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This article proposes a short review of our present knowledge of solar system magnetospheres, with the purpose of placing the study of Saturn’s magnetosphere in the context of a comparative approach. We describe the diversity of solar system magnetospheres and the underlying causes of this diversity: nature and magnetization state of the planetary obstacle, presence or not of a dense atmosphere, rotation state of the planet, existence of a system of satellites, rings and neutral gas populations in orbit around the planet. We follow the “russian doll” hierarchy of solar system magnetospheres to briefly describe the different objects of this family: the heliosphere, which is the Sun’s magnetosphere; the “elementary” magnetospheres of the inner planets, Earth and Mercury; the “complex” magnetospheres of the giant planets, dominated by planetary rotation and the presence of interacting objects within their magnetospheric cavities, some of which, like Ganymede, Io or Titan, produce small intrinsic or induced magnetospheres inside the large one.We finally describe the main original features of Saturn’s magnetosphere as we see them after the Voyager fly-bys and before the arrival of Cassini at Saturn, and list some of the key questions which Cassini will have to address during its four-year orbital tour.  相似文献   

Applications of Brayton cycle technology to space power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Closed Brayton Cycle (CBC) power conversion cycle can be used with a wide range of heat sources for space power applications. These heat sources include solar concentrator, radioisotope, and reactor. With a solar concentrator, a solar dynamic ground demonstration test using existing Brayton components is being assembled for testing at NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC). This 2-kWe system has a turbine inlet temperature of 1015 K and is a complete end-to-end simulation of the Space Station Freedom solar dynamic design. With a radioisotope heat source, a 1-kWe Dynamic Isotope Power System (DIPS) is under development using an existing turboalternator compressor (TAC) for testing at the same NASA-LeRC facility. This DIPS unit is being developed as a replacement to Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) to conserve the Pu-238 supply for interplanetary exploration. With a reactor heat source, many studies have been performed coupling the SP-100 reactor with a Brayton power conversion cycle. Applications for this reactor/CBC system include global communications satellites and electric propulsion for interplanetary exploration. applications. The CBC consists of a heater, turboalternator compressor (TAC), cooler, and recuperator. A mixture of He and Xe is used as the working fluid in the CBC system. The He provides superior heat transfer characteristics in the heater, cooler, and recuperator. The Xe adjusts the molecular weight to provide superior aerodynamic performance for maximized turbine and compressor efficiency. Cycle studies are performed to select the optimum He/Xe molecular weight or He to Xe mixture ratio. The following presents the characteristics and advantages of using the CBC for space power applications, CBC development status, characteristics and applications of the CBC with each of the heat sources, and finally performance projections  相似文献   

The requirements of systematic exploration of the outer solar system have been intensively studied by a Science Advisory Group (SAG) of consulting scientists for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Comets and Asteroids were excluded from this study, as a separate group is planning missions to these bodies. This paper and accompanying articles on specific related scientific subjects written by members of the SAG, summarize the findings and recommendations of this group. These recommendations should not be interpreted as official NASA policy. Following some general introductory remarks, a brief sketch is given of the development and current status of scientific missions to the inner planets by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. With this perspective, the development of the U.S. program for investigation of the outer solar system is described. The scientific focus of outer solar system exploration has been studied in detail. The relationship of the outer planetary bodies to one another and to the inner planets, as parts in a unified solar system evolved from a primitive solar nebula, is emphasized. Deductions from outer solar system investigations regarding the conditions of the solar nebula at the time of planetary formation have been considered. Investigations have been proposed that are relevant to studies of the atmospheric structure and dynamics, internal structure of the planets, satellite composition and morphology, and planetary and interplanetary fields and energetic particles. The mission type and sequence required to conduct a systematic exploration of the outer solar system has been developed. Technological rationales for the suggested missions are discussed in general terms. The existing NASA program for outer solar system exploration is comprised of four missions:
  1. Pioneer 10 fly-by mission to Jupiter and beyond, currently underway, with launch on 3 March 1972;
  2. Pioneer G, intended for a similar mission with planned launch 2–22 April 1973; and
  3. Two Mariner Jupiter/Saturn fly-bys in 1977, with experiment selection scheduled for late 1972 and detailed engineering design during 1972–74.
The Science Advisory Group advocates that detailed mission planning be undertaken on the following additional missions for launches during the late 1970's and early 1980's. Together with existing plans, these would provide a balanced, effective exploration program.
  1. 1976 Pioneer Jupiter/Out-of-Ecliptic (One Mission)
  2. 1979 Mariner Jupiter/Uranus Fly-bys (Two Missions)
  3. 1979 Pioneer Entry Probe to Saturn 1980 Pioneer Entry Probe to Uranus via Saturn Fly-by (Three Missions)
  4. 1981/1982 Mariner Jupiter Orbiter (Two Missions).

Asteroid exploration is significant for studying the origin of the solar system, establishing planetary defenses, and alleviating the resource crisis of the Earth. Asteroid anchoring is the basis of in-situ exploration and resource development and utilization. Therefore, the performance of asteroid force-closure anchoring is investigated using the discrete element method. The micro parameters of the simulated materials are calibrated with angle of repose and uniaxial compression experiments, based on which the regional modeling method is adopted to establish the anchoring discrete element model. Asteroid anchoring experiments are conducted on a self-developed microgravity simulation platform to verify the accuracy of the simulation model. The asteroid anchoring simulations are performed to investigate the influence of external force on the anchoring performance. The analysis of anchoring force varying with time and the interaction between the anchor and regolith particles reveals the influence mechanism of external force direction on the anchoring performance. The external force direction affects the critical anchoring force by influencing the failure of the force-closure structure. The comprehensive analysis of simulation results clarifies the variation of the critical anchoring force with the external forces. Finally, a stable anchoring region is established, beneficial for asteroid anchoring device design.  相似文献   

天线组阵技术研究及其在我国深空测控通信系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究深空通信系统中天线组阵技术实现方案,并通过数值仿真对几种基本的天线组阵方案和算法的性能进行比较分析。仿真结果表明,采用SUMPLE算法的全频谱合成技术能够获得很好的合成效率,是适合我国深空探测工程测控通信系统设计的有效方案,有望在我国后续的深空探测工程中得到应用。  相似文献   

The detection of organic molecules of unambiguous biological origin is fundamental for the confirmation of present or past life. Planetary exploration requires the development of miniaturized apparatus for in situ life detection. Analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry have been traditionally used in space science. Following the Viking landers, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for organic detection has gained general acceptance and has been used successfully in the Cassini–Huygens mission to Titan. Microfluidics allows the development of miniaturized capillary electrophoresis devices for the detection of important molecules for life, like amino acids or nucleobases. Recently, a new approach is gaining acceptance in the space science community: the application of the well-known, highly specific, antibody–antigen affinity interaction for the detection and identification of organics and biochemical compounds. Antibodies can specifically bind a plethora of structurally different compounds of a broad range of molecular sizes, from amino acids level to whole cells. Antibody microarray technology allows us to look for the presence of thousands of different compounds in a single assay and in just one square centimeter. Herein, we discuss several important issues—most of which are common with other instruments dealing with life signature detection in the solar system—that must be addressed in order to use antibody microarrays for life detection and planetary exploration. These issues include (1) preservation of biomarkers, (2) the extraction techniques for biomarkers, (3) terrestrial analogues, (4) the antibody stability under space environments, (5) the selection of unequivocal biomarkers for the antibody production, or (6) the instrument design and implementation.  相似文献   

Much of our knowledge of planetary surface composition is derived from remote sensing over the ultraviolet through infrared wavelength ranges. Telescopic observations and, in the past few decades, spacecraft mission observations have led to the discovery of many surface materials, from rock-forming minerals to water ice to exotic volatiles and organic compounds. Identifying surface materials and mapping their distributions allows us to constrain interior processes such as cryovolcanism and aqueous geochemistry. The recent progress in understanding of icy satellite surface composition has been aided by the evolving capabilities of spacecraft missions, advances in detector technology, and laboratory studies of candidate surface compounds. Pioneers 10 and 11, Voyagers I and II, Galileo, Cassini and the New Horizons mission have all made significant contributions. Dalton (Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue) summarizes the major constituents found or inferred to exist on the surfaces of the icy satellites (cf. Table 1 from Dalton, Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue), and the spectral coverage and resolution of many of the spacecraft instruments that have revolutionized our understanding (cf. Table 2 from Dalton, Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue). While much has been gained from these missions, telescopic observations also continue to provide important constraints on surface compositions, especially for those bodies that have not yet been visited by spacecraft, such as Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), Centaurs, the classical planet Pluto and its moon, Charon. In this chapter, we will discuss the major satellites of the outer solar system, the materials believed to make up their surfaces, and the history of some of these discoveries. Formation scenarios and subsequent evolution will be described, with particular attention to the processes that drive surface chemistry and exchange with interiors. Major similarities and differences between the satellites are discussed, with an eye toward elucidating processes operating throughout the outer solar system. Finally we discuss the outermost satellites and other bodies, and summarize knowledge of their composition. Much of this review is likely to change in the near future with ongoing and planned outer planet missions, adding to the sense of excitement and discovery associated with our exploration of our planetary neighborhood.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen a wealth of new data, mainly from the Galilean satellites and Mars, but also new information on Mercury, the Moon and asteroids (meteorites). In parallel, there have been advances in our understanding of dynamo theory, new ideas on the scaling laws for field amplitudes, and a deeper appreciation on the diversity and complexity of planetary interior properties and evolutions. Most planetary magnetic fields arise from dynamos, past or present, and planetary dynamos generally arise from thermal or compositional convection in fluid regions of large radial extent. The relevant electrical conductivities range from metallic values to values that may be only about one percent or less that of a typical metal, appropriate to ionic fluids and semiconductors. In all planetary liquid cores, the Coriolis force is dynamically important. The maintenance and persistence of convection appears to be easy in gas giants and ice-rich giants, but is not assured in terrestrial planets because the quite high electrical conductivity of an iron-rich core guarantees a high thermal conductivity (through the Wiedemann-Franz law), which allows for a large core heat flow by conduction alone. This has led to an emphasis on the possible role of ongoing differentiation (growth of an inner core or “snow”). Although planetary dynamos mostly appear to operate with an internal field that is not very different from (2ρΩ/σ)1/2 in SI units where ρ is the fluid density, Ω is the planetary rotation rate and σ is the conductivity, theoretical arguments and stellar observations suggest that there may be better justification for a scaling law that emphasizes the buoyancy flux. Earth, Ganymede, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and probably Mercury have dynamos, Mars has large remanent magnetism from an ancient dynamo, and the Moon might also require an ancient dynamo. Venus is devoid of a detectable global field but may have had a dynamo in the past. Even small, differentiated planetesimals (asteroids) may have been capable of dynamo action early in the solar system history. Induced fields observed in Europa and Callisto indicate the strong likelihood of water oceans in these bodies. The presence or absence of a dynamo in a terrestrial body (including Ganymede) appears to depend mainly on the thermal histories and energy sources of these bodies, especially the convective state of the silicate mantle and the existence and history of a growing inner solid core. As a consequence, the understanding of planetary magnetic fields depends as much on our understanding of the history and material properties of planets as it does on our understanding of the dynamo process. Future developments can be expected in our understanding of the criterion for a dynamo and on planetary properties, through a combination of theoretical work, numerical simulations, planetary missions (MESSENGER, Juno, etc.) and laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Future human missions to Mars will require effective communications supporting exploration activities and scientific field data collection. Constraints on cost, size, weight, and power consumption for all communications equipment make optimization of these systems very important. These information and communication systems connect people and systems together into coherent teams performing the difficult and hazardous tasks inherent in planetary exploration. The communication network supporting vehicle telemetry data, mission operations, and scientific collaboration must have excellent reliability and flexibility. We propose hybrid communication architectures consisting of space-based links, a surface-based deployable mid-range communications network and a cluster of short-range links to solve the problems of connectivity and bandwidth, while meeting the other constraints of weight and power. A network of orbiting satellites could cover much of the planet surface, but this space-based capability may not be optimal for cost or performance. Specifically, a minimal space-based capability can be augmented using mobile cellular repeaters deployable by robots and human EVA. This method results in an increase in the number of radio nodes, but the distances separating them is decreased. This results in a significant increase in bandwidth and decrease in radio power, and therefore, node size, complexity, and power consumption. This paper will discuss the results of field testing such hybrid radio systems for the support of scientific surveys. System analysis of design tradeoffs will yield insight into optimal solutions that will be compared to other approaches providing a method of effectively evaluating new candidate architectures  相似文献   

Due to ultraviolet flux to the surface layers of most solar system bodies, future astrobiological research is increasingly seeking to conduct subsurface penetration, drilling and sampling to detect chemical signature of extant or extinct life. To seek a compact solution to this issue, we present a micro-penetrator concept (mass < 10 kg) that is suited for planetary deployment and in situ investigation of chemical and physical properties. To draw inspiration from nature, a biomimetic drill and sampler subsystem is designed as a penetrator instrument based on the working mechanism of a wood wasp ovipositor to sample beneath the sterile layer for biomarker detection. One of the major limitations of sampling in relatively low gravity environments (such as asteroids, Mars, etc) is the need for high axial force when using conventional drills. The ovipositor drill is proposed to address this limitation by applying a novel concept of reciprocating motion that requires no external force. It is lightweight (0.5 kg), driven at low power (3 W), and able to drill deep (1-2 m). Tests have shown that a reciprocating drill is feasible and has the potential of improving drill efficiency without receiving any external force. As part of the European space agency (ESA) project on bionics and space system design [1], this study provides a conceptual design of the micro-penetrator targeted for a near earth asteroid mission. With bionics-enabling technology, the overall penetration/drilling/sampling system provides a small, light and energy efficient solution to in situ astrobiological studies, which is crucial for space exploration. Such a micro-penetrator can be used for exploration of terrestrial-type planets or other small bodies of the solar system with a moderate level of modifications.  相似文献   

Active development of electric thrustors began 10 years ago. Today, several kinds of thrustors have achieved efficiencies above 90 % and lifetimes of several thousand hours. The following article derives the basic theory of electric thrust production at constant exhaust velocity, and at variable exhaust velocity programmed for optimum vehicle performance. Electrothermal or arcjet; electrostatic or ion; and electrodynamic or plasma thrustors are described. At the present time, ion thrustors of the electron bombardment and of the surface ionization types are the most promising systems. Electric power in space may be generated by solar cells or nuclear-electric generators. It is expected that the incore thermionic converter will eventually be the preferred system. A variety of missions with electric propulsion systems appear feasible and highly desirable, among them orbital station keeping, attitude control, planetary probes, solar and out-of-the-ecliptic probes, deep-space probes, and manned Mars and Venus exploration. For each mission, a careful systems-design study must be made, which will provide the optimum selection of thrustor type, thrust level, exhaust velocity, thrust program, power source, trajectory, and flight plan.  相似文献   

A brief review of the salient considerations which apply to the existence of magnetic fields in connection with planetary and subplanetary objects in the outer solar system is given. Consideration is given to internal dynamo fields, fields which might originate from interaction with the solar wind or magnetospheres (externally driven dynamos) and lastly fossil magnetic fields such as have been discovered on the Moon. Where possible, connection is made between magnetism, means of detection, and internal body properties.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The Juno Waves Investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jupiter is the source of the strongest planetary radio emissions in the solar system. Variations in these emissions are symptomatic of the dynamics of Jupiter’s magnetosphere and some have been directly associated with Jupiter’s auroras. The strongest radio emissions are associated with Io’s interaction with Jupiter’s magnetic field. In addition, plasma waves are thought to play important roles in the acceleration of energetic particles in the magnetosphere, some of which impact Jupiter’s upper atmosphere generating the auroras. Since the exploration of Jupiter’s polar magnetosphere is a major objective of the Juno mission, it is appropriate that a radio and plasma wave investigation is included in Juno’s payload. This paper describes the Waves instrument and the science it is to pursue as part of the Juno mission.  相似文献   

This paper is an introduction to volume 56 of the Space Science Series of ISSI, “From disks to planets—the making of planets and their proto-atmospheres”, a key subject in our quest for the origins and evolutionary paths of planets, and for the causes of their diversity. Indeed, as exoplanet discoveries progressively accumulated and their characterization made spectacular progress, it became evident that the diversity of observed exoplanets can in no way be reduced to the two classes of planets that we are used to identify in the solar system, namely terrestrial planets and gas or ice giants: the exoplanet reality is just much broader. This fact is no doubt the result of the exceptional diversity of the evolutionary paths linking planetary systems as a whole as well as individual exoplanets and their proto-atmospheres to their parent circumstellar disks: this diversity and its causes are exactly what this paper explores. For each of the main phases of the formation and evolution of planetary systems and of individual planets, we summarize what we believe we understand and what are the important open questions needing further in-depth examination, and offer some suggestions on ways towards solutions.We start with the formation mechanisms of circumstellar disks, with their gas and disk components in which chemical composition plays a very important role in planet formation. We summarize how dust accretion within the disk generates planet cores, while gas accretion on these cores can lead to the diversity of their fluid envelopes. The temporal evolution of the parent disk itself, and its final dissipation, put strong constraints on how and how far planetary formation can proceed. The radiation output of the central star also plays an important role in this whole story. This early phase of planet evolution, from disk formation to dissipation, is characterized by a co-evolution of the disk and its daughter planets. During this co-evolution, planets and their protoatmospheres not only grow, but they also migrate radially as a result of their interaction with the disk, thus moving progressively from their distance of formation to their final location. The formation of planetary fluid envelopes (proto-atmospheres and oceans), is an essential product of this planet formation scenario which strongly constrains their possible evolution towards habitability. We discuss the effects of the initial conditions in the disk, of the location, size and mass of the planetary core, of the disk lifetime and of the radiation output and activity of the central star, on the formation of these envelopes and on their relative extensions with respect to the planet core. Overall, a fraction of the planets retain the primary proto-atmosphere they initially accreted from the gas disk. For those which lose it in this early evolution, outgassing of volatiles from the planetary core and mantle, together with some contributions of volatiles from colliding bodies, give them a chance to form a “secondary” atmosphere, like that of our own Earth.When the disk finally dissipates, usually before 10 Million years of age, it leaves us with the combination of a planetary system and a debris disk, each with a specific radial distribution with respect to their parent star(s). Whereas the dynamics of protoplanetary disks is dominated by gas-solid dynamical coupling, debris disks are dominated by gravitational dynamics acting on diverse families of planetesimals. Solid-body collisions between them and giant impacts on young planetary surfaces generate a new population of gas and dust in those disks. Synergies between solar system and exoplanet studies are particularly fruitful and need to be stimulated even more, because they give access to different and complementary components of debris disks: whereas the different families of planetesimals can be extensively studied in the solar system, they remain unobserved in exoplanet systems. But, in those systems, long-wavelength telescopic observations of dust provide a wealth of indirect information about the unobserved population of planetesimals. Promising progress is being currently made to observe the gas component as well, using millimetre and sub-millimetre giant radio interferometers.Within planetary systems themselves, individual planets are the assembly of a solid body and a fluid envelope, including their planetary atmosphere when there is one. Their characteristics range from terrestrial planets through sub-Neptunes and Neptunes and to gas giants, each type covering most of the orbital distances probed by present-day techniques. With the continuous progress in detection and characterization techniques and the advent of major providers of new data like the Kepler mission, the architecture of these planetary systems can be studied more and more accurately in a statistically meaningful sense and compared to the one of our own solar system, which does not appear to be an exceptional case. Finally, our understanding of exoplanets atmospheres has made spectacular advances recently using the occultation spectroscopy techniques implemented on the currently operating space and ground-based observing facilities.The powerful new observing facilities planned for the near and more distant future will make it possible to address many of the most challenging current questions of the science of exoplanets and their systems. There is little doubt that, using this new generation of facilities, we will be able to reconstruct more and more accurately the complex evolutionary paths which link stellar genesis to the possible emergence of habitable worlds.  相似文献   

Mars and Venus do not have a global magnetic field and as a result solar wind interacts directly with their ionospheres and upper atmospheres. Neutral atoms ionized by solar UV, charge exchange and electron impact, are extracted and scavenged by solar wind providing a significant loss of planetary volatiles. There are different channels and routes through which the ionized planetary matter escapes from the planets. Processes of ion energization driven by direct solar wind forcing and their escape are intimately related. Forces responsible for ion energization in different channels are different and, correspondingly, the effectiveness of escape is also different. Classification of the energization processes and escape channels on Mars and Venus and also their variability with solar wind parameters is the main topic of our review. We will distinguish between classical pickup and ??mass-loaded?? pickup processes, energization in boundary layer and plasma sheet, polar winds on unmagnetized planets with magnetized ionospheres and enhanced escape flows from localized auroral regions in the regions filled by strong crustal magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The Laser Communications Laboratory (LCL) of the Wright Laboratory Avionics Directorate is heavily involved in designing optical communications systems covering the full optical spectrum to meet our current and future military communications requirements. This paper summarizes the in-house designed and built solar blind ultraviolet communications system used in the LCL to investigate non-line-of-sight data and voice links. It also summarizes some of the previous DoD work accomplished to exploit free space communications via ultraviolet radiation. In addition, safety factors peculiar to ultraviolet radiation in a closed cockpit environment are addressed. An evaluation of the current electrodeless ultraviolet communications system and a synopsis of planned future projects to improve the system are included in the paper  相似文献   

Observations from planetary spacecraft missions have demonstrated a spectrum of dynamo behaviour in planets. From currently active dynamos, to remanent crustal fields from past dynamo action, to no observed magnetization, the planets and moons in our solar system offer magnetic clues to their interior structure and evolution. Here we review numerical dynamo simulations for planets other than Earth. For the terrestrial planets and satellites, we discuss specific magnetic field oddities that dynamo models attempt to explain. For the giant planets, we discuss both non-magnetic and magnetic convection models and their ability to reproduce observations of surface zonal flows and magnetic field morphology. Future improvements to numerical models and new missions to collect planetary magnetic data will continue to improve our understanding of the magnetic field generation process inside planets.  相似文献   

This overview paper presents estimates of the photovoltaic power systems needed on commercial communications spacecraft in the year 2000. These are developed in the form of power requirements based on extrapolation of the historical growth in communications traffic and are about 5 to 15 kW. The paper also addresses the key technology drivers in these photovoltaic systems. The importance of reducing mass in the power system is described in terms of the tradeoff with communications systems mass to maximize communications revenue. It surveys solar array components and subsystems to meet these future requirements and attempts to identify the development candidates with a large payoff potential and a high probability of successful development.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of physical properties of planetary ices generate information for dynamical models of tectonically active icy bodies in the outer solar system. We review the methods for measuring both flow properties and thermal properties of icy planetary materials in the laboratory, and describe physical theories that are essential for intelligent extrapolation of data from laboratory to planetary conditions. This review is structured with a separate and independent section for each of the two sets of physical properties, rheological and thermal. The rheological behaviors of planetary ices are as diverse as the icy moons themselves. High-pressure water ice phases show respective viscosities that vary over four orders of magnitude. Ices of CO2, NH3, as well as clathrate hydrates of CH4 and other gases vary in viscosity by nearly ten orders of magnitude. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity of detected/inferred compositions in outer solar system bodies have been revised. Some low-temperature phases of minerals and condensates have a deviant thermal behavior related to paramount water ice. Hydrated salts have low values of thermal conductivity and an inverse dependence of conductivity on temperature, similar to clathrate hydrates or glassy solids. This striking behavior may suit the dynamics of icy satellites.  相似文献   

张元勋  黄靖  韩亮亮 《航空学报》2021,42(1):523909-523909
星表移动探测机器人是多学科、高新技术的结晶,用于非结构化环境中的星球表面探测,能有效减轻人类工作强度、保护人身安全以及代替人类完成恶劣环境下的科研探测工作,有着巨大的经济和社会效益。本文对已发射的探测器进行了统计,系统梳理了成功着陆月球、火星的探测机器人的技术参数、结构与机构组成等,综合对比了各国在星表移动探测机器人研制方面的技术状态。结合国内外的研究现状和成果,重点针对星表移动探测机器人移动系统的研究进行了梳理,将星表移动探测机器人从运动形式上划分为轮式、腿式、履带式及其他类型4种形式,对每类机器人的研究进展、技术参数、结构与机构形式、运动形态等进行了系统回顾和详细分析。结合星表移动探测机器人面临的探测任务及发展方向,对星表移动探测机器人未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

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