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The SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory) satellite was launched on December 2nd 1995. After arriving at the Earth-Sun (L1) Lagrangian point on February 14th 1996, it began to continuously observe the Sun. As one of the instruments onboard SOHO, the EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) images the Sun's corona in 4 EUV wavelengths. The He II filter at 304 Å images the chromosphere and the base of the transition region at a temperature of 5 − 8 × 10 4 K; the Fe IX–X filter at 171 Å images the corona at a temperature of 1.3 × 10 6 K; the Fe XII filter at 195 Å images the quiet corona outside coronal holes at a temperature of 1.6 × 10 6 K; and the Fe XV filter at 284 Å images active regions with a temperature of 2.0 × 10 6 K. About 5000 images have been obtained up to the present. In this paper, we describe also some aspects of the telescope and the detector performance for application in the observations. Images and movies of all the wavelengths allow a look at different phenomena present in the Sun's corona, and in particular, magnetic field reconnection. 相似文献
Studying of the coronal plasma associated with long-lived complexes of the solar activity is important for understanding a relationship between the magnetic activity and the solar corona changing during the solar cycle. In the present paper, two long-lived complexes of the solar activity at the beginning of the current solar cycle 23 are investigated by using the Extreme-Ultraviolet data (EUV) from SOHO/EIT. For this purpose the EIT limb synoptic maps during the CR1916–CR1919 (11 November 1996–1 March 1997) are obtained. The coronal temperature structures derived from the three lines 171A (Fe IX,X), 195A (Fe XII)and 284A (Fe XV) are investigated by applying an algorithm developed by Zhang et al. [Zhang, J., White, S.M., Kundu, M.R. ApJ 527, 977, 1999]. Standard EIT software are used for the temperature estimation from the ratio of two lines of Fe IX,X and Fe XII. The method of the rotational tomography with a correction for an inclination of the Earth’s orbit (B-angle) to the helioequator is applied to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) coronal structure of the complex of the solar activity. The results reveal difference in temperature structures related to multi-poles magnetic structures of the complex of solar activity and to the typical, the bipolar activity complex. 相似文献
Based on the author’s experience in ISO TC20/SC14 Working Group 4, this paper discusses the common problems encountered when developing a standard for solar energetic particle (SEP) fluxes. The problem involving the reliability of the distribution function describing the SEP events and the interpolation of this function into the region of not-yet-observed large events are discussed. The problems with describing the fluences of SEPs over a wide range of energy in the form of energetic spectra are analyzed. Requirements for SEP flux models are formulated. The reliability of some SEP flux models is determined by comparing their predictions with the experimental data. 相似文献
The latitudinal variation of the solar proton flux and energy causes a density increase at high solar latitudes of the neutral gas penetrating the heliosphere. Measurements of the neutral density by UV resonance radiation observations from interplanetary spacecraft thus permit deductions on the dependence of the solar proton flux on heliographic latitude. Using both the results of Mariner 10 measurements and of other off-ecliptic solar wind observations, the values of the solar proton fluxes and energies at polar heliographic latitudes are determined for several cases of interest. The Mariner 10 analysis, together with IPS results, indicate a significant decrease of the solar proton flux at polar latitudes. 相似文献
The Venus ionosphere is influenced by variations in both solar EUV flux and solar wind conditions. On the dayside the location of the topside of the ionosphere, the ionopause, is controlled by solar wind dynamic pressure. Within the dayside ionosphere, however, electron density is affected mainly by solar EUV variations, and is relatively unaffected by solar wind variations and associated magnetic fields induced within the ionosphere. The existence of a substantial nightside ionosphere of Venus is thought to be due to the rapid nightward transport of dayside ionospheric plasma across the terminator. Typical solar wind conditions do not strongly affect this transport and consequently have little direct influence on nightside ionospheric conditions, except on occasions of extremely high solar wind dynamic pressure. However, both nightside electron density and temperature are affected by the presence of magnetic field, as in the case of ionospheric holes. 相似文献
Primary photoionisation of major ionospheric constituents is calculated from satellite-borne solar EUV measurements. Number densities of the background atmosphere are taken from the NRLMSISE-00 climatology. From the calculated ionisation rates, a proxy termed EUV-TEC, which is based on the global total ionisation is calculated, and describes the ionospheric response to solar EUV and its variability. The proxy is compared against the global mean ionospheric total electron content (TEC) derived from GPS data. Results show that the EUV-TEC proxy provides a better overall representation of global TEC than conventional solar indices like F10.7 do. The EUV-TEC proxy may be used for scientific research, and to describe the ionospheric effects on radio communication and navigation systems. 相似文献
This report presents the results of analyzing the relative importance of particle fluxes of different origin in the Earth-Mars-Earth route during different solar activity periods. The analysis has been made in terms of the galactic cosmic ray and solar energetic particle flux models developed at Moscow State University. The results demonstrate the extreme importance of the high-energy solar particle fluxes in interplanetary space even during the years of "quiet" Sun. 相似文献
The observation of EUV emissions of comet Halley and its plasma-gas environment by means of rocket- or satellite-borne resonance absorption cell spectrophotometer devices is planned. The technical outlay of the payload, the estimated EUV intensities, and the scientific objectives of this mission are presented. Due to complete suppression of the geocoronal He I emissions by He I resonance absorption cells, a quantitative identification of the cometary object in the He I 58.4 nm line is possible, if the He/H abundance ratio in the evaporating cometary matter is higher than 4.0 E-4. 相似文献
An ultraviolet spectrometer, PHEBUS (Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy) that is loaded onto the Mercury Planetary Orbiter in the BepiColombo mission is under development. The instrument, basically consisting of two spectrophotometers (EUV: 50–150 nm, FUV: 145–330 nm) and one scanning mirror, aims at measuring emission lines from molecules, atoms and ions present in the tenuous atmosphere of Mercury. The detectors employ microchannel plates as 2-D photon-counting devices. In order to enhance the quantum detection efficiencies, the surface of the top microchannel plates of EUV detector is covered with photocathode. This method enables us to identify weak atmospheric signatures such as neon (73.5 nm) and argon (104.8 nm), which could not be detected with conventional detector systems. This paper presents measurements of the performance characteristics of potassium bromide and esium iodide photocathodes, which have been evaluated for use in the EUV channel. 相似文献
Japan’s Venus Climate Orbiter (the Planet-C spacecraft) will be launched in 2008 and will reach an orbit in the ecliptic plane around Venus in 2009. We propose two eXtreme UltraViolet (XUV) imagers to take global two-dimensional snapshots of near-Venus space, including the Venus ionosphere and the interaction region between the solar wind plasma and the Venus ionospheric plasma. The imagers detect the resonantly scattering emissions of oxygen ions (O II 83.4 nm) and atoms (O I 130.3 nm), neutral helium (He I 58.4 nm), and hydrogen (H Ly-α 121.6 nm). Scientific goals are to investigate mechanisms of momentum and mass transfer across the ionopause, of convection in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, and of atmospheric escape. Especially, we emphasize that sequential images of the O II 83.4-nm emission will enable us to understand temporal evolution of the vortex produced by the Kelvin–Helmholtz (K–H) instability. Though the wave structure due to the K–H instability is generated also at the terrestrial magnetopause, oxygen ions are too tenuous to detect the emission. On the other hand, at the Venus ionopause oxygen ions have enough density to image the resonance emission, i.e., the Venus ionosphere plays a role as a space laboratory for plasma physics. 相似文献
The 16 August 1999 EUV brightenings are numerically simulated by a third-order upwind compact scheme, basing on the TRACE observation. The present simulation can give a possible explanation to its formation and evolution. The numerical results show that the initial reconnection jets at around X-point are responsible for the occurrence of EUV brightening. The strong and superposed ejections caused by the first and second coalescence of magnetic islands are possibly related to the lifted material which initially appeared as absorption features and Later EUV-emitting structures respectively. The bi-directional reconnection jets may correspond to the lifted material that either continued to move upward along the apparently open field lines or fell down to the surface. 相似文献
It is possible to model the time-intensity profile of solar particles expected in space after the occurrence of a significant solar flare on the sun. After the particles are accelerated in the flare process, if conditions are favorable, they may be released into the solar corona and then into space. The heliolongitudinal gradients observed in the inner heliosphere are extremely variable, reflecting the major magnetic structures in the solar corona which extend into space. These magnetic structures control the particle gradients in the inner heliosphere. The most extensive solar particle measurements are those observed by earth-orbiting spacecraft, and forecast and prediction procedures are best for the position of the earth. There is no consensus of how to extend the earth-based models to other locations in space. Local interplanetary conditions and structures exert considerable influence on the time-intensity profiles observed. The interplanetary shock may either reduce or enhance the particle intensity observed at a specific point in space and the observed effects are very dependent on energy. 相似文献
The Extreme Ultraviolet wavelength range was one of the final windows to be opened up to astronomy. Nevertheless, it provides very important diagnostic tools for a range of astronomical objects, although the opacity of the interstellar medium restricts the majority of observations to sources in our own galaxy. This review gives a historical overview of EUV astronomy, describes current instrumental capabilities and examines the prospects for future facilities on small and medium-class satellite platforms. 相似文献
Using the accumulation of experimental data and theoretical studies conducted on the terrestrial thermosphere since the mid seventies, we have re-evaluated the channels by which solar UV energy is transferred to the atmosphere. As an outcome of this evaluation we have redetermined the solar EUV heating efficiency for the thermosphere and find this to be considerably different from that established in earlier studies. The heating efficiency has strong altitude, solar cycle and diurnal dependencies. The values of this parameter vary from less than 10% to greater than 100%, with peak midday values of 50–55% In recent papers we have presented the results of this new UV heating efficiency determination using a steady state solution of the ionospheric model. In this paper we present the results obtained solving a time dependent model over a diurnal cycle. The time dependent effects are found to be significant, with certain longlived species acting as temporary reservoirs of latent heat that is released to the neutral atmosphere at later times. 相似文献
Coronal hole jets are fast ejections of plasma occurring within coronal holes, observed at Extreme-UltraViolet (EUV) and X-ray wavelengths. Recent observations of jets by the STEREO and Hinode missions show that they are transient phenomena which occur at much higher rates than large-scale impulsive phenomena like flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). In this paper we describe some typical characteristics of coronal jets observed by the SECCHI instruments of STEREO spacecraft. We show an example of 3D reconstruction of the helical structure for a south pole jet, and present how the angular distribution of the jet position angles changes from the Extreme-UltraViolet-Imager (EUVI) field of view to the CORonagraph1 (COR1) (height ∼2.0 R ⊙ heliocentric distance) field of view. Then we discuss a preliminary temperature determination for the jet plasma by using the filter ratio method at 171 and 195 Å and applying a technique for subtracting the EUV background radiation. The results show that jets are characterized by electron temperatures ranging between 0.8 and 1.3 MK. We present the thermal structure of the jet as temperature maps and we describe its thermal evolution. 相似文献
结合STEREO卫星的观测和三维磁流体力学数值模拟方法, 采用WSO (Wilcox Solar Observatory)磁场数据和势场源表面模型建立日冕初始磁场, 并在日面活动区加上时变的压强扰动, 对2009年2月13日05:35UT爆发的CME-EUV波(Coronal Mass Ejections-Extreme Ultraviolet wave, 日冕物质抛射-远紫外波)事件进行研究. 从COR1/STEREO-A图像判断, 此次CME前沿速度约340km·s -1, 角宽度约60°; 分析EUVI/STEREO-B 195 Å的差分图像, 可以看到, 环形亮环波前从活动区向四周传播, 亮环波前后面是日冕暗化区, 取四个方向的波前位置进行线性拟合可知, 该EUV波速度为247km·s -1, 数值模拟得到的EUV波速度为245km·s -1, 将计算结果采用IDL可视化后可以看到明显的亮环和暗区结构, 数值模拟结果与卫星观测相一致, 表明该EUV波现象是快磁声波. 相似文献
BepiColombo, a mission of ESA (European Space Agency) in cooperation with JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), will explore Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun. BepiColombo will launch in 2014 on a journey lasting up to six and a half years; the data gathering phase should occupy a one year nominal mission, with a possible extension of another year. The data which will be brought back from the orbiters will tell us about the Hermean surface, atmospheric composition, and magnetospheric dynamics; it will also contribute to understanding the history and formation of terrestrial planets. The PHEBUS (Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy) instrument will be flown on MPO: Mercury Planetary Orbiter, one of the two BepiColombo orbiters. The main purpose of the instrument is to reveal the composition and the distribution of the exosphere of Mercury through EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet: 55–155 nm) and FUV (Far Ultraviolet: 145–315 nm) measurements. A consortium composed of four main countries has been formed to build it. Japan provides the two detectors (EUV and FUV), Russia implements the scanning system, and France and Italy take charge of the overall design, assembly, test, integration, and also provide two small NUV (Near Ultraviolet) detectors (for the light from calcium and potassium molecules). An optical prototype of the EUV detector which is identical to the flight configuration has been manufactured and evaluated. In this paper, we show the first spectra results observed by the EUV channel optical prototype. We also describe the design of PHEBUS and discuss the possibility of detecting noble gases in Mercury’s exosphere taking the experimental results so far into account. 相似文献
This paper is a summary of our recent researches on the applications of a weighted average method determining times of solar cycle extrema in the prediction of solar activity. Some correlation coefficients among the parameters in solar cycle according to this definition are higher than those according to the conventional definition. The descending time is found to be correlated ( r = −0.77) with the ascending time 3 cycles earlier. The amplitude of solar cycle is found to be correlated ( r = −0.77) with the max–max solar cycle length 2 cycles earlier. The ascending time is found to be correlated ( r = −0.72) with the amplitude. A newly defined parameter called effective duration is found to be well correlated ( r = 0.86) with the amplitude 5 cycles later. These correlations suggest that earlier cycles should influence later ones. The next (24th) solar cycle is estimated to start in March 2007 ± 7 months, reach its maximum in January 2011 ± 14 months, with a size of 150 ± 22, larger than those from some correlations according to the conventional definition. 相似文献
The present study examines the effects of orbit progression on the exposures within a Space Station Freedom module in a 51.6-degree inclined orbit at 450 km. The storm evolution is modeled after the November 1960 event, and the solar proton flux evolution is taken from the August 1972 solar proton event. The effects of a strong magnetic shock, such as was observed during the October 1989 event, is also modeled. The statistics on hourly average storm fields for the last forty years reveal that the largest geomagnetic storms approach a Dst value of -500 nanotesla at the storm peak. Similarly, one of the largest satellite-measured proton flux (> 10 MeV) for space exposures is the event of August 1972. The effects of orbit progression (advance of the line of nodes) is examined for the above conditions to study the variation of exposures under differing times of occurrence of the solar proton peak intensity, attainment of geomagnetic storm maximum, and the location of the line of nodes of the last geomagnetically protected orbit. The impact of the inherent inhomogeneity of the space station module is examined as a limiting factor on exposure with regard to the need of additional parasitic shielding. 相似文献