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The results of measurements made by the retarding potential analyzer of electron fluxes recorded during electron beam injection ~0.5A current pulses and energy 15 or 27 keV during the ARAKS experiment are analyzed. The relatively low rocket potential (~150 V) observed is explained by the formation of a highly conducting region near the rocket. Such a region can be formed via intense plasma waves generated by the beam. This mechanism also explains the heating of the electrons near the rocket. Measurements of electron fluxes with energies of 1 to 3 keV and estimate based on the beam plasma discharge theory agree very well.  相似文献   

Highly modulated waves near electron plasma frequency with both parallel and perpendicular polarization have been observed near diffusion region at dayside and in the tail region. In this paper, two dimensional Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulation was performed to study the possible generation mechanism of these modulated electron plasma waves. It is shown that weak beam instability could generate the modulated Langmuir wave and the ambient magnetic field plays an important role in the formation of modulation. When the weak beam has loss cone distribution, highly modulated upper hybrid waves are generated and propagate with large angle to the ambient magnetic field. The properties of these modulated waves are discussed and compared with observations.  相似文献   

In this paper the influence of large-scale decreasing and increasing gradients of the density of magnetized plasma on the relaxation process of a continuously injected relativistic electron beam with an energy of 660 keV (vb=0.9c) and a pitch-angle distribution is studied using particle-in-cell numerical simulations. It is found that for the selected parameters in the case of a smoothly decreasing gradient and in a homogeneous plasma the formation of spatially limited plasma oscillations of large amplitude occurs. In such cases, modulation instability develops and a long-wave longitudinal modulation of the ion density is formed. In addition, the large amplitude of plasma waves accelerates plasma electrons to energies on the order of the beam energy. In the case of increasing and sharply decreasing gradients, a significant decrease in the amplitude of plasma oscillations and the formation of a turbulent ion density spectrum are observed. The possibility of acceleration of beam electrons to energies more than 2 times higher than the initial energy of the beam particles is also demonstrated. This process takes place not only during beam propagation in growing plasma density, but also in homogeneous plasma due to interaction of beam particles with plasma oscillations of large amplitude.  相似文献   

We compute the height profile of the electron production rate q resulting from high energy solar particle flux with spectrum D(E)=KE?n. Cut-offs energies of 10, 20, 30 and 40 MeV and power indices n from 1 to 6 are used. The profiles are normalized for K = 1 particle/(cm2.s.sr.MeV) such that they might be helpful when quantitatively investigating corpuscular effects of proton flares in the height interval 35 to 100 km.  相似文献   

Experiments, which somewhat simulate the injection of monoenergetic (several keV) electron beams into the ionosphere, have been performed in the very large (17 m × 26 m) vacuum chamber at Johnson Space Center. Typical operating ranges were: Beam current, I (0–130 mA), beam energy, E (0.5–3 kV), magnetic field, (0.3–2 G), path length, L (10–20 m), and injection pitch angle, α(0–80°). Measurements were carried out in both steady state and pulsed modes. In steady state and for constant V, B, p, L, α, the beam plasma discharge (BPD) is abruptly ignited when the beam current is increased above a critical value; at currents below critical, the beam configuration appears grossly consistent with single particle behavior. If it is assumed that each of the experiment parameters can be varied independently, the critical current required for ignition obeys the empirical relationship at p < 2 × 10?5 torr:
The BPD is characterized by 1) a large increase in the plasma production rate manifested in corresponding increases in the 3914 Å light intensity and plasma density, 2) intense wave emissions in a broad band centered at the plasma frequency and a second band extending from a few kHz up to the electron cyclotron frequency, 3) scattering of the beam in velocity space and 4) radial expansion and pitch angle scattering of the primary beam leading to the disappearance of single particle trajectory features.Measurements of the BPD critical current have been carried out with an ion thruster (Kaufman engine) to provide a background plasma, and these indicate that the presence of an ambient plasma of typical ionospheric densities has little effect on the critical current relation.Measurements of wave amplitudes over a large frequency range show that the amplitude of waves near the plasma and electron cyclotron frequencies are too small to cause or sustain BPD, and that the important instabilities are at much lower frequency (~ 3 kHz in these measurements).  相似文献   

Three flights of rocket borne electron accelerators have yielded some results concerning the Beam Plasma Discharge (BPD). The first flight, E||B, from Churchill carrying an accelerator of 2 and 4 keV electrons, produced a spectrum of whistler mode waves which was identical with that produced in a large vacuum chamber, and which we know to be an indicator of BPD. The second, Echo V, launched from Poker Flat, Alaska, carrying an accelerator of 25–35 keV electrons, produced wave emissions at 3–3.5 MHz observed on the ground. Our interpretation is that BPD was not or was weakly produced. In the third flight, NB3-II launched from Churchill with an accelerator of 2, 4 and 8 keV electrons, wave emissions well above the ambient plasma frequency were observed from a separated payload, but very close to the beam, and are interpreted as demonstrating BPD.  相似文献   

选取2辆典型汽油缸内直喷汽车(GDIV),在环境舱内进行了不同环境温度下,车辆冷启动和热启动后按照全球轻型车统一测试循环(WLTC)运行时的排气污染物试验,测量并分析了GDIV排气中的气态污染物和颗粒物,旨在为GDIV排放系统设计、控制策略制定以及评价汽车排放对环境影响的相关研究提供理论依据。研究结果表明:环境温度对GDIV试验车辆冷启动和热启动的颗粒物数量(PN)和颗粒物质量(PM)排放因子影响显著。环境温度低于14℃,冷启动工况下行驶时PN排放难以满足国Ⅵ排放标准限值,总碳氢化合物(THC)和CO的排放因子受温度的影响显著,热启动时影响不明显。无论是热启动还是冷启动工况,当温度从-7℃逐步上升到40℃时,试验车辆的CO2排放因子呈现先减少后增加的变化规律,2辆车在热启动时的CO2排放因子比冷启动时平均降低4%和7%。冷启动和热启动时,氮氧化物(NOx)排放因子受温度的影响均没有明显的规律。   相似文献   

In the Apex project the modulated electron beam (pulses of 2 micro sec duration, E=8 keV, I=0.1 A and 25 micro sec repetition) was emitted from a main satellite. The RF emissions were observed in parallel on the mother satellite as well as on Magion-3 subsatellite. The paper discusses the case when the subsatellite was separated about 200 km from the main object and the electron gun was operated. Together with strong electrostatic emission at the upper hybrid plasma frequency on the main spacecraft, selected spikes in RF frequency range on Magion-3, were simultaneously detected, which can be related to pulse electron beam emission.  相似文献   

This review of the rocket and satellite experiments on electron beam injection in the height range of the ionosphere-magnetosphere shows a variety of manifestations of the positive charge potential on the body of the injector unit or in the space charge zone.

The possibilities of compensation are considered on the basis of theoretical models taking into account the beam-plasma collective interactions. The examples of numerical modeling of the charge-discharge dynamics are provided for the APEX conditions. It is shown that changing the pulse form and rise rate (dI/dt) one can change the structure of the space charge zone i.e. try to create the strong disturbance or resonance conditions in the time interval of πωp≤ t ≤ tion. From these positions, we consider the APEX facilities used to control the inflow current, the spectrum of energetic particles, the high-frequency oscillations and the spatial distribution of optical emissions in the injector vicinity with high time resolution.  相似文献   

An electron beam (200-eV, 0.25 – 1-mA) emitted fromJapanese magnetosphere exploring satellite JIKIKEN (EXOS-B) has excited a number of plasma waves. Among them, fUHF (upper hybrid frequency) and fp (plasma wave) are most strongly excited and from them, the plasma density and the magnetic field strength can be known. Moreover, when an electron beam is emitted, the spacecraft is charged up positively. When the ambient plasma density is low, the spacecraft is charged up to the beam energy and most of electrons emitted return to the spacecraft. This is another plasma parameter indication in the magnetosphere. These two characteristics that is, the wave excitation and the spacecraft charge-up by the electron beam emission in space are used as very powerful tools for the diagnostics of plasma in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

There were several cases when modulated electron beam had been injected from APEX satellite into an otherwise unmodified ionospheric plasma. The beams were formed from 2 μs pulses repeated at a rate of 40kHz. Injections took place in the altitude range 400–1100km over Europe. The onboard receiver connected to the dipole antenna swept the frequency interval 1–10 MHz in 1 sec. Due to a relatively narrow receiver bandwidth (15 kHz), moderate frequency step (50 kHz), slow changes of fn and fc (local electron plasma and gyro frequencies) fine structure of excited emissions was detected. In many cases, a very prominent doublet could be convincingly identified as a (fn,fu=sqrt(fn*fn+fc*fc)) band, with fn practically equal to the local plasma frequency in the unperturbed ionosphere. Determination of plasma frequency is of prime importance in analysis of complex structures composed from various harmonics fn,fc,fu. Complexity is manifested as coalescing of various harmonics with maxima shifted from nominal frequencies or splitting them into components due to mixing of local and propagation effects. Despite the existence of strong emissions on frequencies characteristic for the unperturbed ionosphere, very strong broadcasting transmissions are frequently cut off, even when the beam is directed upward. Most typical spectra are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the dispersion relation of electron plasma, one can expect, that the waves excited in the frequency band (fp, fu=sqrt(fp*fp+fc*fc)) should persist in experimental spectra. For wave data from a spacecraft immersed in a cold plasma such an assumption may be misleading. In measurements performed on board the INTERCOSMOS-19, ACTIVE, APEX satellites and VC36.064CE rocket the most prominent spectral structure is centered around frequency fr fulfilling the relation fcrp and corresponds to resonant detection of Bernstein waves excited in the surrounding plasma by spacecraft systems. Input network mismatch at frequencies around fu significantly depresses natural plasma noise as well as that excited by the spacecraft. Plasma emissions in the band (fp, fu) are prominent if the electromagnetic excitation is preferential (topside sounders) or if the excitation introduces nonequilibrium components into the plasma e.g. particle beams or clouds. Experimental examples are presented and parameters of cold plasma spectra useful for electron density estimation are discussed. The application to other spacecraft-cold plasma configurations is suggested.  相似文献   

The paper is based on the electron and ion energy spectra measurement on board the main spacecraft of the APEX mission. During the active phase of the experiment an intense electron beam was emitted from the main satellite. The basic cycle of the electron injection is formed by current pulses of different frequencies, duration and intensity. The spacecraft potential changes due to the gun operation were compensated by a low energy Xe plasma generator. The data show that the response of the environment to the beam emission depends not only on injection parameters but on the spacecraft position and orientation with respect to the magnetic field as well. The typical response is an increase of the intensity of the low energy (less than 1 keV) electrons in all directions. In addition, strong field aligned fluxes of electrons and/or ions are observed with energies below the gun energy. An attempt to classify different types of response and to find possible mechanisms which can explain the observed phenomena is made in the present paper.  相似文献   

半球谐振子金属化是半球谐振陀螺研制过程中的重要环节,针对半球表面薄膜制备均匀性难以实现的问题,提出了一种将薄膜沉积实验和光学模拟相结合的方法。本文采用电子束蒸发技术在半球上沉积Au薄膜,利用台阶仪测量球面上不同位点的薄膜厚度,将平面上的膜厚等效为半球曲面上的膜厚,研究球面薄膜的均匀性,得出了在半球内外表面上薄膜的膜厚分布;同时对薄膜沉积均匀性进行光学模拟,将半球探测器上辐照度等效为实验中沉积所得到的薄膜厚度,计算得出的半球探测器上辐照度分布与实验测量结果一致性较好,可为半球谐振子纳米薄膜的均匀性制备提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The electrostatic charging of satellites in space and the interactions with the plasma in the near surroundings are investigated by making use of symmetric models. In this case, the Vlasov-Poisson system describing the ambient plasma disturbances and the plasma emitted from the surface can be integrated self-consistently within a numerical iteration scheme, and the current balance yields the floating potential of the probe. The spacecraft charging and the potentials in its surroundings are investigated for the following plasma and emission conditions: (1) in the ionosphere in the case of very negative surface potentials, (2) in the solar wind with regard to the HELIOS mission and (3) in the near vicinity of the comet Halley, where a very strong plasma emission due to the impact of neutral gases onto the surface must be regarded. Finally, the importance of the shielding due to the ambient plasma is discussed.  相似文献   

开发了一种新型电子束焊机阴极加热电源自动调节系统,包括新型主电路拓扑和对应控制策略,该系统能够使阴极处在最佳加热电流状态,从而提高电子束流稳定性.并且在检测到电子枪未加高压时,阴极加热电流自动关闭,在加有高压但束流给定为零时,阴极加热电流自动减少,能大幅增加阴极的使用寿命.经试验证明该系统相比传统阴极加热电源操作简洁、快速和准确,对焊缝成形质量好.  相似文献   

电子束固化环氧树脂的引发和增长反应速率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对二苯基碘 鎓 六氟磷酸盐引发的环氧树脂电子束(EB)辐射固化反应动力学进行了研究,应用环氧树脂乙腈溶液推导出引发剂辐射分解速率常数和引发、增长反应速率.动力学研究结果表明,二苯基碘 鎓六氟磷酸盐引发剂经电子束辐射分解产生质子酸的过程是二级反应,在辐射反应过程中,环氧树脂体系的引发速率和增长速率分别迅速达到最大值后逐渐减小.   相似文献   

采用扫描电镜对不同固化时间下电子束固化环氧树脂的微观结构进行观察和分析,探讨其形成过程,并研究了树脂分子结构、相对分子质量、树脂体系组分及辐射条件对微观结构的影响. 实验结果表明,环氧树脂经电子束固化后形成片层结构,树脂分子结构和分子量对其固化微结构的影响不大;不同结构、分子量的环氧树脂电子束固化过程中均会经历预聚体结构—圆片网络—圆片形成—圆片增长的生长过程,故其微观结构都呈现圆片状形貌;随着辐射剂量的增加,圆片逐渐增大;存在最佳引发剂用量,使圆片尺寸达到最小.   相似文献   

车身薄壁梁结构轻量化设计的理论研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
薄壁梁是车身骨架结构的基本承载单元.为研究车身轻量化对其刚度的影响,首先推导了两端固支梁的静态弯曲和扭转刚度表达式.为获取最佳截面的轻型结构,分别研究了薄壁梁的截面尺寸和壁厚等几何参数对其刚度/质量比的影响.分析了用轻质材料替代传统钢材对其刚度和结构尺寸的影响.对开环与闭环截面梁的刚度/质量比进行了比较.分别找出了能显著影响上述薄壁梁的弯曲和扭转刚度的几何和材料参数.提出了获得高刚度车身典型薄壁梁的轻量化设计原则.  相似文献   

The paper presents some results obtained when a beam of electrons (energy 2 to 3.5 keV, current 0.2 to 0.4A) was injected from aboard the rocket at 100 to 150 km.At the moments the beam was injected perturbations of the near-rocket region are observed with a cross-section of about 500 m, it is much larger than the region over which the injected beam is extended.The appearance of the above region can be explained by the interaction of accelerated ions with the surroundings; the ions are generated during the positive rocket charge neutralization owing to discharge mechanisms. It is confirmed by direct measurements of the rocket potential which is about 2 kV near the apogee.  相似文献   

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