous orbit.China’s first"space shuttle bus"Yuanzheng1 upper stage completed its inaugural flight successfully.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of microsatellites,customers are becoming diversified from a single country to many countries,to departments,units,even individuals.Many universities,enterprises and individuals rather than a few monopolizing institutes are involved in the microsatellite development.  相似文献   

2ND TEST RUN OF POWER SYSTEM OF LM-5 1ST STAGE COMPLETED The second test run of the power system of the 1st stage of LM-5 was completed in Beijing at 16:00 Beijing time on March 23.This was the second test since the first one was conducted on February 9 to further verify the correctness and reliability of the 1st stage  相似文献   

An 8.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in Nepal April 25 caused severe injuries,causalities and significant property damage.The quake affected 300,000 people of 19 counties in Tibet Autonomous Region to varying degrees and induced debris flows and landslides in many places.CASC subsidiaries China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application(CRESDA)and China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd(China Satcom)activated respectively the emergency response mechanism quickly to provide information and communications support for the disaster rescue operation.  相似文献   

NASA预算案要推迟大型火星和天文学任务根据白宫2月13日发布的预算文件,旨在采集火星土壤样品和研究宇宙膨胀的两项大型任务成了奥巴马总统要将NASA2013财年预算削减0.3%的早期牺牲品。根据白宫呈交给国会的177  相似文献   

<正>The 200mm class ion propulsion system(LIPS-200)developed by CAST subsidiary Lanzhou Institute of Vacuum Physics(LIP)has passed its 6000-hour accumulative ground test recently with 3000 times on-off switching throughout the test.It is capable of ensuring reliable in-orbit operation of a satellite for 15 years.China’s indigenous state-of-the-art electric propulsion system is ready to apply on spacecraft meeting the requirement for the growth  相似文献   

It was released by the Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute of AALPT that an indigenously developed bump-fed rocket upper stage engine was ignited 6times during a high-altitude simulation firing test on March 21,2015.Considerable technical breakthroughs were made during the development of the engine such as design of the multipleignition system and components,long-  相似文献   

21世纪初,美国、俄罗斯、欧洲(含各国)、日本以及印度等国家或地区纷纷出台了一系列新的深空探测发展战略和相应的规划与计划.为了实现这些战略和计划,首要之举就是突破关键技术.目前各国正在为月球、火星和更远天体的科学探测任务研发各类关键技术.  相似文献   

阿里安5将发射欧日水星探测器阿里安航天公司9月15日宣布拿到了欧洲和日本合作研制的贝皮·科伦布水星探测器的发射合同。发射将在2014年7月采用阿里安5ECA型火箭进行。贝皮·科伦布重4.4吨,由两个轨道器组成,其中欧空局负责提供水星行星轨道器,而日本宇宙航空研究开发机构则负责水星磁层轨道器。  相似文献   

在2010年全国民航工作会议上,民航局党组提出的《建设民航强国的战略构想》中明确了发展空管是今后20年六大战略任务之一,李家祥局长的《中国民航人要为建设民航强国而努力奋斗》等相关讲话,  相似文献   

2011年8月18日,通力有限公司举办的主题为数字智造通力之道的UFC制造业峰会暨2011用户大会在天府之国成都成功召开。来自电子、航空航天、兵器、船舶、铁路、工程机械、汽车等各行各业的领导与专家以及Siemens PLM Software、CAMSTAR等300余名通力的用户与合作伙伴参加了  相似文献   

GPS/INS制导系统中自适应天线阵列的干扰研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前GPS/INS制导已成为精确制导武器的核心.根据组合制导系统中自适应天线的特点,通过对微带自适应天线阵列的抗干扰性分析,着重研究了对GPS/INS组合制导系统中自适应天线阵列的分布式干扰.通过实验结果得出:要提高干扰效果,需要增加分布式干扰机数目、增大干扰机的运动速度和集中投放干扰源.  相似文献   

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