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During the last solar activity minimum, a great deal of very precise total density data was obtained in the equatorial regions from the CACTUS accelerometer experiment. Due to the eccentricity of the orbit, it is also possible to determine a density scale height by considering that the density profiles between the perigee (270 km) and 400 km are quasi-vertical. Densities and density scale heights are analysed during magnetic storms and their variations are compared with their behaviour during quiet periods. For densities as well as for scale heights, an asymmetrical structure in latitude and longitude is exhibited with respect to the magnetic equator. Their values are relatively higher in the northern hemisphere than in the southern one. The hypothesis (previously suggested) of a greater energy input in the southern hemisphere inducing asymmetrical winds, explains the results well.  相似文献   

The comparison of the self-consistent theoretical model with empirical models and experimental data is presented. The cause of the discrepancies of these models is discussed.  相似文献   

The contributions of the incoherent scatter radar technique to the development of thermospheric models is traced from the development of the radar technique in 1958. Emphasis is given to the qualitative information regarding thermospheric processes and behavior provided by the radar studies and the role that these results have played in the structural development of thermospheric models. The complementary nature of radar and satellite data in the development of recent models is stressed. In addition, a summary of pertinent radar developments over the past two years is presented. Primary among these are measurements made by high-latitude radars, multi-radar coordinated observations, the establishment of an incoherent scatter radar data base, and publication of a number of studies concerning high-latitude measurements, solar-cyle maximum results, long-term data sets, and lower thermosphere tides.  相似文献   

介绍了加速度计在离心机上的序贯式测试方法。通过加速度计在离心机上一次安装即可实现加速度计 1g重力场标定、离心机静态半径测试和加速度计全量程试验。  相似文献   

Thermospheric densities were determined from the orbital data of four satellites covering a height range of 266 to 500 km during 1975 to 1982. Using three different thermospheric models (DTM, MSIS, C), the index characterizing the semi-annual density variation was computed and analysed with respect to height and time using a regression by Fourier series. A general formula for the semi-annual density variation was derived. The new formula gives results similar to CIRA 72 at lower heights but displays a greater range of amplitudes at higher altitudes and a shift of extrema with growing height towards later days.  相似文献   

The entry of energetic solar protons to the polar caps offers an interesting way to test models of the geomagnetic field. In this brief report, we present a comparison between SAMPEX observations of solar-particle intensity structure during a polar cap traversal with numerical trajectory calculations using the IGRF + T96 field model.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, accelerometers on board of the CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Swarm satellites have provided high-resolution thermosphere density data to improve our knowledge on atmospheric dynamics and coupling processes in the thermosphere-ionosphere region. Most users of the data have focused on relative density variations. Scale differences between datasets and models have been largely neglected or removed using ad hoc scale factors. The origin of these scale differences arises from errors in the aerodynamic modelling, specifically in the modelling of the satellite outer surface geometry and of the gas-surface interactions. Therefore, the first step to remove the scale differences is to enhance the geometry modelling. This work forms the foundation for the future improvement of characterization of satellite aerodynamics and gas-surface interactions models at TU Delft, as well as for extending the use of sideways and angular accelerations in the aerodynamic analysis of accelerations and derivation of thermosphere datasets. Although work to improve geometry and aerodynamic force models by other authors has focused on CHAMP and GRACE, this paper includes the GOCE and Swarm satellites as well. In addition, it uses a density determination algorithm that is valid for arbitrary attitude orientations, enabling a validation making use of attitude manoeuvres. The results show an improvement in the consistency of density data between these four missions, and of data obtained before, during and after attitude manoeuvres of CHAMP and Swarm. The new models result in larger densities, compared to the previously used panel method. The largest average rescaling of density, by switching to the new geometry models is reached for Swarm at 32%, the smallest for GRACE at 5%. For CHAMP and GOCE, mean differences of 11% and 9% are obtained respectively. In this paper, an overview of the improvements and comparisons of data sets is provided together with an introduction to the next research phase on the gas-surface interactions.  相似文献   

In order to obtain new insight into the detailed structure of the lower thermosphere the long-established method of drag analysis again proves to be a powerful tool. For near-circular satellite orbits, in addition to the semi-major axis, the eccentricity and the argument of perigee are strongly influenced by atmospheric drag. With the help of a new computational scheme, which is based on fundamental equations of satellite drag analysis, the amplitudes and phases of global density variations are derived.  相似文献   

We investigate the intra-annual variations of globally averaged thermospheric density at 400 km altitude from 1996 to 2006 by using Artificial Neural Network Method (ANNM). The results indicate that thermospheric density is governed by solar activity, and the absolute error of our model is 13.67%, less than NRLMSISE-00 model. Fourier representation can catch the intra-annual variations more accurately than NRLMSISE-00 model and JB2008 model especially during 2002. We find that the Autumn maximum is slightly greater than Spring maximum during solar minimum, while the reverse is correct during solar maximum. There is a strong linear relation between solar activity and the amplitude of annual/semiannual variations, and the correlation coefficients are 0.9534 and 0.9424, respectively. Moreover, the amplitude ratio of the annual to semiannual variation is about 1.3 averaged, and changes in different years, but it has little relation with solar activity. Besides that, the amplitude of annual variation is larger than semiannual variation during 1996 and 2006 except 1998 and 2000. The relative error of NRLMSISE-00 model is 14.95%, decreasing to 12.49% after revising, and the correlation coefficients between this empirical model and its improved results and the observation are 0.8185 and 0.9210, respectively. Finally, we suggest the revised version of MSIS series of model should use the Fourier representation to express the intra-annual variations.  相似文献   

Densities derived from accelerometer measurements on the CHAMP satellite near 400 km are used to statistically establish characteristics of large-scale (>1000 km) traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs). Only TADs that at least propagate from the auroral zone to the equator are analyzed here, and a total of 21 identifiable events are found over the years 2001–2007. The average speed of all TADs, regardless of local time, is 646 ± 122 ms−1. The average speeds on the dayside and nightside are 595 ± 127 ms−1 and 685 ± 106 ms−1, respectively, i.e., the speed appears to be 10% higher on average on the nightside. On six occasions TADs were only detected on the night side; however, TADs on the dayside often appear more distinctly in the data. Moreover, contrary to some theoretical expectations, dayside TADs do not dissipate more readily than night side TADs, although much less are detected between 8–20 solar local time. No clear dependence of TAD amplitude or phase speed with respect to Kp, or rate of increase of Kp, is found.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the dynamical information obtained in the lower thermosphere during the Energy Budget Campaign, by three experimental techniques: rocket-borne falling spheres instrumented with accelerometers and Tri-Methyl-Aluminium (TMA) trails, and from a ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometer. Winds of 200–400 m/sec, accelerated by the momentum and energy inputs from the magnetosphere, were observed during the ‘B’ and ‘A2’ salvos (15/16 Nov 1980 and 30 Nov/1 Dec resp.), with perturbations as low as 100 km altitude during the ‘B’ salvo. A global model has been used to simulate the wide-scale consequences of these disturbances, and to aid estimation of the integrated energy and momentum inputs.  相似文献   

利用NCAR-TIEGCM模式计算了2003年11月20—21日强磁暴期间410km高度上的大气密度,并与CHAMP/STAR加速度计反演数据进行对比和分析. 结果表明,模式结果能够准确反映磁暴期间大气密度的分布和变化情况,与实测结果在变化趋势和量级上具有较好的一致性,但在精细结构和数值大小上仍存在一定差异. 模式低估了磁暴期间大气密度的增幅,实测大气密度增幅高达250%~400%,而模式结果为100%~125%. 模式结果与实测数据的偏差在高纬地区高于低纬地区,日侧高于夜侧. 通过模式和实测数据的分析发现,磁暴期间大气密度扰动具有日夜侧和南北半球不对称性. 此外,模式能够准确反映磁暴期间大气密度扰动从高纬向低纬的传播以及大气密度对SYM-H指数响应的延迟特性.  相似文献   

以一架具有飞行控制系统的飞机为对象,开展了伺服弹性(结构模态耦合)试验研究,旨在揭示该飞机的伺服弹性稳定性本质.同时,阐述了结构模态耦合试验的方法和原理,给出了典型状态的试验结果,并与计算分析结果进行了比较.说明该试验方法是可行的.   相似文献   

The real-time recognition and precise correction of baseline shifts in strong-motion records is a critical issue for GPS and accelerometer combined processing. This paper proposes a method to adaptively recognize and correct baseline shifts in strong-motion records by utilizing GPS measurements using two phases Kalman filter. By defining four kinds of learning statistics and criteria, the time series of estimated baseline shifts can be divided into four time intervals: initialization, static, transient and permanent. During the time interval in which the transient baseline shift is recognized, the dynamic noise of the Kalman filter system and the length of the baseline shifts estimation window are adaptively adjusted to yield a robust integration solution. The validations from an experimental and real datasets show that acceleration baseline shifts can be precisely recognized and corrected, thus, the combined system adaptively adjusted the estimation strategy to get a more robust solution.  相似文献   

This study presents the response of thermospheric O1D 630.0 nm dayglow emission to the variability associated with equatorial Counter Electrojet (CEJ) events. The analysis based on the data from a meridian scanning Dayglow Photometer, Digital Ionosonde and Proton Precession Magnetometer over Trivandrum (8.5°N, 77°E, 0.5°dip lat.), indicates that the O1D 630.0 nm emission behave distinctly different during the CEJ events compared to that on normal days. It has been observed that O1D 630.0 nm emission shows enhancement during the negative excursion of the ΔH, followed by an unusual depletion during the peak CEJ time. The observed variability was found to be more pronounced in a latitudinal region of ±3° centered at around the dip equator. In addition, the emission intensities also exhibit the presence of enhanced short period oscillations of periodicity 20–30 min during the CEJ events. Analysis of the data from the collocated ionosonde revealed that the F-region electron density showed enhancement during the early phase of the CEJ and a decrease during the peak CEJ. Further, the simulation studies using a Quasi 2 dimensional ionospheric model showed that the modified plasma fountain during the CEJ can alter the plasma density at the emission centroid. The study reveals a strong dynamical coupling between the E and F-region of the dip equatorial ionosphere.  相似文献   

本文利用我国卫星的阻力资料测定的大气密度值, 分别与MSIS和CIRA1972模式进行比对.比对结果表明:在本文所计算的高度上, MSIS模式比CIRA1972更接近卫星阻力资料测定的密度值.  相似文献   

Neural network (NN) models for the low latitude and the polar ionosphere from the D- to the F-region were developed which are based on incoherent scatter radar data from Arecibo and EISCAT Svalbard, respectively. The various geophysical input parameters defining the NN are not only the ones that represent the time one wants to predict, but also the geophysical conditions prior to the time of the prediction. The optimum length of these preceding periods are derived for the two models are different, but a period of 60 days is a compromise acceptable for both latitudes. Furthermore from the Arecibo data time constants of electron density decay after sundown are derived which – arguably – are also relevant elsewhere, including the polar latitudes. Whereas at all altitudes the electron densities decay exponentially after sundown, below 300 km there is an additional variation with solar zenith angle.  相似文献   

The response of mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) temperature to energetic particle precipitation over the Earth’s polar regions is not uniform due to complex phenomena within the MLT environment. Nevertheless, the modification of MLT temperatures may require an event-based study to be better observed. This work examines the influence of precipitation, triggered by solar wind stream interfaces (SI) event from 2002 to 2007, on polar MLT temperature. We first test the relationship between the ionospheric absorption measured by the SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expedition IV) riometer and the layer of energetic particle precipitation from POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites). The combined particle measurements from POES 15, 16, 17 and 18 were obtained close in time to the pass of the SABER (Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) temperature retrieval. Here, a superposed epoch technique is described and implemented to obtain average temperature profiles during SI-triggered particle precipitation. The superposed epoch average shows no significant temperature decrease below 100 km prior to the onset of SI-triggered precipitation, whereas a clear superposed average temperature decrease is observed at 95 km after the SI impact. A case study of SI event also yields similar observations. Results indicate that cooling effects due to the production of mesospheric odd hydrogen might be major contributors to temperature decrease under compressed solar wind stream.  相似文献   

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