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针对空间微放电效应中介质材料的带电状态对二次电子发射的复杂影响,文章采用数值模拟的方法,首次从带电平衡模式的角度研究了介质材料受电子照射后的二次电子动态发射特性。数值模拟模型结合了蒙特卡罗方法和时域有限差分方法,考虑了弹性和非弹性碰撞的电子散射过程,以及迁移、扩散和捕获等作用的电荷输运过程。通过对带电状态平衡模式的划分,研究了介质二次电子发射及带电状态的暂态变化、微观分布、稳态特性。研究结果表明:介质表面的带电过程可以根据介质表面电流的变化程度分为二次电子平衡模式、泄漏电流平衡模式及共同模式;二次电子平衡模式下样品呈现表面带电状态,而泄漏电流模式下呈现深层带电状态。泄漏电流平衡模式转向二次电子平衡模式过程中,稳态二次电子产额增加,表面负电位增强;总电荷量和平衡时间常数由于平衡模式的改变呈现相反的变化趋势。研究方法和结果有助于介质二次电子的机理研究和微放电效应的工程抑制技术。  相似文献   

介质材料的动态特性是二次电子发射特性研究中的重要组成部分。通过数值模拟方法建立有效二次电子收集效率模型,可研究多种测量参数对介质动态特性的共同作用。模拟结果表明,空间电场和收集极结构对有效二次电子收集极效率的影响有一定相关性,收集极电位增大能提高有效二次电子收集效率,而动态过程中的半高宽时间则线性增加。另外收集极结构变化能够影响空间电场的作用效果。二者通过直接影响收集效率,间接改变表面电荷积累来引起动态特性的变化。入射束流则可直接影响表面电荷积累速度,使得半高宽时间线性增加或减小。研究结果对于揭示介质材料带电产生的动态过程以及指导实验准确测量二次电子发射系数具有科学意义。  相似文献   

随着卫星有效载荷的射频功率越来越大,传统的微放电抑制方法已经无法满足大功率卫星有效载荷的需求。降低大功率射频部件内表面的二次电子发射系数是抑制微放电效应的重要方法之一,通过在金属银表面构造纳米量级ZnO阵列,实现了纳米尺度银陷阱结构的制备,研究了晶种制备方式、锌盐浓度对ZnO阵列生长的影响。结果表明,采用紫外照射法制备晶种获得的ZnO阵列在样片表面分布均匀,提高锌盐浓度可改善ZnO阵列的分布均匀性。分析了ZnO阵列排列密度对银膜构筑的影响,发现在低密度的ZnO阵列上更加容易镀覆金属银。因此,获得了镀银表面基于ZnO阵列的陷阱结构制备的工艺技术,实现金属银表面二次电子发射系数最大值降低36.3%。  相似文献   

精确的金属材料二次电子发射系数模型对于计算空间大功率微波部件的微放电功率阈值至关重要,而现有的二次电子发射系数模型在准确性和工程应用两方面不能兼顾。通过分析二次电子的逸出几率,结合修正的Bethe能量损失规律,建立了金属材料二次电子发射系数的解析模型。进一步以未清洗的和Ar离子清洗过的Ag材料为例,用解析模型对试验测量值进行了拟合,在获得解析模型中关键参数的基础上建立了Ag材料二次电子发射系数模型。计算结果显示,在不同入射角度下未清洗和清洗Ag 材料的模型计算值与试验值的均方差在4%以内,表明提出的解析模型在减少拟合参数的基础上能够获得具体金属材料精确的二次电子发射系数模型,可用于精确模拟空间大功率微波部件的微放电功率阈值和加速器内部的电子云浓度。  相似文献   

随着微放电效应研究的不断深入,低能电子影响在微放电过程中越来越不可忽视。当前常用的微放电模型在处理低能电子问题上具有一定的局限性,为了精确模拟这一过程,在深入研究二次电子和背散射电子发射理论的基础上,分别针对材料表面条件不同引起的二次电子发射系数不确定性、低能电子的背散射系数以及电子入射角等问题进行了分析和讨论,并在此基础上建立了一个二次电子发射模型,最后通过数值计算讨论了模型的正确性和适用范围。这一模型同时考虑材料表面条件参数、低能电子的背散射系数以及入射角等因素影响,能够兼容较低能量电子的二次发射,提升微放电数值模拟的精确度和适用性,为微放电数值模拟的发展起到推进作用。  相似文献   

表面充电是最早被人们发现的空间环境效应, 是由空间环境引起的航天器异常和故障的主要诱因之一. 采用较精确的金属二次电子发射公式和局部电流平衡模型, 在无光照的情况下, 对不同表面材料及不同几何形体的航天器表面充电电位进行计算, 并绘制了表面材料的充电电位与最大二次电子发射系数之间的关系曲线. 根据数值计算结果及次级电子发射系数和曲线图得知, 航天器阴面充电电位与表面材料的原子序数、最大二次电子发射系数和入射离子引起的次级发射系数均有关. 该计算对航天器表面材料的选取和设计工艺有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

为了优化混响室的结构设计,采用基于矩量法的电磁仿真软件FEKO分别对不同发射天线配置时混响室内的电磁场进行了仿真计算,考察了发射天线的种类和位置对混响室场性能的影响,结果表明选择合适的发射天线并进行合理的位置设计能显著改善混响室内电场的性能。  相似文献   

电推力器用传统钡钨空心阴极具有工作温度低、发射效率高的优点,但其抗中毒能力却较差。电推力器的寿命受到空心阴极寿命的制约,为保证推力器长期在轨工作,研制了一种具备强抗中毒能力的改进型钡钨阴极,将其暴露在90%湿度、60℃的湿热环境中累计240h,试验前后触持电压的变化量小于1V,满足判据要求。随后对改进型钡钨阴极分别进行了组件级和推力器级性能测试,测试结果表明,改进型钡钨阴极的稳态工作温度为1050℃,比六硼化镧型阴极低250℃,组件级阳极电压为21V,比六硼化镧型低4~5V;推力器级阳极电压为35V,比六硼化镧型低8~10V。试验结论表明,改进型钡钨阴极具有强抗中毒能力及优异的工作性能,采用该类阴极可以有效地满足推力器的长寿命要求。  相似文献   

为了研究涡轮转静盘腔间轮缘封严结构对下游动叶通道内流动的影响,对无封严结构、无封严气流及采用不同封严流量时涡轮动叶通道内流场分布和气动损失进行了数值模拟。结果表明:封严腔出口位置气流受静叶与动叶相对位置变化的影响呈现较强的非定常特性,变化与动叶运动周期保持一致。动叶入口位置非定常波动受到封严气流与前缘势场共同作用,封严气流引起周向、径向速度变化的同时也造成了强烈的非定常效应。动叶通道内封严气流引起的端区气流偏转改变了前缘马蹄涡滞止点位置,增强了马蹄涡压力面分支,动叶吸力面一侧剪切诱导涡改变了轮毂通道涡的形成机制和吸力面侧相对低压区的位置。  相似文献   

材料表面的二次电子发射会触发和维持空间高功率射频器件的共振雪崩放电现象,这种现象又被称为微放电效应。微放电效应是限制空间大功率微波部件应用的关键问题之一。从微放电作用的机理出发,首先介绍了两种微放电类型(单表面与双表面)的基本物理机理;然后总结了当前主流的微放电抑制方法并给出各自应用于空间大功率微波部件时的限制。针对空间大功率微波部件微放电抑制的特殊问题,综述了国内近5年来在表面处理法抑制微放电领域的研究成果并预测了微放电抑制技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为提高试验精度,减小电磁兼容(EMC)半电波暗室中被试品(EUT)的电磁辐射发射试验点位对测试结果的影响,研究了不同试验点位对半电波暗室典型谐振频率电磁信号辐射发射的影响规律。采用几何光学、一致性绕射理论和多路径效应算法对不同试验点位,暗室典型谐振频率电磁信号的传输过程进行数学建模,剔除直射场强影响,综合考虑信号传输过程中产生的反射、折射、绕射和多径等电磁传播效应,给出了数学模型和计算公式。将数学传播模型与剔除直射场影响的试验实测模型计算结果进行比对,验证了数学模型的有效性。该研究为修正被试品在暗室内不同点位进行辐射发射试验的测试结果提供了理论依据,有助于提高被试品电磁辐射发射试验的测试精度。  相似文献   

为提高熔模铸造硅溶胶型壳的强度性能,采用天然植物/硅酸铝双纤维来增强熔模铸造型壳.将质量比为1:1天然植物/硅酸铝双纤维加入到制壳用涂料中来制备型壳试样,对不同纤维加入量条件下所获得的纤维增强型壳试样的常温强度、不同温度焙烧后的抗弯强度及高温自重变形量的变化规律进行了研究,并利用SEM观察型壳试样断口形貌.结果表明,当纤维加入量从0.2%逐渐增加到1.0%时,其常温抗弯强度先增加后减小;纤维加入量为0.6%时其常温抗弯强度值达到2.94 MPa.高温自重变形量则先减小后增大.加入0.6%纤维的增强型壳试样经900℃焙烧后,其抗弯强度达4.04 MPa,与未采用纤维增强的型壳试样的抗弯强度接近.断口形貌观察结果表明,纤维增强硅溶胶型壳试样受力破坏失效主要由于硅溶胶凝胶膜的断裂、硅酸铝纤维拔出、断裂及脱粘等综合作用所致.  相似文献   

三坐标测量机上自由型曲面的精确测量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出自适应扫描测量法和自由型曲面的单有序测量方法,用双三次参数B样条和最小二乘法建立测头中心轨迹曲面的数学描述,实现测头半径的三维补偿和被测曲面的生成重建。测量步长自动选择,测量过程简便,曲面生成准确度高,适用于三坐标测量机上自由曲面的快速、精确测量和重建。  相似文献   

IPM has detected nightside 135.6 nm emission enhancements over a wide latitude range, from the sub-auroral latitudes to the equatorial regions during geomagnetic storms. Our work, presented in this paper, uses the data of IPM to understand these 135.6 nm emission enhancements during of geomagnetic storms and studies the variations of total electron content (TEC) and the F2 layer peak electron density (NmF2) in the region of enhanced emissions. Middle and low latitude emission enhancements are presented during several medium storms in 2018. The variations of both the integrated electron content (IEC) derived from the nighttime OI 135.6 nm emission by IPM and TEC from the International GNSS Service (IGS) relative to the daily mean of magnetically quiet days of per each latitude bin (30°≦geographic latitude < 40°, 15°≦geographic latitude < 30°, 0°≦geographic latitude < 15°, ?15°≦geographic latitude < 0°, ?30°≦geographic latitude < -15°, ?40°≦geographic latitude < -30°) are investigated and show that on magnetically storm day, IEC by IPM always increases, while TEC from IGC may increase or decrease. Even if both increase, the increase of IEC is greater than that of TEC. From the comparison of IEC and TEC during magnetic storms, it can be seen that the enhancement of the nighttime 135.6 nm emissions is not entirely due to the ionospheric change. The time of IEC enhancements at each latitude bin is in good agreement, which mainly corresponds to the main phase time of the geomagnetic storm event and lasts until the recovery phase. The available ground-based ionosonde stations provide the values of NmF2 which match the 135.6 nm emissions measured by IPM in space and time. The variations of NmF2 squared can characterize the variations of the OI 135.6 nm emissions caused by O+ ions and electrons radiative recombination. The study results show that the OI 135.6 nm emission enhancements caused by O+ ions and electrons radiative recombination (where NmF2 squared increases) are obviously a contribution to the measured 135.6 nm emission enhancements by IPM. The contribution accounts for at least one of all contributions to the measured 135.6 nm emission enhancements by IPM. However, where the NmF2 squared provided by ionosonde decrease or change little (where the OI 135.6 nm emissions cause by O+ ions and electrons radiative recombination also decrease or change little), the emission enhancements measured by IPM at storm-time appear to come from the contributions of other mechanisms, such as energetic neutral atoms precipitation, or the mutual neutralization emission (O+ + O-→2O + h? (135.6 nm)) which also occupies a certain proportion in 135.6 nm airglow emission at night.  相似文献   

超声电喷推进是一种新型的电推进技术,主要用于解决胶体推力器等电推力器发射点集成困难、发射点数密度低的问题。通过将超声振动产生的大量微细驻波作为发射源,超声电喷推进将从根本上提高发射点的数目和密度,形成较大的推力密度。文章对超声电喷推进的发射机理进行了研究,得到相应的理论发射模型。通过对发射表面上微细驻波的形成过程、带电液滴的分离过程进行理论分析,建立了静电场条件下微细驻波波峰临界状态的平衡方程,推导出微细驻波波峰局部半径以及发射液滴尺寸的理论解,并提出了发射电流、比冲和推力的估算方程。在此基础上,分析了极间电场强度、超声振动频率、超声振动功率、推进剂性能黏度、推进剂表面张力系数和电导率对超声电喷推进性能的影响规律,并进行了试验验证。  相似文献   

This study presents the response of thermospheric O1D 630.0 nm dayglow emission to the variability associated with equatorial Counter Electrojet (CEJ) events. The analysis based on the data from a meridian scanning Dayglow Photometer, Digital Ionosonde and Proton Precession Magnetometer over Trivandrum (8.5°N, 77°E, 0.5°dip lat.), indicates that the O1D 630.0 nm emission behave distinctly different during the CEJ events compared to that on normal days. It has been observed that O1D 630.0 nm emission shows enhancement during the negative excursion of the ΔH, followed by an unusual depletion during the peak CEJ time. The observed variability was found to be more pronounced in a latitudinal region of ±3° centered at around the dip equator. In addition, the emission intensities also exhibit the presence of enhanced short period oscillations of periodicity 20–30 min during the CEJ events. Analysis of the data from the collocated ionosonde revealed that the F-region electron density showed enhancement during the early phase of the CEJ and a decrease during the peak CEJ. Further, the simulation studies using a Quasi 2 dimensional ionospheric model showed that the modified plasma fountain during the CEJ can alter the plasma density at the emission centroid. The study reveals a strong dynamical coupling between the E and F-region of the dip equatorial ionosphere.  相似文献   

针对五棱镜面形误差引起出射光线转向角误差,进而影响空间光电跟瞄系统多光轴标校精度的问题,提出了一种研究五棱镜面形误差对出射光线转向角影响的新方法.首先,在五棱镜不规则度较小的前提下,利用最佳拟合球面矢高适当简化了五棱镜的工作面模型,推导出了出射光线转向角计算公式,并将影响出射光线转向角误差的因素限定在了6个非独立随机变...  相似文献   

The charged dust particles can be mobilized electrostatically by the repulsion between the adjacent grains and the surface electric field due to the incoming electron current and the charge accumulation within the micro-cavities. In this study, the experimental results of the initial vertical launching velocities and the maximum dust heights are compared with the estimated values for the lofted spherical dust grains by the patch surface charging equations. Silica particles with the sizes between <6 and 45?µm in radius are loaded on a graphite plate, and they are exposed to the electron beam with 450?eV energy under 4?×?10?3?Pa vacuum chamber pressure. During the first set of the experiments, the dust samples are tested without an initial compression process and an additional horizontal electric field. Second, the dust samples are compressed by two different weights in order to increase the packing density under approximately 780.7?Pa and 3780?Pa. Finally, the dust grains are placed between the two parallel aluminum plates to apply approximately 2000?V/m and 4800?V/m horizontal electric field. A high-speed camera is used to record the transportation of the dust grains together with a microscopic telescope, and the results point out that the patch surface dust-charging model estimations are in agreement with the first experiments. On the other hand, the dust particles from the compressed samples are lofted with higher velocities than the estimations, and the number of the dust lofting observations decreases significantly, which demonstrates the importance of the micro-cavities and the increased charging requirement to overcome the contact forces. When the horizontal electric field is present, the initial vertical launching velocities are measured to be lower than the other experiments, which can be attributed to the decreased charging requirement for the dust lofting as a result of inter-particle collisions and rolling motion. According to the experimental results, the electrostatic dust transportation can be controlled not only by the ambient plasma and the solar irradiation on the airless planetary bodies, but also by the surface properties such as the contact surfaces between the dust grains, the number of the micro-cavities related to the packing density, and the presence of the horizontal electric field contributing to the external forces by other particle motions.  相似文献   

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