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A battery charger is described that uses an on-line microcontroller to maximize its output power. This is done by always operating at either the maximum allowable input current or the thermal limit imposed by the charger itself. In this case the thermal limit is determined by the junction temperatures of the two main insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). Since direct measurement of these temperatures is impractical, they must be calculated by a computer algorithm that uses various on-line measurements. Experimental results for an 8 kW charger indicate a reduction in the bulk charging time of about 26% when used with a set of NiFe batteries.  相似文献   

The capability of lead-acid batteries for supplying very high power for a short time is explored. The application of such a battery for accelerating a hypersonic plane is used to illustrate the requirements. A technique for analyzing batteries and controlling voltage for pulse loads is described. Evaluation of lead-acid batteries in production and voltage regulation by switching batteries in and out are covered. Alternatives to batteries, including superconducting magnetic energy storage, are discussed  相似文献   

The increasing gross weight of electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) poses a challenge in practical applications. The range and endurance of the electric UAV are limited by the fixed mass of the battery package. In this work, a design optimization method for the battery package topology of small electric UAV is proposed to enhance the performance. To improve the accuracy of the method, the dynamic battery model and simplified electric component models are presented.These models are utilized by t...  相似文献   

电气化飞机电力系统智能化设计研究综述   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王莉  戴泽华  杨善水  毛玲  严仰光 《航空学报》2019,40(2):522405-522405
能源危机和环境问题推动了绿色航空的发展,飞机电气化是绿色航空的主要实现手段,已经成为航空技术发展的重要方向。本文介绍了飞机电气化的发展历程,阐述了电气化飞机电力系统的关键技术及其研究现状,分析了先进飞机电力系统设计的关键技术,指出了飞机电力系统综合化、智能化的发展特点。在分析飞机电力系统设计存在的问题的基础上,文章初步提出了电气化飞机电力系统智能化设计平台的理论框架、功能和特点,分析了支撑电力系统智能化设计平台的关键技术,指出了航空智能化设计的研究方向。  相似文献   

通过对HY-750开口回流低速风洞的实验数据分析,从具体精度指标上对风洞动力系统应用矢量控制的效果进行了评估.阐述了无速度传感器矢量控制技术的原理,分析了矢量控制技术在动力系统中的应用优点.  相似文献   

为解决电动固定翼四旋翼复合布局无人机(eHAV)动力系统设计选择缺乏相应理论方法的问题,提出了一套动力系统的建模和优化设计方法。通过推质比计算提出了动力系统需求,利用螺旋桨和旋翼理论建立了螺旋桨的设计和性能计算模型,通过统计分析和1阶电动机模型建立了无刷直流电动机的计算模型,通过电动机与电池电压、电流之间的关系建立了电池选择方法,在经过电压修正的放电特性经验公式基础上建立了无人机航时计算方法。根据动力系统匹配方法,建立了动力系统优化设计流程。对某电动固旋翼无人机动力系统进行了优化设计和选择,结果表明:所建螺旋桨和旋翼模型计算结果与CFD结果的误差在10%以内,电池放电模型与试验数据的拟合度在0.97以上,飞行测试结果表明所提方法选择的动力系统使得无人机航时测试值与设计值误差小于4%,证明了该方法有较高的准确性和可行性。   相似文献   

The Radiation and Technology Demonstration (RTD) Mission has the primary objective of demonstrating high-power (10 kilowatts) electric thruster technologies in Earth orbit. This paper discusses the conceptual design of the RTD spacecraft photovoltaic (PV) power system and mission performance analyses. These power system studies assessed multiple options for PV arrays, battery technologies and bus voltage levels. To quantify performance attributes of these power system options, a dedicated Fortran code was developed to predict power system performance and estimate system mass. The low-thrust mission trajectory was analyzed and important Earth orbital environments were modeled. Baseline power system design options are recommended on the basis of performance, mass and risk/complexity. Important findings from parametric studies are discussed and the resulting impacts to the spacecraft design and cost  相似文献   

水平起降组合动力可重复使用运载器是未来航天运输系统的重要发展方向。针对采用空气预冷涡轮火箭发动机的组合动力飞行器在吸气爬升段受多约束条件限制、动力与质量特性变化大的特点,提出了一种基于动压高度剖面的轨迹设计方法。通过推导基于高度的质点运动学方程,得到轨迹参数解算流程,并结合动压、迎角与法向过载的约束边界以及任务窗口确定动压高度剖面形状,从而得到满足要求的吸气段标称轨迹。在此基础上,设计了标称轨迹高度跟踪制导律。仿真结果表明,标称轨迹在吸气段多种不确定性偏差的影响下满足多约束要求,具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

张冰融  詹浩  张怡哲  张炜 《航空工程进展》2013,4(3):274-279,291
以带扰流片的升力风扇为动力系统的无人机,在动力学建模和控制方式上与传统升力风扇无人机有很大不同,升力风扇的操纵特性是这类升力风扇无人机动力学建模的关键,而目前国内尚未检索到对此进行研究或实验的报告或文献。因此,为了研究带扰流片的升力风扇动力系统的动态操纵特性,利用LabVIEW设计并制作一套动态数据试验采集系统,设计试验输入,完成带扰流片的升力风扇操纵特性动态数据采集,所获得数据及后续建模过程表明本试验采集系统是正确、有效的。  相似文献   

Since they were first introduced in the early 1990s, lithium ion batteries have enjoyed unprecedented growth and success in the consumer marketplace. Combining excellent performance with affordability, they have become the product of choice for portable computers and cellular phones. Building on the same energy and life cycle attributes, which marked their consumer market success, but adding new high power storage capability, lithium ion technology is now poised to play a similar role in the transportation, military, and space sectors. With major program in various aspects of electric and hybrid electric vehicles, Saft has developed a family of battery products that address the power and energy storage where lightweight, long life, and excellent energy or power storage capabilities are needed. Significant progress in the packaging and control of high power, yet compact, batteries has been accomplished for a variety of vehicle applications. This paper discusses the charger and balancing strategies of one of this family of products  相似文献   

朱超  孔旭  胡成威  唐自新  李德伦  王友渔  王康 《航空学报》2021,42(1):524002-524002
空间机械臂维修性系统设计与评价体系的构建对机械臂维修具有非常重要的意义。结合空间机械臂维修性需求,建立了机械臂"设计-验证-设计-评价"全周期系统性的维修性设计与评价体系,根据维修性系统设计体系进行维修性设计-验证-再设计的循环管理,再根据维修性评价体系,三类评价人员模拟在轨维修操作场景分别开展维修评价,最终根据评价指标中的不合格项进行设计迭代。以机械臂中央控制器在轨维修为例验证该评价体系。研究结果将为后续空间机械臂维修性设计与评价工作提供体系借鉴和工程指导。  相似文献   

The authors describe and compare small (two-module) and larger (16-module) AMTEC (alkali metal thermal-to-electric converter) radioisotope powered systems and describe the computer model developed to predict their performance. The high efficiency and static conversion process combined with minimized parasitic losses and operating temperatures that allow the use of current materials while still maintaining a competitive radiator area are found to make AMTEC an excellent candidate for enhanced performance space power systems. AMTEC has the capability of reducing mission costs relative to other static conversion systems because of its high efficiency. AMTEC can also reduce cost relative to dynamic systems simply by being less massive (10 to 5000 W level), and its use eliminates the torque and vibration issues of dynamic systems  相似文献   

涡轮叶片的多学科设计优化系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
建立了一个全三维涡轮叶片的一体化多学科设计优化系统, 并对某叶片进行涉及五学科的设计优化分析.在此优化系统中, 采用5次多项式方法进行三维涡轮叶片的参数化建模, 单元线性插值法完成学科间载荷信息的传递, 多岛遗传算法及二次序列规划法联合进行整个优化问题的寻优.实例分析结果表明, 一体化优化使涡轮叶片性能得到明显提高, 所建系统稳定、高效, 具有应用于工程实践的可行性及可靠性.   相似文献   

To facilitate protection system studies on the space station electric power system, there is a need to develop a model that can accurately and conveniently simulate both the power system and the protection system. Models for two major protective devices, the remote bus isolator and the remote power controller, are described. These models have been installed in a power system model resembling one channel of the space station power system. The usefulness of these models in protection system studies Is demonstrated  相似文献   

Alternative methods for power flow and fault analysis of single-phase distribution systems are presented. The algorithms for both power flow and fault analysis utilize a generalized approach to network modeling. The generalized admittance matrix, formed using elements of linear graph theory, is an accurate network model for all possible single-phase network configurations. Unlike the standard nodal admittance matrix formulation algorithms, the generalized approach uses generalized component models for the transmission line and transformer. The standard assumption of a common node voltage reference point is not required to construct the generalized admittance matrix. Therefore, truly accurate simulation results can be obtained for networks that cannot be modeled using traditional techniques  相似文献   

The autonomous power system (APS) project at the NASA Lewis Research Center is described. The project is designed to demonstrate the applications of integrated intelligent diagnosis, control, and scheduling techniques to space power distribution systems. It consists of the autonomous power expert system (APEX) for fault detection, isolation, and recovery; the autonomous intelligent power scheduler, for efficient assignment of activity start times and resources; and power hardware (Brassboard) to emulate a space-based power system. Each part of the system was critiqued based on individual performance as well as the ability to interact with the other portions of the APS project. These critiques were used to determine guidelines for new and improved components  相似文献   

军用飞机在外场表现出诊断能力不足的现象,严重影响飞机再次出动的效率。从军用飞机故障诊断 的实际使用需求出发,深入分析机载系统在设计、试验过程中存在的测试性设计问题;针对军用飞机整个研制 与使用过程,明确设计目标,提供设计、验证和评估方法,将原来相互孤立的设计工作进行整合,提出一套完整 的机载系统测试性设计体系,并对测试性设计过程中的诊断能力设计、测试性试验等关键环节进行深入剖析; 同时,在工作方法、专业定位和制度保障方面提出改进建议,能够有效促进测试性设计有机地融入机载系统的 设计过程,提升机载系统测试性水平,提高飞机综合诊断能力。  相似文献   

低功耗数字气压计的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种低功耗数字气压计的软硬件实现方法。通过气压传感器获得与大气压相对应的模拟电压值,并经过A/D变换输入到单片机进行处理,从而实时显示相应的气压值。通过休眠或掉电的方式降低了仪器的耗电量,使用一支高容量锂/亚硫酰氯电池供电可以连续使用8年以上。  相似文献   

To aid designers in overcoming problems of technical oversights or designer unfamiliarity with the operational environment, a database of lessons learned has been specified to highlight previously identified design deficiencies and prevent their perpetuation. Interface design requirements, search and retrieval procedures, and special system features are described, and a user interface is proposed for such a system. The content and organization of the lessons learned and a form to guide contributors through performance of new lessons are presented  相似文献   

针对某高超声速飞行器飞行任务对低速推进系统的需求(Ma≤3.5),以某小涵道比加力混排涡扇发动机为背景机提出了两套布局方案。研究结果表明:对于加力涡扇发动机方案TF,通过对背景发动机控制规律的优化,能有效降低了发动机在高空大马赫数工作状态时混合器内外涵的总压差异,并且能获得更低的发动机单位耗油率。对于加力涡扇/亚燃冲压并联组合发动机方案,与TF方案相比,进气道和喷管的各自独立使其在结构上更加复杂,重量会大大增加,技术风险加大。  相似文献   

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