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<正>A new small launch vehicle,Jielong I (Smart Dragon I),lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 12:1 I Beijing time on August I 7,20 I 9,sending three microsatellites into their preset orbits.This marks the debut of Chinese Dragon series launch vehicle for commercial launch.The Dragon series is an  相似文献   

The Smart Dragon 1(SD-1) launch vehicle is the first commercial rocket developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT), targeting to the international launch market for small satellites. As the smallest launch vehicle in China at present, SD-1 is one of the most efficient solid boost rockets nationwide in terms of launch capacity. Compared with current domestic rockets, it provides remarkable access to space with a faster response, higher orbit-injection accuracy and better payload accommodation at a lower cost. On August 17, 2019, SD-1 completed its maiden flight and delivered three satellites into the desired Sun Synchronous Orbit(SSO) of 550 km accurately. In this article, a technical review of SD-1 is presented detailing the design concept and the use of state of the art technology throughout its development.  相似文献   

正11月3日20点43分,中国文昌航天发射场发出一声长啸,火光映红了天空。长征五号起飞引发的大地震动,传到数千米之外。随后,长征五号运载火箭与其托举的远征二号上面级成功分离,上面级继续将实践十七号卫星送往预定轨道。由中国航天科技集团公司抓总研制的长征五号运载火箭首次飞行任务取得圆满成功!长征五号作为我国运载火箭升级换代的里  相似文献   

正At 00:25 Beijing time on January 20,China launched the Tiantong 1-03 satellite onboard a LM-3B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The satellite entered its preset orbit, marking the success of China’s first launch mission in 2021.  相似文献   

正At 23:20 Beijing time on January 7, 2020, China launched an experimental satellite for communications technology onboard a LM-3 B carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The satellite entered its preset orbit, marking the success of China's first launch mission in 2020. The communications technology experimental satellite 5 was developed  相似文献   

在东方红四号卫星平台上应用锂离子电池替代传统氢镍电池,能显著减小供配电分系统的质量和体积,提高卫星平台能力。锂离子电池工作特性与氢镍电池差异较大,针对锂离子电池在东方红四号平台某卫星上首次应用,为降低应用风险,满足在轨使用要求,文章对电池热控设计、电源在轨充放电管理和均衡策略进行分析,利用SLIM(SAFT Li-ion Model)软件对锂离子电池在轨电压输出特性进行仿真,提出适应锂离子电池应用的热控措施、充放电管理方式和线性均衡管理策略,并利用某卫星在轨数据进行验证,满足了在轨使用要求,证明该锂离子电池应用方案可以在后续东方红四号卫星平台推广应用。  相似文献   

东方红四号增强型卫星平台(DFH-4E)开发过程中,为有效地降低验证工作费用、缩减验证周期并保证验证的充分性,按照系统工程理论,首次提出并采用了系统优化验证的方法,以一颗工程星来代替传统的结构星、电性星(热控星)等,实现"一星多用、综合验证"的目的,同时利用"工程星+热模拟舱+分系统+单机"的"集中+分散"式验证模式开展平台验证工作。利用该方法,有效地缩短了平台研制周期,降低了研制经费,完成了平台关键技术验证和平台系统级验证,达到了具备转入正样卫星研制的条件。DFH-4E平台验证实践表明,该优化验证方法是一种行之有效的提高验证效率的方法。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the autonomous control technologies for a new generation launch vehicle for guidance and attitude control. Based on the iterative guidance mode(IGM) of Long March launch vehicles, the autonomous compensation IGM(ACIGM) for the terminal attitude deviation during the coasting phase is proposed. Considering the characteristics of large static instability and weak bearing capacity, the attitude control technology based on active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) and a control method based on an accelerometer are proposed. Targeting at non-fatal failures that may occur during flights, autonomous guidance reconstruction technology, nozzle fault diagnosis and reconstruction technology in the coasting phase are studied. Some of the autonomous control technologies proposed in this paper have achieved good control results as seen through flight verification.  相似文献   

<正>A LM-4B launch vehicle lifted off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at 11:22 Beijing time on November 3,2019,successfully launching the GF-7satellite,part of a major project of the China High-definition Earth Observation System (CHEOS) into its preset orbit.Three other satellites launched with GF-7 together were developed by the Shanghai Institute of Satellite Enginee ring,  相似文献   

The LM-5B launch vehicle is a new-generation large launch vehicle specially developed for the construction of China’s space station under its manned space program, and it has the largest launching capacity to low Earth orbit in China. The LM-5B booster is the largest booster ever built in China, which can produce 90% of the total thrust at liftoff, which laid a solid foundation for the successful development of the LM-5B launch vehicle. The booster team has overcome many technical challenges and...  相似文献   

The maiden flight of LM-8 performed perfectly on December 22, 2020. The design concept of modularization, seriation and combination has been perfectly exhibited in LM-8. The four main technical innovations, including rapid integrated design based on modularization, engine thrust regulation, modal parameters acquisition technology based on numerical simulation, and flight load control, were verified during the maiden flight. LM-8 is now positioned to be the main force in China's medium launch vehicles for commercial launch. In the future, the mission adaptability of LM-8 will be improved to provide efficient and low-cost launch services. In addition, new technologies to allow repeated use and autonomous flight will be validated.  相似文献   

<正>At 08:54 Beijing time on September25,a LM-2D carrier rocket launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center,successfully deploying the Yunhai I-02satellite into orbit.The satellite was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (S/AST) for use in the fields of detecting environmental  相似文献   

<正>China successfully sent the 52nd and53rd satellites of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into their preset orbit with a LM-3B/Yuanzheng I launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at I 5:22 Beijing time on December 16,2019.The launch marked the fact 24 MEO satellites of BDS-3 have all been sue-  相似文献   

<正>China launched the GF-12 satellite using a LM-4C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at 07:52Beijing time on November 28,2019.The satellite entered its preset orbit successfully.The GF-12 satellite,developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) under CASC,is a remote sensing satellite in the China High-Resolution Earth Observation Sys-  相似文献   

<正>China launched the GF-10 satellite into orbit using a LM-4C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at02:5 1 Beijing time on October 5.The satellite entered the preset orbit successfully.Developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST),GF-10 is a microwave remote sensing satellite in the China High-Resolution Earth Observation System,a national  相似文献   

正Two satellites were sent into space aboard a LM-4 B launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at 06:25 Beijing time on April 30. The Tianhui 2 satellite was placed to a SSO orbit. This was the 303 rd launch of the LM series launch vehicle and the first mission of the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology in 2019.  相似文献   

正China's new-generation medium high-orbit liquid launch vehicle LM-7 A was launched into space with the Shiyan 9 satellite, launching the satellite into orbit with success. The successful launch of LM-7 A commenced the space launch missions of the year 2021 from Hain  相似文献   

正China successfully launched 3 satellites, Yaogan-30 06 group, into their preset orbits atop a LM-2 C carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 11:43 Beijing time on March 24, 2020. The satellites were developed by the Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They  相似文献   

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