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Summary A meaningful outer-planet exploration program can be conducted within expected economic constraints. The spacecraft needed can be developed in an evolutionary manner from the existing Pioneer and Mariner families. Advanced propulsion capability may reduce the costs associated with constrained weight margins and long trip times.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The properties of the solar wind including magnetic fields, plasma, and plasma waves are briefly reviewed with emphasis on conditions near and beyond the orbit of Jupiter. An extrapolation of the steady-state wind to large distances, evolution of disturbances and structure, modulation of cosmic rays, interactions with planetary bodies (bow shocks and magnetosheaths), and interactions with interstellar neutral helium and hydrogen are briefly discussed. Some comments on instrumentation requirements to observationally define the above phenomena are also included.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The next chapter in our ongoing quest for discovery began in the last half of the 20th century, with the initiation of robotic exploration of our solar system. In less than fifty years, we have broken free of Earth's gravity and flown spacecraft to every planet in the solar system except Pluto. The ultimate goal of this exploration is to establish a virtual (and, perhaps, someday, an actual) human presence throughout the solar system. Clearly, communications is one of the central elements of creating such a virtual presence, and also one of the biggest technical challenges in planetary exploration. Transmit performance is characterized by the product of antenna gain and transmitter power, while receive performance scales with the ratio of aperture effective area to system noise temperature. A number of key communications technology advances have enabled our planetary exploration to date, and future technology will open the door to new vistas in space exploration  相似文献   

Our solar system     
《Space Science Reviews》1986,43(3-4):263-267

The present status of theory and experiment relating to interplanetary bodies larger than molecules but smaller than asteroids is reviewed. The dynamics, nature, and origins of these objects are considered. The evidences from rocket and spacecraft measurements, meteor observations, terrestrial accretion and light-scattering phenomena are presented. The various lines of research are leading to a better understanding of these bodies, but there are many uncertainties to be resolved.This article was written independently but with approval of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The views or conclusions contained herein should not be interpreted as representing the official opinion of NASA.  相似文献   

Data on the composition of the satellites of the outer planets and the composition and structure of planetary atmospheres are briefly reviewed in light of simple models for the origin of the solar system and the planets. Some crucial tests of present theories are suggested.Contribution No. 52 of the MIT Planetary Astronomy Laboratory.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The remote sensing of low frequency nonthermal radio emission is the astronomy of field and particle phenomena. Observations conducted from space lead to information about the composition and dynamic processes occurring in planetary magnetospheres as well as within the interplanetary and interstellar medium. The potential of this technique is demonstrated by considering observations obtained from Earth orbit missions.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

A space mission to Jupiter and Saturn, and beyond, provides an opportunity to explore the low energy galactic cosmic rays, which are largely excluded from the inner solar system by the outward sweep of the magnetic fields in the solar wind. The low energy cosmic rays are believed to be responsible for much of the heating of the gaseous disk of the galaxy, so a measurement of their intensity will have far reaching effects on theories of the interstellar gas and the evolution of the galaxy. The nuclear abundances, and in particular the presence or absence of high Z nuclei, will give critical information on the proximity of cosmic ray sources.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

A brief review of the salient considerations which apply to the existence of magnetic fields in connection with planetary and subplanetary objects in the outer solar system is given. Consideration is given to internal dynamo fields, fields which might originate from interaction with the solar wind or magnetospheres (externally driven dynamos) and lastly fossil magnetic fields such as have been discovered on the Moon. Where possible, connection is made between magnetism, means of detection, and internal body properties.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The present status of abundance information for elements in meteorites and in the Sun is reviewed, and a new table of abundances of the elements, which should be characteristic of the primitive solar nebula, is compiled and presented. Special attention is called to the elemental abundances in the silicon-to-calcium region, where many of the abundances are rather poorly determined, and where these abundances have an impact on theories of nucleosynthesis of the elements. To each elemental isotope is assigned a mechanism of nucleosynthesis which may have been responsible for production of most of that isotope, and brief comments are made concerning the present status of understanding of the different mechanisms of nucleosynthesis.This paper not presented at the Symposium on Cosmochemistry.  相似文献   

This review concentrates on recent ideas involving a relationship between the early solar system and supernova explosions. It summarizes briefly the data that has helped inspire those ideas. Because the true relationship is still unknown and generates controversy, the distinct ideas are introduced singly in the historical context of their origins, and the active sense of surprise and controversy is visible. Quotations from pivotal papers are used as part of the exposition. The subject involves equally the isotopic anomalies detected in meteorites and the dynamic events of galactic evolution, nucleosynthesis, and protosolar collapse. Whatever the correct situation is, new connections have been found between the origin of the elements and the formation of the solar system. The objective of this review is to enable interested space scientists to quickly identify the competing points of view and the experiments and theories that have led to them.  相似文献   

Some basic concepts which are essential in the understanding of global energy regulation in the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system are introduced. The importance of line-tying concept is particularly emphasized in connection with the solar wind enetry, energy release in the magnetopshere and energy dissipation in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

The most significant information about fields and plasmas in the outer solar system, based on observations by Pioneer 10 and 11 investigations, is reviewed. The characteristic evolution of solar wind streams beyond 1 AU has been observed. The region within which the velocity increases continuously near 1 AU is replaced at larger distances by a thick interaction region with abrupt jumps in the solar wind speed at the leading and trailing edges. These abrupt increases, accompanied by corresponding jumps in the field magnitude and in the solar wind density and temperature, consist typically of a forward and a reverse shock. The existence of two distinct corotating regions, separated by sharp boundaries, is a characteristic feature of the interplanetary medium in the outer solar system. Within the interaction regions, compression effects are dominant and the field strength, plasma density, plasma temperature and the level of fluctuations are enhanced. Within the intervening quiet regions, rarefaction effects dominate and the field magnitude, solar wind density and fluctuation level are very low. These changes in the structure of interplanetary space have significant consequences for the many energetic particles propagating through the medium. The interaction regions control the access to the inner solar system of relativistic electrons from Jupiter's magnetosphere. The interaction regions and shocks appear to be associated with an acceleration of solar protons to MeV energies. Flare-generated shocks are observed to be propagating through the outer solar system with constant speed, implying that the previously recognized deceleration of flare shocks takes place principally near the Sun. Radial gradients in the solar wind and interplanetary field parameters have been determined. The solar wind speed is nearly constant between 1 and 5 AU with only a slight deceleration of 30 km s+1 on the average. The proton flux follows an r +2 dependence reasonably well, however, the proton density shows a larger departure from this dependence. The proton temperature decreases steadily from 1 to 5 AU and the solar wind protons are slightly hotter than anticipated for an adiabatic expansion. The radial component of the interplanetary field falls off like r +2 and, on the average, the magnitude and spiral angle also agree reasonably well with theory. However, there is evidence, principally within quiet regions, of a significant departure of the azimuthal field component and the field magnitude from simple theoretical models. Pioneer 11 has obtained information up to heliographic latitudes of 16°. Observations of the interplanetary sector structure show that the polarity of the field becomes gradually more positive, corresponding to outward-directed fields at the Sun, and at the highest latitudes the sector structure disappears. These results confirm a prior suspicion that magnetic sectors are associated with an interplanetary current sheet surrounding the Sun which is inclined slightly to the solar equator.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

Future human missions to Mars will require effective communications supporting exploration activities and scientific field data collection. Constraints on cost, size, weight, and power consumption for all communications equipment make optimization of these systems very important. These information and communication systems connect people and systems together into coherent teams performing the difficult and hazardous tasks inherent in planetary exploration. The communication network supporting vehicle telemetry data, mission operations, and scientific collaboration must have excellent reliability and flexibility. We propose hybrid communication architectures consisting of space-based links, a surface-based deployable mid-range communications network and a cluster of short-range links to solve the problems of connectivity and bandwidth, while meeting the other constraints of weight and power. A network of orbiting satellites could cover much of the planet surface, but this space-based capability may not be optimal for cost or performance. Specifically, a minimal space-based capability can be augmented using mobile cellular repeaters deployable by robots and human EVA. This method results in an increase in the number of radio nodes, but the distances separating them is decreased. This results in a significant increase in bandwidth and decrease in radio power, and therefore, node size, complexity, and power consumption. This paper will discuss the results of field testing such hybrid radio systems for the support of scientific surveys. System analysis of design tradeoffs will yield insight into optimal solutions that will be compared to other approaches providing a method of effectively evaluating new candidate architectures  相似文献   

科研成果是教师队伍综合素质评价的重要客体。建立一种尽可能客观公正的科研论评价制度,有利于遏止学术不正之风,规范学术行为,促进科研工作的健康发展,推动教师队伍的建设和教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

The requirements of systematic exploration of the outer solar system have been intensively studied by a Science Advisory Group (SAG) of consulting scientists for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Comets and Asteroids were excluded from this study, as a separate group is planning missions to these bodies. This paper and accompanying articles on specific related scientific subjects written by members of the SAG, summarize the findings and recommendations of this group. These recommendations should not be interpreted as official NASA policy. Following some general introductory remarks, a brief sketch is given of the development and current status of scientific missions to the inner planets by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. With this perspective, the development of the U.S. program for investigation of the outer solar system is described. The scientific focus of outer solar system exploration has been studied in detail. The relationship of the outer planetary bodies to one another and to the inner planets, as parts in a unified solar system evolved from a primitive solar nebula, is emphasized. Deductions from outer solar system investigations regarding the conditions of the solar nebula at the time of planetary formation have been considered. Investigations have been proposed that are relevant to studies of the atmospheric structure and dynamics, internal structure of the planets, satellite composition and morphology, and planetary and interplanetary fields and energetic particles. The mission type and sequence required to conduct a systematic exploration of the outer solar system has been developed. Technological rationales for the suggested missions are discussed in general terms. The existing NASA program for outer solar system exploration is comprised of four missions:
  1. Pioneer 10 fly-by mission to Jupiter and beyond, currently underway, with launch on 3 March 1972;
  2. Pioneer G, intended for a similar mission with planned launch 2–22 April 1973; and
  3. Two Mariner Jupiter/Saturn fly-bys in 1977, with experiment selection scheduled for late 1972 and detailed engineering design during 1972–74.
The Science Advisory Group advocates that detailed mission planning be undertaken on the following additional missions for launches during the late 1970's and early 1980's. Together with existing plans, these would provide a balanced, effective exploration program.
  1. 1976 Pioneer Jupiter/Out-of-Ecliptic (One Mission)
  2. 1979 Mariner Jupiter/Uranus Fly-bys (Two Missions)
  3. 1979 Pioneer Entry Probe to Saturn 1980 Pioneer Entry Probe to Uranus via Saturn Fly-by (Three Missions)
  4. 1981/1982 Mariner Jupiter Orbiter (Two Missions).

科学数据是指人类社会在科技活动或通过其他方式所获取到的,反映客观世界本质、特征、变化规律的原始基本数据,以及根据不同科技活动需要,进行加工整理的各类数据集。科学数据作为最重要的信息内容之一,是信息时代最基本、最活跃、影响面很广的科技资源。  相似文献   

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