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Gravity measurements from a high-altitude balloon can verify global and upward-continued gravity models. A gravimeter suspended beneath a balloon is in a dynamic, and largely unpredictable, environment sensing accelerations due to gravity and balloon motions. Independent measurements of balloon motions using inertial navigation data combined with ground tracking data will allow for separation of balloon-induced accelerations from gravitational accelerations. Analysis of these data must estimate: 1) vertical gravimeter accelerations due to motion and gravity, 2) horizontal velocity to estimate the Eötvös effect, and 3) gravimeter position for comparison with gravity models. The first engineering test flight occurred on 11 October 1983, during the seasonal wind reversal and was very successful. Flight duration was approximately seven hours, with two hours of data collected at each of 30 km and 26 km altitudes. The results include gravity estimates, design criteria for future flights and feasibility analysis for vertical gravity profiles during ascent and descent.  相似文献   

Far-infrared observations of the Galactic Center have been carried through with the MPE Im balloon-borne telescope “Golden Dragon”. The measurements are composed of photometric scanning (33–95 μm) of the inner 4′×4′ and low resolution spectroscopy (δν = 10 cm?1) of the center and of a position approximately 1.5′ to the north. A Mars spectrum has been obtained for calibration. The spatial resolution of the photometry map is increased using the Maximum Entropy Method and the resulting map is compared to other observations in the same and other spectral regions. A clear asymmetry in the ring-like structure around the center indicates the presence of noncircular motions. The shape of the spectra is fairly smooth with at least no prominent dust features. A simple modelling shows a drastic increase of column density within 2 pc from the center and a modest drop over the next 3 pc to the north.  相似文献   

Radio beacons/IMU integrated navigation for Mars entry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High precision entry navigation capability is essential for future Mars pinpoint landing missions, together with the entry guidance and aerodynamic lift control. This paper addresses the issue of Mars entry navigation using inertial measurement unit (IMU) and orbiting or surface radiometric beacons. The range and Doppler information sensed from orbiting or surface radio beacons and the entry vehicle state information derived from IMU are integrated in Unscented Kalman filter to correct the inertial constant bias and suppress the navigation measurement noise. Computer simulations show that the integrated navigation algorithm proposed in this paper can achieve 50 m position error and 2 m/s velocity error, which satisfies the need of future pinpoint Mars landing missions.  相似文献   

逆向工程中散乱数据点三角剖分的波前算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出一种改进的波前算法,从点云任意一点开始构造初始波前,通过匹配点的加入和三角形的形成,不断修正波前并向外扩展,从而对散乱数据点进行三角剖分.对不同测量手段得到的数据点的剖分结果表明,该算法速度快、网格质量高.剖分结果以翼边数据结构存储,供模型重构时使用.   相似文献   

主要研究黎曼空间中Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图.首先,分析和讨论了黎曼流形的Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图的存在性和生成算法.然后,在分析已有研究成果基础上,给出了黎曼流形Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图的一些性质和证明,并提出了采用黎曼流形描述问题的必要性和使用坐标卡研究黎曼流形的优势和意义.最后,以二维流形为例,介绍了将模型初始数据解释为黎曼流形的算法,包括建立坐标卡,定义流形函数等.在黎曼流形定义的基础上,详细描述了基于坐标卡生成模型的Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图的算法,并给出具体实例.  相似文献   

Observations of the Sun show that magnetic flux is emerging through the surface in small scales in rather copious amounts. In order to maintain a steady state field strength, this flux must either be locally dissipated or explelled or both. We believe that magnetic reconnection and subsequent flux explusion is the most effective manner in which to achieve this. If new flux emerges into an already preexisting coronal magnetic field, the ambient field must be pushed aside to allow room for the new flux. If the ambient field strength decreases outward with radial distance as is expected for all stars, it may pinch off the emerging flux through magnetic reconnection and expell it outward. The net force on an isolated diamagnetic plasmoid produced by this process is shown to assume a particularly simple form, depending only on the plasmoid's mass, its temperature, and the radial gradient of the logarithm of the undisturbed magnetic pressure. If a sufficient number of these magnetic elements are produced per unit time, this process translates to a net outward magnetic force on the coronal plasma which can be greater that the gas pressure force. Thus, a stellar wind can be produced by magnetic forces alone without the need for a high coronal gas pressure — a mechanism which could be effective in explaining why stars, such as the late-type giants, which possess cool coronae nevertheless exhibit vigorous coronal expansions.  相似文献   

带权优化约束Delaunay三角化算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Delaunay细化算法是目前大多数约束Delaunay三角化算法的主要思想,针对其要求输入的约束条件中不能包含夹角较小的尖角的问题,给出了Delaunay细化算法收敛的充分条件,并通过在尖角点和尖角边处引入带权点和带权Delaunay空圆/球准则的方法提出了一种带权优化约束Delaunay三角化算法,解决了经典的细化算法在尖角处算法不收敛时需引入辅助控制区域以及过多辅助点的问题,对算法的收敛性进行了分析,给出了相应的算法应用实例,可以应用于复杂几何对象的科学计算和工程分析.  相似文献   

为识别飞机结构件中的筋特征,提出一种基于Delaunay三角剖分的识别与构建算法。首先,根据飞机结构件腹板和平顶筋加工方式的不同以及二者几何上的相似性,引入广义腹板概念表示腹板面和平顶筋,并建立筋的表示模型;其次,利用约束Delaunay三角剖分算法,剖分广义腹板面,进行平顶筋面和腹板面的识别与区分,并提取平顶筋面的中轴线;最后,利用中轴线拆分平顶筋并将斜顶筋作为广义腹板的子特征进行识别与构建。实例结果表明,该算法是正确和有效的。   相似文献   

提出一种生成表面模型的表面非结构化网格的方法.该方法仅假定表面模型的每个面片在取定适当的投影平面时可看成是一个单值函数.对表面模型的每个面片,首先在其相应的投影面上进行二维约束Delaunay剖分,然后对网格顶点进行插值.由于采用联动剖分的策略使得单独生成的各个表面网格在共同边界处匹配.与通常的生成表面网格的网格前沿法相比,本方法无需预先对域的边界进行离散,边界的离散体现在约束Delaunay剖分中恢复限定线段的边界细分过程中,减少了用户干预.通过合理地指定2D约束Delaunay三角化时网格单元尺寸分布函数,可以有效控制表面网格对表面模型的逼近精度和实现自适应的表面网格.实验结果证明了本算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Observation of multiperiodic variability in stars offers a powerful tool to probe their internal structure, rotation and magnetism. This follows from the possibility of identification of observed frequencies with those calculated for realistic stellar models. In spherical stars oscillations are described in terms of two-dimensional discrete sets of acoustic- and gravity-modes. In realistic cases there is no universal relation among the frequencies. Thus, each frequency observed is an independent observable. In recent years comparisons between observed and theoretical frequencies were made for the sun and various variable stars. The most dramatic discrepancy occurs for double-mode Cepheids. Magnetism and/or rotation induce fine structure in the frequency spectrum. The width and structure of multiplets depend on the size of these effects weighted in a specific way for each mode. Recently, oscillation data were used to determine the behavior of the angular velocity inside the sun. For stars only some average rotation rates have been determined in this way.  相似文献   

It is shown that if a thin, isolated and untwisted magnetic flux tube, consisting of a current-free core bounded by a thin current sheath, is in an ‘overall’ equilibrium in a stratified atmosphere, then there is, in general, a net upward force on the current sheath and a net downward force on the core or vice-versa. It is suggested that this effect may be used to model the Evershed flows in sunspots and other longitudinal flows in solar and stellar magnetic flux tubes.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations in dynamo theory can be performed with several ends in mind. The most theoretical approach seeks to investigate simple models in order to clarify fundamental processes of dynamo theory (for example, the transition to the highly-conducting limit). The most practical approach attempts plausibly to parametrise the more troublesome physical processes (e.g. turbulence, via the alpha-effect), thereby generating a simpler, astrophysically versatile, set of model equations. By an appropriate choice of parameters, these models can reproduce the global aspects of the solar cycle; they have also been used for other late-type stars, but often they contain too many free parameters to have much predictive power. The most ambitious approach takes a set of fundamental equations and integrates them numerically in three dimensions. So far, only the Sun has been modelled in this way, and the results fail to reproduce many important aspects of the solar cycle. This may be due to inadequate treatment of the small scales (these must still be parametrised due to severe limitations on numerical resolution), or it may reflect the possibility that the right input physics has yet to be included.  相似文献   

激光三角法及其在几何量测量中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
激光三角法作为一种独具特色的非接触式的测量方法,满足对快速实时在线检测的要求,在现代工业生产中得到了广泛的应用。同时,有关激光三角法的设计原理、编码方式、测量准确度、应用领域等方面的研究也很活跃,以探索改进和完善激光三角法的有效途径,并进而扩展其使用领域。激光三角法将在几何量测量中发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Using time-dependent dynamical models of the radiating gas in coronal flux tubes, we identify features in UV spectral line profiles that can reveal the direction in which energy flows through the solar transition region, in observations without temporal or spatial resolution. The profile features survive spatial and temporal averaging through non-linear dependencies of the line emission coefficients on thermal properties of the plasma that are correlated with the material velocity. This approach requires only low noise data of high spectral resolution and could naturally be applied to stars as well as the solar corona. We make predictions for the SUMER instrument that can in principle test whether energy propagates upwards or downwards in coronal flux tubes, suggesting a new angle of attack on the long standing problem of determining coronal heating mechanisms.  相似文献   

高精度星光折射间接敏感地平的自主导航方法,目前被国内外广泛关注,由于大气参数变化的不确定性,国内外现用星光折射模型有一定局限性,使得利用星光折射导航定位精度大打折扣.根据大气密度随高度、纬度、季节等变化规律,有效改进现有固定高度(25km)的观测模型,可从整体上提高自主导航精度及可靠性.并通过对大气折射原理、平流层大气数据、大气模型以及影响星光折射观测模型的诸多因素的深入研究,建立了自适应连续高度(20~50km)的星光折射观测模型,同时建立带摄动的系统方程,利用Unscented卡尔曼滤波算法进行了计算机仿真研究,并对仿真结果进行了误差分析.   相似文献   

Solar and stellar activity is a result of complex interaction between magnetic field, turbulent convection and differential rotation in a star’s interior. Magnetic field is believed to be generated by a dynamo process in the convection zone. It emerges on the surface forming sunspots and starspots. Localization of the magnetic spots and their evolution with the activity cycle is determined by large-scale interior flows. Thus, the internal dynamics of the Sun and other stars hold the key to understanding the dynamo mechanism and activity cycles. Recently, significant progress has been made for modeling magnetohydrodynamics of the stellar interiors and probing the internal rotation and large-scale dynamics of the Sun by helioseismology. Also, asteroseismology is beginning to probe interiors of distant stars. I review key achievements and challenges in our quest to understand the basic mechanisms of solar and stellar activity.  相似文献   

A two-fluid model is used to study the time evolution of stellar winds including the dynamical effect of cosmic rays. Neglecting the diffusion of cosmic rays, we seek self-similar solutions to spherically symmetric winds with a termination shock. The velocity upstream of the shock is taken to be zero. Physical solutions are those that can connect the shock to the star with the velocity approaching zero at the star. Two parameters govern the behaviour of the solutions, namely, the ratio of the upstream sound speed to the shock speed (in an inertial frame) and the gravitation potential of the central star. In some parameter regimes, no physical solution is possible.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficiency of estimating characteristics of stellar populations (SP) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) emission using ULySS code. To analyze simultaneously AGN and SP components in the integrated spectrum of Type 2 active galaxies, we modeled the featureless continuum (FC) and emission lines, and we used PEGASE.HR stellar population models provided by ULySS. In order to validate the method, we simulated over 7000 integrated spectra of Seyfert 2 galaxies. Spectra were generated using different characteristics of the featureless AGN continuum, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), spectral ranges, properties of emission lines and single stellar population (SSP) model whose initial mass function (IMF) and abundance pattern is similar to the solar neighborhood. Simulated spectra were fitted with ULySS to evaluate the ability of the method to extract SP and AGN properties. We found that the analysis with ULySS can efficiently restore the characteristics of SP in spectra of Seyfert 2 AGNs, where signal-to-noise ratio is higher than 20, and where SP contributes with more than 10% to the total flux. Degeneracies between AGN and SP parameters increase with increasing the AGN continuum fraction, which points out the importance of simultaneous fitting of the FC and SP contributions.  相似文献   

Observational constraints are summarized and the present state of the acoustic and mhd-wave heating theories for chromospheres in early and late-type stars are discussed. It is found that the slow-mode mhd-wave heating theory looks most promising but that mode-coupling from transverse or torsional Alfven waves may be significant for the upper layers.  相似文献   

In this study we explore physical scaling laws applied to solar nanoflares, microflares, and large flares, as well as to stellar giant flares. Solar flare phenomena exhibit a fractal volume scaling, V(L)  L1.9, with L being the flare loop length scale, which explains the observed correlation between the total emission measure EMp and flare peak temperature Tp in both solar and stellar flares. However, the detected stellar flares have higher emission measures EMp than solar flares at the same flare peak temperature Tp, which can be explained by a higher electron density that is caused by shorter heating scale height ratios sH/L ≈ 0.04–0.1. Using these scaling laws we calculate the total radiated flare energies EX and thermal flare energies ET and find that the total counts C are a good proxy for both parameters. Comparing the energies of solar and stellar flares we find that even the smallest observed stellar flares exceed the largest solar flares, and thus their observed frequency distributions are hypothetically affected by an upper cutoff caused by the maximum active region size limit. The powerlaw slopes fitted near the upper cutoff can then not reliably be extrapolated to the microflare regime to evaluate their contribution to coronal heating.  相似文献   

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