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正LM-7 LAUNCH VEHICLE At 20:00 Beijing time on June 25,China’s new generation medium launch vehicle LM-7 was launched from the Hainan Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site,initiating the space labora-tory mission of the China Manned Space Program.This was the maiden mission for both the launch vehicle and the launch site.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to have an introduction on research and development of China's Long March launch vehicle family, with an emphasis on the development of nine launch vehicles; the LM-1, LM-2, LM-2C, FB-1, LM-3, LM-4, LM-2E and LM-1D, LM-3A under development.  相似文献   

CASC and China Academy of Sciences (CAS) signed a contract on the development of launch vehicles for the satellite project Strategic Pioneer Program on space science on October 31 in Beijing.According to the contract, CGWIC is the general contractor to arrange the launch service and SAST is responsible for developing three LM-2D launch vehicles. It was the first time that LM launch vehicle would be used for a national program in a commercial mode. This new attempt was expected to facilitate  相似文献   

A new satellite Yaogan-2 was successfully launched atop a LM-2D launch vehicle from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 15:12(Beijing time)on May 25, 2007.Weighing 2,700kg,the satellite was sent into a sun-  相似文献   

Developed on the basis of the LM-2, the LM-2C was designed to launch China's indigenous recoverable satellite. It can be used to launch a large satellite into low orbit. The LM-2C is a two-stage liquid launch vehicle updated on the basis of a long-range rocket.  相似文献   

<正>LM-6,China’s new generation launch vehicle,achieved a successful launch at12:50 Beijing time on November 21,2017 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.It was the first commercial launch mission of LM-6 since its successful maiden flight in 2015.The LM-6carrier rocket carried 3"Jilin-1"video satellites into space and accurately placed them into their preset orbits.LM-6 is an important member of the nation’s family of new generation of launch vehicles.Developed by the  相似文献   

OVERVIEW As a two-stage launch vehicle using storable liquid propellant (both stages PLFuse N2O4/UDMH), LM-2D is a member of Chinese Long March series launch vehicle. The LM-2D launch vehicle is developed by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), a branch of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). The LM-2D launch vehicle is mainly used to launch LEO satellites and SSO satellites. It features mature technology, high reliability, strong adaptability, and reasonable cost. As of January 2013, the LM-2D launch vehicle has conducted 18 launches placing 23 satellites into expect-  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe LM-3A launch vehicle is a large three-stage liquid propellant launch vehicle developed on the basis of LM-3 and LM-2C. By incorporating the mature technologies of LM-3 and adding a more powerful improved LOX/LH cryogenic third stage and more  相似文献   

The LM-2F launch vehicle is China’s first launch carrier developed for China’s Manned Space Program, which is one of the most important parts of the Program. It is developed from the LM-2E launch vehicle, with addition of two new systems, an escape systemand a fault detection system.  相似文献   

SJ-7 satellite was launched on a LM-2D launch vehicle at 6:40 am, July 6, 2005 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (JSLC). About twelve minutes after the lift-off, the satellite was separated from the LM-2D and entered the preset sun-synchronous orbit. JSLC is used for the first time to conduct SSO launch mission. Both the satellite and the launch vehicle are devel- oped by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST). With designed life span of three years, the satellite wil…  相似文献   

<正>China launched a Venezuelan remote sensing satellite,VRSS-2,into a preset orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 12:13 Beijing time on October 9.The satellite was launched by a LM-2D carrier rocket which was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology.This is the 33rd launch of the LM-2D launch vehicle  相似文献   

At 11:25 a.m. on October 14, China successfully sent the SJ-9A/B satellites into their preset transfer orbits with one LM-2C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The LM-2C launch vehicle used for the mission was manufactured by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). The launch marked the 169th launch of the Long March series launch vehicle. The launch vehicle used for the mission differs not much from  相似文献   

The LM-3C/Yuanzheng 1 launch vehicle conducted its maiden flight on March 30 successfully.The new member of the LM-3A rocket family is a four-stage rocket with 3 lower stages based on LM-3C rocket but an upper stage,whose technical state changes the most compared with the other members of the family.The LM-3A rocket family steps into the 3.0 era.  相似文献   

正China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite or Zhangheng 1 was launched aboard a LM-2D launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 15:51 Beijing time on February 2.The satellite entered it s orbit successfully,marking that China has becomes one of the few countries having an in-orbit satellite for high-accuracy geophysical field observation.The new satellite was developed  相似文献   

LM-3B launch vehicle is a heavy three-stage liquid propellant strap-on launch vehicle, which was developed based on the mature technologies of the LM-3A and LM-2E. It not only has the highest payload capacity to send China's satellites to GTO, but is also one of the most advanced launch vehicles in the world with high reliability, reasonable price and perfect technological design. It can launch over 90% of various kinds of satellites in the international commercial satellite market.  相似文献   

On Feb.8,1994,Long March 3A,a new powerful launch vehicle developed by China,successfully launched a scientific satellite (SJ-4) with 6 detectors on it and a dummy satellite into space from Xi-chang Satellite Launch Center.Based on the LM-3,the LM-3A is designed to launch large communications satellites and has a capability of launching a 2-5-ton satellite into geosynchronous transfer orbit.The scientific satellite launched by the LM-3Ais designed for space environment monitoring and environmental effect testing  相似文献   

As China’s only manned launch vehicle, the LM-2 F Launch vehicle successfully launched the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft into its predetermined orbit on June 12, 2021, signifying the successful completion of the first manned launch mission in the construction and key technology test stage of China Space Station(CSS). From the launch of the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft on October 12, 2016 to the launch of Shenzhou 12 in 2021, over the past five years, the LM-2 F launch vehicle has been continuou...  相似文献   

China’s first solid-liquid bundled launch vehicle, the Long March 6 A(LM-6 A) successfully adopted a number of key new technologies, launching the Pujiang 2 and Tiankun 2 satellites precisely into their predetermined orbits, thus demonstrating that China has mastered solid-liquid bundled launch vehicle technology and has a new member in the new generation launch vehicle family. For the first time in China, a booster adopted a 2 m-diameter solid motor and a 270 V, 20 k W high-voltage and high-pow...  相似文献   

<正>China launched three Yaogan 30-05group satellites with a LM-2C launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at II:57 Beijing time on July 26.The 3 satellites entered the preset orbits successfully.The LM-2C launch vehicle which carried out the mission was developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle  相似文献   

The LM-2D is a newly developedtwo-stage vehicle.Designed on thebasis of the LM-4's first twostages,the LM-2D is the most pow-erful one in China's two-stage vehi-cles.The high payload capacity isachieved mainly through enlargingthe tanks and increasing the thrustof the engines in its first stage.Other features of the rocket includeprecise orbit insertion,high reliabil-ity and improved cost-effective-ness.The launch vehicle success-fully made its maiden flight onAug.9,1992 from the JiuquanSatellite Launch Center in GansuProvince,putting China's first ofthe second generation recoverable  相似文献   

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