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张扬眉 《国际太空》2011,(12):18-24
俄罗斯时间2011年11月9日00:16,搭载有我国首颗火星探测器——萤火-1的俄罗斯“火卫一-土壤”火星探测器(Phobos Grunt),在拜科努尔发射场由俄罗斯天顶-2SB(Zenit-2SB)运载火箭发射升空。升空后由于“火卫一-土壤”探测器在地球轨道运行时出现故障,未能按计划实现变轨,萤火-1无法进入地火转移轨道,有可能在2012年1月坠入地球大气层。 “火卫一-土壤”探测器是俄罗斯自1996年火星-96发射失败以后的第一个火星探测项目。该任务的主要目的是采集火卫一的土壤样品并返回地球进行研究,同时对火卫一、火星和火星环境进行科学探测。“火卫一-土壤”探测器搭载了两项火星探测项目,即中国的萤火-1探测器和美国的“微生物行星际飞行生存能力实验”(LIFE)生物舱。芬兰火星“气象网”(MetNet)先遣任务原本也计划搭裁“火卫一-土壤”探测器发射,但后来由于研制进度滞后和“火卫一-土壤”探测器发射质量限制等原因被取消。整个“火卫一-土壤”项目耗资达50亿卢布(约10.5亿人民币)。  相似文献   

俄罗斯军事航天部队发言人佐罗图欣1月初说,俄被困在低地轨道上的“火卫一-土壤”火星探测器的碎片预计会在1月15日落向地球。但受外部因素影响,最终再入日期可能会变化。目前探测器轨道高度为184千米-224千米。耗资1.65亿美元的该探测器2011年11月9日发射,重13.5吨,原拟飞往火星的卫星火卫一,采样后送回地球,但因推进系统问题  相似文献   

硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星是中国首个专门进行天文探测的空间科学实验卫星,运行于高度约550km、倾角约43°的低地球轨道.星载空间环境监测器为星上科学任务开展提供背景辐射实测资料.该监测器采用固体探测器望远镜系统和扇形阵列全新组合设计,可获取轨道空间高能质子和高能电子能谱、方向综合动态结果,给出更为全面的粒子辐射分布图像.初步探测结果显示,卫星运行轨道遭遇的带电粒子辐射集中分布在经度80°W-20°E,纬度0°-40°S的南大西洋异常区,粒子辐射在该区域表现出不同程度的方向差异分布,高能电子方向差异分布显著强于高能质子.2017年9月空间环境扰动期间,爆发的太阳质子事件并未对该轨道粒子辐射产生影响,而地磁活动导致该轨道穿越经度120°W-60°E,纬度40°-43°N的北美上空和经度60°-120°E,纬度43°-40°S的澳大利亚西南区域时遭遇增强粒子辐射影响,增强的粒子辐射表现出极强的方向分布.   相似文献   

基于数据网格化方法的低轨辐射带建模技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球辐射带中的高能带电粒子是引起航天器材料和器件性能退化甚至失效的主要空间环境因素.因此,航天器设计中所采用的辐射带模型的准确程度对于航天器的生存能力和航天任务的完成质量至关重要.在利用我国自主辐射带高能粒子探测数据进行的辐射带建模中,探测数据的空间网格化是一项非常重要的工作.介绍了我国辐射带探测数据的情况,以及辐射带建模的方法和步骤;重点研究了不同插值方法在低地球轨道(LEO)空间辐射带建模数据网格化中的应用,并开展了误差分析.研究结果表明:在各种常用的插值方法中,反距离加权法、自然邻点法和最近邻点法适合工程化应用.其中,反距离加权法生成的数据网格对粒子通量的反演结果精度最高,该方法采用低阶距离时得到的反演结果更为合理.   相似文献   

针对萤火一号火星探测器在2011年发射窗口的轨道进行初步设计.在此基础上,分析了萤火一号火星探测器绕火星飞行的轨道特性,预报其穿越火星弓激波和磁堆积区域、CCD相机拍照时刻,其与深空站进行星-地掩星试验和与俄罗斯Phobos-Grunt火星探测器进行星-星掩星试验的时刻.结果表明,萤火一号火星探测器在与俄罗斯Phobos-Grunt分离后一年的环火飞行时间里,存在大量的科学探测机会.  相似文献   

火星是与地球最相似的行星,因此是目前除地球以外人类研究程度最高的行星。截止到2007年8月8日,人类共发射了38个火星探测器,其中美国18个、苏联17个、俄罗斯1个、日本1个、欧洲1个。总共有18个探测器成功对火星进行了探测,其中5个飞越火星,7个进入火星轨道探测,6个在火星着陆。目前,在火星轨道上有3个探测器在工作,在火星表面有2辆火星车在工作,还有1个火星着陆器正飞往火星。  相似文献   

俄罗斯与法国的学者和技术人员,已连续6年时间在研究火星探测计划。这一探测计划分为两个阶段,首先计划于1994年10月发射火星-94探测器,该探测器是由莫斯科的拉博奇金设计局制造的;第二阶段于1996年10月用质子号火箭发射法国制的气球探测器(探空气球)和俄罗斯制的火星漫游车。预定都在空间飞行300天后到达火星。第一阶段在火星-94探测器上搭载由20个国家制造的重约450公斤的科学材料和仪器。用这些材料和仪器在火星-94轨道上作为期1年的火星大气及其环境的调查。俄  相似文献   

俄罗斯拉沃奇金科研生产联合体主任兼总设计师波利斯楚克称,俄正在为2015年前的两项火星无人探测任务做准备。第一项任务定于2009年10月开始进行,其中包括一个火星轨道探测器和一个降落到火卫一表面上的漫游车。漫游车将在火卫一上工作3年,以采集土壤样品,并送回地球。第二项任务不晚于2015年开始进行,具体日期待定,将向火星发射一个着陆器,  相似文献   

航天员受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近地空间(LEO)和深空探测中,航天员遭受的辐射风险主要来自于银河宇宙线(GCR)照射.银河宇宙线的辐射剂量是航天员辐射风险评价的基础.国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)于2013年提出了新的航天员空间辐射剂量估算方法,以更准确给出空间重离子辐射的剂量.基于此方法,开发了宇宙线粒子在物质中输运的蒙特卡罗程序,并在程序中实现用中国成年男性人体数字模型来仿真航天员.采用该程序计算了粒子(Z=1~92)各向同性照射航天员时器官的通量-器官剂量转换因数,并估算出航天员在近地轨道空间受银河宇宙线辐射的剂量.  相似文献   

<正>欧洲火星探测器开始降轨去年10月进入绕火星运行轨道的欧洲"微量气体轨道器"(TGO)已启动为期一年的大气制动工作,为使探测器能够探测大气中的甲烷,将通过反复进入火星上层大气来降低轨道。TGO是欧空局和俄罗斯航天国家集团合作开展的"外空火星"项目的—部分。由于火星7-8月将位于太阳背后,导致探测器与地面通信中断,气动制动降轨工作届时将暂停。到明年初,TGO的远火星点将降至约400千米,届时将利用推力器把近火星点也提至同一高度,使探测器进入一条圆形轨道,启动正常科  相似文献   

On Moon and Mars, there will be more galactic cosmic rays and higher radiation doses than on earth. Our experimental studies showed that heavy ion radiation can effectively cause mutation and chromosome aberrations and that high-LET heavy-ion induced mutants can be irreversible. Chromosome translocations and deletions are common in cells irradiated by heavy particles, and ionizing radiations are effective in causing hyperploidy. The importance of the genetic changes in the evolution of life is an interesting question. Through evolution, there is an increase of DNA content in cells from lower forms of life to higher organisms. The DNA content, however, reached a plateau in vertebrates. By increasing DNA content, there can be an increase of information in the cell. For a given DNA content, the quality of information can be changed by rearranging the DNA. Because radiation can cause hyperploidy, an increase of DNA content in cells, and can induce DNA rearrangement, it is likely that the evolution of life on Mars will be effected by its radiation environment. A simple analysis shows that the radiation level on Mars may cause a mutation frequency comparable to that of the spontaneous mutation rate on Earth. To the extent that mutation plays a role in adaptation, radiation alone on Mars may thus provide sufficient mutation for the evolution of life.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief introduction of YingHuo-1 (YH-1), a Chinese Martian Space Environment Exploration Orbiter. YH-1 is a micro-satellite developed by Chinese Aerospace Industry,and will be launched together with Russian spacecraft, Phobos-Grunt, to orbit Mars in September,2009. Four payloads are selected for the mission, plasma package, including of electron analyzer, ion energy and mass analyzer; sat-sat occultation receiver; flux-gate magnetometer; and optical monitor.YH-1 mission focus on the investigation of the characteristics and its evolution of the Martian space Environment, and identifying major plasma processes, which provide channels for Martian volatiles escaping.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief introduction of YingHuo-1 (YH-1), a Chinese Martian Space Environment Exploration Orbiter. YH-1 is a micro-satellite developed by Chinese Aerospace Industry,and will be launched together with Russian spacecraft, Phobos-Grunt, to orbit Mars in September,2009. Four payloads are selected for the mission, plasma package, including of electron analyzer, ion energy and mass analyzer; sat-sat occultation receiver; flux-gate magnetometer; and optical monitor.YH-1 mission focus on the investigation of the characteristics and its evolution of the Martian space Environment, and identifying major plasma processes, which provide channels for Martian volatiles escaping.   相似文献   

火星空间环境磁场探测研究——高精度磁强计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萤火一号卫星将对火星空间环境磁场实施探测。火星磁场对火星弓激波、磁鞘、电离层、大气等绝大多数空间环境效应都具有重要影响,萤火一号对火星磁场的探测是通过搭载于其上的科学载荷磁强计来实现的。此磁强计在工作原理及具体设计上,考虑了火星轨道严酷的工作环境和科学目标所需的测量要求。通过装星前的地面标定测试,验证了萤火一号磁强计可以在-130~75℃温度范围内测量±256nT以内的磁场,分辨率可达到0.01 nT,带宽内总噪声小于0.03 nT,能够满足萤火一号对火星空间环境探测的需求。  相似文献   

Space radiation has been identified as the main health hazard to crews involved in manned Mars missions. Active shielding is more effective than passive shielding to the very energetic particles from cosmic rays. Particle motion in a magnetic field is studied based on the single-particle theory and Monte Carlo method. By comparing the shielding efficiency of different magnetic field configurations, a novel active magnetic shielding configuration with lower mass cost and power consumption is proposed for manned Mars missions. The new magnetic configuration can shield 92.8% of protons and 84.4% of alpha particles with E < 4 GeV·n-1, when considering the passive shielding contribution of 10.0 g·cm-2 Al Shielding, the required magnetic stiffness can be reduced from 27 Tm to 16 Tm. The detailed analysis of mass cost and power consumption shows that active shielding will be a promising means to protect crews from space radiation exposure in manned Mars missions.   相似文献   

微流星体是自然存在的微型天体.在太阳系空间范围内,微流星体的主要起源为彗星及小行星.在地球至火星的空间范围内,微流星体的飞行速度范围为24.13~42.2km·-1.高速飞行的微流星体一旦撞击火星探测器,将有可能对探测器造成毁灭性的损害.本文基于太阳神探测器的观测结果及彗星轨道观测统计结果,针对火星探测,分别建立了地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体环境模型,并基于有限元离散方法建立了火星探测任务的微流星体碰撞风险预测方法.设计了一个虚拟火星探测器,分别对其在地火转移段及环火飞行段的微流星体撞击通量进行了分析.结果显示,在探测器有效任务期内,探测器正面受微流星撞击次数约为背面的10倍.根据本文模型计算结果,将探测器顶板铝合金蒙皮的厚度增加至0.7mm后,在整个任务周期内可将探测器正面受微流星体撞击出现击穿损伤的风险降低为每平米7次.   相似文献   

Two small satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, can be dust sources around Mars. Orbits of circummartian dust particles are controlled by solar radiation pressure as well as Martian oblateness. Their orbital eccentricity and inclination can be enhanced greatly by the orbital resonance. Particles from Phobos would form a thin dust ring where dust radius is dominant in 20–200μm. On the other hand, particles from Deimos would form an extended dust torus. Collisions of ring particles on Phobos and Deimos may be the most important dust source. The upper limit of dust production from this self-sustaining mechanism can be estimated from the erosion rate of Phobos. Japanese Mars mission NOZOMI (PLANET-B) could discover dust ring/torus through direct detection by MDC (Mars Dust Counter).  相似文献   

Halophilic archaea are of interest to astrobiology due to their survival capabilities in desiccated and high salt environments. The detection of remnants of salty pools on Mars stimulated investigations into the response of haloarchaea to martian conditions. Natronorubrum sp. strain HG-1 is an extremely halophilic archaeon with unusual metabolic pathways, growing on acetate and stimulated by tetrathionate. We exposed Natronorubrum strain HG-1 to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, similar to levels currently prevalent on Mars. In addition, the effects of low temperature (4, −20, and −80 °C), desiccation, and exposure to a Mars soil analogue from the Atacama desert on the viability of Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cultures were investigated. The results show that Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cannot survive for more than several hours when exposed to UV radiation equivalent to that at the martian equator. Even when protected from UV radiation, viability is impaired by a combination of desiccation and low temperature. Desiccating Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cells when mixed with a Mars soil analogue impaired growth of the culture to below the detection limit. Overall, we conclude that Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cannot survive the environment currently present on Mars. Since other halophilic microorganisms were reported to survive simulated martian conditions, our results imply that survival capabilities are not necessarily shared between phylogenetically related species.  相似文献   

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