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Gibson  S.E. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):69-79
During the past few years, significant progress has been made in identifying the coronal sources of structures observed in the solar wind. This recent work has been facilitated by the relative simplicity and stability of structures during solar minimum. The challenge now is to continue to use coordinated coronal/solar wind observations to study the far more complicated and time-evolving structures of solar maximum. In this paper I will review analyses that use a wide range of observations to map out the global heliosphere and connect the corona to the solar wind. In particular, I will review some of the solar minimum studies done for the first Whole Sun Month campaign (WSM1), and briefly consider work in progress modeling the ascending phase time period of the second Whole Sun Fortnight campaign (WSF) and SPARTAN 201-05 observations, and the solar maximum third Whole Sun Month campaign (WSM3). In so doing I hope to demonstrate the increase in complexity of the connections between corona and heliosphere with solar cycle, and highlight the issues that need to be addressed in modeling solar maximum connections. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this discussion of observational constraints on the source regions and acceleration processes of solar wind, we will focus on the ionic composition of the solar wind and the distribution of charge states of heavy elements such as oxygen and iron. We first focus on the now well-known bi-modal nature of solar wind, which dominates the heliosphere at solar minimum: Compositionally cool solar wind from polar coronal holes over-expands, filling a much larger solid angle than the coronal holes on the Sun. We use a series of remote and in-situ characteristics to derive a global geometric expansion factor of?~5. Slower, streamer-associated wind is located near the heliospheric current sheet with a width of 10–20°, but in a well-defined band with a geometrically small transition width. We then compute charge states under the assumption of thermal electron distributions and temperature, velocity, and density profiles predicted by a recent solar wind model, and conclude that the solar wind originates from a hot source at around 1 million?K, characteristic of the closed corona.  相似文献   

Fisk  L.A.  Schwadron  N.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):33-33
A theory is presented for the origin of the solar wind, which is based on the behavior of the magnetic field of the Sun. The magnetic field of the Sun can be considered as having two distinct components: Open magnetic flux in which the field lines remain attached to the Sun and are dragged outward into the heliosphere with the solar wind. Closed magnetic flux in which the field remains entirely attached to the Sun, and forms loops and active regions in the solar corona. It is argued that the total open flux should tend to be constant in time, since it can be destroyed only if open flux of opposite polarity reconnect, a process that may be unlikely since the open flux is ordered into large-scale regions of uniform polarity. The behavior of open flux is thus governed by its motion on the solar surface. The motion may be due primarily to a diffusive process that results from open field lines reconnecting with randomly oriented closed loops, and also due to the usual convective motions on the solar surface such as differential rotation. The diffusion process needs to be described by a diffusion equation appropriate for transport by an external medium, which is different from the usual diffusion coefficient used in energetic particle transport. The loops required for the diffusion have been identified in recent observations of the Sun, and have properties, both in size and composition, consistent with their use in the model. The diffusive process, in which reconnection occurs between open field lines and loops, is responsible for the input of mass and energy into the solar wind. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The design and operation of the Genesis Solar-Wind Concentrator relies heavily on computer simulations. The computer model is described here, as well as the solar wind conditions used as simulation inputs, including oxygen charge state, velocity, thermal, and angular distributions. The simulation included effects such as ion backscattering losses, which also affect the mass fractionation of the instrument. Calculations were performed for oxygen, the principal element of interest, as well as for H and He. Ion fluences and oxygen mass fractionation are determined as a function of radius on the target. The results were used to verify that the instrument was indeed meeting its requirements, and will help prepare for distribution of the target samples upon return of the instrument to earth. The actual instrumental fractionation will be determined at that time by comparing solar-wind neon isotope ratios measured in passive collectors with neon in the Concentrator target, and by using a model similar to the one described here to extrapolate the instrumental fractionation to oxygen isotopes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Genesis samples is underway. Preliminary elemental abundances based on Genesis sample analyses are in good agreement with in situ-measured elemental abundances made by ACE/SWICS during the Genesis collection period. Comparison of these abundances with those of earlier solar cycles indicates that the solar wind composition is relatively stable between cycles for a given type of flow. ACE/SWICS measurements for the Genesis collection period also show a continuum in compositional variation as a function of velocity for the quasi-stationary flow that defies the simple binning of samples into their sources of coronal hole (CH) and interstream (IS).  相似文献   

Order of magnitude variations in relative elemental abundances are observed in the solar corona and solar wind. The instruments aboard SOHO make it possible to explore these variations in detail to determine whether they arise near the solar surface or higher in the corona. A substantial enhancement of low First Ionization Potential (FIP) elements relative to high FIP elements is often seen in both the corona and the solar wind, and that must arise in the chromosphere. Several theoretical models have been put forward to account for the FIP effect, but as yet even the basic physical mechanism responsible remains an open question. Evidence for gravitational settling is also found at larger heights in quiescent streamers. The question is why the heavier elements don't settle out completely. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

While it is certain that the fast solar wind originates from coronal holes, where and how the slow solar wind (SSW) is formed remains an outstanding question in solar physics even in the post-SOHO era. The quest for the SSW origin forms a major objective for the planned future missions such as the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus. Nonetheless, results from spacecraft data, combined with theoretical modeling, have helped to investigate many aspects of the SSW. Fundamental physical properties of the coronal plasma have been derived from spectroscopic and imaging remote-sensing data and in situ data, and these results have provided crucial insights for a deeper understanding of the origin and acceleration of the SSW. Advanced models of the SSW in coronal streamers and other structures have been developed using 3D MHD and multi-fluid equations.However, the following questions remain open: What are the source regions and their contributions to the SSW? What is the role of the magnetic topology in the corona for the origin, acceleration and energy deposition of the SSW? What are the possible acceleration and heating mechanisms for the SSW? The aim of this review is to present insights on the SSW origin and formation gathered from the discussions at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) by the Team entitled “Slow solar wind sources and acceleration mechanisms in the corona” held in Bern (Switzerland) in March 2014 and 2015.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the solar corona as observed during solar minimum with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS, on SOHO is discussed. The large quiescent coronal streamers existing during this phase of the solar cycle are very likely composed by sub-streamers, formed by closed loops and separated by open field lines that are channelling a slow plasma that flows close to the heliospheric current sheet. The polar coronal holes, with magnetic topology significantly varying from their core to their edges, emit fast wind in their central region and slow wind close to the streamer boundary. The transition from fast to slow wind then appears to be gradual in the corona, in contrast with the sharp transition between the two wind regimes observed in the heliosphere. It is suggested that speed, abundance and kinetic energy of the wind are modulated by the topology of the coronal magnetic field. Energy deposition occurs both in the slow and fast wind but its effect on the kinetic temperature and expansion rate is different for the slow and fast wind.  相似文献   

In this paper I will briefly summarize the present status of our knowledge on the four different sorts of solar wind, their sources and their short- and long-term variations. First: the fast solar wind in high-speed streams that emerges from coronal hole regions. Second: the slow solar wind emerging from the non-active Sun near the global heliospheric current sheet above helmet streamers and underlying active regions. Third: the slow solar wind filling most of the heliosphere during high solar activity, emerging above active regions in a highly turbulent state, and fourth: the plasma expelled from the Sun during coronal mass ejections. The coronal sources of these different flows vary dramatically with the solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

On the Slow Solar Wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fisk  L.A.  Schwadron  N.A.  Zurbuchen  T.H. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):51-60
A theory for the origin of the slow solar wind is described. Recent papers have demonstrated that magnetic flux moves across coronal holes as a result of the interplay between the differential rotation of the photosphere and the non-radial expansion of the solar wind in more rigidly rotating coronal holes. This flux will be deposited at low latitudes and should reconnect with closed magnetic loops, thereby releasing material from the loops to form the slow solar wind. It is pointed out that this mechanism provides a natural explanation for the charge states of elements observed in the slow solar wind, and for the presence of the First-Ionization Potential, or FIP, effect in the slow wind and its absence in fast wind. Comments are also provided on the role that the ACE mission should have in understanding the slow solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There are three major types of solar wind: The steady fast wind originating on open magnetic field lines in coronal holes, the unsteady slow wind coming probably from the temporarily open streamer belt and the transient wind in the form of large coronal mass ejections. The majority of the models is concerned with the fast wind, which is, at least during solar minimum, the normal mode of the wind and most easily modeled by multi-fluid equations involving waves. The in-situ constraints imposed on the models, mainly by the Helios (in ecliptic) and Ulysses (high-latitude) interplanetary measurements, are extensively discussed with respect to fluid and kinetic properties of the wind. The recent SOHO observations have brought a wealth of new information about the boundary conditions for the wind in the inner solar corona and about the plasma conditions prevailing in the transition region and chromospheric sources of the wind plasma. These results are presented, and then some key questions and scientific issues are identified. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the slow solar wind, elements with (first) ionisation potential (FIP) between ∼10 eV and 22 eV are depleted by a factor of about 4 relative to their abundances in the Outer Convective Zone (OCZ), and helium (FIP = 24.5 eV) is further depleted by a factor of ∼1.8. This depletion, called the FIP effect, is much less pronounced in the high speed streams coming out of coronal holes. The systematics of element depletion suggests that the FIP effect is produced at a temperature ∼104 K and that it is controlled by the time of ionisation at the solar surface. At the boundary of the polar coronal holes, the transition from a strong to a weak FIP effect is relatively sharp and coincides with the change in coronal electron temperature, indicating a profound change in coronal as well as chromospheric properties at this boundary. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss quasi-static and dynamic models of the magnetotail response to perturbations imposed by the solar wind, focusing particularly on the formation of thin current sheets, their structure and breakup.  相似文献   

Coronal holes are the lowest density plasma components of the Sun's outer atmosphere, and are associated with rapidly expanding magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. Spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the extended corona, coupled with interplanetary particle and radio sounding measurements going back several decades, have put strong constraints on possible explanations for how the plasma in coronal holes receives its extreme kinetic properties. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has revealed surprisingly large temperatures, outflow speeds, and velocity distribution anisotropies for positive ions in coronal holes. We review recent observations, modeling techniques, and proposed heating and acceleration processes for protons, electrons, and heavy ions. We emphasize that an understanding of the acceleration region of the wind (in the nearly collisionless extended corona) is indispensable for building a complete picture of the physics of coronal holes.  相似文献   

It is only within the last 5 years that we have learned how to recognize the unambiguous signature of magnetic reconnection in the solar wind in the form of roughly Alfvénic accelerated plasma flows embedded within bifurcated magnetic field reversal regions (current sheets). This paper provides a brief overview of what has since been learned about reconnection in the solar wind from both single and multi-spacecraft observations of these so-called reconnection exhausts.  相似文献   

The origins of the hot solar corona and the supersonically expanding solar wind are still the subject of much debate. This paper summarizes some of the essential ingredients of realistic and self-consistent models of solar wind acceleration. It also outlines the major issues in the recent debate over what physical processes dominate the mass, momentum, and energy balance in the accelerating wind. A key obstacle in the way of producing realistic simulations of the Sun-heliosphere system is the lack of a physically motivated way of specifying the coronal heating rate. Recent models that assume the energy comes from Alfvén waves that are partially reflected, and then dissipated by magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, have been found to reproduce many of the observed features of the solar wind. This paper discusses results from these models, including detailed comparisons with measured plasma properties as a function of solar wind speed. Some suggestions are also given for future work that could answer the many remaining questions about coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.  相似文献   

The question of multifractality is of great importance because it allows us to investigate interplanetary hydromagnetic turbulence. The multifractal spectrum has been investigated with Voyager (magnetic field) data in the outer heliosphere and with Helios (plasma) data in the inner heliosphere. We use the Grassberger and Procaccia method that allows calculation of the generalized dimensions of the solar wind attractor in the phase space directly from the cleaned experimental signal. We analyze time series of plasma parameters of the low-speed streams of the solar wind measured in situ by Helios in the inner heliosphere. The resulting spectrum of dimensions shows a multifractal structure of the solar wind attractor. In order to quantify that multifractality, we use a simple analytical model of the dynamical system. Namely, we consider the generalized self-similar baker’s map with two parameters describing uniform compression and natural invariant measure on the attractor of the system. The action of this map exhibits stretching and folding properties leading to sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The obtained solar wind singularity spectrum is consistent with that for the multifractal measure on the weighted baker’s map.  相似文献   

The Sun is the largest reservoir of matter in the solar system, which formed 4.6 Gyr ago from the protosolar nebula. Data from space missions and theoretical models indicate that the solar wind carries a nearly unfractionated sample of heavy isotopes at energies of about 1 keV/amu from the Sun into interplanetary space. In anticipation of results from the Genesis mission’s solar-wind implanted samples, we revisit solar wind isotopic abundance data from the high-resolution CELIAS/MTOF spectrometer on board SOHO. In particular, we evaluate the isotopic abundance ratios 15N/14N, 17O/16O, and 18O/16O in the solar wind, which are reference values for isotopic fractionation processes during the formation of terrestrial planets as well as for the Galactic chemical evolution. We also give isotopic abundance ratios for He, Ne, Ar, Mg, Si, Ca, and Fe measured in situ in the solar wind.  相似文献   

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