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As China's economy develops, motor hotels are being replaced gradually by boats, never becoming luxuries to many people as before.Imaging what you will feel when you are admired by the people standing to see you driving a motorboat along the lakeside and seaside, leaving white waves.  相似文献   

I was born on the Yangtze River and went boating, cut reeds, caught fish and raised ducks when I was a child. As time goes by, my memory of childhood has been on the wane, but the river still reflects myself and history as a live mirror.In the past 20 years, I had chances to visit the towns of rivers and lakes in the south of the Yangtze River. I still remember the scene I saw at Wuzheng, Tongxiang City: a  相似文献   

有一种旋律古色古香有一种情调水远山长有一种风景过目难忘有一种人生不同凡响听……你能听见自己的脚步声吗在这个和谐的世界里没有任何力量可以打破草原上亘古的肃静也没有任何喧嚣可以扰乱这如诗的画面牛儿悠闲的徜徉在这片心仪的草原上There is a melody that is classicThere is a sentiment that is ever lastingThere is a scene that is unforgettableThere is a life that is out of the ordinary.Listen......Can you hear your footstepsIn this harmonious world,nothing can break the eternalquietness in the grasslandA…  相似文献   

我迷恋大海的湛蓝与寂静我迷恋云雾的飘渺与梦幻在元阳林海茫茫中我看见你从峰峦起伏的山间带着微笑向我走来这是你给我的一个梦一个美如仙境的梦I am attracted by the azure blue and quietness of the seaI am fascinated by the mist and vision of cloudsIn the sea of the Yuanyang ForestsI see you walking towards me with smiles from the ridgesand peaks of mountainsThis is the dream you give meIt's a fairyland dream.红盈盈的沙杞挂满了枝头青翠的树叶也遮盖不了她的美丽那火一样的红色仿佛是一夜间爆发出来的热情燃…  相似文献   

你见过那些花儿吗?在春天来临的草原上,一夜间绽放的花儿。有着如婴儿般娇嫩柔软的花瓣,有着如笑颜般明亮丰华的颜色,那是四月阳光才有的颜色。 你还记得那些花儿吗?盛开在北方辽阔的围场上,盛开在澄澈的蓝天下。天阔风微,你曾经骑着马儿飞快地掠过,你  相似文献   

DEAR PASSENGER,Welcome to Shanghai airport.In order to advance the progress of Shanghai Aviation Hub project and tooffer you better service,the Airport Journal&Airport weekly launch this Airport Service Questionnaire jointly.Thank you for considering these questions.Your valued opinion will help us to improve our understanding ofyour needs regarding our services at this airport.You can either complete and put this questionnaire into the customer satisfaction survey collection box or …  相似文献   

DEAR PASSENGER, Welcome to Shanghai airport. In order to advance the progress of Shanghai Aviation Hub project and tooffer you better service, the Airport Journal & Airport weekly launch this Airport Service Questionnaire jointly.Thank you for considering these questions. Your valued opinion will help us to improve our understanding ofyour needs regarding our services at this airport. You can either complete and put this questionnaire into the customer satisfaction survey collection …  相似文献   

Suzhou Garden     
Suzhou has a long history and a great culture. Entering the city, you will think of the ancient cultural ruins in the New Stone Age, which were unearthed on the Chaoxie Mountain.Of the excavated were porcelains, 1,100 pieces of production tools and China's earliest textile equipment, which can date back to 7,000 years ago.Suzhou was already a city with rivers zigzagging downtown areas and riverside housing built in the ancient  相似文献   

EDITORIAL   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Presented to you is the 100 th issue of Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica. We would like take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all people both at home and overseas who have given us hearty support and deep concerns with Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica sinica in the past and  相似文献   

The Performance Review Institute is seeking Aerospace industry consultant auditors for the following Nadcap SpeciaProcess programs -Chemical Processing, Heat Treating, Composites and Nonconventional Machining & SurfacEnhancement.As a Nadcap auditor, you will perform Special Process audits, complete audit reports and have the opportunity to traiassociate auditors.  相似文献   

正时间的概念太过抽象,所以人们将其划分为每一小时每一分每一秒,甚至是计时用的表秒,这样一来,时间仿佛又太不起眼了。我时常听到一些名人大家的故事中,人们总是在每一分每一秒中领悟一个人生一个境界,他们成功了,他们失败了,短短的时间内就可以显现一个长久努力的结果。时间,真的很短。有的人碌碌无为,有的人远在高山之巅,而我们,则是芸芸众生中一颗又一颗不起眼的尘埃沙砾。还记得那彻夜狂欢的春节吗?那热闹的气氛仿  相似文献   

近日,久未露面的郭富城献身上海,为陈木胜新作电影《三岔口》举行首映式。这是一部讲述现代社会男性人生的电影。已到不惑之年的郭富城从最初的阳光男孩,到现在的娃娃脸男人,奋斗、失落、纯情和狂野,我们在这个男人身上看到了一部七彩的组曲。他的三岔口又是一幅怎样的图画。记:你之前有听说过京剧《三岔口》吗?郭:我在毕业班毕业时演的第一部戏就是《三岔口》,当时还不知道,后来拿到剧本才一拍脑门想起来,以前在接受电视培训的时候,我演的就是这个戏,记得当时还翻了不少的跟头。记:那你觉得自己在找到感觉之前有没有经历“三岔口”?郭:我是…  相似文献   

The ever-increasing pressure of producing at lower cost with higher quality and the competition, mainly from laser beam welding, are generating a number of new concepts of electron beam machines and electron beam generators. I would like to introduce to you some of these new developments.  相似文献   

还记得第一次去看恐龙展的心情吗?捏紧门票,牵着伙伴的手,耳边是史前巨兽的吼叫,眼前是狭长甬道、喷泉,纠结的绿色藤蔓……战战兢兢挤进宠大的展厅,和一头目光莹绿,摇头晃脑的侏罗纪大爬虫劈头相逢——忽然,胆怯消失了,对未知世界的快感被唤醒,像咬下夏天第一口五彩缤纷的冰淇淋——人生的惊喜,就这样猝不及防地来了。  相似文献   

Bavaria in Germany is famous for Oktoberfest and Neuschwanstein.Oktoberfest is held every year in Munich, capital of Bavaria, to attract tourists from all the world. The event for this year will be held from September 18 to October 3. If you want to enjoy it, you'd better travel to Munich at that time.  相似文献   

Jingpo Lake     
Jingpo Lake is situated in southwest of Ning'an County,Heilongjiang Province.The source of the lake can be reached if you start from Mudanjiang City toNing'an, then go westward to Dongjing City. Jingpo Lake is a lake on high mountains which was formed by volcanic eruption and has been considered asone of a few lakes in the world that are located on highmountains. The lake is famous for its natural charmand mysterious scenes. It has become one of China's well-known sc…  相似文献   

正还记得吗?1984年,陈佩斯第一次上春晚。所有的道具只有四个:一张电镀椅子、一个塑料桶、一只空碗、一双筷子。所有的情节只有一个:吃面条。谁会料到,这个五分钟的小品,让陈佩斯一炮而红。据说当初最先传来的,却是文艺界的反对声。在每部作品都要承载教化功能的时代,佩斯和老茂的小品显得太另类了。但观众爱看啊!佩斯后来回忆,彩排的时候,就有人笑得掉到椅子下去  相似文献   

打起背包带上行囊到理想中的世外桃园去呼吸新鲜的空气这里充满了生机与希望我已经融化在这满眼的绿色里Pack up the blanket roll and luggageGo and breathe fresh air in the ideal heaven of peaceHere is full of vigour and hopeI have melted myself into the greenness.长风掠过清晨寂静的山谷吹动了水姑娘轻柔的纱裙她正在用婀娜的身躯展现着绚丽的舞姿水中的旋律时而温婉时而激昂还等什么呢让我们一起加入其中享受快乐吧A cool breeze brushes the quiet valley in the morningIt stirs the soft skirt of the water girlShe i…  相似文献   

李明洁 《航空港》2016,(4):82-89
中学的政治课上,是背过"罗伯特·欧文"和"空想社会主义"的名词解释的,那样的时光里,小和尚都在念经。三十多年过去,等闲平地起波澜。不知道如今的课本里,是不是还残留背诵的作业;但很清晰地记得,双脚踏上欧文建设的"新和谐镇"的一瞬,中年的心脏,仍有高歌《国际歌》的冲动,"不要说我们一无所有,我们要做天下的主人"。  相似文献   

当我们这样不对称地站在作品前,审美意志被一再提问:艺术家还需要吗?艺术家真正的核心价值是什么?机器是怎样戳中我们的认知?机器是否在学习之后会带来新的审美?美是否有一个根源的本质?——我们站在那个空间里,机器手臂在嗡嗡作响,花朵在根据算法不断摇曳变形。如果设计是用来解决问题,那么艺术就是用来提出问题的。  相似文献   

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