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Columba Peoples   《Space Policy》2010,26(4):205-208
Discussions of space security tend to recurrently return to the vexed issue of the ‘militarization’ and ‘weaponization’ of outer space. Debate over whether or not a sustainable definition can be maintained between these two concepts has been a feature of both academic and policy discourses, and has been particularly contentious with regard to new proposals for arms control in outer space. Yet, this paper argues, the militarization/weaponization debate fails to capture to vagaries of contemporary space policy with regard to understandings of ‘security’, and is in this sense an insufficient way of approaching the subject of space security in the first instance. Instead it is now more accurate to say that outer space is becoming ever more ‘securitized’: that is, access to space is now commonly framed as crucial to the military, economic and environmental security of leading states and international organizations.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-term ‘Star Wars’ R&D programme initiated by President Reagan - the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The nature of this initiative and the research programme that has been approved are described. There is still considerable uncertainty over where the SDI research will eventually lead - whether it be a limited BMD system designed to protect military targets or a comprehensive shield to protect the USA and its allies. The feasibility and potential implications of the SDI are examined with this caveat in mind.  相似文献   

Athough a poor nation with limited resources, India has spent large amounts of money on sophisticated space programme. It is pursuing a policy of using high technology to solve the country's social and economic problems, and at the same time to strengthen its international position. Satellite-aided communications, educational programmes, meteorology and resources survey and management are thus priority areas. This article examines the history and achievements of India's space programme, and considers the constraints faced and budget and staffing plans. Foreign policy and national security aspects are covered in detail, including the question of whether India's peaceful space policy can be put to military use.  相似文献   

In this paper the potential use of ‘smart’ materials to improve the performance and cost efficiency of small satellites is introduced. The basic operating performance of the structural smart materials are reviewed as are some of the foreseen application areas. The state of the art in applying smart materials for use in space is then discussed with a focus on areas where information is lacking. A series of actions to alleviate these shortcomings are proposed and some current activities of the DLR-Institute of Structural Mechanics to answer these calls for action are highlighted.  相似文献   

About 100 countries now pursue their ‘public diplomacy’ interests by broadcasting audio programmes via shortwave to 400 000 000 radio listeners. However signals broadcast by surface-based shortwave transmitters are limited in coverage, reliability and quality, and shortwave broadcasting suffers from increasingly difficult operating and political problems. Space technology could now begin to be employed to create common-carrier, common-user (Intelsat- and Inmarsat-like) space-based systems which could provide a truly excellent, low-cost, direct-broadcast audio service throughout the world. The world's governments could thereby use space in a new way to promote ‘Glasnost-Openness’ for ‘the benefit of all mankind’.  相似文献   

Kevin Madders  Jan Wouters   《Space Policy》2003,19(1):155-46
Despite some impressive programmes, Europe has not yet succeeded in forging a coherent space policy and, as a result, has not achieved its full potential in this field. As efforts to formulate a more comprehensive policy intensify, a series of workshops has been initiated in order to provide an independent platform, allowing broad participation, for discussion of the issues. This article describes the rationale behind the process and the structure of the workshops and reports on the highlights of the first workshop, examining the fundamental questions involved. The themes of forthcoming workshops are also presented.  相似文献   

The NASA/White House Vision for Space Exploration is primarily focused on the development of human and robotic systems that will enable ‘discovery-driven’ investigations in areas important to the scientific community: Mars, the solar system's outer moons, and planets orbiting other stars. Such a portfolio can only be realized if NASA is prepared to target investment at opportunities that are most scientifically compelling. NASA's leaders will have to make decisions in subjective and uncertain environments about the relative long-term value of different kinds of scientific discoveries seen as equally important to different groups. A management paradigm of this kind will imply assessment of heterogeneous priorities and management of interdependent and changing requirements. In order to identify the basis and implications of a ‘discovery-driven’ paradigm, this paper surveys the relationship between the Vision's principles and its programmatic content, the objectives of the Vision's scientific focus areas and their interrelationships, and the public context in which science-focused exploration will proceed.  相似文献   

John G. Fox   《Space Policy》2001,17(1):592
There is still little theory on the strategic use of space. Some have proposed naval theorist A.T. Mahan as a guide but this viewpoint argues that, while the analogy with sea power makes sense, it is the naval theories of Sir Julian Corbett that are most apt. Parallels are drawn between the latter's emphasis on attacking commerce as the best means of crippling a seafaring state and the implications of the current US dependence on trade in information. Ways for the USA to mitigate its vulnerability in this area are suggested.  相似文献   

This report highlights the major conclusions and outcomes from a workshop held 28–29 June 2010 at Resources for the Future in Washington, DC, on methodological frontiers and new applications of valuing information and its social benefit. The participants provided answers to a series of questions: what is meant by “value of information”? When does information have value? What are state-of-the-practice methods to ascribe value to information? Participants also identified steps to ascribe, measure, and communicate value. The workshop included identification of five discrete approaches at the frontier of methodological advances: price- and cost-based derivation; Bayesian belief networks; regulatory cost-effectiveness evaluation; econometric modeling and estimation; and simulation modeling and estimation.  相似文献   

本课题以河北省创新型中小企业为研究对象,在对创新型中小企业知识产权融资现状进行分析研究的基础上,针对创新型中小企业知识产权融资的现实需求,提出创新型中小企业知识产权融资的实现路径,以及为政府扶持创新型中小企业知识产权融资发展提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Patrick Besha   《Space Policy》2010,26(4):214-221
China’s space program is one of the most advanced, rapidly improving and opaque in the world. Insight into the program’s policy-making process could help eliminate misunderstandings, make intentions more clear and promote stability in US–China relations. This case study of China’s first lunar orbiting probe traces the project from initial policy proposal through agenda-setting, policy approval and final policy implementation. It reveals a highly rational decision-making process that is ruled by incrementalism, consensus building, scientific judgment and the use of leading small groups to coordinate among ministries. This research was guided by several relevant theories, including the “fragmented authoritarian” framework of power, the theory of the “policy entrepreneur” and the recently developed “inside access model”. The paper is one of the first published accounts in the English language to detail, from policy proposal to policy implementation, China’s first mission to the Moon.  相似文献   

Yoon Lee   《Space Policy》2006,22(1):42-51
The registration of space objects is indispensable for the orderly administration of outer space. Most states recognize this and comply with the instruments—the Registration Convention and the UN General Assembly Resolution—set up to permit registration, but they display different approaches to and interpretations of the concept of registration. This article examines the registration practices of various European Space Agency (ESA) member states and of ESA itself. It finds that, despite varied policies, the system seems to be working well. However, there has been a worrying rise in non-registrations over the past few years, perhaps linked to the growth in the number of, especially commercial, entities engaging in space activities.  相似文献   

“物权”和“身体权”是两个基本的民法概念。但是随着社会和科学技术的发展,“物”和“身体”的界限开始模糊起来,尤其是人体器官移植技术逐渐成熟的今天,人的“身体”上所具有的“物”的特性越来越突显出来,这种现实也就使原有理论出现了混乱,从而在学界出现了“器官权”等新概念,更多学者则用“身体权支配权能”来解释问题。论文通过检讨以上概念,认为在理论上应该创设一种介于“身体权”和“物权”之间的概念——“身体支配权”。  相似文献   

The paper elaborates on “ lessons learned” from two recent ESA workshops, one focussing on the role of Innovation in the competitiveness of the space sector and the second on technology and engineering aspects conducive to better, faster and cheaper space programmes. The paper focuses primarily on four major aspects, namely:
1. a) the adaptations of industrial and public organisations to the global market needs;
2. b) the understanding of the bottleneck factors limiting competitiveness;
3. c) the trends toward new system architectures and new engineering and production methods;
4. d) the understanding of the role of new technology in the future applications.

Under the pressure of market forces and the influence of many global and regional players, applications of space systems and technology are becoming more and more competitive. It is well recognised that without major effort for innovation in industrial practices, organisations, R&D, marketing and financial approaches the European space sector will stagnate and loose its competence as well as its competitiveness. It is also recognised that a programme run according to the “better, faster, cheaper” philosophy relies on much closer integration of system design, development and verification, and draws heavily on a robust and comprehensive programme of technology development, which must run in parallel and off-line with respect to flight programmes.

A company's innovation capabilities will determine its future competitive advantage (in time, cost, performance or value) and overall growth potential. Innovation must be a process that can be counted on to provide repetitive, sustainable, long-term performance improvements. As such, it needs not depend on great breakthroughs in technology and concepts (which are accidental and rare). Rather, it could be based on bold evolution through the establishment of know-how, application of best practices, process effectiveness and high standards, performance measurement, and attention to customers and professional marketing. Having a technological lead allows industry to gain a competitive advantage in performance, cost and opportunities. Instrumental to better competitiveness is an R&D effort based on the adaptation of high technology products, capable of capturing new users, increasing production, decreasing the cost and delivery time and integrating high level of intelligence, information and autonomy. New systems will have to take in to account from the start what types of technologies are being developed or are already available in other areas outside space, and design their system accordingly. The future challenge for “faster, better, cheaper” appears to concern primarily “cost-effective”, performant autonomous spacecraft, “cost-effective”, reliable launching means and intelligent data fusion technologies and robust software serving mass- market real time services, distributed via EHF bands and Internet.

In conclusion, it can be noticed that in the past few years new approaches have considerably enlarged the ways in which space missions can be implemented. They are supported by true innovations in mission concepts, system architecture, development and technologies, in particular for the development of initiatives based on multi-mission mini-satellites platforms for communication and Earth observation missions. There are also definite limits to cost cutting (such as lowering heads counts and increasing efficiency), and therefore the strategic perspective must be shifted from the present emphasis on cost-driven enhancement to revenue-driven improvements for growth. And since the product life-cycle is continuously shortening, competitiveness is linked very strongly with the capability to generate new technology products which enhance cost/benefit performance.  相似文献   

Marcia S. Smith   《Space Policy》2011,27(1):20-23
The major features of President Obama’s new US space policy are discussed and particular aspects are compared with those of the previous Bush policy. In many cases there are similarities of substance but the tone of the latest policy is more outward looking and inclusive, with a far greater emphasis on cooperation, both internationally and with the private sector. And while some complain that the policy does not sufficiently emphasize US leadership, a statement by President Obama on the day of its release makes clear that this remains a paramount goal. Serious questions remain, however, about implementation of the new policy, particularly where it requires substantial government funding such as human spaceflight and the restructured weather/environmental satellite programs.  相似文献   

This report by Ray Williamson of the US Office of Technology Assessment, looks at the prospects for commercialization of space into the 21st century and discusses the relative benefits of private v government investment. The report is taken from a revised version of an article originally appearing in the October 1982 issue of Futures. A fully updated paper will appear in Michiel Schwarz and Paul Stares (eds), ‘The Exploitation of Space: Policy Trends in the Military and Commercial Uses of Space’ (Butterworths, Guildford, UK, 1985).  相似文献   

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