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The magnetic field around the Moon has been successfully observed at a nominal altitude of ~100 km by the lunar magnetometer (LMAG) on the SELENE (Kaguya) spacecraft in a polar orbit since October 29, 2007. The LMAG mission has three main objectives: (1) mapping the magnetic anomaly of the Moon, (2) measuring the electromagnetic and plasma environment around the Moon and (3) estimating the electrical conductivity structure of the Moon. Here we review the instrumentation and calibration of LMAG and report the initial global mapping of the lunar magnetic anomaly at the nominal altitude. We have applied a new de-trending technique of the Bayesian procedure to multiple-orbit datasets observed in the tail lobe and in the lunar wake. Based on the nominal observation of 14 months, global maps of lunar magnetic anomalies are obtained with 95% coverage of the lunar surface. After altitude normalization and interpolation of the magnetic anomaly field by an inverse boundary value problem, we obtained full-coverage maps of the vector magnetic field at 100 km altitude and the radial component distribution on the surface. Relatively strong anomalies are identified in several basin-antipode regions and several near-basin and near-crater regions, while the youngest basin on the Moon, the Orientale basin, has no magnetic anomaly. These features well agree with characteristics of previous maps based on the Lunar Prospector observation. Relatively weak anomalies are distributed over most of the lunar surface. The surface radial-component distribution estimated from the inverse boundary value problem in the present study shows a good correlation with the radial component distribution at 30 km altitude by Lunar Prospector. Thus these weak anomalies over the lunar surface are not artifacts but likely to be originated from the lunar crustal magnetism, suggesting possible existence of an ancient global magnetic field such as a dynamo field of the early Moon. The possibility of the early lunar dynamo and the mechanism of magnetization acquisition will be investigated by a further study using the low-altitude data of the magnetic field by Kaguya.  相似文献   

To achieve the scientific objectives related to the lunar magnetic field measurements in a polar orbit at an altitude of 100 km, strict electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements were applied to all components and subsystems of the SELENE (Kaguya) spacecraft. The magnetic cleanliness program was defined as one of the EMC control procedures, and magnetic tests were carried out for most of the engineering and flight models. The EMC performance of all components was systematically controlled and examined through a series of EMC tests. As a result, the Kaguya spacecraft was made to be very clean, magnetically. Hence reliable scientific data related to the magnetic field around the Moon were obtained by the LMAG (Lunar MAGnetometer) and the PACE (Plasma energy Angle and Composition Experiment) onboard the Kaguya spacecraft. These data have been available for lunar science use since November 2009.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is a spacecraft-to-spacecraft tracking mission that was developed to map the structure of the lunar interior by producing a detailed map of the gravity field. The resulting model of the interior will be used to address outstanding questions regarding the Moon’s thermal evolution, and will be applicable more generally to the evolution of all terrestrial planets. Each GRAIL orbiter contains a Lunar Gravity Ranging System instrument that conducts dual-one-way ranging measurements to measure precisely the relative motion between them, which in turn are used to develop the lunar gravity field map. Each orbiter also carries an Education/Public Outreach payload, Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle-School Students (MoonKAM), in which middle school students target images of the Moon for subsequent classroom analysis. Subsequent to a successful launch on September 10, 2011, the twin GRAIL orbiters embarked on independent trajectories on a 3.5-month-long cruise to the Moon via the EL-1 Lagrange point. The spacecraft were inserted into polar orbits on December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2012. After a succession of 19 maneuvers the two orbiters settled into precision formation to begin science operations in March 1, 2012 with an average altitude of 55 km. The Primary Mission, which consisted of three 27.3-day mapping cycles, was successfully completed in June 2012. The extended mission will permit a second three-month mapping phase at an average altitude of 23 km. This paper provides an overview of the mission: science objectives and measurements, spacecraft and instruments, mission development and design, and data flow and data products.  相似文献   

The Cluster ground segment design and mission operations concept have been defined according to the basic mission requirements, namely, to allow the transfer of the four spacecraft from the initial geostationary transfer orbit achieved at separation from the launcher into the final highly elliptical polar orbits, such that in the areas of scientific interest along their orbits, the four spacecraft will form a tetrahedral configuration with pre-defined separation distances, to be changed every six months during the mission. The Cluster mission operations will be carried out by ESA from its European Space Operations Centre; the task of merging the Principal Investigators' requests into coordinated, regular scientific mission planning inputs to ESOC will be undertaken by the Joint Science Operations Centre. The mission products will be distributed to the scientific community regularly in form of CD-ROMs. Principal Investigators will also have access to quick-look science, housekeeping telemetry and auxiliary data via an electronic network.  相似文献   

ARTEMIS Mission Design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ARTEMIS mission takes two of the five THEMIS spacecraft beyond their prime mission objectives and reuses them to study the Moon and the lunar space environment. Although the spacecraft and fuel resources were tailored to space observations from Earth orbit, sufficient fuel margins, spacecraft capability, and operational flexibility were present that with a circuitous, ballistic, constrained-thrust trajectory, new scientific information could be gleaned from the instruments near the Moon and in lunar orbit. We discuss the challenges of ARTEMIS trajectory design and describe its current implementation to address both heliophysics and planetary science objectives. In particular, we explain the challenges imposed by the constraints of the orbiting hardware and describe the trajectory solutions found in prolonged ballistic flight paths that include multiple lunar approaches, lunar flybys, low-energy trajectory segments, lunar Lissajous orbits, and low-lunar-periapse orbits. We conclude with a discussion of the risks that we took to enable the development and implementation of ARTEMIS.  相似文献   

THEMIS—a five-spacecraft constellation to study magnetospheric events leading to auroral outbursts—launched on February 17, 2007. All aspects of operations are conducted at the Mission Operations Center at the University of California at Berkeley. Activities of the multi-mission operations team include mission and science operations, flight dynamics and ground station operations. Communications with the constellation are primarily established via the Berkeley Ground Station, while NASA’s Ground Network provides secondary pass coverage. In addition, NASA’s Space Network supports maneuver operations near perigee. Following a successful launch campaign, the operations team performed on-orbit probe bus and instrument check-out and commissioning tasks, and placed the constellation initially into a coast phase orbit configuration to control orbit dispersion and conduct initial science operations during the summer of 2007. Mission orbit placement was completed in the fall of 2007, in time for the first winter observing season in the Earth’s magnetospheric tail. Over the course of the first 18 months of on-orbit constellation operations, procedures for instrument configuration, science data acquisition and navigation were refined, and software systems were enhanced. Overall, the implemented ground systems at the Mission Operations Center proved to be very successful and completely adequate to support reliable and efficient constellation operations. A high degree of systems automation is employed to support lights-out operations during off-hours.  相似文献   

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) was implemented to facilitate scientific and engineering-driven mapping of the lunar surface at new spatial scales and with new remote sensing methods, identify safe landing sites, search for in situ resources, and measure the space radiation environment. After its successful launch on June 18, 2009, the LRO spacecraft and instruments were activated and calibrated in an eccentric polar lunar orbit until September 15, when LRO was moved to a circular polar orbit with a mean altitude of 50 km. LRO will operate for at least one year to support the goals of NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD), and for at least two years of extended operations for additional lunar science measurements supported by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). LRO carries six instruments with associated science and exploration investigations, and a telecommunications/radar technology demonstration. The LRO instruments are: Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER), Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE), Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP), Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND), Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA), and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC). The technology demonstration is a compact, dual-frequency, hybrid polarity synthetic aperture radar instrument (Mini-RF). LRO observations also support the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), the lunar impact mission that was co-manifested with LRO on the Atlas V (401) launch vehicle. This paper describes the LRO objectives and measurements that support exploration of the Moon and that address the science objectives outlined by the National Academy of Science’s report on the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon (SCEM). We also describe data accessibility by the science and exploration community.  相似文献   

Dawn??s ion propulsion system (IPS) is the most advanced propulsion system ever built for a deep-space mission. Aside from the Mars gravity assist it provides all of the post-launch ??V required for the mission including the heliocentric transfer to Vesta, orbit capture at Vesta, transfer to various Vesta science orbits, escape from Vesta, the heliocentric transfer to Ceres, orbit capture at Ceres, and transfer to the different Ceres science orbits. The ion propulsion system provides a total ??V of nearly 11 km/s, comparable to the ??V provided by the 3-stage launch vehicle, and a total impulse of 1.2×107 N?s.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a suitable orbit design for the lower pair of ESA's Swarm constellation mission, flying side-by-side in near-polar and circular orbits with a separation of only 1.4° at ascending node. Both orbits are suggested to be frozen orbits to minimize the evolution, and an along-track separation strategy is applied to avoid collision risk. The characteristics of the proposed orbit type are examined through numerical techniques including high-fidelity perturbation models. The prime change from the initial configuration is an along-track separation. The perturbations causing the along-track drift are analyzed by switching on/off certain perturbations. The results indicate that the tesseral harmonics and the atmospheric drag yield dominant effects. The atmospheric drag effect shows a dependence on the local time of the ascending node. From two months of orbit propagation for the altitude 300 km the maximum along-track drift we obtain is about 80 km, which is still within the measurement requirement range. Several maneuver strategies for maintaining the proposed orbit design are suggested. The results analyzed for the proposed orbit design show that collision risk can be avoided by along-track separation within the frozen orbit design. Consequently, this combination is considered as a suitable approach for Swarm's lower pair.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission to the Moon utilized an integrated scientific measurement system comprised of flight, ground, mission, and data system elements in order to meet the end-to-end performance required to achieve its scientific objectives. Modeling and simulation efforts were carried out early in the mission that influenced and optimized the design, implementation, and testing of these elements. Because the two prime scientific observables, range between the two spacecraft and range rates between each spacecraft and ground stations, can be affected by the performance of any element of the mission, we treated every element as part of an extended science instrument, a science system. All simulations and modeling took into account the design and configuration of each element to compute the expected performance and error budgets. In the process, scientific requirements were converted to engineering specifications that became the primary drivers for development and testing. Extensive simulations demonstrated that the scientific objectives could in most cases be met with significant margin. Errors are grouped into dynamic or kinematic sources and the largest source of non-gravitational error comes from spacecraft thermal radiation. With all error models included, the baseline solution shows that estimation of the lunar gravity field is robust against both dynamic and kinematic errors and a nominal field of degree 300 or better could be achieved according to the scaled Kaula rule for the Moon. The core signature is more sensitive to modeling errors and can be recovered with a small margin.  相似文献   

针对某型号航天器的运行轨道偏心率大、轨控结束后可用于初轨确定的测轨数据少的特点,提出了一种能有效提高超大偏心率短弧段初轨确定精度的新方法。该新方法将轨道改进的思想融入初轨计算方法中,使之既适用于各种偏心率轨道的初轨计算,也适用于各种偏心率轨道的长弧段、多圈、多站数据的轨道改进;解决了传统初轨确定方法超大偏心率轨道短弧段初轨确定误差偏大的问题。通过任务实测数据的检验,新方法适用于各种偏心率轨道,并且超大偏心率轨道的初轨确定精度明显优于传统方法。  相似文献   

基于"嫦娥二号"卫星再拓展试验的设计轨道,研究各种摄动力对轨道确定精度的影响,得出的结论是:若要达到km量级的轨道确定精度,必须考虑除天王星和海王星之外所有大行星以及日月的质点引力。文章进一步利用数值分析法研究再拓展任务的轨道确定精度,分析结果表明:基于目前的测控条件,使用30 d以上的测轨弧段可以得到稳定可靠的轨道解,而短弧(小于20 d)稳定轨道的获取需要VLBI(甚长基线干涉)测轨数据支持;当"嫦娥二号"距离地球700万km时,测控精度可优于30 km;虽然每天测轨弧段的增加可以改善轨道精度,但是当增加到8 h以上时,定轨精度将不再有明显改善。  相似文献   

IBEX provides the observations needed for detailed modeling and in-depth understanding of the interstellar interaction (McComas et al. in Physics of the Outer Heliosphere, Third Annual IGPP Conference, pp. 162–181, 2004; Space Sci. Rev., 2009a, this issue). From mission design to launch and acquisition, this goal drove all flight system development. This paper describes the management, design, testing and integration of IBEX’s flight system, which successfully launched from Kwajalein Atoll on October 19, 2008. The payload is supported by a simple, Sun-pointing, spin-stabilized spacecraft with no deployables. The spacecraft bus consists of the following subsystems: attitude control, command and data handling, electrical power, hydrazine propulsion, RF, thermal, and structures. A novel 3-step orbit approach was employed to put IBEX in its highly elliptical, 8-day final orbit using a Solid Rocket Motor, which provided large delta-V after IBEX separated from the Pegasus launch vehicle; an adapter cone, which interfaced between the SRM and Pegasus; Motorized Lightbands, which performed separation from the Pegasus, ejection of the adapter cone, and separation of the spent SRM from the spacecraft; a ShockRing isolation system to lower expected launch loads; and the onboard Hydrazine Propulsion System. After orbit raising, IBEX transitioned from commissioning to nominal operations and science acquisition. At every phase of development, the Systems Engineering and Mission Assurance teams supervised the design, testing and integration of all IBEX flight elements.  相似文献   

荆武兴  刘玥 《航空学报》2014,35(6):1496-1504
针对圆形限制性三体问题下求解月球探测器逃逸轨道时,不能充分利用月球椭圆公转动力学特性节约逃逸能量的问题,对动力学模型进行拓展,在椭圆三体问题下建立月球探测器轨道动力学方程与能量表达式。首先通过理论推导,求解了探测器逃逸所需的发射能量与逃逸过程中的轨道能量随月地椭圆相对运动状态的数学表达式,对其进行分析发现,同一环月轨道上出发的逃逸探测器所需发射能量与地月距离呈正相关,而逃逸过程中探测器轨道能量变化与地月相向运动速度呈正相关,从而得出在月球接近其近地点过程中发射逃逸探测器可以最大限度节约发射能量的结论。在此基础上,引入庞加莱截面法设计探测器最低能量逃逸轨道。通过寻找使逃逸轨道所在不变流形的庞加莱截面收缩为一点的发射位置与能量,求解不同地月相位下的逃逸轨道能量需求,进而迭代求解能量最优逃逸轨道。最终,通过对比仿真结果得到,月球真近角为283°时发射逃逸探测器将最节约能量,与理论推导的结果相吻合。相对于圆形限制性三体问题下推导的最低逃逸能量,采用椭圆三体模型设计的低能量逃逸轨道可以节约8%左右的发射能量,对于深空探测等任务来说具有明显优势。  相似文献   

This paper first outlines the assumed mission requirements for a radiatively cooled space telescope such as EDISON. A summary of relevant characteristics (payload, operating orbit, launcher, lifetime, etc.) for current and proposed cooled telescope missions is then given. This summary includes cryogenic and radiatively cooled missions since in both cases the reduction of heat input to the telescope aperture is a dominant factor in the orbit choice. These missions span the entire range of possibilities from low earth circular, through higher elliptical and circular orbits out to deep space locations such as the Sun-Earth (S-E) libration points and the lunar surface.A full listing of the factors affecting mission selection is then given. The most important points are illustrated by reference to the orbits chosen for ISO, FIRST and SIRTF and those recommended in recent studies of EDISON. Launcher capabilities for direct insertion and the onboard propellant for large velocity changes associated with orbit raising are major constraints in achieving the large payload mass to high orbit which EDISON mission requires. Although it is fairly demanding in launch/boost energy, an orbit about the L2 S-E libration point offers important advantages for a radiatively cooled infrared telescope. Further studies of this orbit and the associated aspects of service module and payload design for the L2 location of EDISON are recommended.  相似文献   

Recent advances in NASA's Deep Space Network station calibration methods have led to renewed interest in the use of differenced radio metric data types for interplanetary navigation, particularly differenced Doppler and range. An orbit determination error analysis is described which compares the performance of these differenced data types when used in concert with conventional two-way Doppler for precise navigation for high-earth orbiters. Three highly elliptical orbits were investigated, with apogee heights on the order of 20000, 70000, and 156000 km. The analysis assumes that each orbiter's downlink antennas has no ground footprint limitation in the near apogee regime. Results indicate that the most significant navigational accuracy improvements are seen for the lowest altitude orbit by using differenced Doppler measurements in conjunction with two-way Doppler. The results for the two higher-altitude orbits, although less dramatic, suggest accuracy improvements can also be achieved when differenced range measurements are combined with two-way Doppler  相似文献   

New Horizons Mission Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the first mission to Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft was launched on January 19, 2006, and flew by Jupiter on February 28, 2007, gaining a significant speed boost from Jupiter’s gravity assist. After a 9.5-year journey, the spacecraft will encounter Pluto on July 14, 2015, followed by an extended mission to the Kuiper Belt objects for the first time. The mission design for New Horizons went through more than five years of numerous revisions and updates, as various mission scenarios regarding routes to Pluto and launch opportunities were investigated in order to meet the New Horizons mission’s objectives, requirements, and goals. Great efforts have been made to optimize the mission design under various constraints in each of the key aspects, including launch window, interplanetary trajectory, Jupiter gravity-assist flyby, Pluto–Charon encounter with science measurement requirements, and extended mission to the Kuiper Belt and beyond. Favorable encounter geometry, flyby trajectory, and arrival time for the Pluto–Charon encounter were found in the baseline design to enable all of the desired science measurements for the mission. The New Horizons mission trajectory was designed as a ballistic flight from Earth to Pluto, and all energy and the associated orbit state required for arriving at Pluto at the desired time and encounter geometry were computed and specified in the launch targets. The spacecraft’s flight thus far has been extremely efficient, with the actual trajectory error correction ΔV being much less than the budgeted amount.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis on October 18, 1989. A two-stage Inertial Upper Stage propelled Galileo out of Earth parking orbit to begin its 6-year interplanetary transfer to Jupiter. Galileo has already received two gravity assists: from Venus on February 10, 1990 and from Earth on December 8, 1990. After a second gravity-assist flyby of Earth on December 8, 1992, Galileo will have achieved the energy necessary to reach Jupiter. Galileo's interplanetary trajectory includes a close flyby of asteroid 951-Gaspra on October 29, 1991, and, depending on propellant availability and other factors, there may be a second asteroid flyby of 243-Ida on August 28, 1993. Upon arrival at Jupiter on December 7, 1995, the Galileo Orbiter will relay data back to Earth from an atmospheric Probe which is released five months earlier. For about 75 min, data is transmitted to the Orbiter from the Probe as it descends on a parachute to a pressure depth of 20–30 bars in the Jovian atmosphere. Shortly after the end of Probe relay, the Orbiter ignites its rocket motor to insert into orbit about Jupiter. The orbital phase of the mission, referred to as the satellite tour, lasts nearly two years, during which time Galileo will complete 10 orbits about Jupiter. On each of these orbits, there will be a close encounter with one of the three outermost Galilean satellites (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The gravity assist from each satellite is designed to target the spacecraft to the next encounter with minimal expenditure of propellant. The nominal mission is scheduled to end in October 1997 when the Orbiter enters Jupiter's magnetotail.List of Acronyms ASI Atmospheric Structure Instrument - EPI Energetic Particles Instrument - HGA High Gain Antenna - IUS Inertial Upper Stage - JOI Jupiter Orbit Insertion - JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - LRD Lightning and Radio Emissions Detector - NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NEP Nephelometer - NIMS Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer - ODM Orbit Deflection Maneuver - OTM Orbit Trim Maneuver - PJR Perijove Raise Maneuver - PM Propellant Margin - PDT Pacific Daylight Time - PST Pacific Standard Time - RPM Retropropulsion Module - RRA Radio Relay Antenna - SSI Solid State Imaging - TCM Trajectory Correction Maneuver - UTC Universal Time Coordinated - UVS Ultraviolet Spectrometer - VEEGA Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist  相似文献   

The Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission is a NASA Medium-class Explorer (MIDEX) mission, launched on February 17, 2007. The mission employs five identical micro-satellites, or “probes,” which line-up along the Earth’s magnetotail every four days in conjunctions to determine the trigger and large-scale evolution of magnetic substorms. The probes are equipped with a comprehensive suite of instruments that measure and track the motion of thermal and super-thermal ions and electrons, and electric and magnetic fields, at key regions in the magnetosphere. Primary science objectives require high data rates at periods of scientific interest, large data volumes, and control of science data collection on suborbital time scales. A central Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU) is necessary to organize and prioritize the data from the large number of instruments into a 200 MB solid state memory. The large data volume produced by the instruments requires a flexible memory capable of both high resolution snapshots during conjunctions and coarser survey data collection throughout the orbit. Onboard triggering algorithms select and prioritize the snapshots based on data quality to optimize the science data that is returned to the ground. This paper presents a detailed discussion of the hardware and software design of the THEMIS IDPU, describing the heritage design that has been fundamental to the THEMIS mission success so far.  相似文献   

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