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Recent studies evidenced that the magnetotail dynamics looks like the one of an avalanching system. This fact has been related with a near criticality dynamics and modelled by singular diffusion and transport equations. Here, we discuss some features of the Earth’s magnetotail dynamics using a thermodynamic approach. In detail we discuss the role played by fluctuations in singular diffusion and relaxation processes from a non-equilibrium thermodynamics point of view. Moreover, the emergence of non-Gaussian statistics is discussed in the framework of the thermodynamics of composite systems.  相似文献   

As a part of the global plasma environment study of Mars and its response to the solar wind, we have analyzed a peculiar case of the subsolar energetic neutral atom (ENA) jet observed on June 7, 2004 by the Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) on board the Mars Express satellite. The “subsolar ENA jet” is generated by the interaction between the solar wind and the Martian exosphere, and is one of the most intense sources of ENA flux observed in the vicinity of Mars. On June 7, 2004 (orbit 485 of Mars Express), the NPD observed a very intense subsolar ENA jet, which then abruptly decreased within ∼10 sec followed by quasi-periodic (∼1 min) flux variations. Simultaneously, the plasma sensors detected a solar wind structure, which was most likely an interplanetary shock surface. The abrupt decrease of the ENA flux and the quasi-periodic flux variations can be understood in the framework of the global response of the Martian plasma obstacle to the interplanetary shock. The generation region of the subsolar ENA jet was pushed towards the planet by the interplanetary shock; and therefore, Mars Express went out of the ENA jet region. Associated global vibrations of the Martian plasma obstacle may have been the cause of the quasi-periodic flux variations of the ENA flux at the spacecraft location.  相似文献   

Magnetospheric wave observations are discussed from the viewpoint of their potential importance for precipitation of charged particles into the auroral zones. While wave processes are a fundamental part of magnetospheric plasma physics, occurring most of the time in most of the magnetospheric regions, their direct role in and relative importance for auroral precipitation are not easy to assess. The role of the waves varies from one spatial region to another and is very different for electrons and ions. Furthermore, the distinction between wave processes and other precipitation mechanisms is not at all straightforward. This review focuses on four main topics: The problem of diffuse electron precipitation, the recent surprise on the detailed structure of broad-banded electrostatic noise in the plasma sheet boundary layer, ion precipitation through electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, and the role of low-altitude waves in precipitation. It is concluded that, while the observational status of high-altitude ion cyclotron waves is reasonably good, in most areas more thorough studies of existing data as well as refined observations are very much needed. Successful observational studies are to be carried out jointly with theoretical work as well as with studies on the large-scale context of the often localized wave processes. This is especially important when interests are moving toward more nonlinear phenomena, such as shocks, double layers, or strong quasi-static gradients, where a strict adherence to classical wave concepts is becoming more and more diffuse and less motivated.  相似文献   

We discuss quasi-static and dynamic models of the magnetotail response to perturbations imposed by the solar wind, focusing particularly on the formation of thin current sheets, their structure and breakup.  相似文献   

We review X-ray plasma diagnostics based on the line ratios of He-like ions. Triplet/singlet line intensities can be used to determine electronic temperature and density, and were first developed for the study of the solar corona. Since the launches of the X-ray satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton, these diagnostics have been extended and used (from C?v to Si?xiii) for a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas such as stellar coronae, supernova remnants, solar system objects, active galactic nuclei, and X-ray binaries. Moreover, the intensities of He-like ions can be used to determine the ionization process(es) at work, as well as the distance between the X-ray plasma and the UV emission source for example in hot stars. In the near future thanks to the next generation of X-ray satellites (e.g., Astro-H and IXO), higher-Z He-like lines (e.g., iron) will be resolved, allowing plasmas with higher temperatures and densities to be probed. Moreover, the so-called satellite lines that are formed closed to parent He-like lines, will provide additional valuable diagnostics to determine electronic temperature, ionic fraction, departure from ionization equilibrium and/or from Maxwellian electron distribution.  相似文献   

A definition of the five categories of technical effort in the Air Force; an establishment of a new subcategorization of basic research (unbounded and guided); and a discussion in detail of the following, with cross-references to like problems in industrial concerns: 1) basic research, 2) exploratory development, 3) advanced development, 4) the role of the manager, 5) the manager's desirable and undesirable traits, 6) the role of the scientist and engineer, 7) the organization, and 8) future trends.  相似文献   

Interchange reconnection at the Sun, that is, reconnection between a doubly-connected field loop and singly-connected or open field line that extends to infinity, has important implications for the heliospheric magnetic flux budget. Recent work on the topic is reviewed, with emphasis on two aspects. The first is a possible heliospheric signature of interchange reconnection at the coronal hole boundary, where open fields meet closed loops. The second aspect concerns the means by which the heliospheric magnetic field strength reached record-lows during the recent solar minimum period. A?new implication of this work is that interchange reconnection may be responsible for the puzzling, occasional coincidence of the heliospheric current sheet and the interface between fast and slow flow in the solar wind.  相似文献   

纳秒等离子体激励控制翼型流动分离机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为研究纳秒介质阻挡放电(NSDBD)等离子体控制翼型流动分离的物理机理,采用已建立的NSDBD唯象学模型耦合非定常Navier-Stokes方程模拟纳秒等离子体对流场的作用。使用非定常雷诺平均NavierStokes方程(URANS)和大涡模拟(LES)两种求解方法,研究纳秒等离子体激励对NACA0015翼型流动分离控制。结果表明:NSDBD等离子体激励促使边界层提前转捩,转捩对控制流动分离起重要作用;NSDBD激励开始时在翼型前缘形成展向涡,展向涡促使分离剪切层失稳并最终进入尾迹,展向涡贴近壁面运动,将外区的高能气流带入近壁区,使上翼面流场结构发生变化,然后翼型前缘流动提前转捩促使流动经过一个小层流分离泡后发生湍流再附,最终在上翼面形成稳定的附着流动。  相似文献   

复合材料在飞机上的新应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了复合材料在A380、波音787以及A350上的应用情况,重点介绍了波音787大型整体机身筒形件的研制。  相似文献   

The successful launch of the New Horizons spacecraft for a rendezvous with Pluto and Charon and the continuing progress of the MESSENGER spacecraft toward Mercury now positions mankind to unlock mysteries of our solar system from Mercury to Pluto and beyond. Both missions, though very different in concept, use the same generic timekeeping system design. This paper explores how we maintain time on these spacecraft and how we establish on the ground the correlation between spacecraft time and Earth time. It further reviews the sub-millisecond correlation accuracy that has been demonstrated for the MESSENGER mission and the time accuracy we expect to achieve for that mission at Mercury and for the New Horizons mission at Pluto-Charon  相似文献   

素有海上第一名园之称的静安区张园,地处南京西路风貌保护区的核心区域,是清末民初老上海三大私家园林之一,是近代各式花园洋房和里弄建筑的博览园。今年1月末,张园地块保护性旧改征收正式生效,这也标志着这里一千多户居民将告别老房子,开启新生活。据相关部门介绍,未来张园地块将保留几乎全部历史建筑,进行修旧如故的保护改造。  相似文献   

Energetic particle instrumentation on the Polar satellite has discovered that significant fluxes of energetic particles are continuously present in the region of the dayside magnetosphere where they cannot be stably trapped. This region is associated with either open magnetic field lines or a magnetic topology associated with pseudo-trapping. Two distinct features [Time-Energy Dispersion (TED) signatures and Cusp Energetic Particle (CEP) events] are observed in these energetic particle fluxes that strongly suggest a local acceleration of mostly shocked solar wind particles. As the solar wind particles ram themselves into the cusp geometry, they form diamagnetic cavities with strong turbulence that are capable of accelerating particles to energies of 100s and 1000s of kiloelectronvolts. This process forms a layer of energetic particles on the magnetopause as well as permits such particles to enter via drift the equatorial nightside magnetosphere to distances as close as six Earth radii under the influence of gradient and curvature effects in the local magnetic field. The fluxes of these particles have all of the properties associated with the ring current and can supply the magnitude of the cross tail current required. ISEE-1 energetic particle data and their pitch angle distributions [PAD] are examined at the magnetic equatorial plane on the night side to investigate and possibly validate the insights gains from the Polar data and energetic particle trajectory tracing in a realistic magnetic field. The existence and properties of butterfly-type PADs strongly supports the concept of a dayside high latitude source of energetic particle fluxes. Because the CEP process is impulsive and time variable the charge separation produced by the drifting electrons (eastward) and ions (westward) on the magnetospheric nightside may be responsible for the cross tail electric field that has been ascribed to the reconnection/convection process.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the idea of a hierarchy of instabilities that can rapidly couple the disparate scales of a turbulent plasma system. First, at the largest scale of the system, L, current carrying flux ropes can undergo a kink instability. Second, a kink instability in adjacent flux ropes can rapidly bring together bundles of magnetic flux and drive reconnection, introducing a new scale of the current sheet width, ?, perhaps several ion inertial lengths (δ i ) across. Finally, intense current sheets driven by reconnection electric fields can destabilize kinetic waves such as ion cyclotron waves as long as the drift speed of the electrons is large compared to the ion thermal speed, v D ?v i . Instabilities such as these can couple MHD scales to kinetic scales, as small as the proton Larmor radius, ρ i .  相似文献   

By extrapolating what we know on the origins of life on Earth, and in particular on the chemical processes which gave rise to the first living system, Europa and Titan appear as two major targets for studies of exo/astrobiology in the outer solar system. With the likely presence of water oceans relatively close to its surface, coupled to possible sources of organics, the emergence and sustaining of life on Europa seems possible. On Titan, it cannot be ruled out. But the main exobiological interest of the largest satellite of Saturn is the presence of a complex organic chemistry which shows many similarities with the prebiotic chemistry which allowed the emergence of life on Earth.  相似文献   

Long-lived, stable jets are observed in a wide variety of systems, from protostars, through Galactic compact objects to active galactic nuclei (AGN). Magnetic fields play a central role in launching, accelerating, and collimating the jets through various media. The termination of jets in molecular clouds or the interstellar medium deposits enormous amounts of mechanical energy and momentum, and their interactions with the external medium, as well, in many cases, as the radiation processes by which they are observed, are intimately connected with the magnetic fields they carry. This review focuses on the properties and structures of magnetic fields in long-lived jets, from their launch from rotating magnetized young stars, black holes, and their accretion discs, to termination and beyond. We compare the results of theory, numerical simulations, and observations of these diverse systems and address similarities and differences between relativistic and non-relativistic jets in protostellar versus AGN systems. On the observational side, we focus primarily on jets driven by AGN because of the strong observational constraints on their magnetic field properties, and we discuss the links between the physics of these jets on all scales.  相似文献   

The cooling and lubrication conditions during the grinding process significantly impact the nickel-based superalloy’s final service performance. The existing jet cooling and heat pipe technology can solve the heat conduction problem in the grinding process of superalloy. Still, managing cooling, lubrication, and chip removal are difficult. This paper describes the design and fabrication of a novel central fluid-through internal cooling slotted grinding wheel with an ordered grain pattern to impr...  相似文献   

Electrotechnology has been a significant factor in the evolution of guidance and control (G & C) over the last half century. Ship stabilizers that used rotating wheels for brute force control were electrically driven. However, the first pilotless aircraft, developed in World War I, was controlled primarily with pneumatic servos. Inertial guidance and electronic control systems surfaced at Peenemunde around World War II. Advances in fire control servos led to development of the floated gyro and ushered in precision inertial navigators. Digital electronics replaced analog designs, so that the level of G & C sophistication increased dramatically. As digital computers became smaller and more powerful their use proliferated. The manned space program in the 60's saw substantial improvements in electronics reliability and performance. The successful first launch of the Space Shuttle, with all its complexity, is a tribute to electronics progress. It is difficult to predict what G & C advances electrotechnology will bring in the next 50 years.  相似文献   

This paper reviews solar flows and magnetic fields observed at the photospheric level. We first present the context in which these observations are performed. We describe the various temporal and spatial scales involved, and the coupling between them. Then we present small-scale flows, mainly supergranulation and flows around active regions. Flows at the global scale are then reviewed, again with emphasis on the flows, i.e. differential rotation, torsional oscillation and meridional circulation. In both small- and global-scale we discuss the coupling between flow fields and magnetic field and give an overview of observational techniques. Finally, the possible connection between studies of solar activity and stellar activity is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

基于综合航电系统设计中的关键技术———信息融合 ,介绍了信息融合的概念、目标跟踪的算法及传感器的管理 ,以此说明现代作战飞机应用信息融合技术可增强作战平台在恶劣战场环境下的生存能力  相似文献   

胡晓安  石多奇  杨晓光  于慧臣 《航空学报》2019,40(3):422494-422494
针对空心涡轮叶片,发展了考虑瞬态变温效应的热机械疲劳(TMF)本构模型和寿命预测方法。第一,以某涡轮叶片用定向凝固合金DZ125为对象,开展了光棒、缺口TMF试验,结合已有的高温疲劳试验数据,获得了相位、温度范围、应力集中等因素对TMF寿命影响规律;第二,利用材料微观组织分析手段,揭示了导致光棒和缺口TMF失效的疲劳裂纹萌生机理;第三,借助于Chaboche本构模型,进行了各向异性、变温、蠕变损伤修正,建立了考虑变温效应的循环-蠕变本构模型,实现了DZ125合金拉伸、等温循环、蠕变、疲劳-蠕变以及TMF应力应变响应的统一建模和预测;第四,发展了疲劳-蠕变-氧化损伤累积的TMF寿命模型,利用简单纯疲劳和蠕变基础数据获得了寿命模型参数,并进一步发展了名义应力法预测了缺口模拟件的TMF寿命;最后,以某涡轮叶片为对象,进行了模拟飞行载荷谱条件下的瞬态变形响应计算和叶片TMF寿命预测。  相似文献   

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