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民机高高原进近着陆是高原飞行高风险阶段。为有效实施高高原进近着陆风险识别和等级判据,提出基于熵权可变模糊识别的长短时记忆网络与深度神经网络(LSTM-DNN)相融合的深度学习风险评估方法。基于快速存取记录器(QAR)记录的高高原飞行数据,借鉴民机飞行品质监控(FOQA)咨询通告和行业QAR监控标准,结合指标重要度分析与Delphi专家调查,提取着陆时航向变化大、航迹低、610~305 m进近时下降率大、接地时垂直加速度及153~15 m进近时下降率大5个关键监控项目作为民机高高原进近着陆风险评估指标。为克服评估指标权重主观性偏差,应用熵权法确定评估指标权重,基于可变模糊识别方法构建风险等级隶属函数,建立基于LSTM-DNN的民机高高原进近着陆风险评估模型。以成都—拉萨进近着陆航段为例,提取QAR数据,对该风险评估模型进行训练与测试,并与Logistic多元回归、支持向量机(SVM)等评估方法进行比较,结果表明:所提方法平均准确率达到94.18%,最高可达94.79%,验证了方法的客观有效性。  相似文献   

已有的飞行品质监控(FOQA)标准仅由地速的积分距离判定接地点远事件(LTE)的发生,无法结合多个快速存取记录器(QAR)参数检测并解释发生该事件的原因。通过滑动窗口对包含多个参数的QAR样本进行分段,按照分段位置形成若干分段样本集。由长短时记忆网络(LSTM)自编码器得到QAR样本分段及分段内向量的特征表示,采用K-means分别对这些表示向量进行聚类处理,实现QAR样本及其分段的符号化。使用正常航班QAR样本集的符号序列建立隐马尔可夫模型(HMM),以检测包含接地点远事件的航班。由发生及未发生接地点远事件的QAR样本各个分段的符号序列构建HMM后,采用Viterbi算法确定接地点远事件在QAR样本分段内的具体位置。在真实QAR数据集上的实验结果表明,与其他多维时间序列异常检测方法相比,所提方法不仅能有效检测接地点远事件,而且可以获得多个QAR参数的异常值,辅助领域专家分析发生该事件的原因。   相似文献   

This paper reports a study of spatial and temporal variations of columnar averaged concentration of CO2 and CH4 over India using SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) and Greenhouse gas Observing SATellite (GOSAT) data. Comparison of these data with the global view National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) land data and also location specific flask data is made. The temporal variation in column averaged global CO2 is similar to that over India and it is also similar to the NOAA surface flask data and global view. The variation in NOAA surface CH4 is location dependent and its global view appears to vary seasonally in opposite phase with the column averaged CH4 values from satellites, reflecting the limited comparability of surface and column averaged data. Over India the CO2 maximum is in May and minimum in August/September while for CH4 the maximum is in September and minimum in February/March. The seasonal variation of CH4 over India is correlated with the eastern coastal rice cultivation.  相似文献   

Pressure increased during net photosynthetic O2 production in the light and decreased during respiratory O2 uptake during the dark in aquatic Closed Ecological Systems (CESs) with small head gas volumes. Because most CO2 will be in the liquid phase as bicarbonate and carbonate anions, and CO2 is more soluble than O2, volumes of gaseous CO2 and gaseous O2 will not change in a compensatory manner, leading to the development of pressure. Pressure increases were greatest with nutrient rich medium with NaHCO3 as the carbon source. With more dilute media, pressure was greatest with NaHCO3, and less with cellulose or no-added carbon. Without adequate turbulence, pressure measurements lagged dissolved O2 concentrations by several hours and dark respiration would have been especially underestimated in our systems (250–1000 ml). With adequate turbulence (rotary shaker), pressure measurements and dissolved O2 concentrations generally agreed during lights on/off cycles, but O2 measurements provided more detail. At 20 °C, 29.9 times as much O2 will distribute into the gas phase as in the liquid, per unit volume, as a result of the limited solubility of O2 in water and according to Henry’s Law. Thus even a small head gas volume can contain more O2 than a larger volume of water. When both dissolved and gaseous O2 and CO2 are summed, the changes in Total O2 and CO2 are in relatively close agreement when NaHCO3 is the carbon source. These findings disprove an assumption made in some of Taub’s earlier research that aquatic CESs would remain at approximately atmospheric pressure because approximately equal molar quantities of O2 and CO2 would exchange during photosynthesis and respiration; this assumption neglected the distribution of O2 between water and gas phases. High pressures can occur when NaHCO3 is the carbon source in nutrient rich media and if head-gas volumes are small relative to the liquid volume; e.g., one “worse case” condition developed 800 mm Hg above atmospheric pressure and broke the glass container. Plastic screw cap closures are likely to leak at high pressures and should not be assumed to seal unless tested at appropriate pressures. Pressure can be reduced by having larger head-gas volumes and using less concentrated nutrient solutions. It is important that pressure changes be considered for both safety and closure, and if total O2 is used as the measure of net photosynthesis and respiration, the O2 in the gas phase must be added to the dissolved O2.  相似文献   

The ability to generate O2 and absorb CO2 of several co-cultured vegetable plants in an enclosed system was studied to provide theoretical reference for the future man-plant integrated tests. Four kinds of salad plants (Lactuca sativa L. var. Dasusheng, Lactuca sativa L. var. Youmaicai, Gynura bicolor and Cichorium endivia L.) were grown in the CELSS Integration Test Platform (CITP). The environmental factors including O2 and CO2 concentration were continuously monitored on-line and the plant biomass was measured at the end of the test. The changing rules of O2 and CO2 concentration in the system were basically understood and it was found that the O2 generated by the plants could satisfy the respiratory needs of 1.75 persons by calculation. It was also found that the plants could absorb the CO2 breathed out by 2 persons when the light intensity was raised to 550 mmol m−2 s−1 PPF. The results showed that the co-cultured plants hold good compatibility and excellent O2-generating and CO2-absorbing capability. They could also supply some fresh edible vegetable for a 2-person crew.  相似文献   

多舱段载人航天器通常由主控舱段利用舱间通风对组合体空气环境参数进行集中控制.利用Ecosimpro建立了一种多舱段载人航天器CO2去除系统性能仿真分析模型,包括舱体模块、乘员模块、CO2净化模块、舱间通风模块,并对三舱段载人航天器CO2去除系统性能进行了计算分析.结果表明,当净化装置进风量为0.007 2 kg/s,非主控舱段驻留人数达到6人时,会造成非主控舱段CO2分压超出700 Pa的指标上限.此时增大舱间通风量对降低非主控舱段CO2分压的效果并不明显,有效的控制方式是增大净化装置进风量.当净化装置进风量增加至0.011 3 kg/s时,非主控舱段CO2分压可降至700 Pa以下.该工作有助于加快载人航天器空气环境控制系统的设计和改进流程.  相似文献   

A radiative-convective equilibrium model is developed and applied to study cloud optical thickness feedbacks in the CO2 climate problem. The basic hypothesis is that in the warmer and moister CO2-rich atmosphere, cloud liquid water content will generally be larger than at present, so that cloud optical thickness will be larger too. For clouds other than thin cirrus, the result is to increase the albedo more than to increase the greenhouse effect. Thus the sign of the feedback is negative: cloud optical properties alter in such a way as to reduce the surface and tropospheric warming caused by the addition of CO2. This negative feedback can be substantial. When observational estimates of the temperature dependence of cloud liquid water content are employed in the model, the surface temperature change due to doubling CO2 is reduced by about one half.  相似文献   

Plasma chemical reactions in C2H2/N2, C2H4/N2, and C2H6/N2 gas mixtures have been studied by means of mass spectrometry at a medium pressure of 300 mbar in a laboratory dielectric barrier discharge. A major reaction scheme is production of larger hydrocarbons like CnHm with n up to 12 including formation of functional CN groups.  相似文献   

用高阶精度的紧致差分方法,对低速的随时间发展的二维可压缩H-2/O-2混合层流动编制了直接数值模拟的计算机程序,对雷诺数Re为400、来流马赫数Ma分别为0.4(上部的H2)和1.57(下部的O2)的H2/O2亚跨超声速混合层流动进行了计算,得到了相应的计算结果,并对结果进行了分析和研究.  相似文献   

针对CO2气体保护焊恒流特性控制中弧长稳定性差问题,提出了弧长的波形模糊逻辑控制方案,介绍了波形控制系统工作原理和模糊逻辑控制器设计方法,并进行了试验研究.研究结果表明,此波形模糊逻辑控制系统完全实现了弧长恒定控制,得到焊接过程稳定,飞溅小和焊缝成形好等优良的工艺性能.  相似文献   

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