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Of the terrestrial planets, Earth and Mercury have self-sustained fields while Mars and Venus do not. Magnetic field data recorded at Ganymede have been interpreted as evidence of a self-generated magnetic field. The other icy Galilean satellites have magnetic fields induced in their subsurface oceans while Io and the Saturnian satellite Titan apparently are lacking magnetic fields of internal origin altogether. Parts of the lunar crust are remanently magnetized as are parts of the crust of Mars. While it is widely accepted that the magnetization of the Martian crust has been caused by an early magnetic field, for the Moon alternative explanations link the magnetization to plasma generated by large impacts. The necessary conditions for a dynamo in the terrestrial planets and satellites are the existence of an iron-rich core that is undergoing intense fluid motion. It is widely accepted that the fluid motion is caused by convection driven either by thermal buoyancy or by chemical buoyancy or by both. The chemical buoyancy is released upon the growth of an inner core. The latter requires a light alloying element in the core that is enriched in the outer core as the solid inner core grows. In most models, the light alloying element is assumed to be sulfur, but other elements such as, e.g., oxygen, silicon, and hydrogen are possible. The existence of cores in the terrestrial planets is either proven beyond reasonable doubt (Earth, Mars, and Mercury) or the case for a core is compelling as for Venus and the Moon. The Galilean satellites Io and Ganymede are likely to have cores judging from Galileo radio tracking data of the gravity fields of these satellites. The case is less clear cut for Europa. Callisto is widely taken as undifferentiated or only partially differentiated, thereby lacking an iron-rich core. Whether or not Titan has a core is not known at the present time. The terrestrial planets that do have magnetic fields either have a well-established inner core with known radius and density such as Earth or are widely agreed to have an inner core such as Mercury. The absence of an inner core in Venus, Mars, and the Moon (terrestrial bodies that lack fields) is not as well established although considered likely. The composition of the Martian core may be close to the Fe–FeS eutectic which would prevent an inner core to grow as long as the core has not cooled to temperatures around 1500 Kelvin. Venus may be on the verge of growing an inner core in which case a chemical dynamo may begin to operate in the geologically near future. The remanent magnetization of the Martian and the lunar crust is evidence for a dynamo in Mars’ and possibly the Moon’s early evolution and suggests that powerful thermally driven dynamos are possible. Both the thermally and the chemically driven dynamo require that the core is cooled at a sufficient rate by the mantle. For the thermally driven dynamo, the heat flow from the core into the mantle must by larger than the heat conducted along the core adiabat to allow a convecting core. This threshold is a few mW?m?2 for small planets such as Mercury, Ganymede, and the Moon but can be as large as a few tens mW?m?2 for Earth and Venus. The buoyancy for both dynamos must be sufficiently strong to overcome Ohmic dissipation. On Earth, plate tectonics and mantle convection cool the core efficiently. Stagnant lid convection on Mars and Venus are less efficient to cool the core but it is possible and has been suggested that Mars had plate tectonics in its early evolution and that Venus has experienced episodic resurfacing and mantle turnover. Both may have had profound implications for the evolution of the cores of these planets. It is even possible that inner cores started to grow in Mars and Venus but that the growth was frustrated as the mantles heated following the cessation of plate tectonics and resurfacing. The generation of Ganymede’s magnetic field is widely debated. Models range from magneto-hydrodynamic convection in which case the field will not be self-sustained to chemical and thermally-driven dynamos. The wide range of possible compositions for Ganymede’s core allows models with a completely liquid near eutectic Fe–FeS composition as well as models with Fe inner cores or cores in with iron snowfall.  相似文献   

Determining the origin of volatiles on terrestrial planets and quantifying atmospheric loss during planet formation is crucial for understanding the history and evolution of planetary atmospheres. Using geochemical observations of noble gases and major volatiles we determine what the present day inventory of volatiles tells us about the sources, the accretion process and the early differentiation of the Earth. We further quantify the key volatile loss mechanisms and the atmospheric loss history during Earth’s formation. Volatiles were accreted throughout the Earth’s formation, but Earth’s early accretion history was volatile poor. Although nebular Ne and possible H in the deep mantle might be a fingerprint of this early accretion, most of the mantle does not remember this signature implying that volatile loss occurred during accretion. Present day geochemistry of volatiles shows no evidence of hydrodynamic escape as the isotopic compositions of most volatiles are chondritic. This suggests that atmospheric loss generated by impacts played a major role during Earth’s formation. While many of the volatiles have chondritic isotopic ratios, their relative abundances are certainly not chondritic again suggesting volatile loss tied to impacts. Geochemical evidence of atmospheric loss comes from the \({}^{3}\mathrm{He}/{}^{22}\mathrm{Ne}\), halogen ratios (e.g., F/Cl) and low H/N ratios. In addition, the geochemical ratios indicate that most of the water could have been delivered prior to the Moon forming impact and that the Moon forming impact did not drive off the ocean. Given the importance of impacts in determining the volatile budget of the Earth we examine the contributions to atmospheric loss from both small and large impacts. We find that atmospheric mass loss due to impacts can be characterized into three different regimes: 1) Giant Impacts, that create a strong shock transversing the whole planet and that can lead to atmospheric loss globally. 2) Large enough impactors (\(m_{\mathit{cap}} \gtrsim \sqrt{2} \rho_{0} (\pi h R)^{3/2}\), \(r_{\mathit{cap}}\sim25~\mbox{km}\) for the current Earth), that are able to eject all the atmosphere above the tangent plane of the impact site, where \(h\), \(R\) and \(\rho_{0}\) are the atmospheric scale height, radius of the target, and its atmospheric density at the ground. 3) Small impactors (\(m_{\mathit{min}}>4 \pi\rho_{0} h^{3}\), \(r_{\mathit {min}}\sim 1~\mbox{km}\) for the current Earth), that are only able to eject a fraction of the atmospheric mass above the tangent plane. We demonstrate that per unit impactor mass, small impactors with \(r_{\mathit{min}} < r < r_{\mathit{cap}}\) are the most efficient impactors in eroding the atmosphere. In fact for the current atmospheric mass of the Earth, they are more than five orders of magnitude more efficient (per unit impactor mass) than giant impacts, implying that atmospheric mass loss must have been common. The enormous atmospheric mass loss efficiency of small impactors is due to the fact that most of their impact energy and momentum is directly available for local mass loss, where as in the giant impact regime a lot of energy and momentum is ’wasted’ by having to create a strong shock that can transverse the entirety of the planet such that global atmospheric loss can be achieved. In the absence of any volatile delivery and outgassing, we show that the population of late impactors inferred from the lunar cratering record containing 0.1% \(M_{\oplus }\) is able to erode the entire current Earth’s atmosphere implying that an interplay of erosion, outgassing and volatile delivery is likely responsible for determining the atmospheric mass and composition of the early Earth. Combining geochemical observations with impact models suggest an interesting synergy between small and big impacts, where giant impacts create large magma oceans and small and larger impacts drive the atmospheric loss.  相似文献   

The early development of Mars is of enormous interest, not just in its own right, but also because it provides unique insights into the earliest history of the Earth, a planet whose origins have been all but obliterated. Mars is not as depleted in moderately volatile elements as are other terrestrial planets. Judging by the data for Martian meteorites it has Rb/Sr 0.07 and K/U 19,000, both of which are roughly twice as high as the values for the Earth. The mantle of Mars is also twice as rich in Fe as the mantle of the Earth, the Martian core being small (20% by mass). This is thought to be because conditions were more oxidizing during core formation. For the same reason a number of elements that are moderately siderophile on Earth such as P, Mn, Cr and W, are more lithophile on Mars. The very different apparent behavior of high field strength (HFS) elements in Martian magmas compared to terrestrial basalts and eucrites may be related to this higher phosphorus content. The highly siderophile element abundance patterns have been interpreted as reflecting strong partitioning during core formation in a magma ocean environment with little if any late veneer. Oxygen isotope data provide evidence for the relative proportions of chondritic components that were accreted to form Mars. However, the amount of volatile element depletion predicted from these models does not match that observed — Mars would be expected to be more depleted in volatiles than the Earth. The easiest way to reconcile these data is for the Earth to have lost a fraction of its moderately volatile elements during late accretionary events, such as giant impacts. This might also explain the non-chondritic Si/Mg ratio of the silicate portion of the Earth. The lower density of Mars is consistent with this interpretation, as are isotopic data. 87Rb-87Sr, 129I-129Xe, 146Sm-142Nd, 182Hf-182W, 187Re-187Os, 235U-207Pb and 238U-206Pb isotopic data for Martian meteorites all provide evidence that Mars accreted rapidly and at an early stage differentiated into atmosphere, mantle and core. Variations in heavy xenon isotopes have proved complicated to interpret in terms of 244Pu decay and timing because of fractionation thought to be caused by hydrodynamic escape. There are, as yet, no resolvable isotopic heterogeneities identified in Martian meteorites resulting from 92Nb decay to 92Zr, consistent with the paucity of perovskite in the martian interior and its probable absence from any Martian magma ocean. Similarly the longer-lived 176Lu-176Hf system also preserves little record of early differentiation. In contrast W isotope data, Ba/W and time-integrated Re/Os ratios of Martian meteorites provide powerful evidence that the mantle retains remarkably early heterogeneities that are vestiges of core metal segregation processes that occurred within the first 20 Myr of the Solar System. Despite this evidence for rapid accretion and differentiation, there is no evidence that Mars grew more quickly than the Earth at an equivalent size. Mars appears to have just stopped growing earlier because it did not undergo late stage (>20 Myr), impacts on the scale of the Moon-forming Giant Impact that affected the Earth.  相似文献   

Chemistry,accretion, and evolution of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high FeO concentrations measured by VIKING for the Martian soils correspond to all probability to a FeO-rich mantle. In general, the VIKING XRF-data indicate a mafic crust with a considerably smaller degree of fractionation compared to the terrestrial crust.In recent years evidence has been collected which points towards Mars being the parent body of SNC-meteorites and, hence, these meteorites have become a valuable source of information about the chemistry of Mars. Using element correlations observed in SNC-meteorites and general cosmochemical constraints, it is possible to estimated the bulk composition of Mars. Normalized to Si and Cl, the mean abundance value for the elements Ga, Fe, Na, P, K, F, and Rb in the Martian mantle is found to be 0.35 and thus exceeds the terrestrial value by about a factor of two. Aside pressure effects and the H2O poverty, the high P and K content of the Martian mantle may lead to magmatic processes different from those on Earth.The composition of the Earth's mantle can successfully be described by a two component model. Component A: highly reduced and almost free of all elements more volatile than Na; component B: oxidized and containing all elements in Cl-abundances including volatile elements. The same two components can be used as building blocks for Mars, if one assumes that, contrary to the inhomogeneous accretion of the Earth, Mars accreted almost homogeneously. The striking depletion of all elements with chalcophile character indicates that chemical equilibrium between component A and B was achieved on Mars which lead to the formation of significant amounts of FeS which, on segregation, extracted the elements according to their sulphide-silicate partition coefficients. While for the Earth a mixing ratio AB = 8515 was derived, the Mars ratio of 6040 reflects the higher concentrations of moderately volatile elements like Na, K, and sulphur on Mars. A homogeneous accretion of Mars could also explain the obvious low abundances of water and primordial rare gases.  相似文献   

Magnetic field measurements are very valuable, as they provide constraints on the interior of the telluric planets and Moon. The Earth possesses a planetary scale magnetic field, generated in the conductive and convective outer core. This global magnetic field is superimposed on the magnetic field generated by the rocks of the crust, of induced (i.e. aligned on the current main field) or remanent (i.e. aligned on the past magnetic field). The crustal magnetic field on the Earth is very small scale, reflecting the processes (internal or external) that shaped the Earth. At spacecraft altitude, it reaches an amplitude of about 20 nT. Mars, on the contrary, lacks today a magnetic field of core origin. Instead, there is only a remanent magnetic field, which is one to two orders of magnitude larger than the terrestrial one at spacecraft altitude. The heterogeneous distribution of the Martian magnetic anomalies reflects the processes that built the Martian crust, dominated by igneous and cratering processes. These latter processes seem to be the driving ones in building the lunar magnetic field. As Mars, the Moon has no core-generated magnetic field. Crustal magnetic features are very weak, reaching only 30 nT at 30-km altitude. Their distribution is heterogeneous too, but the most intense anomalies are located at the antipodes of the largest impact basins. The picture is completed with Mercury, which seems to possess an Earth-like, global magnetic field, which however is weaker than expected. Magnetic exploration of Mercury is underway, and will possibly allow the Hermean crustal field to be characterized. This paper presents recent advances in our understanding and interpretation of the crustal magnetic field of the telluric planets and Moon.  相似文献   

We review electrical activity in blowing sand and dusty phenomena on Earth, Mars, the Moon, and asteroids. On Earth and Mars, blowing sand and dusty phenomena such as dust devils and dust storms are important geological processes and the primary sources of atmospheric dust. Large electric fields have been measured in terrestrial dusty phenomena and are predicted to occur on Mars. We review the charging mechanisms that produce these electric fields and discuss the implications of electrical activity to dust lifting and atmospheric chemistry. In addition, we review theoretical ideas about electric discharges on Mars. Finally, we discuss the evidence that electrostatics is responsible for dust transport on the Moon and asteroids.  相似文献   

The solar system is apparently stratified with regard to the contents of volatile constituents, as judged from the rocky, volatile-poor inner solar system planets and meteorites and the huge volatile-rich outer planets. However, beyond this gross structure there is no evidence for a systematic increase of the volatiles' abundances with distance from the Sun. Although meteorites show comparatively large differences in volatile element contents they also differ in many other respects, such as Mg/Si-ratios, bulk Fe and refractory element contents. These variations reflect variations in the nebular environment from which meteorites formed. The various conditions of meteorite formation cannot, however, be related in a simple way to heliocentric distances. There are also no systematic variations in the chemistry of the inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, and including the fourth largest asteroid Vesta, that could be interpreted as a relationship between volatility and composition. Although Mars (as judged from the composition of Martian meteorites) is more oxidized and contains more volatile elements than Earth, this trend cannot be extrapolated to the dry volatile poor Vesta (sampled by HED meteorites) in the asteroid belt. If the Earth-Mars trend reflects global inner solar system gradients then Vesta must have formed inside Earth's orbit and moved out later to its present location. The quality of Mercury and Venus composition data is not sufficient to allow reliable extrapolation to distances closer to the Sun. Recent nebula models predict small temperature gradients in the inner solar system supporting the view that no large variations in volatile element contents of inner solar system materials are expected. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sulfate-dominated sedimentary deposits are widespread on the surface of Mars, which contrasts with the rarity of carbonate deposits, and indicates surface waters with chemical features drastically different from those on Earth. While the Earth’s surface chemistry and climate are intimately tied to the carbon cycle, it is the sulfur cycle that most strongly influences the Martian geosystems. The presence of sulfate minerals observed from orbit and in-situ via surface exploration within sedimentary rocks and unconsolidated regolith traces a history of post-Noachian aqueous processes mediated by sulfur. These materials likely formed in water-limited aqueous conditions compared to environments indicated by clay minerals and localized carbonates that formed in surface and subsurface settings on early Mars. Constraining the timing of sulfur delivery to the Martian exosphere, as well as volcanogenic H2O is therefore central, as it combines with volcanogenic sulfur to produce acidic fluids and ice. Here, we reassess and review the Martian geochemical reservoirs of sulfur from the innermost core, to the mantle, crust, and surficial sediments. The recognized occurrences and the mineralogical features of sedimentary sulfate deposits are synthesized and summarized. Existing models of formation of sedimentary sulfate are discussed and related to weathering processes and chemical conditions of surface waters. We also review existing models of sulfur content in the Martian mantle and analyze how volcanic activities may have transferred igneous sulfur into the exosphere and evaluate the mass transfers and speciation relationships between volcanic sulfur and sedimentary sulfates. The sedimentary clay-sulfate succession can be reconciled with a continuous volcanic eruption rate throughout the Noachian-Hesperian, but a process occurring around the mid-Noachian must have profoundly changed the composition of volcanic degassing. A hypothetical increase in the oxidation state or in water content of Martian lavas or a decrease in atmospheric pressure is necessary to account for such a change in composition of volcanic gases. This would allow the pre mid-Noachian volcanic gases to be dominated by water and carbon-species but late Noachian and Hesperian volcanic gases to be sulfur-rich and characterized by high SO2 content. Interruption of early dynamo and impact ejection of the atmosphere may have decreased the atmospheric pressure during the early Noachian whereas it remains unclear how the redox state or water content of lavas could have changed. Nevertheless, volcanic emission of SO2 rich gases since the late Noachian can explain many features of Martian sulfate-rich regolith, including the mass of sulfate and the particular chemical features (i.e. acidity) of surface waters accompanying these deposits. How SO2 impacted on Mars’s climate, with possible short time scale global warming and long time scale cooling effects, remains controversial. However, the ancient wet and warm era on Mars seems incompatible with elevated atmospheric sulfur dioxide because conditions favorable to volcanic SO2 degassing were most likely not in place at this time.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen a wealth of new data, mainly from the Galilean satellites and Mars, but also new information on Mercury, the Moon and asteroids (meteorites). In parallel, there have been advances in our understanding of dynamo theory, new ideas on the scaling laws for field amplitudes, and a deeper appreciation on the diversity and complexity of planetary interior properties and evolutions. Most planetary magnetic fields arise from dynamos, past or present, and planetary dynamos generally arise from thermal or compositional convection in fluid regions of large radial extent. The relevant electrical conductivities range from metallic values to values that may be only about one percent or less that of a typical metal, appropriate to ionic fluids and semiconductors. In all planetary liquid cores, the Coriolis force is dynamically important. The maintenance and persistence of convection appears to be easy in gas giants and ice-rich giants, but is not assured in terrestrial planets because the quite high electrical conductivity of an iron-rich core guarantees a high thermal conductivity (through the Wiedemann-Franz law), which allows for a large core heat flow by conduction alone. This has led to an emphasis on the possible role of ongoing differentiation (growth of an inner core or “snow”). Although planetary dynamos mostly appear to operate with an internal field that is not very different from (2ρΩ/σ)1/2 in SI units where ρ is the fluid density, Ω is the planetary rotation rate and σ is the conductivity, theoretical arguments and stellar observations suggest that there may be better justification for a scaling law that emphasizes the buoyancy flux. Earth, Ganymede, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and probably Mercury have dynamos, Mars has large remanent magnetism from an ancient dynamo, and the Moon might also require an ancient dynamo. Venus is devoid of a detectable global field but may have had a dynamo in the past. Even small, differentiated planetesimals (asteroids) may have been capable of dynamo action early in the solar system history. Induced fields observed in Europa and Callisto indicate the strong likelihood of water oceans in these bodies. The presence or absence of a dynamo in a terrestrial body (including Ganymede) appears to depend mainly on the thermal histories and energy sources of these bodies, especially the convective state of the silicate mantle and the existence and history of a growing inner solid core. As a consequence, the understanding of planetary magnetic fields depends as much on our understanding of the history and material properties of planets as it does on our understanding of the dynamo process. Future developments can be expected in our understanding of the criterion for a dynamo and on planetary properties, through a combination of theoretical work, numerical simulations, planetary missions (MESSENGER, Juno, etc.) and laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

The factors that create a habitable planet are considered at all scales, from planetary inventories to micro-habitats in soft sediments and intangibles such as habitat linkage. The possibility of habitability first comes about during accretion, as a product of the processes of impact and volatile inventory history. To create habitability water is essential, not only for life but to aid the continual tectonic reworking and erosion that supply key redox contrasts and biochemical substrates to sustain habitability. Mud or soft sediment may be a biochemical prerequisite, to provide accessible substrate and protection. Once life begins, the habitat is widened by the activity of life, both by its management of the greenhouse and by partitioning reductants (e.g. dead organic matter) and oxidants (including waste products). Potential Martian habitats are discussed: by comparison with Earth there are many potential environmental settings on Mars in which life may once have occurred, or may even continue to exist. The long-term evolution of habitability in the Solar System is considered.  相似文献   

Clays form on Earth by near-surface weathering, precipitation in water bodies within basins, hydrothermal alteration (volcanic- or impact-induced), diagenesis, metamorphism, and magmatic precipitation. Diverse clay minerals have been detected from orbital investigation of terrains on Mars and are globally distributed, indicating geographically widespread aqueous alteration. Clay assemblages within deep stratigraphic units in the Martian crust include Fe/Mg smectites, chlorites and higher temperature hydrated silicates. Sedimentary clay mineral assemblages include Fe/Mg smectites, kaolinite, and sulfate, carbonate, and chloride salts. Stratigraphic sequences with multiple clay-bearing units have an upper unit with Al-clays and a lower unit with Fe/Mg-clays. The typical restriction of clay minerals to the oldest, Noachian terrains indicates a distinctive set of processes involving water-rock interaction that was prevalent early in Mars history and may have profoundly influenced the evolution of Martian geochemical systems. Current analyses of orbital data have led to the proposition of multiple clay-formation mechanisms, varying in space and time in their relative importance. These include near-surface weathering, formation in ice-dominated near-surface groundwaters, and formation by subsurface hydrothermal fluids. Near-surface, open system formation of clays would lead to fractionation of Mars’ crustal reservoir into an altered crustal reservoir and a sedimentary reservoir, potentially involving changes in the composition of Mars’ atmosphere. In contrast, formation of clays in the subsurface by either aqueous alteration or magmatic cooling would result in comparatively little geochemical fractionation or interaction of Mars’ atmospheric, crustal, and magmatic reservoirs, with the exception of long-term sequestration of water. Formation of clays within ice would have geochemical consequences intermediate between these endmembers. We outline the future analyses of orbital data, in situ measurements acquired within clay-bearing terrains, and analyses of Mars samples that are needed to more fully elucidate the mechanisms of martian clay formation and to determine the consequences for the geochemical evolution of the planet.  相似文献   

Krymskii  A.M.  Breus  T.K.  Ness  N. F  AcuÑa  M.H. 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):535-564
The Mars Global Surveyor mission has revealed that localized crustal paleomagnetic anomalies are a common feature of the Southern Hemisphere of Mars. The magnetometer measured small-scale magnetic fields associated with many individual magnetic anomalies have magnitudes ranging from hundreds to thousands nT at altitude above 120 km. That makes Mars globally different from both Venus and Earth. The data collected by Lunar Prospector near the Moon were interpreted as evidence that above regions of inferred strong surface magnetic fields on the Moon the SW flow is deflected, and a small-scale mini-magnetosphere exists under some circumstances. With a factor of 100 stronger magnetic fields at Mars and a lower SW dynamic pressure, those conditions offer the opportunity for a larger size of small `magnetospheres' which can be formed by the crustal magnetic fields. Outside the regions of the magnetic anomalies, the SW/Mars interaction is Venus-like. Thus, at Mars the distinguishing feature of the magnetic field pile-up boundary most likely varies from Venus-like to Earth-like above the crustal magnetic field regions. The observational data regarding the IMF pile-up regions near Venus and the Earth are initially reviewed. As long as the SW/Mars interaction remains like that at Venus, the IMF penetrates deep into the Martian ionosphere under the `overpressure' conditions. Results of numerical simulations and theoretical expectations regarding the temporal evolution of the IMF inside the Venus ionosphere and appearance of superthermal electrons are also reviewed and assessed.  相似文献   

Present natural data bases for abundances of the isotopic compositions of noble gases, carbon and nitrogen inventories can be found in the Sun, the solar wind, meteorites and the planetary atmospheres and crustal reservoirs. Mass distributions in the various volatile reservoirs provide boundary conditions which must be satisfied in modelling the history of the present atmospheres. Such boundary conditions are constraints posed by comparison of isotopic ratios in primordial volatile sources with the isotopic pattern which was found on the planets and their satellites. Observations from space missions and Earth-based spectroscopic telescope observations of Venus, Mars and Saturn's major satellite Titan show that the atmospheric evolution of these planetary bodies to their present states was affected by processes capable of fractionating their elements and isotopes. The isotope ratios of D/H in the atmospheres of Venus and Mars indicate evidence for their planetary water inventories. Venus' H2O content may have been at least 0.3% of a terrestrial ocean. Analysis of the D/H ratio on Mars imply that a global H2O ocean with a depth of ≤ 30 m was lost since the end of hydrodynamic escape. Calculations of the time evolution of the 15N/14N isotope anomalies in the atmospheres of Mars and Titan show that the Martian atmosphere was at least ≥ 20 times denser than at present and that the mass of Titan's early atmosphere was about 30 times greater than its present value. A detailed study of gravitational fractionation of isotopes in planetary atmospheres furthermore indicates a much higher solar wind mass flux of the early Sun during the first half billion years. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The planet Mars has been the subject of a continuing program of exploration with the flyby missions of 1964 and 1969, the orbiter of 1971, and the present Viking Project with both orbiters and landers. The overall view of Mars has changed from Earthlike in the prespacecraft era to Moonlike following the flyby missions and finally to a planet with intermediate characteristics. There are many impact craters as on the Moon, but tectonic and volcanic features resembling structures on Earth are also present. However, there is a lack of evidence for the compressional deformation associated with terrestrial plate tectonics and continental drift.The current analyses indicate that Mars has a differentiated interior with a crust and mantle and perhaps a core. Whatever the nature of interior processes, whether overall mantle expansion, plumes, or full scale convection, the effects at the surface have been predominantly vertical with formation of broad regions of uplift and depression. One of the results is hemispheric asymmetry with cratered terrain in the south and younger uncratered plains in the north.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigation of Martian meteorites (SNC meteorites) yields important constraints on the chemical and geodynamical evolution of Mars. These samples may not be representative of the whole of Mars; however, they provide constraints on the early differentiation processes on Mars. The bulk composition of Martian samples implies the presence of a metallic core that formed concurrently as the planet accreted. The strong depletion of highly siderophile elements in the Martian mantle is only possible if Mars had a large scale magma ocean early in its history allowing efficient separation of a metallic melt from molten silicate. The solidification of the magma ocean created chemical heterogeneities whose ancient origin is manifested in the heterogeneous 142Nd and 182W abundances observed in different meteorite groups derived from Mars. The isotope anomalies measured in SNC meteorites imply major chemical fractionation within the Martian mantle during the life time of the short-lived isotopes 146Sm and 182Hf. The Hf-W data are consistent with very rapid accretion of Mars within a few million years or, alternatively, a more protracted accretion history involving several large impacts and incomplete metal-silicate equilibration during core formation. In contrast to Earth early-formed chemical heterogeneities are still preserved on Mars, albeit slightly modified by mixing processes. The preservation of such ancient chemical differences is only possible if Mars did not undergo efficient whole mantle convection or vigorous plate tectonic style processes after the first few tens of millions of years of its history.  相似文献   

The Geology of Mercury: The View Prior to the MESSENGER Mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mariner 10 and Earth-based observations have revealed Mercury, the innermost of the terrestrial planetary bodies, to be an exciting laboratory for the study of Solar System geological processes. Mercury is characterized by a lunar-like surface, a global magnetic field, and an interior dominated by an iron core having a radius at least three-quarters of the radius of the planet. The 45% of the surface imaged by Mariner 10 reveals some distinctive differences from the Moon, however, with major contractional fault scarps and huge expanses of moderate-albedo Cayley-like smooth plains of uncertain origin. Our current image coverage of Mercury is comparable to that of telescopic photographs of the Earth’s Moon prior to the launch of Sputnik in 1957. We have no photographic images of one-half of the surface, the resolution of the images we do have is generally poor (∼1 km), and as with many lunar telescopic photographs, much of the available surface of Mercury is distorted by foreshortening due to viewing geometry, or poorly suited for geological analysis and impact-crater counting for age determinations because of high-Sun illumination conditions. Currently available topographic information is also very limited. Nonetheless, Mercury is a geological laboratory that represents (1) a planet where the presence of a huge iron core may be due to impact stripping of the crust and upper mantle, or alternatively, where formation of a huge core may have resulted in a residual mantle and crust of potentially unusual composition and structure; (2) a planet with an internal chemical and mechanical structure that provides new insights into planetary thermal history and the relative roles of conduction and convection in planetary heat loss; (3) a one-tectonic-plate planet where constraints on major interior processes can be deduced from the geology of the global tectonic system; (4) a planet where volcanic resurfacing may not have played a significant role in planetary history and internally generated volcanic resurfacing may have ceased at ∼3.8 Ga; (5) a planet where impact craters can be used to disentangle the fundamental roles of gravity and mean impactor velocity in determining impact crater morphology and morphometry; (6) an environment where global impact crater counts can test fundamental concepts of the distribution of impactor populations in space and time; (7) an extreme environment in which highly radar-reflective polar deposits, much more extensive than those on the Moon, can be better understood; (8) an extreme environment in which the basic processes of space weathering can be further deduced; and (9) a potential end-member in terrestrial planetary body geological evolution in which the relationships of internal and surface evolution can be clearly assessed from both a tectonic and volcanic point of view. In the half-century since the launch of Sputnik, more than 30 spacecraft have been sent to the Moon, yet only now is a second spacecraft en route to Mercury. The MESSENGER mission will address key questions about the geologic evolution of Mercury; the depth and breadth of the MESSENGER data will permit the confident reconstruction of the geological history and thermal evolution of Mercury using new imaging, topography, chemistry, mineralogy, gravity, magnetic, and environmental data.  相似文献   

Models for the mechanisms of accretion of the terrestrial planets are re-examined using the experimental technique of high-precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry of tungsten (W). The decay of 182Hf to 182W (via 182Ta) provides a new kind of radiometric chronometer of planet formation processes. Hafnium and W, the parent and daughter trace elements, are highly refractory; however, Hf is lithophile and strongly partitioned into the silicate portion of a planet, whereas W is moderately siderophile and preferentially partitioned into a coexisting metallic phase. More than 90% of terrestrial W has gone into the Earth's core during its formation. The residual silicate portion, the Earth's primitive mantle, has a Hf/W ratio in the range 10−40, an order of magnitude higher than chondritic (∼1.3). Tungsten isotopic data for the Earth and the Moon suggest that we can date a major event of planet formation: The Moon formed about 50 Myrs after the start of the solar system, providing strong support for the Giant Impact Theory of lunar origin. Recent simulations of this event imply that the Earth was probably only half formed at the time. From this we can deduce the planetary accretion rate. Tungsten isotope data for Mars provide evidence of a much shorter accretion interval, perhaps as little as 10 Myrs, but the rates for the Earth over the same time interval could have been comparable. The large W isotopic heterogeneities on Mars could only have been produced within the first 30 Myrs of the solar system. Large-scale mixing, e.g. from convective overturn, as is thought to drive the Earth's plates, must be absent from Mars. Limitations of the method such as 1) cosmogenic 182Ta effects on lunar samples, 2) incomplete mixing of debris to cause W isotope heterogeneity on the Moon, and 3) initial 182Hf/180Hf heterogeneities of the early solar system are critically discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

NASA’s InSight lander will deploy a tripod-mounted seismometer package onto the surface of Mars in late 2018. Mars is expected to have lower seismic activity than the Earth, so minimisation of environmental seismic noise will be critical for maximising observations of seismicity and scientific return from the mission. Therefore, the seismometers will be protected by a Wind and Thermal Shield (WTS), also mounted on a tripod. Nevertheless, wind impinging on the WTS will cause vibration noise, which will be transmitted to the seismometers through the regolith (soil). Here we use a 1:1-scale model of the seismometer and WTS, combined with field testing at two analogue sites in Iceland, to determine the transfer coefficient between the two tripods and quantify the proportion of WTS vibration noise transmitted through the regolith to the seismometers. The analogue sites had median grain sizes in the range 0.3–1.0 mm, surface densities of \(1.3\mbox{--}1.8~\mbox{g}\,\mbox{cm}^{-3}\), and an effective regolith Young’s modulus of \(2.5^{+1.9}_{-1.4}~\mbox{MPa}\). At a seismic frequency of 5 Hz the measured transfer coefficients had values of 0.02–0.04 for the vertical component and 0.01–0.02 for the horizontal component. These values are 3–6 times lower than predicted by elastic theory and imply that at short periods the regolith displays significant anelastic behaviour. This will result in reduced short-period wind noise and increased signal-to-noise. We predict the noise induced by turbulent aerodynamic lift on the WTS at 5 Hz to be \(\sim2\times10^{-10}~\mbox{ms}^{-2}\,\mbox{Hz}^{-1/2}\) with a factor of 10 uncertainty. This is at least an order of magnitude lower than the InSight short-period seismometer noise floor of \(10^{-8}~\mbox{ms}^{-2}\,\mbox{Hz}^{-1/2}\).  相似文献   

Some possible factors of climate changes and of long term climate evolution are discussed with regard of the three terrestrial planets, Earth, Venus and Mars. Two positive feedback mechanisms involving liquid water, i.e., the albedo mechanism and the greenhouse effect of water vapour, are described. These feedback mechanisms respond to small external forcings, such as resulting from solar or astronomical constants variability, which might thus result in large influences on climatic changes on Earth. On Venus, reactions of the atmosphere with surface minerals play an important role in the climate system, but the involved time scales are much larger. On Mars, climate is changing through variations of the polar axis inclination over time scales of ~105–106 years. Growing evidence also exists that a major climatic change happened on Mars some 3.5 to 3.8 Gigayears ago, leading to the disappearance of liquid water on the planet surface by eliminating most of the CO2 atmosphere greenhouse power. This change might be due to a large surge of the solar wind, or to atmospheric erosion by large bodies impacts. Indeed, except for their thermospheric temperature response, there is currently little evidence for an effect of long-term solar variability on the climate of Venus and Mars. This fact is possibly due to the absence of liquid water on these terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

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